%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : eed.erl %%% Author : Bjorn Gustavsson <bjorn@strider> %%% Purpose : Unix `ed' look-alike. %%% Created : 24 Aug 1997 by Bjorn Gustavsson <bjorn@strider> %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(eed). -author('bjorn@strider'). -export([edit/0, edit/1, file/1, cmd_line/1]). -compile({no_auto_import,[error/1]}). -record(state, {dot = 0, % Line number of dot. upto_dot = [], % Lines up to dot (reversed). after_dot = [], % Lines after dot. lines = 0, % Total number of lines. print=false, % Print after command. filename=[], % Current file. pattern, % Current pattern. in_global=false, % True if executing global command. input=[], % Global input stream. undo, % Last undo state. marks=[], % List of marks. modified=false, % Buffer is modified. opts=[{prompt, ''}], % Options. last_error, % The last error encountered. input_fd % Input file descriptor. }). -record(line, {contents, % Contents of line. mark=false % Marked (for global prefix). }). cmd_line([Script]) -> file(Script), halt(). file(Script) -> case file:open(Script, [read]) of {ok,Fd} -> loop(#state{input_fd=Fd}), ok; {error,E} -> {error,E} end. edit() -> loop(#state{input_fd=group_leader()}). edit(Name) -> loop(command([$e|Name], #state{input_fd=group_leader()})). loop(St0) -> {ok, St1, Cmd} = get_line(St0), case catch command(lib:nonl(Cmd), St1) of {'EXIT', Reason} -> %% XXX Should clear outstanding global command here. loop(print_error({'EXIT', Reason}, St1)); quit -> ok; {error, Reason} -> loop(print_error(Reason, St1)); St2 when is_record(St2, state) -> loop(St2) end. command(Cmd, St) -> case parse_command(Cmd, St) of quit -> quit; St1 when is_function(St1#state.print) -> if St1#state.dot /= 0 -> print_current(St1); true -> ok end, St1#state{print=false}; St1 when is_record(St1, state) -> St1 end. get_line(St) -> Opts = St#state.opts, {value, {prompt, Prompt}} = lists:keysearch(prompt, 1, Opts), get_line(Prompt, St). get_line(Prompt, St) when St#state.input == [] -> Line = get_line1(St#state.input_fd, Prompt, []), {ok, St, Line}; get_line(_, St) -> get_input(St#state.input, St, []). get_input([eof], St, []) -> {ok, St, eof}; get_input([eof], St, Result) -> {ok, St#state{input=[eof]}, lists:reverse(Result)}; get_input([$\n|Rest], St, Result) -> {ok, St#state{input=Rest}, lists:reverse(Result)}; get_input([C|Rest], St, Result) -> get_input(Rest, St, [C|Result]). get_line1(Io, Prompt, Result) -> get_line2(Io, io:get_line(Io, Prompt), Result). get_line2(_Io, eof, []) -> eof; get_line2(_Io, eof, Result) -> lists:reverse(Result); get_line2(Io, [$\\, $\n], Result) -> get_line1(Io, '', [$\n|Result]); get_line2(_Io, [$\n], Result) -> lists:reverse(Result, [$\n]); get_line2(Io, [C|Rest], Result) -> get_line2(Io, Rest, [C|Result]). print_error(Reason, St0) -> St1 = St0#state{last_error=Reason}, io:put_chars("?\n"), case lists:member(help_always, St1#state.opts) of true -> help_command([], [], St1), St1; false -> St1 end. format_error(bad_command) -> "unknown command"; format_error(bad_filename) -> "illegal or missing filename"; format_error(bad_file) -> "cannot open input file"; format_error(bad_linenum) -> "line out of range"; format_error(bad_delimiter) -> "illegal or missing delimiter"; format_error(bad_undo) -> "nothing to undo"; format_error(bad_mark) -> "mark not lower case ascii"; format_error(bad_pattern) -> "invalid regular expression"; format_error(buffer_modified) -> "warning: expecting `w'"; format_error(nested_globals) -> "multiple globals not allowed"; format_error(nomatch) -> "search string not found"; format_error(missing_space) -> "no space after command"; format_error(garbage_after_command) -> "illegal suffix"; format_error(not_implemented) -> "not implemented yet"; format_error({'EXIT', {Code, {Mod, Func, Args}}}) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("aborted due to bug (~p)", [{Code, {Mod, Func, length(Args)}}])); format_error(A) -> atom_to_list(A). %%% Parsing commands. parse_command(Cmd, St) -> parse_command(Cmd, St, []). parse_command(Cmd, State, Nums) -> case get_one(Cmd, State) of {ok, Num, Rest, NewState} -> parse_next_address(Rest, NewState, [Num|Nums]); false -> parse_command1(Cmd, State, Nums) end. parse_next_address([$,|Rest], State, Nums) -> parse_command(Rest, State, Nums); parse_next_address([$;|Rest], State, [Num|Nums]) -> parse_command(Rest, move_to(Num, State), [Num|Nums]); parse_next_address(Rest, State, Nums) -> parse_command1(Rest, State, Nums). parse_command1([Letter|Rest], State, Nums) -> Cont = fun(Fun, NumLines, Def) -> execute_command(Fun, NumLines, Def, State, Nums, Rest) end, parse_cmd_char(Letter, Cont); parse_command1([], State, Nums) -> execute_command(fun print_command/3, 1, next, State, Nums, []). get_one(Cmd, St) -> case get_address(Cmd, St) of {ok, Addr, Cmd1, St1} -> get_one1(Cmd1, Addr, St1); false -> get_one1(Cmd, false, St) end. get_one1([D|Rest], false, St) when $0 =< D, D =< $9 -> get_one2(get_number([D|Rest]), 1, 0, St); get_one1([D|Rest], Sum, St) when $0 =< D, D =< $9 -> get_one2(get_number([D|Rest]), 1, Sum, St); get_one1([$+, D|Rest], Sum, St) when $0 =< D, D =< $9 -> get_one2(get_number([D|Rest]), 1, Sum, St); get_one1([$-, D|Rest], Sum, St) when $0 =< D, D =< $9 -> get_one2(get_number([D|Rest]), -1, Sum, St); get_one1([$+|Rest], Sum, St) -> get_one2({ok, 1, Rest}, 1, Sum, St); get_one1([$-|Rest], Sum, St) -> get_one2({ok, 1, Rest}, -1, Sum, St); get_one1(_Cmd, false, _St) -> false; get_one1(Cmd, Sum, St) -> {ok, Sum, Cmd, St}. get_one2({ok, Number, Rest}, Mul, false, St) -> get_one1(Rest, St#state.dot+Mul*Number, St); get_one2({ok, Number, Rest}, Mul, Sum, St) -> get_one1(Rest, Sum+Mul*Number, St). get_number(Cmd) -> get_number(Cmd, 0). get_number([D|Rest], Result) when $0 =< D, D =< $9 -> get_number(Rest, Result*10+D-$0); get_number(Rest, Result) -> {ok, Result, Rest}. get_address([$.|Rest], State) -> {ok, State#state.dot, Rest, State}; get_address([$$|Rest], State) -> {ok, State#state.lines, Rest, State}; get_address([$', Mark|Rest], St) when $a =< Mark, Mark =< $z -> case lists:keysearch(Mark, 2, St#state.marks) of {value, {Line, Mark}} -> {ok, Line, Rest, St}; false -> {ok, 0, Rest, St} end; get_address([$'|_Rest], _State) -> error(bad_mark); get_address([$/|Rest], State) -> scan_forward($/, Rest, State); get_address([$?|_Rest], _State) -> error(not_implemented); get_address(_Cmd, _St) -> false. scan_forward(End, Patt0, State) -> {ok, Rest, NewState} = get_pattern(End, Patt0, State), Dot = NewState#state.dot, After = NewState#state.after_dot, scan_forward1(Dot+1, After, NewState, Rest). scan_forward1(Linenum, [Line|Rest], State, RestCmd) -> case re:run(Line#line.contents, State#state.pattern, [{capture, none}]) of match -> {ok, Linenum, RestCmd, State}; nomatch -> scan_forward1(Linenum+1, Rest, State, RestCmd) end; scan_forward1(_, [], State, RestCmd) -> Dot = State#state.dot, Upto = State#state.upto_dot, case scan_forward2(Dot, Upto, State, RestCmd) of false -> error(bad_linenum); Other -> Other end. scan_forward2(0, [], _State, _RestCmd) -> false; scan_forward2(Linenum, [Line|Rest], State, RestCmd) -> case scan_forward2(Linenum-1, Rest, State, RestCmd) of false -> case re:run(Line#line.contents, State#state.pattern, [{capture, none}]) of match -> {ok, Linenum, RestCmd, State}; nomatch -> false end; Other -> Other end. parse_cmd_char($S, Cont) -> Cont(fun quest_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($T, Cont) -> Cont(fun time_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($=, Cont) -> Cont(fun print_linenum/3, 1, last); parse_cmd_char($a, Cont) -> Cont(fun append_command/3, 1, dot); parse_cmd_char($c, Cont) -> Cont(fun change_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($d, Cont) -> Cont(fun delete_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($e, Cont) -> Cont(fun enter_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($E, Cont) -> Cont(fun enter_always_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($f, Cont) -> Cont(fun file_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($g, Cont) -> Cont(fun global_command/3, 2, all); parse_cmd_char($h, Cont) -> Cont(fun help_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($H, Cont) -> Cont(fun help_always_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($i, Cont) -> Cont(fun insert_command/3, 1, dot); parse_cmd_char($k, Cont) -> Cont(fun mark_command/3, 1, dot); parse_cmd_char($l, Cont) -> Cont(fun list_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($m, Cont) -> Cont(fun move_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($n, Cont) -> Cont(fun number_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($p, Cont) -> Cont(fun print_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($P, Cont) -> Cont(fun prompt_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($q, Cont) -> Cont(fun quit_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($Q, Cont) -> Cont(fun quit_always_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($r, Cont) -> Cont(fun read_command/3, 1, last); parse_cmd_char($s, Cont) -> Cont(fun subst_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($t, Cont) -> Cont(fun transpose_command/3, 2, dot); parse_cmd_char($u, Cont) -> Cont(fun undo_command/3, 0, none); parse_cmd_char($v, Cont) -> Cont(fun vglobal_command/3, 2, all); parse_cmd_char($w, Cont) -> Cont(fun write_command/3, 2, all); parse_cmd_char(_, _Cont) -> error(bad_command). execute_command(Fun, NumLines, Def, State, Nums, Rest) -> Lines = check_lines(NumLines, Def, Nums, State), Fun(Rest, Lines, State). check_lines(0, _, [], _State) -> []; check_lines(1, dot, [], #state{dot=Dot}) -> [Dot]; check_lines(1, next, [], State) when State#state.dot < State#state.lines -> [State#state.dot+1]; check_lines(1, last, [], State) -> [State#state.lines]; check_lines(1, _, [Num|_], State) when 0 =< Num, Num =< State#state.lines -> [Num]; check_lines(2, dot, [], #state{dot=Dot}) -> [Dot, Dot]; check_lines(2, all, [], #state{lines=Lines}) -> [1, Lines]; check_lines(2, _, [Num], State) when 0 =< Num, Num =< State#state.lines -> [Num, Num]; check_lines(2, _, [Num2, Num1|_], State) when 0 =< Num1, Num1 =< Num2, Num2 =< State#state.lines -> [Num1, Num2]; check_lines(_, _, _, _) -> error(bad_linenum). %%% Executing commands. %% ($)= - print line number print_linenum(Rest, [Line], State) -> NewState = check_trailing_p(Rest, State), io:format("~w\n", [Line]), NewState. %% ? - print state (for debugging) quest_command([], [], State) -> io:format("~p\n", [State]), State. %% Tcmd - time command time_command(Cmd, [], St) -> Fun = fun parse_command/2, erlang:garbage_collect(), {Elapsed, Val} = timer:tc(erlang, apply, [Fun, [Cmd, St]]), io:format("Time used: ~p s~n", [Elapsed/1000000.0]), case Val of {error, Reason} -> throw({error, Reason}); Other -> Other end. %% (.)a - append text append_command(Rest, [Line], St0) -> St1 = save_for_undo(St0), append(move_to(Line, check_trailing_p(Rest, St1))). append(St0) -> {ok, St1, Line0} = get_line('', St0), case Line0 of eof -> St1; ".\n" -> St1; Line -> append(insert_line(Line, St1)) end. %% (.,.)c change_command(Rest, Lines, St0) -> St1 = delete_command(Rest, Lines, St0), St2 = append_command([], [St1#state.dot-1], St1), save_for_undo(St2, St0). %% (.,.)d - delete lines delete_command(_Rest, [0, _Last], _St) -> error(bad_linenum); delete_command(Rest, [First, Last], St0) -> St1 = check_trailing_p(Rest, save_for_undo(St0)), delete(Last-First+1, move_to(Last, St1)). delete(0, St) when St#state.dot == St#state.lines -> St; delete(0, St) -> next_line(St); delete(Left, St0) -> St1 = delete_current_line(St0), delete(Left-1, St1). %% e file - replace buffer with new file enter_command(_Name, [], St) when St#state.modified == true -> error(buffer_modified); enter_command(Name, [], St0) -> enter_always_command(Name, [], St0). %% E file - replace buffer with new file enter_always_command(Name, [], St0) -> St1 = read_command(Name, [0], #state{filename=St0#state.filename, opts=St0#state.opts}), St1#state{modified=false}. %% f file - print filename; set filename file_command([], [], St) -> io:format("~s~n", [St#state.filename]), St; file_command([$_|Name0], [], St) -> Name = skip_blanks(Name0), file_command([], [], St#state{filename=Name}); file_command(_, _, _) -> error(missing_space). %% (1,$)g/RE/commands - execute commands on all matching lines. %% (1,$)v/RE/commands - execute commands on all non-matching lines. global_command(Cmd, Lines, St) -> check_global0(true, Cmd, Lines, St). vglobal_command(Cmd, Lines, St) -> check_global0(false, Cmd, Lines, St). check_global0(_, _, _, St) when St#state.in_global == true -> error(nested_globals); check_global0(Sense, [Sep|Pattern], Lines, St0) -> {ok, Cmd, St1} = get_pattern(Sep, Pattern, St0), St2 = mark(Sense, Lines, St1), do_global_command(Cmd, St2#state{in_global=true}, 0). mark(Sense, [First, Last], St0) -> St1 = move_to(Last, St0), mark1(Sense, First-1, St1). mark1(_Sense, First, St) when St#state.dot == First -> St; mark1(Sense, First, St) -> [Line|Prev] = St#state.upto_dot, NewLine = case match(St) of true -> Line#line{mark=Sense}; false -> Line#line{mark=not(Sense)} end, mark1(Sense, First, prev_line(St#state{upto_dot=[NewLine|Prev]})). do_global_command(Cmd, St0, Matches) -> case find_mark(St0) of {ok, St1} -> St2 = St1#state{input=Cmd++[eof]}, {ok, St3, Cmd1} = get_line(St2), St4 = command(Cmd1, St3), %% XXX There might be several commands. do_global_command(Cmd, St4, Matches+1); false when Matches == 0 -> error(nomatch); false -> St0#state{in_global=false, input=[]} end. find_mark(State) -> find_mark(State#state.lines, State). find_mark(0, _State) -> false; find_mark(Limit, State) when State#state.dot == 0 -> find_mark(Limit, next_line(State)); find_mark(Limit, State) -> case State#state.upto_dot of [Line|Prev] when Line#line.mark == true -> NewLine = Line#line{mark=false}, {ok, State#state{upto_dot=[NewLine|Prev]}}; _Other -> find_mark(Limit-1, wrap_next_line(State)) end. %% h - print info about last error help_command([], [], St) -> case St#state.last_error of undefined -> St; Reason -> io:put_chars(format_error(Reason)), io:nl(), St end; help_command(_, _, _) -> error(garbage_after_command). %% H - toggle automatic help mode on/off help_always_command([], [], St) -> Opts = St#state.opts, case lists:member(help_always, Opts) of true -> St#state{opts=Opts--[help_always]}; false -> help_command([], [], St), St#state{opts=[help_always|Opts]} end. %% (.)i - insert text insert_command(_Rest, [0], _State) -> error(bad_linenum); insert_command(Rest, [Line], State) -> append_command(Rest, [Line-1], State). %% (.)kx - mark line mark_command(_, [0], _St) -> error(bad_linenum); mark_command([Mark|_Rest], [_Line], _St) when $a =< Mark, Mark =< $z -> error(not_implemented); mark_command(_, _, _) -> error(bad_mark). %% (.,.)l - list lines list_command(Rest, Lines, St) -> print([$l|Rest], Lines, St). %% (.,.)m - move lines move_command(_Cmd, [_First, _Last], _St) -> error(not_implemented). %% (.,.)t - copy lines transpose_command(_Cmd, [_First, _Last], _St) -> error(not_implemented). %% (.,.)n - print lines with line numbers number_command(Rest, Lines, St) -> print([$n|Rest], Lines, St). %% (.,.)p - print lines print_command(Rest, Lines, St) -> print([$p|Rest], Lines, St). %% P - toggle prompt prompt_command([], [], St) -> Opts = St#state.opts, case lists:keysearch(prompt, 1, Opts) of {value, {prompt, ''}} -> St#state{opts=[{prompt, '*'}|Opts]}; {value, Value} -> St#state{opts=[{prompt, ''} | Opts--[Value]]} end; prompt_command(_, _, _) -> error(garbage_after_command). %% q - quit editor quit_command([], [], _) -> quit; quit_command(_, _, _) -> error(garbage_after_command). %% Q - quit editor quit_always_command([], [], _) -> quit; quit_always_command(_, _, _) -> error(garbage_after_command). %% ($)r file - read file read_command([], _, St) when St#state.filename == [] -> error(bad_filename); read_command([], [After], St) -> read(After, St#state.filename, St); read_command([$ |Name0], [After], St) when St#state.filename == [] -> Name = skip_blanks(Name0), read(After, Name, St#state{filename=Name}); read_command([$ |Name0], [After], St) -> Name = skip_blanks(Name0), read(After, Name, St); read_command(_, _, _) -> error(missing_space). read(After, Name, St0) -> case file:read_file(Name) of {ok, Bin} -> Chars = size(Bin), St1 = move_to(After, St0), St2 = insert_line(binary_to_list(Bin), St1), io:format("~w~n", [Chars]), St2; {error, _} -> error(bad_file) end. %% s/pattern/replacement/gp subst_command(_, [0, _], _) -> error(bad_linenum); subst_command([$ |_Cmd0], [_First, _Last], _St0) -> error(bad_delimiter); subst_command([$\n|_Cmd0], [_First, _Last], _St0) -> error(bad_delimiter); subst_command([Sep|Cmd0], [First, Last], St0) -> St1 = save_for_undo(St0), {ok, Cmd1, St2} = get_pattern(Sep, Cmd0, St1), {ok, Replacement, Cmd2} = get_replacement(Sep, Cmd1), {ok, Opts, Cmd3} = subst_check_gflag(Cmd2), St3 = check_trailing_p(Cmd3, St2), subst_command(Last-First+1, Opts, Replacement, move_to(First-1, St3), nomatch); subst_command([], _, _) -> error(bad_delimiter). subst_command(0, _, _, _, nomatch) -> error(nomatch); subst_command(0, _, _, _, StLast) when is_record(StLast, state) -> StLast; subst_command(Left, Opts, Repl, St0, LastMatch) -> St1 = next_line(St0), [Line|_] = St1#state.upto_dot, Contents = Line#line.contents, case re:replace(Contents, St1#state.pattern, Repl, Opts) of Contents -> subst_command(Left-1, Opts, Repl, St1, LastMatch); NewContents -> %% XXX This doesn't work with marks. St2 = delete_current_line(St1), St3 = insert_line(NewContents, St2), subst_command(Left-1, Opts, Repl, St3, St3) end. subst_check_gflag([$g|Cmd]) -> {ok, [global,{return,list}], Cmd}; subst_check_gflag(Cmd) -> {ok, [{return,list}], Cmd}. %% u - undo undo_command([], [], St) when St#state.undo == undefined -> error(bad_undo); undo_command([], [], #state{undo=Undo}) -> Undo; undo_command(_, _, _) -> error(garbage_after_command). %% (1,$)w - write buffer to file write_command(_Cmd, [_First, _Last], _St) -> error(not_implemented). %%% Primitive buffer operations. print_current(St) -> [Line|_] = St#state.upto_dot, Printer = St#state.print, Printer(Line#line.contents, St). delete_current_line(St) when St#state.dot == 0 -> error(bad_linenum); delete_current_line(St) -> Lines = St#state.lines, [_|Prev] = St#state.upto_dot, St#state{dot=St#state.dot-1, upto_dot=Prev, lines=Lines-1, modified=true}. insert_line(Line, State) -> insert_line1(Line, State, []). insert_line1([$\n|Rest], State, Result) -> NewState = insert_single_line(lists:reverse(Result, [$\n]), State), insert_line1(Rest, NewState, []); insert_line1([C|Rest], State, Result) -> insert_line1(Rest, State, [C|Result]); insert_line1([], State, []) -> State; insert_line1([], State, Result) -> insert_single_line(lists:reverse(Result, [$\n]), State). insert_single_line(Line0, State) -> Line = #line{contents=Line0}, Dot = State#state.dot, Before = State#state.upto_dot, Lines = State#state.lines, %% XXX Avoid updating the record every time. State#state{dot=Dot+1, upto_dot=[Line|Before], lines=Lines+1, modified=true}. move_to(Line, State) when Line < State#state.dot -> move_to(Line, prev_line(State)); move_to(Line, State) when State#state.dot < Line -> move_to(Line, next_line(State)); move_to(Line, State) when Line == State#state.dot -> State. prev_line(State) -> Dot = State#state.dot, Before = State#state.upto_dot, After = State#state.after_dot, State#state{dot=Dot-1, upto_dot=tl(Before), after_dot=[hd(Before)|After]}. next_line(State) -> Dot = State#state.dot, Before = State#state.upto_dot, After = State#state.after_dot, State#state{dot=Dot+1, upto_dot=[hd(After)|Before], after_dot=tl(After)}. wrap_next_line(State) when State#state.dot == State#state.lines -> move_to(1, State); wrap_next_line(State) -> next_line(State). %%% Utilities. get_pattern(End, Cmd, State) -> get_pattern(End, Cmd, State, []). get_pattern(End, [End|Rest], State, []) when State#state.pattern /= undefined -> {ok, Rest, State}; get_pattern(End, [End|Rest], State, Result) -> case re:compile(lists:reverse(Result)) of {error, _} -> error(bad_pattern); {ok, Re} -> {ok, Rest, State#state{pattern=Re}} end; get_pattern(End, [C|Rest], State, Result) -> get_pattern(End, Rest, State, [C|Result]); get_pattern(End, [], State, Result) -> get_pattern(End, [End], State, Result). get_replacement(End, Cmd) -> get_replacement(End, Cmd, []). get_replacement(End, [End|Rest], Result) -> {ok, lists:reverse(Result), Rest}; get_replacement(End, [$\\, $&|Rest], Result) -> get_replacement(End, Rest, [$&, $\\|Result]); get_replacement(End, [$\\, C|Rest], Result) -> get_replacement(End, Rest, [C|Result]); get_replacement(End, [C|Rest], Result) -> get_replacement(End, Rest, [C|Result]); get_replacement(End, [], Result) -> get_replacement(End, [End], Result). check_trailing_p([$l], St) -> St#state{print=fun(Line, _) -> lister(Line, 0) end}; check_trailing_p([$n], St) -> St#state{print=fun numberer/2}; check_trailing_p([$p], St) -> St#state{print=fun(Line, _) -> io:put_chars(Line) end}; check_trailing_p([], State) -> State; check_trailing_p(_Other, _State) -> error(garbage_after_command). error(Reason) -> throw({error, Reason}). match(State) when State#state.dot == 0 -> false; match(State) -> [Line|_] = State#state.upto_dot, Re = State#state.pattern, case re:run(Line#line.contents, Re, [{capture, none}]) of match -> true; nomatch -> false end. skip_blanks([$ |Rest]) -> skip_blanks(Rest); skip_blanks(Rest) -> Rest. print(Rest, [Line], St0) when Line > 0 -> St1 = check_trailing_p(Rest, St0), print(Line, move_to(Line-1, St1)); print(Rest, [First, Last], St0) when First > 0 -> St1 = check_trailing_p(Rest, St0), print(Last, move_to(First-1, St1)). print(Last, St) when St#state.dot == Last -> St#state{print=false}; print(Last, St0) -> St1 = next_line(St0), print_current(St1), print(Last, St1). lister(Rest, 64) -> io:put_chars("\\\n"), lister(Rest, 0); lister([C|Rest], Num) -> list_char(C), lister(Rest, Num+1); lister([], _) -> ok. list_char($\t) -> io:put_chars("\\t"); list_char($\n) -> io:put_chars("$\n"); list_char(C) -> io:put_chars([C]). numberer(Line, St) -> io:format("~w\t~s", [St#state.dot, Line]). save_for_undo(St) -> St#state{undo=St#state{undo=undefined, print=false}}. save_for_undo(St, OldSt) -> St#state{undo=OldSt#state{undo=undefined, print=false}}.