User configuration notes ======================== Below is a quick guide to necessary configurations for getting started with the Erlang mode for Emacs. Please refer to the Users guide and reference manual in the documentation for the Erlang/OTP application tools for more information. For UNIX users -------------- To set up the Erlang Emacs mode on UNIX systems, edit/create the file .emacs in the your home directory. Below is a complete example of what should be added to a user's .emacs provided that OTP is installed in the directory /usr/local/otp: (setq load-path (cons "/usr/local/otp/lib/tools-/emacs" load-path)) (setq erlang-root-dir "/usr/local/otp") (setq exec-path (cons "/usr/local/otp/bin" exec-path)) (require 'erlang-start) For Windows users ----------------- To set up the Erlang Emacs mode on Windows systems, edit/create the file .emacs, the location of the file depends on the configuration of the system. If the HOME environment variable is set, Emacs will look for the .emacs file in the directory indicated by the HOME variable. If HOME is not set, Emacs will look for the .emacs file in C:\. Below is a complete example of what should be added to a user's .emacs provided that OTP is installed in the directory C:\Program Files\erl-: (setq load-path (cons "C:/Program Files/erl/lib/tools-/emacs" load-path)) (setq erlang-root-dir "C:/Program Files/erl") (setq exec-path (cons "C:/Program Files/erl/bin" exec-path)) (require 'erlang-start) Miscellaneous addons -------------------- In order to check erlang source code on the fly, add the following line to your .emacs file (after erlang-start, see above). See erlang-flymake.el for more information on how to customize the syntax check. (require 'erlang-flymake)