%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2010-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(lcnt). -behaviour(gen_server). -author("Björn-Egil Dahlberg"). %% gen_server callbacks -export([ init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3 ]). %% start/stop -export([ start/0, stop/0 ]). %% erts_debug:lock_counters api -export([ rt_collect/0, rt_collect/1, rt_clear/0, rt_clear/1, rt_opt/1, rt_opt/2 ]). %% gen_server call api -export([ raw/0, collect/0, collect/1, clear/0, clear/1, conflicts/0, conflicts/1, locations/0, locations/1, inspect/1, inspect/2, histogram/1, histogram/2, information/0, swap_pid_keys/0, % set options set/1, set/2, load/1, save/1 ]). %% convenience -export([ apply/3, apply/2, apply/1, all_conflicts/0, all_conflicts/1, pid/2, pid/3, port/1, port/2 ]). -define(version, "1.0"). -record(state, { locks = [], duration = 0 }). -record(stats, { file :: atom(), line :: non_neg_integer(), tries :: non_neg_integer(), colls :: non_neg_integer(), time :: non_neg_integer(), % us nt :: non_neg_integer(), % #timings collected hist :: tuple() % histogram }). -record(lock, { name, id, type, stats = [] }). -record(print, { name, id, type, entry, tries, colls, cr, % collision ratio time, dtr, % time duration ratio %% new hist % log2 histogram of lock wait_time }). %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% start/stop/init %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% start() -> gen_server:start({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []). stop() -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, stop, infinity). init([]) -> {ok, #state{ locks = [], duration = 0 } }. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% API erts_debug:lock_counters %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% rt_collect() -> erts_debug:lock_counters(info). rt_collect(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, erts_debug, lock_counters, [info]). rt_clear() -> erts_debug:lock_counters(clear). rt_clear(Node) -> rpc:call(Node, erts_debug, lock_counters, [clear]). rt_opt({Type, Opt}) -> erts_debug:lock_counters({Type, Opt}). rt_opt(Node, {Type, Opt}) -> rpc:call(Node, erts_debug, lock_counters, [{Type, Opt}]). %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% API implementation %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% clear() -> rt_clear(). clear(Node) -> rt_clear(Node). collect() -> call({collect, rt_collect()}). collect(Node) -> call({collect, rt_collect(Node)}). locations() -> call({locations,[]}). locations(Opts) -> call({locations, Opts}). conflicts() -> call({conflicts, []}). conflicts(Opts) -> call({conflicts, Opts}). inspect(Lock) -> call({inspect, Lock, []}). inspect(Lock, Opts) -> call({inspect, Lock, Opts}). histogram(Lock) -> call({histogram, Lock, []}). histogram(Lock, Opts)-> call({histogram, Lock, Opts}). information() -> call(information). swap_pid_keys() -> call(swap_pid_keys). raw() -> call(raw). set(Option, Value) -> call({set, Option, Value}). set({Option, Value}) -> call({set, Option, Value}). save(Filename) -> call({save, Filename}). load(Filename) -> start(), call({load, Filename}). call(Msg) -> gen_server:call(?MODULE, Msg, infinity). %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% convenience implementation %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% apply(M,F,As) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_list(As) -> lcnt:start(), Opt = lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, true}), lcnt:clear(), Res = erlang:apply(M,F,As), lcnt:collect(), lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, Opt}), Res. apply(Fun) when is_function(Fun) -> lcnt:apply(Fun, []). apply(Fun, As) when is_function(Fun) -> lcnt:start(), Opt = lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, true}), lcnt:clear(), Res = erlang:apply(Fun, As), lcnt:collect(), lcnt:rt_opt({copy_save, Opt}), Res. all_conflicts() -> all_conflicts(time). all_conflicts(Sort) -> conflicts([{max_locks, none}, {thresholds, []},{combine,false}, {sort, Sort}, {reverse, true}]). pid(Id, Serial) -> pid(node(), Id, Serial). pid(Node, Id, Serial) when is_atom(Node) -> Header = <<131,103,100>>, String = atom_to_list(Node), L = length(String), binary_to_term(list_to_binary([Header, bytes16(L), String, bytes32(Id), bytes32(Serial),0])). port(Id) -> port(node(), Id). port(Node, Id ) when is_atom(Node) -> Header = <<131,102,100>>, String = atom_to_list(Node), L = length(String), binary_to_term(list_to_binary([Header, bytes16(L), String, bytes32(Id), 0])). %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% handle_call %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% % printing handle_call({conflicts, InOpts}, _From, #state{ locks = Locks } = State) when is_list(InOpts) -> Default = [ {sort, time}, {reverse, false}, {print, [name,id,tries,colls,ratio,time,duration]}, {max_locks, 20}, {combine, true}, {thresholds, [{tries, 0}, {colls, 0}, {time, 0}] }, {locations, false}], Opts = options(InOpts, Default), Flocks = filter_locks_type(Locks, proplists:get_value(type, Opts)), Combos = combine_classes(Flocks, proplists:get_value(combine, Opts)), Printables = locks2print(Combos, State#state.duration), Filtered = filter_print(Printables, Opts), print_lock_information(Filtered, proplists:get_value(print, Opts)), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(information, _From, State) -> print_state_information(State), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({locations, InOpts}, _From, #state{ locks = Locks } = State) when is_list(InOpts) -> Default = [ {sort, time}, {reverse, false}, {print, [name,entry,tries,colls,ratio,time,duration]}, {max_locks, 20}, {combine, true}, {thresholds, [{tries, 0}, {colls, 0}, {time, 0}] }, {locations, true}], Opts = options(InOpts, Default), Printables = filter_print([#print{ name = string_names(Names), entry = term2string("~tp:~p", [Stats#stats.file, Stats#stats.line]), colls = Stats#stats.colls, tries = Stats#stats.tries, cr = percent(Stats#stats.colls, Stats#stats.tries), time = Stats#stats.time, dtr = percent(Stats#stats.time, State#state.duration) } || {Stats, Names} <- combine_locations(Locks) ], Opts), print_lock_information(Printables, proplists:get_value(print, Opts)), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call({inspect, Lockname, InOpts}, _From, #state{ duration=Duration, locks=Locks } = State) when is_list(InOpts) -> Default = [ {sort, time}, {reverse, false}, {print, [name,id,tries,colls,ratio,time,duration,histogram]}, {max_locks, 20}, {combine, false}, {thresholds, []}, {locations, false}], Opts = options(InOpts, Default), Filtered = filter_locks(Locks, Lockname), IDs = case {proplists:get_value(full_id, Opts), proplists:get_value(combine, Opts)} of {true, true} -> locks_ids(Filtered); _ -> [] end, Combos = combine_classes(Filtered, proplists:get_value(combine, Opts)), case proplists:get_value(locations, Opts) of true -> lists:foreach(fun (#lock{ name = Name, id = Id, type = Type, stats = Stats }) -> IdString = case proplists:get_value(full_id, Opts) of true -> term2string(proplists:get_value(Name, IDs, Id)); _ -> term2string(Id) end, Combined = [CStats || {CStats,_} <- combine_locations(Stats)], case Combined of [] -> ok; _ -> print("lock: " ++ term2string(Name)), print("id: " ++ IdString), print("type: " ++ term2string(Type)), Ps = stats2print(Combined, Duration), Opts1 = options([{print, [entry, tries,colls,ratio,time,duration,histogram]}, {thresholds, [{tries, -1}, {colls, -1}, {time, -1}]}], Opts), print_lock_information(filter_print(Ps, Opts1), proplists:get_value(print, Opts1)) end end, Combos); _ -> Print = filter_print(locks2print(Combos, Duration), Opts), print_lock_information(Print, proplists:get_value(print, Opts)) end, {reply, ok, State}; %% histogram handle_call({histogram, Lockname, InOpts}, _From, #state{ duration=Duration, locks=Locks} = State)-> Default = [ {sort, time}, {reverse, false}, {print, [name,id,tries,colls,ratio,time,duration,histogram]}, {max_locks, 20}, {combine, true}, {thresholds, []}, {locations, false}], Opts = options(InOpts, Default), Filtered = filter_locks(Locks, Lockname), Combos = combine_classes(Filtered, proplists:get_value(combine, Opts)), lists:foreach(fun (#lock{ stats = Stats }=L) -> SumStats = summate_stats(Stats), Opts1 = options([{print, [name,id,tries,colls,ratio,time,duration]}, {thresholds, [{tries, -1}, {colls, -1}, {time, -1}]}], Opts), Prints = locks2print([L], Duration), print_lock_information(Prints, proplists:get_value(print, Opts1)), print_full_histogram(SumStats#stats.hist), io:format("~n") end, Combos), {reply, ok, State}; handle_call(raw, _From, #state{ locks = Locks} = State)-> {reply, Locks, State}; % collecting handle_call({collect, Data}, _From, State)-> {reply, ok, data2state(Data, State)}; % manipulate handle_call(swap_pid_keys, _From, #state{ locks = Locks } = State)-> SwappedLocks = lists:map(fun (L) when L#lock.name =:= port_lock; L#lock.type =:= proclock -> L#lock{ id = L#lock.name, name = L#lock.id }; (L) -> L end, Locks), {reply, ok, State#state{ locks = SwappedLocks}}; % settings handle_call({set, data, Data}, _From, State)-> {reply, ok, data2state(Data, State)}; handle_call({set, duration, Duration}, _From, State)-> {reply, ok, State#state{ duration = Duration}}; % file operations handle_call({load, Filename}, _From, State) -> case file:read_file(Filename) of {ok, Binary} -> case binary_to_term(Binary) of {?version, Statelist} -> {reply, ok, list2state(Statelist)}; {Version, _} -> {reply, {error, {mismatch, Version, ?version}}, State} end; Error -> {reply, {error, Error}, State} end; handle_call({save, Filename}, _From, State) -> Binary = term_to_binary({?version, state2list(State)}), case file:write_file(Filename, Binary) of ok -> {reply, ok, State}; Error -> {reply, {error, Error}, State} end; handle_call(stop, _From, State) -> {stop, normal, ok, State}; handle_call(Command, _From, State) -> {reply, {error, {undefined, Command}}, State}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% handle_cast %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% handle_cast(_, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% handle_info %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% handle_info(_Info, State) -> {noreply, State}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% termination %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% terminate(_Reason, _State) -> ok. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% code_change %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> {ok, State}. %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% %% AUX %% %% -------------------------------------------------------------------- %% % summate summate_locks(Locks) -> summate_locks(Locks, #stats{ tries = 0, colls = 0, time = 0, nt = 0}). summate_locks([], Stats) -> Stats; summate_locks([L|Ls], #stats{ tries = Tries, colls = Colls, time = Time, nt = Nt, hist = Hist}) -> S = summate_stats(L#lock.stats), summate_locks(Ls, #stats{ tries = Tries + S#stats.tries, colls = Colls + S#stats.colls, time = Time + S#stats.time, nt = Nt + S#stats.nt, hist = summate_histogram(Hist, S#stats.hist) }). summate_stats(Stats) -> summate_stats(Stats, #stats{ tries = 0, colls = 0, time = 0, nt = 0}). summate_stats([], Stats) -> Stats; summate_stats([S|Ss], #stats{ tries = Tries, colls = Colls, time = Time, nt = Nt, hist = Hist}) -> summate_stats(Ss, #stats{ tries = Tries + S#stats.tries, colls = Colls + S#stats.colls, time = Time + S#stats.time, nt = Nt + S#stats.nt, hist = summate_histogram(Hist, S#stats.hist) }). %% first call is undefined summate_histogram(Tup,undefined) when is_tuple(Tup) -> Tup; summate_histogram(undefined,Tup) when is_tuple(Tup) -> Tup; summate_histogram(Hs1,Hs2) -> list_to_tuple([ A + B || {A,B} <- lists:zip(tuple_to_list(Hs1),tuple_to_list(Hs2))]). %% manipulators filter_locks_type(Locks, undefined) -> Locks; filter_locks_type(Locks, all) -> Locks; filter_locks_type(Locks, Types) when is_list(Types) -> [ L || L <- Locks, lists:member(L#lock.type, Types)]; filter_locks_type(Locks, Type) -> [ L || L <- Locks, L#lock.type =:= Type]. filter_locks(Locks, {Lockname, Ids}) when is_list(Ids) -> [ L || L <- Locks, L#lock.name =:= Lockname, lists:member(L#lock.id, Ids)]; filter_locks(Locks, {Lockname, Id}) -> [ L || L <- Locks, L#lock.name =:= Lockname, L#lock.id =:= Id ]; filter_locks(Locks, Lockname) -> [ L || L <- Locks, L#lock.name =:= Lockname ]. % order of processing % 2. cut thresholds % 3. sort locks % 4. max length of locks filter_print(PLs, Opts) -> TLs = threshold_locks(PLs, proplists:get_value(thresholds, Opts, [])), SLs = sort_locks(TLs, proplists:get_value(sort, Opts, time)), CLs = cut_locks(SLs, proplists:get_value(max_locks, Opts, none)), reverse_locks(CLs, proplists:get_value(reverse, Opts, false)). sort_locks(Locks, name) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.name, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, id) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.id, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, type) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.type, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, tries) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.tries, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, colls) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.colls, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, ratio) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.cr, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, time) -> reverse_sort_locks(#print.time, Locks); sort_locks(Locks, _) -> sort_locks(Locks, time). reverse_sort_locks(Ix, Locks) -> lists:reverse(lists:keysort(Ix, Locks)). % cut locks not above certain thresholds threshold_locks(Locks, Thresholds) -> Tries = proplists:get_value(tries, Thresholds, -1), Colls = proplists:get_value(colls, Thresholds, -1), Time = proplists:get_value(time, Thresholds, -1), [ L || L <- Locks, L#print.tries > Tries, L#print.colls > Colls, L#print.time > Time]. cut_locks(Locks, N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 -> lists:sublist(Locks, N); cut_locks(Locks, _) -> Locks. %% reversal reverse_locks(Locks, true) -> lists:reverse(Locks); reverse_locks(Locks, _) -> Locks. %% string_names([]) -> ""; string_names(Names) -> string_names(Names, []). string_names([Name], Strings) -> strings(lists:reverse([term2string(Name) | Strings])); string_names([Name|Names],Strings) -> string_names(Names, [term2string(Name) ++ ","|Strings]). %% combine_locations %% In: %% Locations :: [#lock{}] | [#stats{}] %% Out: %% [{{File,Line}, #stats{}, [Lockname]}] combine_locations(Locations) -> gb_trees:values(combine_locations(Locations, gb_trees:empty())). combine_locations([], Tree) -> Tree; combine_locations([S|_] = Stats, Tree) when is_record(S, stats) -> combine_locations(Stats, undefined, Tree); combine_locations([#lock{ stats = Stats, name = Name}|Ls], Tree) -> combine_locations(Ls, combine_locations(Stats, Name, Tree)). combine_locations([], _, Tree) -> Tree; combine_locations([S|Ss], Name, Tree) when is_record(S, stats)-> Key = {S#stats.file, S#stats.line}, Tree1 = case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree) of none -> gb_trees:insert(Key, {S, [Name]}, Tree); {value, {C, Names}} -> NewNames = case lists:member(Name, Names) of true -> Names; _ -> [Name | Names] end, gb_trees:update(Key, { C#stats{ tries = C#stats.tries + S#stats.tries, colls = C#stats.colls + S#stats.colls, time = C#stats.time + S#stats.time, nt = C#stats.nt + S#stats.nt }, NewNames}, Tree) end, combine_locations(Ss, Name, Tree1). %% combines all statistics for a class (name) lock %% id's are translated to #id's. combine_classes(Locks, true) -> combine_classes1(Locks, gb_trees:empty()); combine_classes(Locks, _) -> Locks. combine_classes1([], Tree) -> gb_trees:values(Tree); combine_classes1([L|Ls], Tree) -> Key = L#lock.name, case gb_trees:lookup(Key, Tree) of none -> combine_classes1(Ls, gb_trees:insert(Key, L#lock{ id = 1 }, Tree)); {value, C} -> combine_classes1(Ls, gb_trees:update(Key, C#lock{ id = C#lock.id + 1, stats = L#lock.stats ++ C#lock.stats }, Tree)) end. locks_ids(Locks) -> locks_ids(Locks, []). locks_ids([], Out) -> Out; locks_ids([#lock{ name = Key } = L|Ls], Out) -> case proplists:get_value(Key, Out) of undefined -> locks_ids(Ls, [{Key, [L#lock.id]}|Out]); Ids -> locks_ids(Ls, [{Key, [L#lock.id|Ids]}|proplists:delete(Key,Out)]) end. stats2print(Stats, Duration) -> lists:map(fun (S) -> #print{entry = term2string("~tp:~p", [S#stats.file, S#stats.line]), colls = S#stats.colls, tries = S#stats.tries, cr = percent(S#stats.colls, S#stats.tries), time = S#stats.time, dtr = percent(S#stats.time, Duration), hist = format_histogram(S#stats.hist)} end, Stats). locks2print(Locks, Duration) -> lists:map( fun (L) -> #stats{tries = Tries, colls = Colls, time = Time, hist = Hist} = summate_stats(L#lock.stats), Cr = percent(Colls, Tries), Dtr = percent(Time, Duration), #print{name = L#lock.name, id = L#lock.id, type = L#lock.type, tries = Tries, colls = Colls, hist = format_histogram(Hist), cr = Cr, time = Time, dtr = Dtr} end, Locks). format_histogram(Tup) when is_tuple(Tup) -> Vs = tuple_to_list(Tup), Max = lists:max(Vs), case Max of 0 -> string_histogram(Vs); _ -> string_histogram([case V of 0 -> 0; _ -> V/Max end || V <- Vs]) end. string_histogram([0|Vs]) -> [$\s|string_histogram(Vs)]; string_histogram([V|Vs]) when V > 0.66 -> [$X|string_histogram(Vs)]; string_histogram([V|Vs]) when V > 0.33 -> [$x|string_histogram(Vs)]; string_histogram([_|Vs]) -> [$.|string_histogram(Vs)]; string_histogram([]) -> []. %% state making data2state(Data, State) -> Duration = time2us(proplists:get_value(duration, Data)), Rawlocks = proplists:get_value(locks, Data), Locks = locks2records(Rawlocks), State#state{ duration = Duration, locks = Locks }. locks2records([{Name, Id, Type, Stats}|Locks]) -> [#lock{name = Name, id = clean_id_creation(Id), type = Type, stats = stats2record(Stats)}|locks2records(Locks)]; locks2records([]) -> []. %% new stats with histogram stats2record([{{File,Line},{Tries,Colls,{S,Ns,N}},Hist}|Stats]) -> [#stats{file = File, line = Line, hist = Hist, tries = Tries, colls = Colls, time = time2us({S, Ns}), nt = N} | stats2record(Stats)]; %% old stats without histogram stats2record([{{File,Line},{Tries,Colls,{S,Ns,N}}}|Stats]) -> [#stats{file = File, line = Line, hist = {}, tries = Tries, colls = Colls, time = time2us({S, Ns}), nt = N} | stats2record(Stats)]; stats2record([]) -> []. clean_id_creation(Id) when is_pid(Id) -> Bin = term_to_binary(Id), <> = Bin, Bin2 = list_to_binary([H, bytes16(L), Node, Ids, 0]), binary_to_term(Bin2); clean_id_creation(Id) when is_port(Id) -> Bin = term_to_binary(Id), <> = Bin, Bin2 = list_to_binary([H, bytes16(L), Node, Ids, 0]), binary_to_term(Bin2); clean_id_creation(Id) -> Id. %% serializer state_default(Field) -> proplists:get_value(Field, state2list(#state{})). state2list(State) -> [_|Values] = tuple_to_list(State), lists:zipwith(fun (locks, Locks) -> {locks, [lock2list(Lock) || Lock <- Locks]}; (X, Y) -> {X,Y} end, record_info(fields, state), Values). lock_default(Field) -> proplists:get_value(Field, lock2list(#lock{})). lock2list(Lock) -> [_|Values] = tuple_to_list(Lock), lists:zip(record_info(fields, lock), Values). list2state(List) -> list_to_tuple([state|list2state(record_info(fields, state), List)]). list2state([], _) -> []; list2state([locks|Fs], List) -> Locks = [list2lock(Lock) || Lock <- proplists:get_value(locks, List, [])], [Locks|list2state(Fs,List)]; list2state([F|Fs], List) -> [proplists:get_value(F, List, state_default(F))|list2state(Fs, List)]. list2lock(Ls) -> list_to_tuple([lock|list2lock(record_info(fields, lock), Ls)]). list2lock([],_) -> []; list2lock([stats=F|Fs], Ls) -> Stats = stats2stats(proplists:get_value(F, Ls, lock_default(F))), [Stats|list2lock(Fs, Ls)]; list2lock([F|Fs], Ls) -> [proplists:get_value(F, Ls, lock_default(F))|list2lock(Fs, Ls)]. %% process old stats (hack) %% old stats had no histograms %% in future versions stats should be serialized as a list, not a record stats2stats([]) -> []; stats2stats([Stat|Stats]) -> Sz = tuple_size(#stats{}), [stat2stat(Stat,Sz)|stats2stats(Stats)]. stat2stat(Stat,Sz) when tuple_size(Stat) =:= Sz -> Stat; stat2stat(Stat,_) -> %% assume no histogram at the end list_to_tuple(tuple_to_list(Stat) ++ [{0}]). %% printing %% print_lock_information %% In: %% Locks :: [#lock{}] %% Print :: [Type | {Type, integer()}] %% %% Out: %% ok auto_print_width(Locks, Print) -> % iterate all lock entries to save all max length values % these are records, so we do a little tuple <-> list smashing R = lists:foldl(fun (L, Max) -> list_to_tuple(lists:reverse(lists:foldl(fun ({print,print}, Out) -> [print|Out]; ({Str, Len}, Out) -> [erlang:min(erlang:max(length(s(Str))+1,Len),80)|Out] end, [], lists:zip(tuple_to_list(L), tuple_to_list(Max))))) end, #print{ id = 4, type = 5, entry = 5, name = 6, tries = 8, colls = 13, cr = 16, time = 11, dtr = 14, hist=20 }, Locks), % Setup the offsets for later pruning Offsets = [ {id, R#print.id}, {name, R#print.name}, {type, R#print.type}, {entry, R#print.entry}, {tries, R#print.tries}, {colls, R#print.colls}, {ratio, R#print.cr}, {time, R#print.time}, {duration, R#print.dtr}, {histogram, R#print.hist} ], % Prune offsets to only allow specified print options lists:foldr(fun ({Type, W}, Out) -> [{Type, W}|Out]; (Type, Out) -> [proplists:lookup(Type, Offsets)|Out] end, [], Print). print_lock_information(Locks, Print) -> % remake Print to autosize entries AutoPrint = auto_print_width(Locks, Print), print_header(AutoPrint), lists:foreach(fun (L) -> print_lock(L, AutoPrint) end, Locks), ok. print_header(Opts) -> Header = #print{ name = "lock", id = "id", type = "type", entry = "location", tries = "#tries", colls = "#collisions", cr = "collisions [%]", time = "time [us]", dtr = "duration [%]", hist = "histogram" }, Divider = #print{ name = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.name), 45), id = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.id), 45), type = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.type), 45), entry = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.entry), 45), tries = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.tries), 45), colls = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.colls), 45), cr = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.cr), 45), time = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.time), 45), dtr = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.dtr), 45), hist = lists:duplicate(1 + length(Header#print.hist), 45) }, print_lock(Header, Opts), print_lock(Divider, Opts), ok. print_lock(L, Opts) -> print(strings(format_lock(L, Opts))). format_lock(_, []) -> []; format_lock(L, [Opt|Opts]) -> case Opt of id -> [{space, 25, s(L#print.id) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {id, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.id) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; type -> [{space, 18, s(L#print.type) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {type, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.type) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; entry -> [{space, 30, s(L#print.entry)} | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {entry, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.entry)} | format_lock(L, Opts)]; name -> [{space, 22, s(L#print.name) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {name, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.name) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; tries -> [{space, 12, s(L#print.tries)} | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {tries, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.tries)} | format_lock(L, Opts)]; colls -> [{space, 14, s(L#print.colls)} | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {colls, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.colls)} | format_lock(L, Opts)]; ratio -> [{space, 20, s(L#print.cr) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {ratio, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.cr) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; time -> [{space, 15, s(L#print.time) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {time, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.time) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; duration -> [{space, 20, s(L#print.dtr) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {duration, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.dtr) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; histogram -> [{space, 0, s(L#print.hist) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; {histogram, W} -> [{space, W, s(L#print.hist) } | format_lock(L, Opts)]; _ -> format_lock(L, Opts) end. print_state_information(#state{locks = Locks} = State) -> Stats = summate_locks(Locks), print("information:"), print(kv("#locks", s(length(Locks)))), print(kv("duration", s(State#state.duration) ++ " us" ++ " (" ++ s(State#state.duration/1000000) ++ " s)")), print("\nsummated stats:"), print(kv("#tries", s(Stats#stats.tries))), print(kv("#colls", s(Stats#stats.colls))), print(kv("wait time", s(Stats#stats.time) ++ " us" ++ " ( " ++ s(Stats#stats.time/1000000) ++ " s)")), print(kv("percent of duration", s(Stats#stats.time/State#state.duration*100) ++ " %")), ok. print_full_histogram(T) when is_tuple(T) -> Vs = tuple_to_list(T), Max = lists:max(Vs), W = 60, print_full_histogram(0,Vs,Max,W). print_full_histogram(_,[],_,_) -> ok; print_full_histogram(Ix,[V|Vs],0,W) -> io:format("~2w = log2 : ~8w |~n", [Ix,V]), print_full_histogram(Ix+1,Vs,0,W); print_full_histogram(Ix,[V|Vs],Max,W) -> io:format("~2w = log2 : ~8w | ~s~n", [Ix,V,lists:duplicate(trunc(W*(V/Max)), $#)]), print_full_histogram(Ix+1,Vs,Max,W). %% AUX time2us({S, Ns}) -> S*1000000 + (Ns div 1000). percent(_,0) -> 0.0; percent(T,N) -> T/N*100. options(Opts, Default) when is_list(Default) -> options1(proplists:unfold(Opts), Default). options1([], Defaults) -> Defaults; options1([{Key, Value}|Opts], Defaults) -> case proplists:get_value(Key, Defaults) of undefined -> options1(Opts, [{Key, Value} | Defaults]); _ -> options1(Opts, [{Key, Value} | proplists:delete(Key, Defaults)]) end. %%% AUX STRING FORMATTING print(String) -> io:format("~ts~n", [String]). kv(Key, Value) -> kv(Key, Value, 20). kv(Key, Value, Offset) -> term2string(term2string("~~~ps : ~~s", [Offset]),[Key, Value]). s(T) when is_float(T) -> term2string("~.4f", [T]); s(T) when is_list(T) -> term2string("~ts", [T]); s(T) -> term2string(T). strings(Strings) -> strings(Strings, []). strings([], Out) -> Out; strings([{space, N, S} | Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string(term2string("~~~ws", [N]), [S])); strings([{format, Format, S} | Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string(Format, [S])); strings([S|Ss], Out) -> strings(Ss, Out ++ term2string("~ts", [S])). term2string({M,F,A}) when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) -> term2string("~p:~p/~p", [M,F,A]); term2string(Term) when is_port(Term) -> % ex #Port<6442.816> <<_:3/binary, L:16, Node:L/binary, Ids:32, _/binary>> = term_to_binary(Term), term2string("#Port<~s.~w>", [Node, Ids]); term2string(Term) when is_pid(Term) -> % ex <0.80.0> <<_:3/binary, L:16, Node:L/binary, Ids:32, Serial:32, _/binary>> = term_to_binary(Term), term2string("<~s.~w.~w>", [Node, Ids, Serial]); term2string(Term) -> term2string("~w", [Term]). term2string(Format, Terms) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Terms)). %%% AUX id binary bytes16(Value) -> B0 = Value band 255, B1 = (Value bsr 8) band 255, <>. bytes32(Value) -> B0 = Value band 255, B1 = (Value bsr 8) band 255, B2 = (Value bsr 16) band 255, B3 = (Value bsr 24) band 255, <>.