%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%********************************************************************* %%% %%% Description: Code for the search window. %%% %%%********************************************************************* -module(tv_db_search). -export([create_window/1, resize_window/1, reset_window/1, destroy_window/1, mark_busy/1, mark_nonbusy/1, get_input_and_search/3, update_search/4, string_to_term/1 ]). -include("tv_int_def.hrl"). -include("tv_int_msg.hrl"). -include("tv_db_int_def.hrl"). -define(WIN_WIDTH, 445). -define(SMALL_WIN_HEIGHT, 117). -define(BIG_WIN_HEIGHT, 335). -define(FRAME_WIDTH, 429). % 334 -define(OLD_FRAME_WIDTH, 334). -define(FRAME_HEIGHT, 105). -define(FRAME_XPOS, (10-2)). -define(FRAME_YPOS, 10). -define(ENTRY_XPOS, 9). -define(ENTRY_YPOS, 31). -define(ENTRY_WIDTH, (?OLD_FRAME_WIDTH-10-2*?ENTRY_XPOS-5)). -define(LISTBOX_WIDTH, ?WIN_WIDTH-2*?FRAME_XPOS+1). -define(LISTBOX_HEIGHT, 162). -define(LISTBOX_XPOS, ?FRAME_XPOS-2). -define(LISTBOX_YPOS, ?SMALL_WIN_HEIGHT+8). -define(BTN_WIDTH, 80). -define(BTN_HEIGHT, 30). -define(BTN_XPOS, ?OLD_FRAME_WIDTH-6). -define(BG_COLOUR, {217,217,217}). create_window(true) -> gs:config(win, [raise]); create_window(false) -> gs:window(win, gs:start(), [{width,?WIN_WIDTH}, {height,?SMALL_WIN_HEIGHT}, {data,small}, {bg,?BG_COLOUR}, {title,"[TV] Search Object"}, {destroy,true}, {configure,true}, {cursor,arrow} ]), F = gs:frame(win, [{width,?FRAME_WIDTH}, {height,?FRAME_HEIGHT}, {x,?FRAME_XPOS}, {y,?FRAME_YPOS}, {bw,2}, {bg,?BG_COLOUR} ]), gs:label(F, [{width,80}, {height,25}, {x,?ENTRY_XPOS+2}, {y,8}, {align,w}, {bg,?BG_COLOUR}, {fg, {0,0,0}}, {label, {text,"Search for:"}} ]), gs:entry(entry, F, [{width,?ENTRY_WIDTH}, {height,30}, {x,?ENTRY_XPOS}, {y,?ENTRY_YPOS}, {insert, {0,"<Search expression>"}}, {bg, {255,255,255}}, {fg, {0,0,0}}, {cursor,text}, {justify,left}, {keypress,true}, {setfocus,true} ]), Group = list_to_atom("expr" ++ pid_to_list(self())), RadioWidth = round(?ENTRY_WIDTH / 2), gs:radiobutton(expr_term, F, [{width,RadioWidth - 45}, {height,25}, {x,?ENTRY_XPOS}, {y,?ENTRY_YPOS+40}, {group,Group}, {align, c}, {label,{text,"as term"}}, {select,true} ]), gs:radiobutton(expr_regexp, F, [{width,RadioWidth + 45}, {height,25}, {x,?ENTRY_XPOS+RadioWidth-20-26}, {y,?ENTRY_YPOS+40}, {group,Group}, {align,c}, {label,{text,"as regular expression"}} ]), gs:button(search, F, [{width,?BTN_WIDTH}, {height,?BTN_HEIGHT}, {x,?BTN_XPOS}, {y,11}, {label, {text,"Search"}}, {bg,?BG_COLOUR}, {fg, {0,0,0}} ]), gs:button(cancel, F, [{width,?BTN_WIDTH}, {height,?BTN_HEIGHT}, {x,?BTN_XPOS}, {y,?BTN_HEIGHT+11+10}, {label, {text,"Cancel"}}, {data,cancel}, {bg,?BG_COLOUR}, {fg, {0,0,0}} ]), expand_window(), gs:config(entry, [{select, {0,1000}}]), gs:config(win, [{map,true}]). resize_window(false) -> done; resize_window(true) -> gs:config(win, [{width,?WIN_WIDTH}, {height,?BIG_WIN_HEIGHT} ]). reset_window(false) -> done; reset_window(true) -> gs:config(listbox, [clear]), gs:config(objects_found, [{label, {text,""}}]). destroy_window(false) -> done; destroy_window(true) -> gs:destroy(win). mark_busy(false) -> done; mark_busy(true) -> gs:config(win, [{cursor,busy}]), gs:config(entry, [{cursor,busy}]). mark_nonbusy(false) -> done; mark_nonbusy(true) -> gs:config(win, [{cursor,arrow}]), gs:config(entry, [{cursor,text}]). get_input_and_search(DbList, IsRegExp, ListAsStr) -> get_input_and_search(DbList, IsRegExp, true, ListAsStr). get_input_and_search(DbList, IsRegExp, Notify, ListAsStr) -> Str = get_entry_text(), StrConvRes = case IsRegExp of true -> string_to_regexp(Str); false -> string_to_term(Str) end, case StrConvRes of {ok, TermOrRE} -> search(IsRegExp, TermOrRE, DbList, ListAsStr); {error, {_Reason, Msg}} when Notify -> gs:config(win, [beep]), tv_utils:notify(win, "TV Notification", Msg); {error, {_Reason, _Msg}} -> done end. update_search(false, _DbList, _IsRegExp, _ListAsStr) -> done; update_search(true, DbList, true, ListAsStr) -> get_input_and_search(DbList, false, false, ListAsStr); update_search(true, DbList, false, ListAsStr) -> get_input_and_search(DbList, true, false, ListAsStr). get_entry_text() -> gs:read(entry,text). string_to_regexp(Str) -> case regexp:parse(Str) of {ok, RegExp} -> {ok, RegExp}; _Error -> case get(error_msg_mode) of normal -> {error, {not_a_regexp, "Please enter a regular expression!"}}; haiku -> {error, {not_a_regexp, ["Being incorrect", "The regular expression", "Must now be retyped."]}} end end. string_to_term(Str) -> case catch erl_scan:string(Str ++ ". ") of {ok, ScannedStr, _No} -> case erl_parse:parse_term(ScannedStr) of {ok, Term} -> {ok, Term}; _Other -> %% May be a PID, have to check this, since erl_scan %% currently cannot handle this case... :-( case catch list_to_pid(Str) of Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> {ok, Pid}; _Error -> case get(error_msg_mode) of normal -> {error, {not_a_term, "Please enter a valid term!"}}; haiku -> {error, {not_a_term, ["Aborted effort.", "Reflect, repent and retype:", "Enter valid term."]}} end end end; _Error -> case get(error_msg_mode) of normal -> {error, {not_a_term, "Please enter a valid term!"}}; haiku -> {error, {not_a_term, ["Aborted effort.", "Reflect, repent and retype:", "Enter valid term."]}} end end. search(IsRegExp, SearchValue, DbList, ListAsStr) -> gs:config(cancel, [{label, {text,"Stop"}}]), mark_busy(true), reset_window(true), SearchRes = traverse(SearchValue, DbList, 1, length(DbList), [], IsRegExp, ListAsStr), gs:config(cancel, [{label, {text,"Cancel"}}]), mark_nonbusy(true), SearchRes. expand_window() -> gs:listbox(listbox, win, [{width,?LISTBOX_WIDTH}, {height,?LISTBOX_HEIGHT}, {x,?LISTBOX_XPOS}, {y,?LISTBOX_YPOS}, {bg, {255,255,255}}, {fg, {0,0,0}}, {scrollbg,?BG_COLOUR}, {scrollfg,?BG_COLOUR}, {hscroll,bottom}, {vscroll,right}, {click,true}, {doubleclick,false}, {selectmode,single} ]), gs:label(objects_found, win, [{width,?LISTBOX_WIDTH}, {height,25}, {x,?LISTBOX_XPOS}, {y,?LISTBOX_YPOS+?LISTBOX_HEIGHT+13}, {align,w}, {bg,?BG_COLOUR}, {fg, {0,0,0}} ]), gs:config(win, [{width,?WIN_WIDTH}, {height,?BIG_WIN_HEIGHT} ]). traverse(Pattern, [Object | T], Row, Length, Acc, IsRegExp, ListAsStr) -> SearchRes = case IsRegExp of true -> search_for_regexp(Pattern, Object, ListAsStr); false -> compare_terms(Pattern, Object) end, NewAcc = case SearchRes of found -> RowStr = integer_to_list(Row), LengthStr = integer_to_list(Length), ObjectStr = case ListAsStr of true -> lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:format("~p", [Object])); false -> lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:write(Object)) end, gs:config(listbox, [{add, " Row " ++ RowStr ++ ":" ++ lists:duplicate(length(LengthStr)-length(RowStr), " ") ++ " " ++ ObjectStr} ]), gs:config(objects_found, [{label, {text,integer_to_list(length(Acc)+1) ++ " object(s) found"}} ]), [{Row,Object} | Acc]; not_found -> Acc end, receive {gs,cancel,click,_Data,_Args} -> gs:config(objects_found, [{label, {text,integer_to_list(gs:read(listbox,size)) ++ " object(s) found"}} ]), lists:reverse(NewAcc) after 0 -> traverse(Pattern, T, Row+1, Length, NewAcc, IsRegExp, ListAsStr) end; traverse(_Pattern, [], _N, _Length, Acc, _IsRegExp, _ListAsStr) -> gs:config(objects_found, [{label, {text,integer_to_list(gs:read(listbox,size)) ++ " object(s) found"}} ]), lists:reverse(Acc). search_for_regexp(Pattern, Elem, ListAsStr) -> ListToSearch = case ListAsStr of true -> lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:format("~p", [Elem])); false -> lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:write(Elem)) end, case regexp:first_match(ListToSearch, Pattern) of {match, _, _} -> found; _Other -> not_found %% The code below shall be used instead if it is desired to %% compare each *element* in the tuples to the regular expression, %% i.e., treat each element as a new line/string. %% The difference is most easily explained through an example: %% If we treat each tuple as a new line/string, the regular expression %% "^{win" will match the string "{win, 1, 2, 3}", but not the string %% "{1, {win,2}}". %% If we treat each element as a new line/string, the RE "^{win" will match %% both strings above. %% SearchList = tuple_to_list(Elem), %% case lists:dropwhile( %% fun(H) -> %% nomatch == regexp:first_match(lists:flatten(io_lib:write(H)), %% Pattern) %% end, %% SearchList) of %% [] -> %% not_found; %% _AnyList -> %% found %% end end. compare_terms(Term, Elem) when not is_tuple(Elem), not is_list(Elem), Term =/= Elem -> not_found; compare_terms(Term, Term) -> %% Even the case Term = "{}" or "[]"!!! found; compare_terms(Term, Elem) when is_list(Elem) -> traverse_list(Term, Elem); compare_terms(Term, Elem) when is_tuple(Elem) -> traverse_tuple(Term, Elem, 1, size(Elem)). traverse_tuple(Pattern, Tuple, N, Stop) when N =< Stop -> Elem = element(N,Tuple), case compare_terms(Pattern, Elem) of found -> found; not_found -> traverse_tuple(Pattern, Tuple, N+1, Stop) end; traverse_tuple(_Pattern, _Tuple, N, Stop) when N > Stop -> not_found. traverse_list(Pattern, [H | T]) -> case compare_terms(Pattern, H) of found -> found; not_found -> traverse_list(Pattern, T) end; traverse_list(_Pattern, []) -> not_found.