-module(xref_examples). -export([script/0]). %% Used at Erlang/OTP for finding undefined functions and unused local %% functions. Output are the two files ${HOME}/undefined.txt and %% ${HOME}/unused_locals.txt. script() -> Root = code:root_dir(), Dir = os:getenv("HOME"), Server = s, xref:start(Server), {ok, _Relname} = xref:add_release(Server, code:lib_dir(), {name,otp}), %% Exclude undefined functions in some modules... Exclude = "(CORBA|Cos|Orber|Puller|Pusher|" "StackModule|oe_Cos|mnesia).*_impl", UndefS = "XC || (XU - X - B)", Q = io_lib:format("Undef = ~s," "Excluded = ~p:_/_," "Undef - Undef || Excluded", [UndefS, Exclude]), {ok, Undef} = xref:q(Server, lists:flatten(Q)), {ok, NotCalled} = xref:analyze(Server, locals_not_used), dump("%% " ++ Root ++ "\n%% Undefined external functions." ++ "\n%% The second MFA is the undefined function." ++ "\n%% Functions in modules matching the following " "regular expression have been skipped:" ++ "\n%% " ++ Exclude, filename:join(Dir, "undefined.txt"), Undef), dump("%% " ++ Root ++ "\n%% Unused local functions.", filename:join(Dir, "unused_locals.txt"), NotCalled), catch xref:stop(Server), halt(). dump(H, F, T) -> {ok, IoDev} = file:open(F,[write]), io:format(IoDev, "~s~n", [H]), io:format(IoDev, "~p.~n", [T]), file:close(IoDev).