%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : fprof.erl %%% Author : Raimo Niskanen <raimo@erix.ericsson.se> %%% Purpose : File tracing profiling tool wich accumulated times. %%% Created : 18 Jun 2001 by Raimo Niskanen <raimo@erix.ericsson.se> %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(fprof). -author('raimo@erix.ericsson.se'). %% External exports -export([ apply/2, apply/3, apply/4, start/0, stop/0, stop/1, trace/1, trace/2, profile/0, profile/1, profile/2, analyse/0, analyse/1, analyse/2]). %% Debug functions -export([get_state/0, save_profile/0, save_profile/1, save_profile/2, load_profile/0, load_profile/1, load_profile/2, code_change/0]). %% Debug exports -export([call/1, just_call/1, reply/2]). -export([trace_off/0, trace_on/3]). -export([getopts/2, setopts/1]). -export([println/5, print_callers/2, print_func/2, print_called/2]). -export([trace_call_collapse/1]). -export([parsify/1]). %% Internal exports -export(['$code_change'/1]). -define(FNAME_WIDTH, 72). -define(NR_WIDTH, 15). -define(TRACE_FILE, "fprof.trace"). -define(DUMP_FILE, "fprof.dump"). -define(PROFILE_FILE, "fprof.profile"). -define(ANALYSIS_FILE, "fprof.analysis"). -define(FPROF_SERVER, fprof_server). -define(FPROF_SERVER_TIMEOUT, infinity). -define(debug, 9). %-define(debug, 0). -ifdef(debug). dbg(Level, F, A) when Level >= ?debug -> io:format(F, A), ok; dbg(_, _, _) -> ok. -define(dbg(Level, F, A), dbg((Level), (F), (A))). -else. -define(dbg(Level, F, A), ok). -endif. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Higher order API functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- apply({M, F}, Args) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(Args) -> Arity = length(Args), Function = fun M:F/Arity, apply_1(Function, Args, []); apply(Fun, Args) when is_function(Fun), is_list(Args) -> apply_1(Fun, Args, []); apply(A, B) -> erlang:error(badarg, [A, B]). apply(M, F, Args) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(Args) -> apply_1({M, F}, Args, []); apply({M, F}, Args, Options) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(Args), is_list(Options) -> Arity = length(Args), Function = fun M:F/Arity, apply_1(Function, Args, Options); apply(Fun, Args, Options) when is_function(Fun), is_list(Args), is_list(Options) -> apply_1(Fun, Args, Options); apply(A, B, C) -> erlang:error(badarg, [A, B, C]). apply(Module, Function, Args, Options) when is_atom(Module), is_atom(Function), is_list(Args), is_list(Options) -> Arity = length(Args), Fun = fun Module:Function/Arity, apply_1(Fun, Args, Options); apply(A, B, C, D) -> erlang:error(badarg, [A, B, C, D]). apply_1(Function, Args, Options) -> {[_, Procs, Continue], Options_1} = getopts(Options, [start, procs, continue]), Procs_1 = case Procs of [{procs, P}] when is_list(P) -> P; _ -> [] end, case Continue of [] -> apply_start_stop(Function, Args, Procs_1, Options_1); [continue] -> apply_continue(Function, Args, Procs_1, Options_1); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Function, Args, Options]) end. apply_start_stop(Function, Args, Procs, Options) -> Ref = make_ref(), Parent = self(), Child = spawn( fun() -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent), receive {Parent, Ref, start_trace} -> case trace([start, {procs, [Parent | Procs]} | Options]) of ok -> catch Parent ! {self(), Ref, trace_started}, receive {Parent, Ref, stop_trace} -> trace([stop]), catch Parent ! {self(), Ref, trace_stopped}, done; {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> trace([stop]) end; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end; {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> done end end), MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Child), catch Child ! {self(), Ref, start_trace}, receive {Child, Ref, trace_started} -> try erlang:apply(Function, Args) after catch Child ! {self(), Ref, stop_trace}, receive {Child, Ref, trace_stopped} -> receive {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok end; {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> trace([stop]) end end; {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. apply_continue(Function, Args, Procs, Options) -> Ref = make_ref(), Parent = self(), Child = spawn( fun() -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent), receive {Parent, Ref, start_trace} -> case trace([start, {procs, [Parent | Procs]} | Options]) of ok -> exit({Ref, trace_started}); {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end; {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> done end end), MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Child), catch Child ! {self(), Ref, start_trace}, receive {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, {Ref, trace_started}} -> erlang:apply(Function, Args); {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Requests to ?FPROF_SERVER %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(trace_start, {procs, % List of processes mode, % normal | verbose type, % file | tracer dest}). % Filename | Pid/Port -record(trace_stop, {}). % -record(open_out, {file}). % -record(close_out, {}). -record(profile, {src, % Filename group_leader, % IoPid dump, % Filename | IoPid flags}). % List -record(profile_start, {group_leader, % IoPid dump, % Filename | IoPid flags}). % List -record(profile_stop, {}). -record(analyse, {group_leader, % IoPid dest, % Filename | IoPid flags, % List cols, % Integer callers, % Boolean sort, % acc_r | own_r totals, % Boolean details}). % Boolean -record(stop, { reason}). %%--------------- %% Debug requests %%--------------- -record(get_state, {}). -record(save_profile, {file}). -record(load_profile, {file}). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Basic API functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- trace(start, Filename) -> trace([start, {file, Filename}]); trace(verbose, Filename) -> trace([start, verbose, {file, Filename}]); trace(Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) -> trace([{Option, Value}]); trace(Option, Value) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Option, Value]). trace(stop) -> %% This shortcut is present to minimize the number of undesired %% function calls at the end of the trace. call(#trace_stop{}); trace(verbose) -> trace([start, verbose]); trace([stop]) -> %% This shortcut is present to minimize the number of undesired %% function calls at the end of the trace. call(#trace_stop{}); trace({Opt, _Val} = Option) when is_atom(Opt) -> trace([Option]); trace(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> trace([Option]); trace(Options) when is_list(Options) -> case getopts(Options, [start, stop, procs, verbose, file, tracer, cpu_time]) of {[[], [stop], [], [], [], [], []], []} -> call(#trace_stop{}); {[[start], [], Procs, Verbose, File, Tracer, CpuTime], []} -> {Type, Dest} = case {File, Tracer} of {[], [{tracer, Pid} = T]} when is_pid(Pid); is_port(Pid) -> T; {[file], []} -> {file, ?TRACE_FILE}; {[{file, []}], []} -> {file, ?TRACE_FILE}; {[{file, _} = F], []} -> F; {[], []} -> {file, ?TRACE_FILE}; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, V = case Verbose of [] -> normal; [verbose] -> verbose; [{verbose, true}] -> verbose; [{verbose, false}] -> normal; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, CT = case CpuTime of [] -> wallclock; [cpu_time] -> cpu_time; [{cpu_time, true}] -> cpu_time; [{cpu_time, false}] -> wallclock; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, call(#trace_start{procs = case Procs of [] -> [self()]; [{procs, P}] when is_list(P) -> P; [{procs, P}] -> [P]; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, mode = {V, CT}, type = Type, dest = Dest}); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end; trace(Options) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]). profile() -> profile([]). profile(Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) -> profile([{Option, Value}]); profile(Option, Value) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Option, Value]). profile(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> profile([Option]); profile({Opt, _Val} = Option) when is_atom(Opt) -> profile([Option]); profile(Options) when is_list(Options) -> case getopts(Options, [start, stop, file, dump, append]) of {[Start, [], File, Dump, Append], []} -> {Target, Flags} = case {Dump, Append} of {[], []} -> {[], []}; {[dump], []} -> {group_leader(), []}; {[{dump, []}], []} -> {?DUMP_FILE, []}; {[{dump, []}], [append]} -> {?DUMP_FILE, [append]}; {[{dump, D}], [append]} when is_pid(D) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]); {[{dump, D}], [append]} -> {D, [append]}; {[{dump, D}], []} -> {D, []}; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, case {Start, File} of {[start], []} -> call(#profile_start{group_leader = group_leader(), dump = Target, flags = Flags}); {[], _} -> Src = case File of [] -> ?TRACE_FILE; [file] -> ?TRACE_FILE; [{file, []}] -> ?TRACE_FILE; [{file, F}] -> F; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, call(#profile{src = Src, group_leader = group_leader(), dump = Target, flags = Flags}); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end; {[[], [stop], [], [], []], []} -> call(#profile_stop{}); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end; profile(Options) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]). analyse() -> analyse([]). analyse(Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) -> analyse([{Option, Value}]); analyse(Option, Value) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Option, Value]). analyse(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> analyse([Option]); analyse({Opt, _Val} = Option) when is_atom(Opt) -> analyse([Option]); analyse(Options) when is_list(Options) -> case getopts(Options, [dest, append, cols, callers, no_callers, sort, totals, details, no_details]) of {[Dest, Append, Cols, Callers, NoCallers, Sort, Totals, Details, NoDetails], []} -> {Target, Flags} = case {Dest, Append} of {[], []} -> {group_leader(), []}; {[dest], []} -> {group_leader(), []}; {[{dest, []}], []} -> {?ANALYSIS_FILE, []}; {[{dest, []}], [append]} -> {?ANALYSIS_FILE, [append]}; {[{dest, F}], [append]} when is_pid(F) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]); {[{dest, F}], [append]} -> {F, [append]}; {[{dest, F}], []} -> {F, []}; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, call(#analyse{group_leader = group_leader(), dest = Target, flags = Flags, cols = case Cols of [] -> 80; [{cols, C}] when is_integer(C), C > 0 -> C; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, callers = case {Callers, NoCallers} of {[], []} -> true; {[callers], []} -> true; {[{callers, true}], []} -> true; {[{callers, false}], []} -> false; {[], [no_callers]} -> false; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, sort = case Sort of [] -> acc; [{sort, acc}] -> acc; [{sort, own}] -> own; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, totals = case Totals of [] -> false; [totals] -> true; [{totals, true}] -> true; [{totals, false}] -> false; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end, details = case {Details, NoDetails} of {[], []} -> true; {[details], []} -> true; {[{details, true}], []} -> true; {[{details, false}], []} -> false; {[], [no_details]} -> false; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end}); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end; analyse(Options) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]). %%---------------- %% Debug functions %%---------------- get_state() -> just_call(#get_state{}). save_profile() -> save_profile([]). save_profile(Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) -> save_profile([{Option, Value}]); save_profile(Option, Value) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Option, Value]). save_profile(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> save_profile([Option]); save_profile(Options) when is_list(Options) -> case getopts(Options, [file]) of {[File], []} -> call(#save_profile{file = case File of [] -> ?PROFILE_FILE; [{file, F}] -> F; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end}); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end; save_profile(Options) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]). load_profile() -> load_profile([]). load_profile(Option, Value) when is_atom(Option) -> load_profile([{Option, Value}]); load_profile(Option, Value) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Option, Value]). load_profile(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> load_profile([Option]); load_profile(Options) when is_list(Options) -> case getopts(Options, [file]) of {[File], []} -> call(#load_profile{file = case File of [] -> ?PROFILE_FILE; [{file, F}] -> F; _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end}); _ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]) end; load_profile(Options) -> erlang:error(badarg, [Options]). code_change() -> just_call('$code_change'). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ETS table record definitions %%% The field 'id' must be first in these records; %%% it is the common ets table index field. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -record(clocks, { id, cnt = 0, % Number of calls own = 0, % Own time (wall clock) acc = 0}). % Accumulated time : own + subfunctions (wall clock) -record(proc, { id, parent, spawned_as, % Spawned MFArgs init_log = [], % List of first calls, head is newest init_cnt = 2}). % First calls counter, counts down to 0 -record(misc, {id, data}). %% Analysis summary record -record(funcstat, { callers_sum, % #clocks{id = {Pid, Caller, Func}} called_sum, % #clocks{id = {Pid, Caller, Func}} callers = [], % [#clocks{}, ...] called = []}). % [#clocks{}, ...] %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ?FPROF_SERVER %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%------------------- %%% Exported functions %%%------------------- %% Start server process start() -> spawn_3step( fun () -> try register(?FPROF_SERVER, self()) of true -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), {{ok, self()}, loop} catch error:badarg -> {{error, {already_started, whereis(?FPROF_SERVER)}}, already_started} end end, fun (X) -> X end, fun (loop) -> put(trace_state, idle), put(profile_state, {idle, undefined}), put(pending_stop, []), server_loop([]); (already_started) -> ok end). %% Stop server process stop() -> stop(normal). stop(kill) -> case whereis(?FPROF_SERVER) of undefined -> ok; Pid -> exit(Pid, kill), ok end; stop(Reason) -> just_call(#stop{reason = Reason}), ok. %%%------------------------ %%% Client helper functions %%%------------------------ %% Send request to server process and return the server's reply. %% First start server if it ain't started. call(Request) -> case whereis(?FPROF_SERVER) of undefined -> start(), just_call(Request); Server -> just_call(Server, Request) end. %% Send request to server process, and return the server's reply. %% Returns {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} if the server dies during the %% call, or if it wasn't started. just_call(Request) -> just_call(whereis(?FPROF_SERVER), Request). just_call(undefined, _) -> {'EXIT', ?FPROF_SERVER, noproc}; just_call(Pid, Request) -> Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid), receive {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} -> {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} after 0 -> Tag = {Mref, self()}, {T, Demonitor} = case Request of #stop{} -> {?FPROF_SERVER_TIMEOUT, false}; _ -> {0, true} end, %% io:format("~p request: ~p~n", [?MODULE, Request]), catch Pid ! {?FPROF_SERVER, Tag, Request}, receive {?FPROF_SERVER, Mref, Reply} -> case Demonitor of true -> erlang:demonitor(Mref); false -> ok end, receive {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} -> ok after T -> ok end, Reply; {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} -> receive {?FPROF_SERVER, Mref, _} -> ok after T -> ok end, {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} after ?FPROF_SERVER_TIMEOUT -> timeout end end. %%%------------------------ %%% Server helper functions %%%------------------------ %% Return the reply to the client's request. reply({Mref, Pid}, Reply) when is_reference(Mref), is_pid(Pid) -> catch Pid ! {?FPROF_SERVER, Mref, Reply}, ok. server_loop(State) -> receive {?FPROF_SERVER, {Mref, Pid} = Tag, '$code_change'} when is_reference(Mref), is_pid(Pid) -> reply(Tag, ok), ?MODULE:'$code_change'(State); {?FPROF_SERVER, {Mref, Pid} = Tag, Request} when is_reference(Mref), is_pid(Pid) -> server_loop(handle_req(Request, Tag, State)); Other -> server_loop(handle_other(Other, State)) end. %-export. '$code_change'(State) -> case lists:keysearch(time, 1, module_info(compile)) of {value, {time, {Y, M, D, HH, MM, SS}}} -> io:format("~n~w: code change to compile time " ++"~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0w ~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w~n", [?MODULE, Y, M, D, HH, MM, SS]); false -> ok end, server_loop(State). %% Server help function that stops the server iff the %% sub state machines are in proper states. Sends the reply %% to all waiting clients. try_pending_stop(State) -> case {get(trace_state), get(profile_state), get(pending_stop)} of {idle, {idle, _}, [_|_] = PendingStop} -> Reason = get(stop_reason), Reply = result(Reason), lists:foreach( fun (Tag) -> reply(Tag, Reply) end, PendingStop), exit(Reason); _ -> State end. %%------------------ %% Server handle_req %%------------------ handle_req(#trace_start{procs = Procs, mode = Mode, type = file, dest = Filename}, Tag, State) -> case {get(trace_state), get(pending_stop)} of {idle, []} -> trace_off(), Port = open_dbg_trace_port(file, Filename), case trace_on(Procs, Port, Mode) of ok -> put(trace_state, running), put(trace_type, file), put(trace_pid, Port), reply(Tag, ok), State; Error -> reply(Tag, Error), State end; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, already_tracing}), State end; handle_req(#trace_start{procs = Procs, mode = Mode, type = tracer, dest = Tracer}, Tag, State) -> case {get(trace_state), get(pending_stop)} of {idle, []} -> trace_off(), case trace_on(Procs, Tracer, Mode) of ok -> put(trace_state, running), put(trace_type, tracer), put(trace_pid, Tracer), reply(Tag, ok), State; Error -> reply(Tag, Error), State end; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, already_tracing}), State end; handle_req(#trace_stop{}, Tag, State) -> case get(trace_state) of running -> TracePid = get(trace_pid), trace_off(), case erase(trace_type) of file -> catch erlang:port_close(TracePid), put(trace_state, stopping), put(trace_tag, Tag), State; tracer -> erase(trace_pid), put(trace_state, idle), case {get(profile_state), get(profile_type), get(profile_pid)} of {running, tracer, TracePid} -> exit(TracePid, normal), put(profile_tag, Tag), State; _ -> reply(Tag, ok), try_pending_stop(State) end end; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, not_tracing}), State end; handle_req(#profile{src = Filename, group_leader = GroupLeader, dump = Dump, flags = Flags}, Tag, State) -> case {get(profile_state), get(pending_stop)} of {{idle, _}, []} -> case ensure_open(Dump, [write | Flags]) of {already_open, DumpPid} -> put(profile_dump, DumpPid), put(profile_close_dump, false); {ok, DumpPid} -> put(profile_dump, DumpPid), put(profile_close_dump, true); {error, _} = Error -> reply(Tag, Error), State end, Table = ets:new(?MODULE, [set, public, {keypos, #clocks.id}]), Pid = spawn_link_dbg_trace_client(Filename, Table, GroupLeader, get(profile_dump)), put(profile_state, running), put(profile_type, file), put(profile_pid, Pid), put(profile_tag, Tag), put(profile_table, Table), State; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, already_profiling}), State end; handle_req(#profile_start{group_leader = GroupLeader, dump = Dump, flags = Flags}, Tag, State) -> case {get(profile_state), get(pending_stop)} of {{idle, _}, []} -> case ensure_open(Dump, [write | Flags]) of {already_open, DumpPid} -> put(profile_dump, DumpPid), put(profile_close_dump, false); {ok, DumpPid} -> put(profile_dump, DumpPid), put(profile_close_dump, true); {error, _} = Error -> reply(Tag, Error), State end, Table = ets:new(?MODULE, [set, public, {keypos, #clocks.id}]), Pid = spawn_link_trace_client(Table, GroupLeader, get(profile_dump)), put(profile_state, running), put(profile_type, tracer), put(profile_pid, Pid), put(profile_table, Table), reply(Tag, {ok, Pid}), State; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, already_profiling}), State end; handle_req(#profile_stop{}, Tag, State) -> case {get(profile_state), get(profile_type)} of {running, tracer} -> ProfilePid = get(profile_pid), case {get(trace_state), get(trace_type), get(trace_pid)} of {running, tracer, ProfilePid} -> trace_off(), erase(trace_type), erase(trace_pid), put(trace_state, idle); _ -> ok end, exit(ProfilePid, normal), put(profile_tag, Tag), State; {running, file} -> reply(Tag, {error, profiling_file}), State; {_, _} -> reply(Tag, {error, not_profiling}), State end; handle_req(#analyse{dest = Dest, flags = Flags} = Request, Tag, State) -> case get(profile_state) of {idle, undefined} -> reply(Tag, {error, no_profile}), State; {idle, _} -> case ensure_open(Dest, [write | Flags]) of {error, _} = Error -> reply(Tag, Error), State; {DestState, DestPid} -> ProfileTable = get(profile_table), reply(Tag, spawn_3step( fun() -> do_analyse(ProfileTable, Request#analyse{dest = DestPid}) end, fun(Result) -> {Result,finish} end, fun(finish) -> ok end)), case DestState of already_open -> ok; ok -> file:close(DestPid) end, State end; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, profiling}), State end; handle_req(#stop{reason = Reason}, Tag, State) -> PendingStop = get(pending_stop), case PendingStop of [] -> put(stop_reason, Reason); _ -> ok end, put(pending_stop, [Tag | PendingStop]), try_pending_stop(State); %%---------------------- %% Server debug requests %%---------------------- handle_req(#get_state{}, Tag, State) -> reply(Tag, {ok, get()}), State; handle_req(#save_profile{file = File}, Tag, State) -> case get(profile_state) of {idle, undefined} -> reply(Tag, {error, no_profile}); {idle, _} -> reply(Tag, ets:tab2file(get(profile_table), File)), State; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, profiling}), State end; handle_req(#load_profile{file = File}, Tag, State) -> case get(profile_state) of {idle, Result} -> case ets:file2tab(File) of {ok, Table} -> put(profile_state, {idle, ok}), case Result of {error, no_profile} -> ets:delete(put(profile_table, Table)); _ -> put(profile_table, Table) end, reply(Tag, ok), State; Error -> reply(Tag, Error), State end; _ -> reply(Tag, {error, profiling}), State end; handle_req(Request, Tag, State) -> io:format("~n~p:handle_req, unknown request - ~p~n", [?MODULE, Request]), reply(Tag, {error, unknown_request}), State. %%-------------------- %% Server handle_other %%-------------------- handle_other({'EXIT', Pid, Reason} = Other, State) when is_pid(Pid); is_port(Pid) -> case {get(trace_state), get(trace_pid)} of {running, Pid} -> trace_off(), io:format("~n~p:handle_other, unexpected ~p (trace_pid)~n", [?MODULE, Other]), put(trace_state, idle), erase(trace_type), erase(trace_pid), try_pending_stop(State); {stopping, Pid} -> put(trace_state, idle), erase(trace_pid), reply(erase(trace_tag), result(Reason)), try_pending_stop(State); _ -> case {get(profile_state), get(profile_pid)} of {running, Pid} -> Result = result(Reason), put(profile_state, {idle, Result}), erase(profile_type), erase(profile_pid), case erase(profile_close_dump) of true -> file:close(erase(profile_dump)); false -> erase(profile_dump) end, reply(erase(profile_tag), Result), try_pending_stop(State); _ -> io:format("~n~p:handle_other, unexpected ~p~n", [?MODULE, Other]), State end end; handle_other(Other, State) -> io:format("~p:handle_other, unknown - ~p", [?MODULE, Other]), State. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Internal functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- result(normal) -> ok; result(Reason) -> {error, Reason}. ensure_open(Pid, _Options) when is_pid(Pid) -> {already_open, Pid}; ensure_open([], _Options) -> {already_open, undefined}; ensure_open(Filename, Options) when is_atom(Filename); is_list(Filename) -> file:open(Filename, Options). %%%--------------------------------- %%% Fairly generic utility functions %%%--------------------------------- %% getopts(List, Options)) -> {DecodedOptions, RestOptions} %% %% List = [Option] %% Options = [OptionTag] %% Option = OptionTag | OptionTuple %% OptionTuple = tuple(), element(1, OptionTuple) == OptionTag %% OptionTag = term() %% OptionValue = term() %% DecodedOptions = [OptionList] %% OptionList = [Option] %% RestOptions = [Option] %% %% Searches List for options with tags defined in Options. %% Returns DecodedOptions containing one OptionList per %% OptionTag in Options, and RestOptions which contains %% all terms from List not matching any OptionTag. %% %% All returned lists preserve the order from Options and List. %% %% An example: %% getopts([{f, 1}, e, {d, 2}, {c, 3, 4}, {b, 5}, a, b], %% [a, b, c, d]) -> %% {[[a], [{b, 5}, b],[{c, 3, 4}], [{d, 2}]], %% [{f, 1}, e]} %% getopts(List, Options) when is_list(List), is_list(Options) -> getopts_1(Options, List, []). getopts_1([], List, Result) -> {lists:reverse(Result), List}; getopts_1([Option | Options], List, Result) -> {Optvals, Remaining} = getopts_2(List, Option, [], []), getopts_1(Options, Remaining, [Optvals | Result]). getopts_2([], _Option, Result, Remaining) -> {lists:reverse(Result), lists:reverse(Remaining)}; getopts_2([Option | Tail], Option, Result, Remaining) -> getopts_2(Tail, Option, [Option | Result], Remaining); getopts_2([Optval | Tail], Option, Result, Remaining) when element(1, Optval) =:= Option -> getopts_2(Tail, Option, [Optval | Result], Remaining); getopts_2([Other | Tail], Option, Result, Remaining) -> getopts_2(Tail, Option, Result, [Other | Remaining]). %% setopts(Options) -> List %% %% The reverse of getopts, almost. %% Re-creates (approximately) List from DecodedOptions in %% getopts/2 above. The original order is not preserved, %% but rather the order from Options. %% %% An example: %% setopts([[a], [{b,5}, b], [{c, 3, 4}], [{d,2}]]) -> %% [a, {b, 5}, b, {c, 3, 4}, {d, 2}] %% %% And a more generic example: %% {D, R} = getopts(L, O), %% L2 = setopts(D) ++ R %% L2 will contain exactly the same terms as L, but not in the same order. %% setopts(Options) when is_list(Options) -> lists:append(Options). spawn_3step(FunPrelude, FunAck, FunBody) -> spawn_3step(spawn, FunPrelude, FunAck, FunBody). spawn_link_3step(FunPrelude, FunAck, FunBody) -> spawn_3step(spawn_link, FunPrelude, FunAck, FunBody). spawn_3step(Spawn, FunPrelude, FunAck, FunBody) when Spawn =:= spawn; Spawn =:= spawn_link -> Parent = self(), Ref = make_ref(), Child = erlang:Spawn( fun() -> Ack = FunPrelude(), catch Parent ! {self(), Ref, Ack}, MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parent), receive {Parent, Ref, Go} -> erlang:demonitor(MRef), receive {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end, FunBody(Go); {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok end end), MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Child), receive {Child, Ref, Ack} -> erlang:demonitor(MRef), receive {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end, try FunAck(Ack) of {Result, Go} -> catch Child ! {Parent, Ref, Go}, Result catch Class:Reason -> Stacktrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(), catch exit(Child, kill), erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace) end; {'DOWN', MRef, _, _, Reason} -> receive {Child, Ref, _Ack} -> ok after 0 -> ok end, case Spawn of spawn_link -> receive {'EXIT', Reason} -> ok after 0 -> ok end; spawn -> ok end, exit(Reason) end. %%%--------------------------------- %%% Trace message handling functions %%%--------------------------------- trace_off() -> try erlang:trace_delivered(all) of Ref -> receive {trace_delivered, all, Ref} -> ok end catch error:undef -> ok end, try erlang:trace(all, false, [all, cpu_timestamp]) catch error:badarg -> erlang:trace(all, false, [all]) end, erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, false, [local]), erlang:trace_pattern({'_', '_', '_'}, false, [local]), ok. trace_on(Procs, Tracer, {V, CT}) -> case case CT of cpu_time -> try erlang:trace(all, true, [cpu_timestamp]) of _ -> ok catch error:badarg -> {error, not_supported} end; wallclock -> ok end of ok -> MatchSpec = [{'_', [], [{message, {{cp, {caller}}}}]}], erlang:trace_pattern(on_load, MatchSpec, [local]), erlang:trace_pattern({'_', '_', '_'}, MatchSpec, [local]), lists:foreach( fun (P) -> erlang:trace(P, true, [{tracer, Tracer} | trace_flags(V)]) end, Procs), ok; Error -> Error end. trace_flags(normal) -> [call, return_to, running, procs, garbage_collection, arity, timestamp, set_on_spawn]; trace_flags(verbose) -> [call, return_to, send, 'receive', running, procs, garbage_collection, timestamp, set_on_spawn]. %%%------------------------------------- %%% Tracer process functions, for %%% the 'dbg' tracer and for a lookalike %%%------------------------------------- open_dbg_trace_port(Type, Spec) -> Fun = dbg:trace_port(Type, Spec), Fun(). spawn_link_dbg_trace_client(File, Table, GroupLeader, Dump) -> case dbg:trace_client(file, File, {fun handler/2, {init, GroupLeader, Table, Dump}}) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> link(Pid), Pid; Other -> exit(Other) end. spawn_link_trace_client(Table, GroupLeader, Dump) -> Parent = self(), spawn_link_3step( fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), {self(),go} end, fun(Ack) -> Ack end, fun(go) -> Init = {init, GroupLeader, Table, Dump}, tracer_loop(Parent, fun handler/2, Init) end). tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, State) -> receive Trace when element(1, Trace) =:= trace -> tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, Handler(Trace, State)); Trace when element(1, Trace) =:= trace_ts -> tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, Handler(Trace, State)); {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> handler(end_of_trace, State), exit(Reason); _ -> tracer_loop(Parent, Handler, State) end. %%%--------------------------------- %%% Trace message handling functions %%%--------------------------------- handler(end_of_trace, {init, GroupLeader, Table, Dump}) -> dump(Dump, start_of_trace), dump(Dump, end_of_trace), info(GroupLeader, Dump, "Empty trace!~n", []), end_of_trace(Table, undefined), done; handler(end_of_trace, {error, Reason, _, GroupLeader, Dump}) -> info(GroupLeader, Dump, "~nEnd of erroneous trace!~n", []), exit(Reason); handler(end_of_trace, {_, TS, GroupLeader, Table, Dump}) -> dump(Dump, end_of_trace), info(GroupLeader, Dump, "~nEnd of trace!~n", []), end_of_trace(Table, TS), done; handler(Trace, {init, GroupLeader, Table, Dump}) -> dump(Dump, start_of_trace), info(GroupLeader, Dump, "Reading trace data...~n", []), try trace_handler(Trace, Table, GroupLeader, Dump) of TS -> ets:insert(Table, #misc{id = first_ts, data = TS}), ets:insert(Table, #misc{id = last_ts_n, data = {TS, 1}}), {1, TS, GroupLeader, Table, Dump} catch Error -> dump(Dump, {error, Error}), end_of_trace(Table, undefined), {error, Error, 1, GroupLeader, Dump} end; %% case catch trace_handler(Trace, Table, GroupLeader, Dump) of %% {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% dump(Dump, {error, Reason}), %% end_of_trace(Table, undefined), %% {error, Reason, 1, GroupLeader, Dump}; %% TS -> %% ets:insert(Table, #misc{id = first_ts, data = TS}), %% ets:insert(Table, #misc{id = last_ts_n, data = {TS, 1}}), %% {1, TS, GroupLeader, Table, Dump} %% end; handler(_, {error, Reason, M, GroupLeader, Dump}) -> N = M+1, info_dots(GroupLeader, Dump, N), {error, Reason, N, GroupLeader, Dump}; handler(Trace, {M, TS0, GroupLeader, Table, Dump}) -> N = M+1, info_dots(GroupLeader, Dump, N), try trace_handler(Trace, Table, GroupLeader, Dump) of TS -> ets:insert(Table, #misc{id = last_ts_n, data = {TS, N}}), {N, TS, GroupLeader, Table, Dump} catch Error -> dump(Dump, {error, Error}), end_of_trace(Table, TS0), {error, Error, N, GroupLeader, Dump} end. %% case catch trace_handler(Trace, Table, GroupLeader, Dump) of %% {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% dump(Dump, {error, Reason}), %% end_of_trace(Table, TS0), %% {error, Reason, N, GroupLeader, Dump}; %% TS -> %% ets:insert(Table, #misc{id = last_ts_n, data = {TS, N}}), %% {N, TS, GroupLeader, Table, Dump} %% end. end_of_trace(Table, TS) -> %% %% Close all process stacks, as if the processes exited. %% Procs = get(), put(table, Table), ?dbg(2, "get() -> ~p~n", [Procs]), lists:map( fun ({Pid, _}) when is_pid(Pid) -> trace_exit(Table, Pid, TS) end, Procs), erase(), ok. info_dots(GroupLeader, GroupLeader, _) -> ok; info_dots(GroupLeader, _, N) -> if (N rem 100000) =:= 0 -> io:format(GroupLeader, ",~n", []); (N rem 50000) =:= 0 -> io:format(GroupLeader, ".~n", []); (N rem 1000) =:= 0 -> io:put_chars(GroupLeader, "."); true -> ok end. info_suspect_call(GroupLeader, GroupLeader, _, _) -> ok; info_suspect_call(GroupLeader, _, Func, Pid) -> io:format(GroupLeader, "~nWarning: ~p called in ~p - trace may become corrupt!~n", parsify([Func, Pid])). info(GroupLeader, GroupLeader, _, _) -> ok; info(GroupLeader, _, Format, List) -> io:format(GroupLeader, Format, List). dump_stack(undefined, _, _) -> false; dump_stack(Dump, Stack, Term) -> {Depth, _D} = case Stack of undefined -> {0, 0}; _ -> case length(Stack) of 0 -> {0, 0}; N -> {N, length(hd(Stack))} end end, io:format(Dump, "~s~p.~n", [lists:duplicate(Depth, " "), parsify(Term)]), true. dump(undefined, _) -> false; dump(Dump, Term) -> io:format(Dump, "~p.~n", [parsify(Term)]), true. %%%---------------------------------- %%% Profiling state machine functions %%%---------------------------------- trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, call, _MFA, _TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> Stack = get(Pid), dump_stack(Dump, Stack, Trace), throw({incorrect_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Trace, Stack]}); trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, call, {_M, _F, Arity} = Func, {cp, CP}, TS} = Trace, Table, GroupLeader, Dump) when is_integer(Arity) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), case Func of {erlang, trace, 3} -> info_suspect_call(GroupLeader, Dump, Func, Pid); {erlang, trace_pattern, 3} -> info_suspect_call(GroupLeader, Dump, Func, Pid); _ -> ok end, trace_call(Table, Pid, Func, TS, CP), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, call, {_M, _F, Args} = MFArgs, {cp, CP}, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_list(Args) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), Func = mfarity(MFArgs), trace_call(Table, Pid, Func, TS, CP), TS; %% %% return_to trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, return_to, undefined, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_return_to(Table, Pid, undefined, TS), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, return_to, {_M, _F, Arity} = Func, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_integer(Arity) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_return_to(Table, Pid, Func, TS), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, return_to, {_M, _F, Args} = MFArgs, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_list(Args) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), Func = mfarity(MFArgs), trace_return_to(Table, Pid, Func, TS), TS; %% %% spawn trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, spawn, Child, MFArgs, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_spawn(Table, Child, MFArgs, TS, Pid), TS; %% %% exit trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, exit, _Reason, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_exit(Table, Pid, TS), TS; %% %% out trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, out, 0, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_out(Table, Pid, undefined, TS), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, out, {_M, _F, Arity} = Func, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_integer(Arity) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_out(Table, Pid, Func, TS), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, out, {_M, _F, Args} = MFArgs, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_list(Args) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), Func = mfarity(MFArgs), trace_out(Table, Pid, Func, TS), TS; %% %% in trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, in, 0, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_in(Table, Pid, undefined, TS), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, in, {_M, _F, Arity} = Func, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_integer(Arity) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_in(Table, Pid, Func, TS), TS; trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, in, {_M, _F, Args} = MFArgs, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) when is_list(Args) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), Func = mfarity(MFArgs), trace_in(Table, Pid, Func, TS), TS; %% %% gc_start trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, gc_start, _Func, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_gc_start(Table, Pid, TS), TS; %% %% gc_end trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, gc_end, _Func, TS} = Trace, Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), trace_gc_end(Table, Pid, TS), TS; %% %% link trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, link, _OtherPid, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% unlink trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, unlink, _OtherPid, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% getting_linked trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, getting_linked, _OtherPid, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% getting_unlinked trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, getting_unlinked, _OtherPid, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% register trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, register, _Name, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% unregister trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, unregister, _Name, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% send trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, send, _OtherPid, _Msg, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% 'receive' trace_handler({trace_ts, Pid, 'receive', _Msg, TS} = Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump_stack(Dump, get(Pid), Trace), TS; %% %% Others trace_handler(Trace, _Table, _, Dump) -> dump(Dump, Trace), throw({incorrect_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Trace]}). %% The call stack %% -------------- %% %% The call stack can be modeled as a tree, with each level in the tree %% corresponding to a real (non-tail recursive) stack entry, %% and the nodes within a level corresponding to tail recursive %% calls on that real stack depth. %% %% Example: %% a() -> %% b(). %% b() -> %% c(), %% d(). %% c() -> ok. %% d() -> %% e(), %% c(). %% e() -> %% f(). %% f() -> ok. %% %% During the execution the call tree would be, for each call and return_to: %% %% a() b() c() ->b d() e() f() ->d c() ->a %% %% a a a a a a a a a a %% | | | |\ |\ |\ |\ /|\ %% b b b b d b d b d b d b d c %% | | /| %% c e e f %% %% The call tree is in this code represented as a two level list, %% which for the biggest tree (5 nodes) in the example above would be: %% [[{f, _}, {e, _}], [{d, _}, {b, _}], [{a, _}]] %% where the undefined fields are timestamps of the calls to the %% functions, and the function name fields are really %% {Module, Function, Arity} tuples. %% %% Since tail recursive calls can form an infinite loop, cycles %% within a tail recursive level must be collapsed or else the %% stack (tree) size may grow towards infinity. trace_call(Table, Pid, Func, TS, CP) -> Stack = get_stack(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_call(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, Func, TS, CP, Stack]), {Proc,InitCnt} = case ets:lookup(Table, Pid) of [#proc{init_cnt = N} = P] -> {P,N}; [] -> {undefined,0} end, case Stack of [] -> init_log(Table, Proc, Func), OldStack = if CP =:= undefined -> Stack; true -> [[{CP, TS}]] end, put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, Func, TS, OldStack)); [[{Func, FirstInTS}]] when InitCnt=:=2 -> %% First call on this process. Take the timestamp for first %% time the process was scheduled in. init_log(Table, Proc, Func), OldStack = if CP =:= undefined -> []; true -> [[{CP, FirstInTS}]] end, put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, Func, FirstInTS, OldStack)); [[{suspend, _} | _] | _] -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, Func, TS, CP, Stack]}); [[{garbage_collect, _} | _] | _] -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, Func, TS, CP, Stack]}); [[{CP, _} | _], [{CP, _} | _] | _] -> %% This is a difficult case - current function becomes %% new stack top but is already pushed. It might be that %% this call is actually tail recursive, or maybe not. %% Assume tail recursive to not build the stack infinitely %% and fix the problem at the next call after a return to %% this level. %% %% This can be viewed as collapsing a very short stack %% recursive stack cykle. init_log(Table, Proc, Func), put(Pid, trace_call_shove(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack)); [[{CP, _} | _] | _] -> %% Current function becomes new stack top -> stack push init_log(Table, Proc, Func), put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack)); [_, [{CP, _} | _] | _] -> %% Stack top unchanged -> no push == tail recursive call init_log(Table, Proc, Func), put(Pid, trace_call_shove(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack)); [[{Func0, _} | _], [{Func0, _} | _], [{CP, _} | _] | _] -> %% Artificial case that only should happen when %% stack recursive short cycle collapsing has been done, %% otherwise CP should not occur so far from the stack front. %% %% It is a tail recursive call but fix the stack first. init_log(Table, Proc, Func), put(Pid, trace_call_shove(Table, Pid, Func, TS, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, Func0, TS, Stack))); [[{_, TS0} | _] = Level0] -> %% Current function known, but not stack top %% -> assume tail recursive call init_log(Table, Proc, Func), OldStack = if CP =:= undefined -> Stack; true -> [Level0, [{CP, TS0}]] end, put(Pid, trace_call_shove(Table, Pid, Func, TS, OldStack)); [_ | _] -> %% Weird case when the stack is seriously f***ed up. %% CP is not at stack top nor at previous stack top, %% which is impossible, if we had a correct stack view. OldStack = if CP =:= undefined -> %% Assume that CP is unknown because it is %% the stack bottom for the process, and that %% the whole call stack is invalid. Waste it. trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, CP, TS, Stack); true -> %% Assume that we have collapsed a tail recursive %% call stack cykle too many. Introduce CP in %% the current tail recursive level so it at least %% gets charged for something. init_log(Table, Proc, CP), trace_call_shove(Table, Pid, CP, TS, Stack) end, %% Regard this call as a stack push. init_log(Table, Pid, Func), % will lookup Pid in Table put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, Func, TS, OldStack)) end, ok. %% Normal stack push trace_call_push(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack) -> case Stack of [] -> ok; [_ | _] -> trace_clock(Table, Pid, TS, Stack, #clocks.own) end, NewStack = [[{Func, TS}] | Stack], trace_clock(Table, Pid, 1, NewStack, #clocks.cnt), NewStack. %% Tail recursive stack push trace_call_shove(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack) -> trace_clock(Table, Pid, TS, Stack, #clocks.own), [[_ | NewLevel0] | NewStack1] = case Stack of [] -> [[{Func, TS}]]; [Level0 | Stack1] -> [trace_call_collapse([{Func, TS} | Level0]) | Stack1] end, NewStack = [[{Func, TS} | NewLevel0] | NewStack1], trace_clock(Table, Pid, 1, NewStack, #clocks.cnt), NewStack. %% Collapse tail recursive call stack cycles to prevent them from %% growing to infinite length. trace_call_collapse([]) -> []; trace_call_collapse([_] = Stack) -> Stack; trace_call_collapse([_, _] = Stack) -> Stack; trace_call_collapse([_ | Stack1] = Stack) -> trace_call_collapse_1(Stack, Stack1, 1). %% Find some other instance of the current function in the call stack %% and try if that instance may be used as stack top instead. trace_call_collapse_1(Stack, [], _) -> Stack; trace_call_collapse_1([{Func0, _} | _] = Stack, [{Func0, _} | S1] = S, N) -> case trace_call_collapse_2(Stack, S, N) of true -> S; false -> trace_call_collapse_1(Stack, S1, N+1) end; trace_call_collapse_1(Stack, [_ | S1], N) -> trace_call_collapse_1(Stack, S1, N+1). %% Check if all caller/called pairs in the perhaps to be collapsed %% stack segment (at the front) are present in the rest of the stack, %% and also in the same order. trace_call_collapse_2(_, _, 0) -> true; trace_call_collapse_2([{Func1, _} | [{Func2, _} | _] = Stack2], [{Func1, _} | [{Func2, _} | _] = S2], N) -> trace_call_collapse_2(Stack2, S2, N-1); trace_call_collapse_2([{Func1, _} | _], [{Func1, _} | _], _N) -> false; trace_call_collapse_2(_Stack, [_], _N) -> false; trace_call_collapse_2(Stack, [_ | S], N) -> trace_call_collapse_2(Stack, S, N); trace_call_collapse_2(_Stack, [], _N) -> false. trace_return_to(Table, Pid, Func, TS) -> Stack = get_stack(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_return_to(~p, ~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, Func, TS, Stack]), case Stack of [[{suspend, _} | _] | _] -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, Func, TS, Stack]}); [[{garbage_collect, _} | _] | _] -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, Func, TS, Stack]}); [_ | _] -> put(Pid, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack)); [] -> put(Pid, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack)) end, ok. trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack) -> %% The old stack must be sent to trace_clock, so %% the function we just returned from is charged with %% own time. trace_clock(Table, Pid, TS, Stack, #clocks.own), case trace_return_to_2(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack) of {undefined, _} -> [[{Func, TS}] | Stack]; {[[{Func, _} | Level0] | Stack1], _} -> [[{Func, TS} | Level0] | Stack1]; {NewStack, _} -> NewStack end. %% A list of charged functions is passed around to assure that %% any function is charged with ACC time only once - the first time %% it is encountered. The function trace_return_to_1 is called only %% for the front of a tail recursive level, and if the front %% does not match the returned-to function, trace_return_to_2 %% is called for all functions within the tail recursive level. %% %% Charging is done in reverse order, i.e from stack rear to front. %% Search the call stack until the returned-to function is found at %% a tail recursive level's front, and charge it with ACC time. trace_return_to_1(_, _, undefined, _, []) -> {[], []}; trace_return_to_1(_, _, _, _, []) -> {undefined, []}; trace_return_to_1(Table, Pid, Func, TS, [[{Func, _} | Level0] | Stack1] = Stack) -> %% Match at front of tail recursive level Charged = trace_return_to_3([Level0 | Stack1], []), case lists:member(Func, Charged) of false -> trace_clock(Table, Pid, TS, Stack, #clocks.acc), {Stack, [Func | Charged]}; true -> {Stack, Charged} end; trace_return_to_1(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack) -> trace_return_to_2(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack). %% Charge all functions within one tail recursive level, %% from rear to front, with ACC time. trace_return_to_2(Table, Pid, Func, TS, [] = Stack) -> trace_return_to_1(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack); trace_return_to_2(Table, Pid, Func, TS, [[] | Stack1]) -> trace_return_to_1(Table, Pid, Func, TS, Stack1); trace_return_to_2(Table, Pid, Func, TS, [[{Func0, _} | Level1] | Stack1] = Stack) -> case trace_return_to_2(Table, Pid, Func, TS, [Level1 | Stack1]) of {undefined, _} = R -> R; {NewStack, Charged} = R -> case lists:member(Func0, Charged) of false -> trace_clock(Table, Pid, TS, Stack, #clocks.acc), {NewStack, [Func0 | Charged]}; true -> R end end. %% Return a flat list of all function names in the given stack trace_return_to_3([], R) -> R; trace_return_to_3([[] | Stack1], R) -> trace_return_to_3(Stack1, R); trace_return_to_3([[{Func0, _} | Level0] | Stack1], R) -> trace_return_to_3([Level0 | Stack1], [Func0 | R]). trace_spawn(Table, Pid, MFArgs, TS, Parent) -> Stack = get(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_spawn(~p, ~p, ~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, MFArgs, TS, Parent, Stack]), case Stack of undefined -> {M,F,Args} = MFArgs, OldStack = [[{{M,F,length(Args)},TS}]], put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, suspend, TS, OldStack)), ets:insert(Table, #proc{id = Pid, parent = Parent, spawned_as = MFArgs}); _ -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, MFArgs, TS, Parent, Stack]}) end. trace_exit(Table, Pid, TS) -> Stack = erase(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_exit(~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, TS, Stack]), case Stack of undefined -> ok; [] -> ok; [_ | _] = Stack -> trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, undefined, TS, Stack), ok end, ok. trace_out(Table, Pid, Func, TS) -> Stack = get_stack(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_out(~p, ~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, Func, TS, Stack]), case Stack of [] -> put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, suspend, TS, case Func of undefined -> []; _ -> [[{Func,TS}]] end)); [[{suspend,_}] | _] -> %% No stats update for a suspend on suspend put(Pid, [[{suspend,TS}] | Stack]); [_ | _] -> put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, suspend, TS, Stack)) end. trace_in(Table, Pid, Func, TS) -> Stack = get(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_in(~p, ~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, Func, TS, Stack]), case Stack of undefined -> %% First activity on a process which existed at the time %% the fprof trace was started. put(Pid, [[{Func,TS}]]); [] -> put(Pid, [[{Func,TS}]]); [[{suspend, _}]] -> put(Pid, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, undefined, TS, Stack)); [[{suspend,_}] | [[{suspend,_}] | _]=NewStack] -> %% No stats update for a suspend on suspend put(Pid, NewStack); [[{suspend, _}] | [[{Func1, _} | _] | _]] -> %% This is a new process (suspend and Func1 was inserted %% by trace_spawn) or any process that has just been %% scheduled out and now back in. put(Pid, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, Func1, TS, Stack)); _ -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, Func, TS, Stack]}) end. trace_gc_start(Table, Pid, TS) -> Stack = get_stack(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_gc_start(~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, TS, Stack]), put(Pid, trace_call_push(Table, Pid, garbage_collect, TS, Stack)). trace_gc_end(Table, Pid, TS) -> Stack = get(Pid), ?dbg(0, "trace_gc_end(~p, ~p)~n~p~n", [Pid, TS, Stack]), case Stack of undefined -> put(Pid, []); [] -> ok; [[{garbage_collect, _}]] -> put(Pid, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, undefined, TS, Stack)); [[{garbage_collect, _}], [{Func1, _} | _] | _] -> put(Pid, trace_return_to_int(Table, Pid, Func1, TS, Stack)); _ -> throw({inconsistent_trace_data, ?MODULE, ?LINE, [Pid, TS, Stack]}) end. %%%----------------------------------------- %%% Statistics calculating support functions %%%----------------------------------------- get_stack(Id) -> case get(Id) of undefined -> []; Stack -> Stack end. mfarity({M, F, Args}) when is_list(Args) -> {M, F, length(Args)}; mfarity(MFA) -> MFA. init_log(_Table, _Proc, suspend) -> ok; init_log(_Table, _Proc, void) -> ok; init_log(_Table, undefined, _Entry) -> ok; init_log(_Table, #proc{init_cnt = 0}, _Entry) -> ok; init_log(Table, #proc{init_cnt = N, init_log = L} = Proc, Entry) -> ets:insert(Table, Proc#proc{init_cnt = N-1, init_log = [Entry | L]}); init_log(Table, Id, Entry) -> Proc = case ets:lookup(Table, Id) of [P] -> P; [] -> undefined end, init_log(Table,Proc,Entry). trace_clock(_Table, _Pid, _T, [[{suspend, _}], [{suspend, _}] | _]=_Stack, _Clock) -> ?dbg(9, "trace_clock(Table, ~w, ~w, ~w, ~w)~n", [_Pid, _T, _Stack, _Clock]), void; trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{garbage_collect, TS0}], [{suspend, _}]], Clock) -> trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, undefined, garbage_collect, Clock); trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{garbage_collect, TS0}], [{suspend, _}], [{Func2, _} | _] | _], Clock) -> trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, Func2, garbage_collect, Clock); trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{Func0, TS0}, {Func1, _} | _] | _], Clock) -> trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, Func1, Func0, Clock); trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{Func0, TS0}], [{Func1, _} | _] | _], Clock) -> trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, Func1, Func0, Clock); trace_clock(Table, Pid, T, [[{Func0, TS0}]], Clock) -> trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS0, undefined, Func0, Clock); trace_clock(_, _, _, [], _) -> void. trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, _, _, Caller, suspend, #clocks.own) -> clock_add(Table, {Pid, Caller, suspend}, #clocks.own, 0); trace_clock_1(Table, Pid, T, TS, Caller, Func, Clock) -> clock_add(Table, {Pid, Caller, Func}, Clock, if is_integer(T) -> T; true -> ts_sub(T, TS) end). clock_add(Table, Id, Clock, T) -> ?dbg(1, "clock_add(Table, ~w, ~w, ~w)~n", [Id, Clock, T]), try ets:update_counter(Table, Id, {Clock, T}) catch error:badarg -> ets:insert(Table, #clocks{id = Id}), X = ets:update_counter(Table, Id, {Clock, T}), if X >= 0 -> ok; true -> ?dbg(0, "Negative counter value ~p ~p ~p ~p~n", [X, Id, Clock, T]) end, X end. clocks_add(Table, #clocks{id = Id} = Clocks) -> ?dbg(1, "clocks_add(Table, ~w)~n", [Clocks]), case ets:lookup(Table, Id) of [Clocks0] -> ets:insert(Table, clocks_sum(Clocks, Clocks0, Id)); [] -> ets:insert(Table, Clocks) end. clocks_sum(#clocks{id = _Id1, cnt = Cnt1, own = Own1, acc = Acc1}, #clocks{id = _Id2, cnt = Cnt2, own = Own2, acc = Acc2}, Id) -> #clocks{id = Id, cnt = Cnt1 + Cnt2, own = Own1 + Own2, acc = Acc1 + Acc2}. ts_sub({A, B, C} = _T, {A0, B0, C0} = _T0) -> X = ((((A-A0)*1000000) + (B-B0))*1000000) + C - C0, if X >= 0 -> ok; true -> ?dbg(9, "Negative counter value ~p ~p ~p~n", [X, _T, _T0]) end, X; ts_sub(_, _) -> undefined. %%%-------------------------------- %%% Profile data analysis functions %%%-------------------------------- do_analyse(Table, Analyse) -> ?dbg(5, "do_analyse_1(~p, ~p)~n", [Table, Analyse]), Result = try do_analyse_1(Table, Analyse) catch Error -> Error end, ?dbg(5, "do_analyse_1(_, _) ->~p~n", [Result]), Result. do_analyse_1(Table, #analyse{group_leader = GroupLeader, dest = Io, cols = Cols0, callers = PrintCallers, sort = Sort, totals = PrintTotals, details = PrintDetails} = _Analyse) -> Waste = 11, MinCols = Waste + 12, %% We need Width >= 1 Cols = if Cols0 < MinCols -> MinCols; true -> Cols0 end, Width = (Cols-Waste) div 12, FnameWidth = Cols - Waste - 5*Width, Dest = {Io, [FnameWidth, Width, 2*Width, 2*Width]}, SortElement = case Sort of own -> #clocks.own; acc -> #clocks.acc end, %% %% Clean out the process dictionary before the next step %% _Erase = erase(), ?dbg(2, "erase() -> ~p~n", [_Erase]), %% %% Process the collected data and spread it to 3 places: %% * Per {process, caller, func}. Stored in the process dictionary. %% * Sum per process. Stored in an ets table. %% * Extra info per process. Stored in another ets table. %% io:format(GroupLeader, "Processing data...~n", []), PidTable = ets:new(?MODULE, [set, private, {keypos, #clocks.id}]), ProcTable = ets:new(?MODULE, [set, private, {keypos, #proc.id}]), ets_select_foreach( Table, [{'_', [], ['$_']}], 100, fun (#clocks{id = {Pid, Caller, Func}} = Clocks) -> case PrintDetails of true -> funcstat_pd(Pid, Caller, Func, Clocks), clocks_add(PidTable, Clocks#clocks{id = Pid}); false -> ok end, clocks_add(PidTable, Clocks#clocks{id = totals}), case PrintTotals of true -> funcstat_pd(totals, Caller, Func, Clocks); false -> ok end; (#proc{} = Proc) -> ets:insert(ProcTable, Proc); (#misc{} = Misc) -> ets:insert(ProcTable, Misc) end), ?dbg(3, "get() -> ~p~n", [get()]), {FirstTS, LastTS, _TraceCnt} = case {ets:lookup(ProcTable, first_ts), ets:lookup(ProcTable, last_ts_n)} of {[#misc{data = FTS}], [#misc{data = {LTS, TC}}]} when FTS =/= undefined, LTS =/= undefined -> {FTS, LTS, TC}; _ -> throw({error,empty_trace}) end, Totals0 = case ets:lookup(PidTable, totals) of [T0] -> ets:delete(PidTable, totals), T0; _ -> throw({error,empty_trace}) end, Totals = Totals0#clocks{acc = ts_sub(LastTS, FirstTS)}, ?dbg(3, "Totals0 = ~p~n", [Totals0]), ?dbg(3, "PidTable = ~p~n", [ets:tab2list(PidTable)]), ?dbg(3, "ProcTable = ~p~n", [ets:tab2list(ProcTable)]), ?dbg(4, "Totals = ~p~n", [Totals]), %% %% Reorganize the process dictionary by Pid. %% lists:foreach( fun ({{Pid, _Func}, Funcstat}) -> put(Pid, [Funcstat | case get(Pid) of undefined -> []; Other -> Other end]) end, erase()), ?dbg(4, "get() -> ~p~n", [get()]), %% %% Sort the processes %% PidSorted = postsort_r( lists:sort( ets:select(PidTable, [{'_', [], [[{element, #clocks.own, '$_'} | '$_']]}]))), ?dbg(4, "PidSorted = ~p~n", [PidSorted]), %% %% Print the functions per process %% io:format(GroupLeader, "Creating output...~n", []), println(Dest, "%% ", [], "Analysis results:", ""), println(Dest, "{ ", analysis_options, ",", ""), println(Dest, " [{", {callers, PrintCallers}, "},", ""), println(Dest, " {", {sort, Sort}, "},", ""), println(Dest, " {", {totals, PrintTotals}, "},", ""), println(Dest, " {", {details, PrintDetails}, "}]}.", ""), println(Dest), lists:foreach( fun ({#clocks{} = Clocks, ProcOrPid, FuncstatList}) -> println(Dest, "% ", head, "", ""), case ProcOrPid of #proc{} -> println(Dest, "[{ ", Clocks, "},", "%%"), print_proc(Dest, ProcOrPid); totals -> println(Dest, "[{ ", Clocks, "}].", "%%%"); _ when is_pid(ProcOrPid) -> println(Dest, "[{ ", Clocks, "}].", "%%") end, println(Dest), lists:foreach( fun (#funcstat{callers_sum = CallersSum, % called_sum = CalledSum, callers = Callers, called = Called}) -> case {PrintCallers, Callers} of % {true, []} -> % ok; {true, _} -> print_callers(Dest, Callers), println(Dest, " { ", CallersSum, "},", "%"), print_called(Dest, Called), println(Dest); {false, _} -> println(Dest, "{ ", CallersSum, "}.", "") end, ok end, %% Sort the functions within the process, %% and the callers and called within the function. funcstat_sort_r(FuncstatList, SortElement)), println(Dest) end, %% Look up the processes in sorted order lists:map( fun (#clocks{id = Pid} = Clocks) -> Proc = case ets:lookup(ProcTable, Pid) of [] -> Pid; [ProcX] -> ProcX end, FuncstatList = case get(Pid) of undefined -> []; FL -> FL end, {Clocks, Proc, FuncstatList} end, case PrintDetails of true -> [Totals | PidSorted]; false -> [Totals] end)), %% %% Cleanup %% ets:delete(PidTable), ets:delete(ProcTable), io:format(GroupLeader, "Done!~n", []), ok. %%---------------------------- %% Analysis printout functions %%---------------------------- print_proc({undefined, _}, _) -> ok; print_proc(Dest, #proc{id = _Pid, parent = Parent, spawned_as = SpawnedAs, init_log = InitLog}) -> case {Parent, SpawnedAs, InitLog} of {undefined, undefined, []} -> println(Dest, " ", [], "].", ""); {_, undefined, []} -> println(Dest, " { ", {spawned_by, parsify(Parent)}, "}].", ""); _ -> println(Dest, " { ", {spawned_by, parsify(Parent)}, "},", ""), case {SpawnedAs, InitLog} of {_, []} -> println(Dest, " { ", {spawned_as, SpawnedAs}, "}].", ""); {undefined, _} -> println(Dest, " { ", {initial_calls, lists:reverse(InitLog)}, "}].", ""); _ -> println(Dest, " { ", {spawned_as, SpawnedAs}, "},", ""), println(Dest, " { ", {initial_calls, lists:reverse(InitLog)}, "}].", "") end end. print_callers(Dest, []) -> println(Dest, "{[", [], "],", ""); print_callers(Dest, [Clocks]) -> println(Dest, "{[{", Clocks, "}],", ""); print_callers(Dest, [Clocks | Tail]) -> println(Dest, "{[{", Clocks, "},", ""), print_callers_1(Dest, Tail). print_callers_1(Dest, [Clocks]) -> println(Dest, " {", Clocks, "}],", ""); print_callers_1(Dest, [Clocks | Tail]) -> println(Dest, " {", Clocks, "},", ""), print_callers_1(Dest, Tail). print_func(Dest, Clocks) -> println(Dest, " { ", Clocks, "},", "%"). print_called(Dest, []) -> println(Dest, " [", [], "]}.", ""); print_called(Dest, [Clocks]) -> println(Dest, " [{", Clocks, "}]}.", ""); print_called(Dest, [Clocks | Tail]) -> println(Dest, " [{", Clocks, "},", ""), print_called_1(Dest, Tail). print_called_1(Dest, [Clocks]) -> println(Dest, " {", Clocks, "}]}.", ""); print_called_1(Dest, [Clocks | Tail]) -> println(Dest, " {", Clocks, "},", ""), print_called_1(Dest, Tail). println({undefined, _}) -> ok; println({Io, _}) -> io:nl(Io). println({undefined, _}, _Head, _, _Tail, _Comment) -> ok; println({Io, [W1, W2, W3, W4]}, Head, #clocks{id = Pid, cnt = Cnt, acc = _, own = Own}, Tail, Comment) when is_pid(Pid) -> io:put_chars(Io, [pad(Head, $ , 3), flat_format(parsify(Pid), $,, W1), flat_format(Cnt, $,, W2, right), flat_format(undefined, $,, W3, right), flat_format(Own*0.001, [], W4-1, right), pad(Tail, $ , 4), pad($ , Comment, 4), io_lib:nl()]); println({Io, [W1, W2, W3, W4]}, Head, #clocks{id = {_M, _F, _A} = Func, cnt = Cnt, acc = Acc, own = Own}, Tail, Comment) -> io:put_chars(Io, [pad(Head, $ , 3), flat_format(Func, $,, W1), flat_format(Cnt, $,, W2, right), flat_format(Acc*0.001, $,, W3, right), flat_format(Own*0.001, [], W4-1, right), pad(Tail, $ , 4), pad($ , Comment, 4), io_lib:nl()]); println({Io, [W1, W2, W3, W4]}, Head, #clocks{id = Id, cnt = Cnt, acc = Acc, own = Own}, Tail, Comment) -> io:put_chars(Io, [pad(Head, $ , 3), flat_format(parsify(Id), $,, W1), flat_format(Cnt, $,, W2, right), flat_format(Acc*0.001, $,, W3, right), flat_format(Own*0.001, [], W4-1, right), pad(Tail, $ , 4), pad($ , Comment, 4), io_lib:nl()]); println({Io, [W1, W2, W3, W4]}, Head, head, Tail, Comment) -> io:put_chars(Io, [pad(Head, $ , 3), pad(" ", $ , W1), pad($ , " CNT ", W2), pad($ , " ACC ", W3), pad($ , " OWN", W4-1), pad(Tail, $ , 4), pad($ , Comment, 4), io_lib:nl()]); println({Io, _}, Head, [], Tail, Comment) -> io:format(Io, "~s~s~s~n", [pad(Head, $ , 3), Tail, Comment]); println({Io, _}, Head, {Tag, Term}, Tail, Comment) -> io:format(Io, "~s~p, ~p~s~s~n", [pad(Head, $ , 3), parsify(Tag), parsify(Term), Tail, Comment]); println({Io, _}, Head, Term, Tail, Comment) -> io:format(Io, "~s~p~s~s~n", [pad(Head, $ , 3), parsify(Term), Tail, Comment]). %%%-------------------------- %%% Sorting support functions %%%-------------------------- %% Add a Clocks record to the callers and called funcstat records %% in the process dictionary. %% funcstat_pd(Pid, Func1, Func0, Clocks) -> put({Pid, Func0}, case get({Pid, Func0}) of undefined -> #funcstat{callers_sum = Clocks#clocks{id = Func0}, called_sum = #clocks{id = Func0}, callers = [Clocks#clocks{id = Func1}]}; #funcstat{callers_sum = CallersSum, callers = Callers} = FuncstatCallers -> FuncstatCallers#funcstat{ callers_sum = clocks_sum(CallersSum, Clocks, Func0), callers = [Clocks#clocks{id = Func1} | Callers]} end), put({Pid, Func1}, case get({Pid, Func1}) of undefined -> #funcstat{callers_sum = #clocks{id = Func1}, called_sum = Clocks#clocks{id = Func1}, called = [Clocks#clocks{id = Func0}]}; #funcstat{called_sum = CalledSum, called = Called} = FuncstatCalled -> FuncstatCalled#funcstat{ called_sum = clocks_sum(CalledSum, Clocks, Func1), called = [Clocks#clocks{id = Func0} | Called]} end). %% Sort a list of funcstat records, %% and sort the callers and called lists within the funcstat record. funcstat_sort_r(FuncstatList, Element) -> funcstat_sort_r_1(FuncstatList, Element, []). funcstat_sort_r_1([], _, R) -> postsort_r(lists:sort(R)); funcstat_sort_r_1([#funcstat{callers_sum = #clocks{} = Clocks, callers = Callers, called = Called} = Funcstat | L], Element, R) -> funcstat_sort_r_1(L, Element, [[element(Element, Clocks) |Funcstat#funcstat{ callers = clocks_sort_r(Callers, Element), called = clocks_sort_r(Called, Element)}] | R]). %% Sort a list of clocks records. clocks_sort_r(L, E) -> clocks_sort_r_1(L, E, []). clocks_sort_r_1([], _, R) -> postsort_r(lists:sort(R)); clocks_sort_r_1([#clocks{} = C | L], E, R) -> clocks_sort_r_1(L, E, [[element(E, C)|C] | R]). %% Take a list of terms with sort headers and strip the headers. postsort_r(L) -> postsort_r(L, []). postsort_r([], R) -> R; postsort_r([[_|C] | L], R) -> postsort_r(L, [C | R]). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Fairly generic support functions %%% %% Standard format and flatten. flat_format(F, Trailer) when is_float(F) -> lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~.3f", [F]), Trailer]); flat_format(W, Trailer) -> lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~p", [W]), Trailer]). %% Format, flatten, and pad. flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width) -> flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, left). flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, left) -> flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, {left, $ }); flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, {left, Filler}) -> pad(flat_format(Term, Trailer), Filler, Width); flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, right) -> flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, {right, $ }); flat_format(Term, Trailer, Width, {right, Filler}) -> pad(Filler, flat_format(Term, Trailer), Width). %% Left pad a string using a given char. pad(Char, L, Size) when is_integer(Char), is_list(L), is_integer(Size) -> List = lists:flatten(L), Length = length(List), if Length >= Size -> List; true -> lists:append(lists:duplicate(Size - Length, Char), List) end; %% Right pad a string using a given char. pad(L, Char, Size) when is_list(L), is_integer(Char), is_integer(Size) -> List = lists:flatten(L), Length = length(List), if Length >= Size -> List; true -> lists:append(List, lists:duplicate(Size - Length, Char)) end. ets_select_foreach(Table, MatchSpec, Limit, Fun) -> ets:safe_fixtable(Table, true), ets_select_foreach_1(ets:select(Table, MatchSpec, Limit), Fun). ets_select_foreach_1('$end_of_table', _) -> ok; ets_select_foreach_1({Matches, Continuation}, Fun) -> ?dbg(2, "Matches = ~p~n", [Matches]), lists:foreach(Fun, Matches), ets_select_foreach_1(ets:select(Continuation), Fun). %% Converts the parts of a deep term that are not parasable when printed %% with io:format() into their string representation. parsify([]) -> []; parsify([Hd | Tl]) -> [parsify(Hd) | parsify(Tl)]; parsify({A, B}) -> {parsify(A), parsify(B)}; parsify({A, B, C}) -> {parsify(A), parsify(B), parsify(C)}; parsify(Tuple) when is_tuple(Tuple) -> list_to_tuple(parsify(tuple_to_list(Tuple))); parsify(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> erlang:pid_to_list(Pid); parsify(Port) when is_port(Port) -> erlang:port_to_list(Port); parsify(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) -> erlang:ref_to_list(Ref); parsify(Fun) when is_function(Fun) -> erlang:fun_to_list(Fun); parsify(Term) -> Term. %% A simple loop construct. %% %% Calls 'Fun' with argument 'Start' first and then repeatedly with %% its returned value (state) until 'Fun' returns 'Stop'. Then %% the last state value that was not 'Stop' is returned. % iterate(Start, Done, Fun) when is_function(Fun) -> % iterate(Start, Done, Fun, Start). % iterate(Done, Done, Fun, I) -> % I; % iterate(I, Done, Fun, _) -> % iterate(Fun(I), Done, Fun, I).