-module(d). -export([start/0, stop/0]). -export([store/2, store/3, move/2, location/1, who_are_at/1, who_are_older/1, size/0]). -export([init/0]). % spawn -record(person, {name, age, location, moved=false}). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% User interface functions %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% start() -> pid() start() -> spawn(?MODULE, init, []). %%% stop() stop() -> arne ! stop. %%% store(Name, Location) -> %%% store(Name, Age, Location) -> ok | {error,Reason} %%% Name = Location = atom() %%% Age = integer() %%% Reason = not_started | no_response | {internal_error,term()} store(Name, Location) -> store(Name, ?AGE, Location). store(Name, Age, Location) when atom(Name), integer(Age), atom(Location) -> send({store, Name, Age, Location}). %%% move(OldLocation, NewLocation) -> Names | {error,Reason} %%% OldLocation = NewLocation = atom() %%% Names = [Name] %%% Name = atom() %%% Reason = not_started | no_response | {internal_error,term()} move(OldLocation, NewLocation) -> send({move, OldLocation, NewLocation}). %%% location(Name) -> Location | no_such_person | {error,Reason} %%% Name = atom() %%% Reason = not_started | no_response | {internal_error,term()} location(Name) when atom(Name) -> send({location, Name}). %%% who_are_at(Location) -> Names | {error,Reason} %%% Location = atom() %%% Names = [Name] %%% Name = atom() %%% Reason = not_started | no_response | {internal_error,term()} who_are_at(Location) when atom(Location) -> send({who_are_at, Location}). %%% who_are_older(Age) -> Names | {error,Reason} %%% Age = integer() %%% Names = [Name] %%% Name = atom() %%% Reason = not_started | no_response | {internal_error,term()} who_are_older(Age) when integer(Age) -> send({who_are_older, Age}). %%% size() -> N | {error,Reason} %%% N = integer() %%% Reason = not_started | no_response | {internal_error,term()} size() -> send(size). %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Main loop %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- send(Request) -> Pid = whereis(arne), if Pid==undefined -> {error, not_started}; true -> send(Pid, Request) end. send(Pid, Request) -> Pid ! {request, self(), Request}, receive {reply, Reply} -> Reply after 1000 -> {error, no_response} end. init() -> register(arne, self()), loop([]). loop(Db) -> receive stop -> true; {request, From, Request} -> case catch handle(Request, Db) of {reply, Reply, NewDb} -> From ! {reply, Reply}, loop(NewDb); {'EXIT', Reason} -> From ! {reply, {error, {internal_error, Reason}}}, loop(Db) end end. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% DB functionality %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- handle({store, Name, Age, Location}, Db) -> {reply, ok, [#person{name=Name, age=Age, location=Location} | Db]}; handle({move, OldLocation, NewLocation}, Db) -> {Names, NewDb} = move(OldLocation, NewLocation, Db, [], []), {reply, Names, NewDb}; handle({location, Name}, Db) -> case lists:keysearch(Name, #person.name, Db) of {value, #person{location=Location}} when atom(Location) -> {reply, Location, Db}; false -> {reply, no_such_name, Db} end; handle({who_are_at, Location}, Db) -> Result = lists:foldl(fun(Person, Names) -> case Person#person.location of Location -> [Person#person.name | Names]; _OtherLocation -> Names end end, [], Db), {reply, Result, Db}; handle({who_are_older, Old}, Db) -> Result = [Name || {person,Name,Age,Location} <- Db, Age>Old], {reply, Result, Db}; handle(size, Db) -> Result = count(Db, 0), {reply, Result, Db}. count([H|T], N) -> count(T, N+1); count([], N) -> N. move(OldLoc, NewLoc, [#person{location=OldLoc} = Person|T], Db, Names) -> NewPerson = Person#person{location=NewLoc, moved=true}, NewNames = [Person#person.name|Names], move(OldLoc, NewLoc, T, [NewPerson|Db], NewNames); move(OldLoc, NewLoc, [Person|T], Db, Names) -> move(OldLoc, NewLoc, T, [Person|Db], Names); move(OldLoc, NewLoc, [], Db, Names) -> {lists:reverse(Names), lists:reverse(Db)}.