%% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may %% not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain %% a copy of the License at <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the GNU Lesser %% General Public License (the "LGPL") as published by the Free Software %% Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version. %% If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the %% terms of the LGPL, you should delete the provisions above and replace %% them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL; see %% <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. If you do not delete the provisions %% above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of %% either the Apache License or the LGPL. %% %% @author Richard Carlsson <carlsson.richard@gmail.com> %% @copyright 2012-2015 Richard Carlsson %% @doc Parse transform for merl. Enables the use of automatic metavariables %% and using quasi-quotes in matches and case switches. Also optimizes calls %% to functions in `merl' by partially evaluating them, turning strings to %% templates, etc., at compile-time. %% %% Using `-include_lib("syntax_tools/include/merl.hrl").' enables this %% transform, unless the macro `MERL_NO_TRANSFORM' is defined first. -module(merl_transform). -export([parse_transform/2]). %% NOTE: We cannot use inline metavariables or any other parse transform %% features in this module, because it must be possible to compile it with %% the parse transform disabled! -include("merl.hrl"). %% TODO: unroll calls to switch? it will probably get messy %% TODO: use Igor to make resulting code independent of merl at runtime? parse_transform(Forms, _Options) -> erl_syntax:revert_forms(expand(erl_syntax:form_list(Forms))). expand(Tree0) -> Tree = pre(Tree0), post(case erl_syntax:subtrees(Tree) of [] -> Tree; Gs -> erl_syntax:update_tree(Tree, [[expand(T) || T <- G] || G <- Gs]) end). pre(T) -> merl:switch( T, [{?Q("merl:quote(_@line, _@text) = _@expr"), fun ([{expr,_}, {line,Line}, {text,Text}]) -> erl_syntax:is_literal(Text) andalso erl_syntax:is_literal(Line) end, fun ([{expr,Expr}, {line,Line}, {text,Text}]) -> pre_expand_match(Expr, erl_syntax:concrete(Line), erl_syntax:concrete(Text)) end}, {?Q(["case _@expr of", " merl:quote(_@_, _@text) when _@__@_ -> _@@_; _@_@_ -> 0", "end"]), fun case_guard/1, fun (As) -> case_body(As, T) end}, fun () -> T end ]). case_guard([{expr,_}, {text,Text}]) -> erl_syntax:is_literal(Text). case_body([{expr,Expr}, {text,_Text}], T) -> pre_expand_case(Expr, erl_syntax:case_expr_clauses(T), get_location(T)). post(T) -> merl:switch( T, [{?Q("merl:_@function(_@@args)"), [{fun ([{args, As}, {function, F}]) -> lists:all(fun erl_syntax:is_literal/1, [F|As]) end, fun ([{args, As}, {function, F}]) -> Line = get_location(F), [F1|As1] = lists:map(fun erl_syntax:concrete/1, [F|As]), eval_call(Line, F1, As1, T) end}, fun ([{args, As}, {function, F}]) -> merl:switch( F, [{?Q("qquote"), fun ([]) -> expand_qquote(As, T, 1) end}, {?Q("subst"), fun ([]) -> expand_template(F, As, T) end}, {?Q("match"), fun ([]) -> expand_template(F, As, T) end}, fun () -> T end ]) end]}, fun () -> T end]). expand_qquote([Line, Text, Env], T, _) -> case erl_syntax:is_literal(Line) of true -> expand_qquote([Text, Env], T, erl_syntax:concrete(Line)); false -> T end; expand_qquote([Text, Env], T, Line) -> case erl_syntax:is_literal(Text) of true -> As = [Line, erl_syntax:concrete(Text)], case eval_call(Line, quote, As, failed) of failed -> T; T1 -> %% expand further if possible expand(merl:qquote(Line, "merl:subst(_@tree, _@env)", [{tree, T1}, {env, Env}])) end; false -> T end; expand_qquote(_As, T, _StartPos) -> T. expand_template(F, [Pattern | Args], T) -> case erl_syntax:is_literal(Pattern) of true -> Line = get_location(Pattern), As = [erl_syntax:concrete(Pattern)], merl:qquote(Line, "merl:_@function(_@pattern, _@args)", [{function, F}, {pattern, eval_call(Line, template, As, T)}, {args, Args}]); false -> T end; expand_template(_F, _As, T) -> T. eval_call(Line, F, As, T) -> try apply(merl, F, As) of T1 when F =:= quote -> %% lift metavariables in a template to Erlang variables Template = merl:template(T1), Vars = merl:template_vars(Template), case lists:any(fun is_inline_metavar/1, Vars) of true when is_list(T1) -> merl:qquote(Line, "merl:tree([_@template])", [{template, merl:meta_template(Template)}]); true -> merl:qquote(Line, "merl:tree(_@template)", [{template, merl:meta_template(Template)}]); false -> merl:term(T1) end; T1 -> merl:term(T1) catch throw:_Reason -> T end. pre_expand_match(Expr, Line, Text) -> {Template, Out, _Vars} = rewrite_pattern(Line, Text), merl:qquote(Line, "{ok, _@out} = merl:match(_@template, _@expr)", [{expr, Expr}, {out, Out}, {template, erl_syntax:abstract(Template)}]). rewrite_pattern(Line, Text) -> %% we must rewrite the metavariables in the pattern to use lowercase, %% and then use real matching to bind the Erlang-level variables T0 = merl:template(merl:quote(Line, Text)), Vars = [V || V <- merl:template_vars(T0), is_inline_metavar(V)], {merl:alpha(T0, [{V, var_to_tag(V)} || V <- Vars]), erl_syntax:list([erl_syntax:tuple([erl_syntax:abstract(var_to_tag(V)), erl_syntax:variable(var_name(V))]) || V <- Vars]), Vars}. var_name(V) when is_integer(V) -> V1 = if V > 99, (V rem 100) =:= 99 -> V div 100; V > 9, (V rem 10) =:= 9 -> V div 10; true -> V end, list_to_atom("Q" ++ integer_to_list(V1)); var_name(V) -> V. var_to_tag(V) when is_integer(V) -> V; var_to_tag(V) -> list_to_atom(string:to_lower(atom_to_list(V))). pre_expand_case(Expr, Clauses, Line) -> merl:qquote(Line, "merl:switch(_@expr, _@clauses)", [{clauses, erl_syntax:list([pre_expand_case_clause(C) || C <- Clauses])}, {expr, Expr}]). pre_expand_case_clause(T) -> %% note that the only allowed non ``?Q(...) -> ...'' clause is ``_ -> ...'' merl:switch( T, [{?Q("(merl:quote(_@line, _@text)) when _@__@guard -> _@@body"), fun ([{body,_}, {guard,_}, {line,Line}, {text,Text}]) -> erl_syntax:is_literal(Text) andalso erl_syntax:is_literal(Line) end, fun ([{body,Body}, {guard,Guard}, {line,Line}, {text,Text}]) -> pre_expand_case_clause(Body, Guard, erl_syntax:concrete(Line), erl_syntax:concrete(Text)) end}, {?Q("_ -> _@@body"), fun (Env) -> merl:qquote("fun () -> _@body end", Env) end} ]). pre_expand_case_clause(Body, Guard, Line, Text) -> %% this is similar to a meta-match ``?Q("...") = Term'' %% (note that the guards may in fact be arbitrary expressions) {Template, Out, Vars} = rewrite_pattern(Line, Text), GuardExprs = rewrite_guard(Guard), Param = [{body, Body}, {guard,GuardExprs}, {out, Out}, {template, erl_syntax:abstract(Template)}, {unused, dummy_uses(Vars)}], case GuardExprs of [] -> merl:qquote(Line, ["{_@template, ", " fun (_@out) -> _@unused, _@body end}"], Param); _ -> merl:qquote(Line, ["{_@template, ", " fun (_@out) -> _@unused, _@guard end, ", " fun (_@out) -> _@unused, _@body end}"], Param) end. %% We have to insert dummy variable uses at the beginning of the "guard" and %% "body" function bodies to avoid warnings for unused variables in the %% generated code. (Expansions at the Erlang level can't be marked up as %% compiler generated to allow later compiler stages to ignore them.) dummy_uses(Vars) -> [?Q("_ = _@var", [{var, erl_syntax:variable(var_name(V))}]) || V <- Vars]. rewrite_guard([]) -> []; rewrite_guard([D]) -> [make_orelse(erl_syntax:disjunction_body(D))]. make_orelse([]) -> []; make_orelse([C]) -> make_andalso(erl_syntax:conjunction_body(C)); make_orelse([C | Cs]) -> ?Q("_@expr orelse _@rest", [{expr, make_andalso(erl_syntax:conjunction_body(C))}, {rest, make_orelse(Cs)}]). make_andalso([E]) -> E; make_andalso([E | Es]) -> ?Q("_@expr andalso _@rest", [{expr, E}, {rest, make_andalso(Es)}]). is_inline_metavar(Var) when is_atom(Var) -> is_erlang_var(atom_to_list(Var)); is_inline_metavar(Var) when is_integer(Var) -> Var > 9 andalso (Var rem 10) =:= 9; is_inline_metavar(_) -> false. is_erlang_var([C|_]) when C >= $A, C =< $Z ; C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C /= $× -> true; is_erlang_var(_) -> false. get_location(T) -> Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(T), case erl_anno:is_anno(Pos) of true -> erl_anno:location(Pos); false -> Pos end.