%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% -module(tv_pg_gridfcns). -export([init_grid/8, resize_grid/3, resize_grid_column/4, update_grid_data/3, scroll_grid_horizontally/2, mark_cell_and_notify/4, remove_marks/1, mark_col/2, mark_row/2, handle_list_info/2 ]). -include("tv_pd_int_msg.hrl"). -include("tv_pg_int_def.hrl"). %%%********************************************************************* %%% EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS %%%********************************************************************* %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== init_grid(GridParentId, GridWidth, GridHeight, GridXpos, GridYpos, NofRows, RowHeight, ProcVars) -> % Get the size and ID of the grid-parent frame, i.e., the % grid-frame! Do not confuse the base-frames below with % the grid-frame! #process_variables{parent_pid = ParentPid, grid_params = GridP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{fg_color = GridFgColor, nof_cols = NofCols, col_width = DefaultColWidth, first_col_shown = FirstColShown, col_widths = ColWidths} = GridP, % Create the two frames the column frames are placed on! % These two frames defines the size of the grid. BgFrame = create_base_frame(GridParentId, GridWidth, GridHeight, GridXpos, GridYpos, GridFgColor), FgFrame = create_base_frame(BgFrame, GridWidth - 1, GridHeight - 1, 0, 0, GridFgColor), % Compute the the colwidths necessary to cover the grid. ColsShown = compute_cols_shown(FirstColShown, ColWidths, GridWidth, NofCols, DefaultColWidth), NofRowsShown = compute_rows_shown(GridHeight, RowHeight), % Tell parent about the width of columns shown! ParentPid ! #pg_col_info{sender = self(), first_col_shown = FirstColShown, width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown }, NewNofCols = erlang:max(length(ColsShown), NofCols), % The GridColWidths list shall contain the current width of each frame. NewColWidths = update_col_widths(ColsShown, ColWidths, FirstColShown, DefaultColWidth), % Create column frames, one for each column, and rows (labels) on each frame. {FrameIdList, ColLabelList} = create_col_frames(NewNofCols, NofRows, RowHeight, FgFrame, GridP, [], []), % Get lists of label-ID's for each row. (When we created the column frames, % we got the id's of labels placed on each column, i.e., vertically. % However, most often we want the id's for one row, i.e., label id's % horisontally.) RowIdList = get_row_ids(NofRows, ColLabelList, []), % Update the grid_params record with the new values! NewGridP = GridP#grid_params{bg_frame = BgFrame, fg_frame = FgFrame, grid_width = GridWidth, grid_height = GridHeight, grid_xpos = GridXpos, grid_ypos = GridYpos, nof_cols = NewNofCols, col_widths = NewColWidths, cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows = NofRows, row_height = RowHeight, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, col_frame_ids = FrameIdList, col_ids = ColLabelList, row_ids = RowIdList, row_data_list = lists:duplicate(NofRows, notext) }, ProcVars#process_variables{grid_parent_id = GridParentId, grid_params = NewGridP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== resize_grid(NewWidth, NewHeight, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{parent_pid = ParentPid, grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{bg_frame = BgFrame, fg_frame = FgFrame, nof_cols = NofCols, nof_rows = NofRows, col_width = DefaultColWidth, first_col_shown = FirstColShown, col_widths = ColWidths, row_height = RowHeight, col_frame_ids = ColFrameIds, col_ids = ColIds, row_ids = RowIds, bg_color = BgColor, fg_color = FgColor, row_data_list = RowDataList, lists_as_strings = ListAsStr} = GridP, gs:config(BgFrame, [{width, NewWidth}, {height, NewHeight} ]), gs:config(FgFrame, [{width, NewWidth - 1}, {height, NewHeight - 1} ]), ColsShown = compute_cols_shown(FirstColShown, ColWidths, NewWidth, NofCols, DefaultColWidth), NofRowsShown = compute_rows_shown(NewHeight, RowHeight), % Tell parent about the width of columns shown! ParentPid ! #pg_col_info{sender = self(), first_col_shown = FirstColShown, width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown }, NewColWidths = update_col_widths(ColsShown, ColWidths, FirstColShown, DefaultColWidth), NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), {NewNofCols, NewColFrameIds, NewColIds, NewRowIds} = check_nof_cols(ColsShown, (NofColsShown - NofCols), ColFrameIds, ColIds, RowIds, NofRows, RowHeight, FgColor, BgColor ), clear_fields(lists:nthtail(NofColsShown, NewColIds), lists:nthtail(NofRowsShown, NewRowIds)), RowsToUpdate = lists:sublist(NewRowIds, NofRowsShown), refresh_visible_rows(RowsToUpdate, FirstColShown, NofColsShown, RowDataList, ListAsStr), NewGridP = GridP#grid_params{grid_width = NewWidth, grid_height = NewHeight, nof_cols = NewNofCols, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, cols_shown = ColsShown, col_widths = NewColWidths, col_frame_ids = NewColFrameIds, col_ids = NewColIds, row_ids = NewRowIds }, refresh_marks(NewGridP, MarkP), ProcVars#process_variables{grid_params = NewGridP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== resize_grid_column(RealCol, VirtualCol, Xdiff, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{parent_pid = ParentPid, grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{grid_width = GridWidth, first_col_shown = FirstColShown, nof_cols = NofCols, col_widths = ColWidths, col_frame_ids = ColFrameIds, col_ids = ColIds, col_width = DefaultColWidth, row_ids = RowIds, max_col_width = MaxColWidth, min_col_width = MinColWidth, nof_rows = NofRows, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, row_height = RowHeight, bg_color = BgColor, fg_color = FgColor, row_data_list = RowDataList, lists_as_strings = ListAsStr} = GridP, % Get new width! Width = erlang:min(MaxColWidth, erlang:max((lists:nth(VirtualCol, ColWidths) + Xdiff), MinColWidth)), % Resize the column. NewWidthOfCol = resize_one_column(RealCol, Width, ColFrameIds, MaxColWidth, MinColWidth), % Update the ColWidths list. TempColWidths = lists:sublist(ColWidths, VirtualCol - 1) ++ [NewWidthOfCol | lists:nthtail(VirtualCol, ColWidths)], % Check the other columns, whether a new column has to be created. ColsShown = compute_cols_shown(FirstColShown, TempColWidths, GridWidth, NofCols, DefaultColWidth), % Get the final ColWidths list, after all updates! NewColWidths = update_col_widths(ColsShown, TempColWidths, FirstColShown, DefaultColWidth), % Tell parent about the width of columns shown! ParentPid ! #pg_col_info{sender = self(), first_col_shown = FirstColShown, width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown }, % Get the new number of columns (may have changed). NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), {NewNofCols, NewColFrameIds, NewColIds, NewRowIds} = check_nof_cols(ColsShown, (NofColsShown - NofCols), ColFrameIds, ColIds, RowIds, NofRows, RowHeight, FgColor, BgColor ), RowsToUpdate = lists:sublist(NewRowIds, NofRowsShown), refresh_visible_rows(RowsToUpdate, FirstColShown, NofColsShown, RowDataList, ListAsStr), NewGridP = GridP#grid_params{nof_cols = NewNofCols, cols_shown = ColsShown, col_widths = NewColWidths, col_frame_ids = NewColFrameIds, col_ids = NewColIds, row_ids = NewRowIds }, refresh_marks(NewGridP, MarkP), ProcVars#process_variables{grid_params = NewGridP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== handle_list_info(ListAsStr, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{grid_params = GridP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{first_col_shown = FirstColShown, cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, row_data_list = RowDataList, row_ids = RowIds, lists_as_strings = OldListAsStr} = GridP, case ListAsStr of OldListAsStr -> ProcVars; _NewValue -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), RowsToUpdate = lists:sublist(RowIds, NofRowsShown), refresh_visible_rows(RowsToUpdate, FirstColShown, NofColsShown, RowDataList, ListAsStr), NewGridP = GridP#grid_params{lists_as_strings = ListAsStr}, ProcVars#process_variables{grid_params = NewGridP} end. update_grid_data(Data, FirstRowShown, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{first_col_shown = FirstColShown, cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows = NofRows, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, row_ids = RowIds, lists_as_strings = ListAsStr} = GridP, NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), RowsToUpdate = lists:sublist(RowIds, NofRowsShown), NewMarkP = move_marks(FirstColShown, FirstRowShown, GridP, MarkP), update_visible_rows(RowsToUpdate, FirstColShown, NofColsShown, Data, ListAsStr), NewRowDataList = make_row_data_list(1, NofRows, Data), NewGridP = GridP#grid_params{first_row_shown = FirstRowShown, row_data_list = NewRowDataList}, ProcVars#process_variables{grid_params = NewGridP, mark_params = NewMarkP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== scroll_grid_horizontally(NewFirstColShown, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{parent_pid = ParentPid, grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{grid_width = Width, nof_cols = NofCols, nof_rows = NofRows, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, first_row_shown = FirstRowShown, col_width = DefaultColWidth, max_col_width = MaxColWidth, min_col_width = MinColWidth, col_widths = ColWidths, row_height = RowHeight, col_frame_ids = ColFrameIds, col_ids = ColIds, row_ids = RowIds, bg_color = BgColor, fg_color = FgColor, row_data_list = RowDataList, lists_as_strings = ListAsStr} = GridP, % Probably it is unnecessary to check whether any new columns shall be % created or not, but what the heck, we don't want to crash... ColsShown = compute_cols_shown(NewFirstColShown, ColWidths, Width, NofCols, DefaultColWidth), NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), ParentPid ! #pg_col_info{sender = self(), first_col_shown = NewFirstColShown, width_of_cols_shown = ColsShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown }, NewMarkP = move_marks(NewFirstColShown, FirstRowShown, GridP, MarkP), NewColWidths = update_col_widths(ColsShown, ColWidths, NewFirstColShown, DefaultColWidth), {NewNofCols, NewColFrameIds, NewColIds, NewRowIds} = check_nof_cols(ColsShown, (NofColsShown - NofCols), ColFrameIds, ColIds, RowIds, NofRows, RowHeight, FgColor, BgColor ), RowsToUpdate = lists:sublist(NewRowIds, NofRowsShown), resize_all_grid_columns(1, ColsShown, NewColFrameIds, MaxColWidth, MinColWidth), refresh_visible_rows(RowsToUpdate, NewFirstColShown, NofColsShown, RowDataList, ListAsStr), % Clear fields currently not visible. clear_fields(lists:nthtail(NofColsShown, NewColIds), lists:nthtail(NofRowsShown, NewRowIds)), NewGridP = GridP#grid_params{nof_cols = NewNofCols, cols_shown = ColsShown, col_widths = NewColWidths, col_frame_ids = NewColFrameIds, col_ids = NewColIds, row_ids = NewRowIds, first_col_shown = NewFirstColShown }, ProcVars#process_variables{grid_params = NewGridP, mark_params = NewMarkP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== mark_row(VirtualRow, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{first_row_shown = FirstRowShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, row_ids = RowIds} = GridP, mark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRowShown, FirstRowShown + NofRowsShown - 1, RowIds, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR), NewMarkP = MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = undefined, virtual_col = undefined, virtual_row = VirtualRow }, ProcVars#process_variables{mark_params = NewMarkP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== mark_col(VirtualCol, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{first_col_shown = FirstColShown, cols_shown = ColsShown, col_ids = ColIds} = GridP, NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), mark_col(VirtualCol, FirstColShown, FirstColShown + NofColsShown - 1, ColIds, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR), NewMarkP = MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = undefined, virtual_col = VirtualCol, virtual_row = undefined }, ProcVars#process_variables{mark_params = NewMarkP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== mark_cell_and_notify(CellId, RealCol, RealRow, ProcVars) -> #process_variables{parent_pid = ParentPid, grid_params = GridP, mark_params = MarkP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{first_col_shown = FirstColShown, first_row_shown = FirstRowShown} = GridP, OldCellId = MarkP#mark_params.cell_id, VirtualCol = FirstColShown + RealCol - 1, VirtualRow = FirstRowShown + RealRow - 1, %% Right now, when the table tool only is passive, i.e., we cannot edit %% the table content, we don't want to be able to mark empty cells. {text, CellText} = gs:read(CellId, label), CellMarked = case CellText of "" -> false; _AnyText when CellId=:=OldCellId -> false; _AnyText -> true end, remove_marks(ProcVars), update_marked_cells(CellId, OldCellId, CellMarked), notify_about_cell_marked(ParentPid, CellMarked, RealCol, RealRow, VirtualCol, VirtualRow, CellText), NewMarkP = case CellMarked of true -> MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = CellId, virtual_col = VirtualCol, virtual_row = VirtualRow }; false -> MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = undefined, virtual_col = 0, virtual_row = undefined } end, ProcVars#process_variables{mark_params = NewMarkP}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== remove_marks(ProcVars) -> #process_variables{mark_params = MarkP, grid_params = GridP} = ProcVars, #grid_params{first_col_shown = FirstColShown, cols_shown = ColsShown, col_ids = ColIds, first_row_shown = FirstRowShown, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, row_ids = RowIds} = GridP, #mark_params{cell_id = CellId, virtual_col = VirtualCol, virtual_row = VirtualRow} = MarkP, case {VirtualCol, VirtualRow} of {undefined, undefined} -> update_marked_cells(CellId, CellId, false); {_AnyCol, undefined} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), unmark_col(VirtualCol, FirstColShown, FirstColShown + NofColsShown - 1, ColIds); {undefined, _AnyRow} -> unmark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRowShown, FirstRowShown + NofRowsShown - 1, RowIds); _Other -> update_marked_cells(CellId, CellId, false) end, NewMarkP = MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = undefined, virtual_col = 0, virtual_row = undefined }, ProcVars#process_variables{mark_params = NewMarkP}. %%%********************************************************************* %%% INTERNAL FUNCTIONS %%%********************************************************************* %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== move_marks(FirstCol, FirstRow, GridP, MarkP) -> #grid_params{first_col_shown = OldFirstCol, cols_shown = ColsShown, first_row_shown = OldFirstRow, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, col_ids = ColIds, row_ids = RowIds} = GridP, #mark_params{virtual_col = VirtualCol, virtual_row = VirtualRow} = MarkP, case {VirtualCol, VirtualRow} of {undefined, undefined} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), move_marked_cell(FirstCol, FirstRow, NofColsShown, NofRowsShown, RowIds, MarkP); {_AnyCol, undefined} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), OldLastCol = OldFirstCol + NofColsShown - 1, LastCol = FirstCol + NofColsShown - 1, move_marked_col(VirtualCol, OldFirstCol, OldLastCol, FirstCol, LastCol, ColIds, MarkP); {undefined, _AnyRow} -> OldLastRow = OldFirstRow + NofRowsShown - 1, LastRow = FirstRow + NofRowsShown - 1, move_marked_row(VirtualRow, OldFirstRow, OldLastRow, FirstRow, LastRow, RowIds, MarkP); {_CellCol, _CellRow} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), move_marked_cell(FirstCol, FirstRow, NofColsShown, NofRowsShown, RowIds, MarkP) end. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== refresh_marks(GridP, MarkP) -> #grid_params{first_col_shown = FirstCol, cols_shown = ColsShown, first_row_shown = FirstRow, nof_rows_shown = NofRowsShown, col_ids = ColIds, row_ids = RowIds} = GridP, #mark_params{virtual_col = VirtualCol, virtual_row = VirtualRow} = MarkP, case {VirtualCol, VirtualRow} of {undefined, undefined} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), move_marked_cell(FirstCol, FirstRow, NofColsShown, NofRowsShown, RowIds, MarkP); {_AnyCol, undefined} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), LastCol = FirstCol + NofColsShown - 1, mark_col(VirtualCol, FirstCol, LastCol, ColIds, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR); {undefined, _AnyRow} -> LastRow = FirstRow + NofRowsShown - 1, mark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRow, LastRow, RowIds, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR); {_CellCol, _CellRow} -> NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), move_marked_cell(FirstCol, FirstRow, NofColsShown, NofRowsShown, RowIds, MarkP) end. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== move_marked_col(VirtualCol, OldFirstCol, OldLastCol, FirstCol, LastCol, ColIds, MarkP) -> unmark_col(VirtualCol, OldFirstCol, OldLastCol, ColIds), mark_col(VirtualCol, FirstCol, LastCol, ColIds, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR), MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = undefined}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== mark_col(VirtualCol, FirstCol, _LastCol, _ColIds, _Color) when VirtualCol < FirstCol -> done; mark_col(VirtualCol, _FirstCol, LastCol, _ColIds, _Color) when VirtualCol > LastCol -> done; mark_col(VirtualCol, FirstCol, _LastCol, ColIds, Color) -> RealCol = VirtualCol - FirstCol + 1, MarkedColIds = lists:nth(RealCol, ColIds), mark_all_cells(MarkedColIds, Color). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== unmark_col(VirtualCol, FirstCol, LastCol, ColIds) -> mark_col(VirtualCol, FirstCol, LastCol, ColIds, ?DEFAULT_GRID_BGCOLOR). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== mark_all_cells([], _Color) -> done; mark_all_cells([CellId | T], Color) -> gs:config(CellId, [{bg, Color}]), mark_all_cells(T, Color). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== mark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRow, _LastRow, _RowIds, _Color) when VirtualRow < FirstRow -> done; mark_row(VirtualRow, _FirstRow, LastRow, _RowIds, _Color) when VirtualRow > LastRow -> done; mark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRow, _LastRow, RowIds, Color) -> RealRow = VirtualRow - FirstRow + 1, MarkedRowIds = lists:nth(RealRow, RowIds), mark_all_cells(MarkedRowIds, Color). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== unmark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRow, LastRow, RowIds) -> mark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRow, LastRow, RowIds, ?DEFAULT_GRID_BGCOLOR). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== move_marked_row(VirtualRow, OldFirstRow, OldLastRow, FirstRow, LastRow, RowIds, MarkP) -> unmark_row(VirtualRow, OldFirstRow, OldLastRow, RowIds), mark_row(VirtualRow, FirstRow, LastRow, RowIds, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR), MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = undefined}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== move_marked_cell(FirstColShown, FirstRowShown, NofColsShown, NofRowsShown, RowIds, MarkP) -> #mark_params{cell_id = OldCellId, virtual_col = VirtualCol, virtual_row = VirtualRow} = MarkP, case OldCellId of undefined -> MarkP; _OtherId -> NewRealCol = VirtualCol - FirstColShown + 1, NewRealRow = VirtualRow - FirstRowShown + 1, update_marked_cells(undefined, OldCellId, false), case check_if_new_mark_visible(NewRealCol, NewRealRow, NofColsShown, NofRowsShown) of false -> MarkP; true -> NewCellId = lists:nth(NewRealCol, lists:nth(NewRealRow, RowIds)), update_marked_cells(NewCellId, undefined, true), MarkP#mark_params{cell_id = NewCellId} end end. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== check_if_new_mark_visible(Col, _Row, NofCols, _NofRows) when Col > NofCols -> false; check_if_new_mark_visible(Col, _Row, _NofCols, _NofRows) when Col =< 0 -> false; check_if_new_mark_visible(_Col, Row, _NofCols, NofRows) when Row > NofRows -> false; check_if_new_mark_visible(_Col, Row, _NofCols, _NofRows) when Row =< 0 -> false; check_if_new_mark_visible(_Col, _Row, _NofCols, _NofRows) -> true. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== update_marked_cells(CellId, OldCellId, _MarkedCell) when CellId =:= OldCellId -> gs:config(CellId, [{bg, ?DEFAULT_GRID_BGCOLOR}]); update_marked_cells(_CellId, undefined, false) -> done; update_marked_cells(CellId, undefined, true) -> gs:config(CellId, [{bg, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR}]); update_marked_cells(CellId, OldCellId, true) -> gs:config(OldCellId, [{bg, ?DEFAULT_GRID_BGCOLOR}]), gs:config(CellId, [{bg, ?GRID_MARK_COLOR}]); update_marked_cells(_CellId, OldCellId, false) -> gs:config(OldCellId, [{bg, ?DEFAULT_GRID_BGCOLOR}]). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== notify_about_cell_marked(Pid, Marked, RealCol, RealRow, VirtCol, VirtRow, Text) -> Pid ! #pg_cell_marked{sender = self(), cell_marked = Marked, real_col = RealCol, real_row = RealRow, virtual_col = VirtCol, virtual_row = VirtRow, cell_text = Text }. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% START of functions used to print data in the grid fields. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== refresh_visible_rows([], _FirstColShown, _NofColsShown, _DataList, _ListAsStr) -> done; refresh_visible_rows(RowIds, _FirstColShown, _NofColsShown, [], _ListAsStr) -> clear_cols_or_rows(RowIds); refresh_visible_rows([OneRowIds | RemRowIds], FirstColShown, NofColsShown, [DataItemList | RemDataItemLists], ListAsStr) -> NewDataItemList = get_data_sublist(DataItemList, FirstColShown, NofColsShown), update_one_row(lists:sublist(OneRowIds, NofColsShown), NewDataItemList, ListAsStr), refresh_visible_rows(RemRowIds, FirstColShown, NofColsShown, RemDataItemLists, ListAsStr). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== update_visible_rows([], _FirstColShown, _NofColsShown, _DataList, _ListAsStr) -> done; update_visible_rows(RowIds, _FirstColShown, _NofColsShown, [], _ListAsStr) -> clear_cols_or_rows(RowIds); update_visible_rows([OneRowIds | RemRowIds], FirstColShown, NofColsShown, [DataItem | RemData], ListAsStr) -> % We convert the received item to a list! This way we know that % '[notext]' shall be printed as 'notext', while 'notext' shall % be printed as ''. TempDataItemList = item_to_list(DataItem), DataItemList = get_data_sublist(TempDataItemList, FirstColShown, NofColsShown), update_one_row(lists:sublist(OneRowIds, NofColsShown), DataItemList, ListAsStr), update_visible_rows(RemRowIds, FirstColShown, NofColsShown, RemData, ListAsStr). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== update_one_row(OneRowIds, [], _ListAsStr) -> clear_one_col_or_row(OneRowIds); update_one_row([], _DataItemList, _ListAsStr) -> done; update_one_row([LabelId | RemLabelIds], [notext | T], ListAsStr) -> gs:config(LabelId, [{label, {text, ""}} ]), update_one_row(RemLabelIds, T, ListAsStr); update_one_row([LabelId | RemLabelIds], [DataElem | T], ListAsStr) -> Str = case ListAsStr of true -> tv_io_lib:format(" ~p", [DataElem]); false -> " " ++ lists:flatten(tv_io_lib:write(DataElem)) end, gs:config(LabelId, [{label, {text, Str}} ]), update_one_row(RemLabelIds, T, ListAsStr). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== make_row_data_list(N, NofRows, []) when N > NofRows -> []; make_row_data_list(N, NofRows, []) -> % If NofRows == N, we get the empty list here! lists:duplicate(NofRows- N, notext); make_row_data_list(N, NofRows, [_DataItem | _RemData]) when N > NofRows -> []; make_row_data_list(N, NofRows, [DataItem | RemData]) -> % We convert the received item to a list! This way we know that % '[notext]' shall be printed as 'notext', while 'notext' shall % be printed as ''. [item_to_list(DataItem) | make_row_data_list(N + 1, NofRows, RemData)]. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== item_to_list(Item) when is_tuple(Item) -> tuple_to_list(Item); item_to_list(Item) -> [Item]. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== get_data_sublist(DataList, StartPos, Length) -> case catch lists:sublist(DataList, StartPos, Length) of {'EXIT', _Reason} -> []; Sublist -> Sublist end. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% END of functions used to print data in the grid fields. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% START of functions used to resize the grid columns. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== resize_all_grid_columns(_RealCol, [], _ColFrameIds, _MaxColWidth, _MinColWidth) -> done; resize_all_grid_columns(RealCol, [ColWidth | Tail], ColFrameIds, MaxColWidth, MinColWidth) -> resize_one_column(RealCol, ColWidth, ColFrameIds, MaxColWidth, MinColWidth), resize_all_grid_columns(RealCol + 1, Tail, ColFrameIds, MaxColWidth, MinColWidth). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== resize_one_column(RealCol, Width, ColFrameIds, MaxW, MinW) -> NewWidthOfCol = erlang:min(MaxW, erlang:max(Width, MinW)), case length(ColFrameIds) of RealCol -> done; _Other -> FrameId = lists:nth(RealCol + 1, ColFrameIds), gs:config(FrameId, [{x, NewWidthOfCol + 1}]) end, NewWidthOfCol. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% END of functions used to resize the grid columns. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% START of functions used to update the grid. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== clear_fields(ColIds, RowIds) -> clear_cols_or_rows(ColIds), clear_cols_or_rows(RowIds). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== clear_cols_or_rows([]) -> done; clear_cols_or_rows([IdList | RemIdLists]) -> clear_one_col_or_row(IdList), clear_cols_or_rows(RemIdLists). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== clear_one_col_or_row([]) -> done; clear_one_col_or_row([LabelId | RemLabelIds]) -> gs:config(LabelId, [{label, {text, ""}} ]), clear_one_col_or_row(RemLabelIds). %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% END of functions used to update the grid. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% START of functions used to compute the part of the grid that has to %%% be updated, as well as deciding whether a new column has to be added. %%% Old columns (i.e., columns not visible) are not removed, but they %%% shall not be updated until they once again becomes visible. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== check_nof_cols(_ColsShown, NofNewCols, ColFrameIds, ColIds, RowIds, _NofRows, _RowHeight, _FgColor, _BgColor) when NofNewCols =< 0 -> {length(ColFrameIds), ColFrameIds, ColIds, RowIds}; check_nof_cols(ColsShown, NofNewCols, ColFrameIds, ColIds, RowIds, NofRows, RowHeight, FgColor, BgColor) -> NewColNo = length(ColFrameIds) + 1, % We don't care about the pathological case where no columns have been % created. If the gridwidth, or the columnwidth, was set to =< 0 during % initialisation, then no columns will have been created. The program % will probably also have crashed. If any smart jackass has set invalid % values on these important parameters, then he can only blame himself. ParentId = lists:nth((NewColNo - 1), ColFrameIds), ParentColWidth = lists:nth((NewColNo - 1), ColsShown), Xpos = ParentColWidth + 1, {ColFrameId, LabelIds} = add_one_col_frame(ParentId, NewColNo, Xpos, FgColor, BgColor, NofRows, RowHeight), NewColFrameIds = ColFrameIds ++ [ColFrameId], NewColIds = ColIds ++ [LabelIds], NewRowIds = update_row_ids(RowIds, LabelIds), check_nof_cols(ColsShown, NofNewCols - 1, NewColFrameIds, NewColIds, NewRowIds, NofRows, RowHeight, FgColor, BgColor). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== update_row_ids([], _LabelIds) -> []; update_row_ids([OneRowIds | RemainingRows], [NewElemId | RemainingElemIds]) -> [OneRowIds ++ [NewElemId] | update_row_ids(RemainingRows, RemainingElemIds)]. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== update_col_widths(ColsShown, ColWidths, FirstColShown, DefaultColWidth) -> % What we do here is that we first (if necessary) add default % column widths to the ColWidth list until it reaches to where % ColsShown starts (vitually seen). % In the second step we take the appropriate elements from the % ColsShown list and add them to the ColWidths list, until it is % of sufficient length. % Of course this may seem unnecessary - it would suffice to just % add default widths to the ColWidths list until it is long enough, % since the compute_cols_shown function right now just adds default % width columns to the ColsShown list, when the ColWidths list is empty. % However, this could change (maybe we some other time want the last % column to carry all remaining width, instead of adding new columns). % Besides, we don't like hidden dependencies between functions!!! NofColsShown = length(ColsShown), NewColWidths = set_necessary_col_widths_length(FirstColShown, ColWidths, DefaultColWidth), % Now NofVirtualCols will always be equal to, or greater % than, FirstColShown - 1. NofVirtualCols = length(NewColWidths), NecessaryNofVirtualCols = FirstColShown + (NofColsShown - 1), if NecessaryNofVirtualCols > NofVirtualCols -> TailNo = NofVirtualCols - FirstColShown + 1, % Always >= 0 !!! NewColWidths ++ lists:nthtail(TailNo, ColsShown); true -> NewColWidths end. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== set_necessary_col_widths_length(FirstColShown, ColWidths, DefaultColWidth) -> % First check that (length(ColWidths) - FirstColShown) >= -1. % If not, add elements so the relation holds true! MissingDefaultWidthElems = FirstColShown - length(ColWidths), if MissingDefaultWidthElems > 1 -> ColWidths ++ lists:duplicate(MissingDefaultWidthElems - 1, DefaultColWidth); true -> ColWidths end. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== compute_rows_shown(GridHeight, RowHeight) -> (GridHeight div RowHeight) + 1. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== compute_cols_shown(FirstColShown, ColWidths, GridWidth, _NofCols, DefaultColWidth) -> ColWidthsLength = length(ColWidths), % Normally ColWidths shall be long enough, but just to make sure... % (We could have chosen to update ColWidths here to, but right now % we do it instead explicitly when resizeing the grid, changing the % column size(s), and scrolling horizontally.) UsedColWidths = if ColWidthsLength < FirstColShown -> []; true -> lists:nthtail(FirstColShown - 1, ColWidths) end, compute_cols_shown(UsedColWidths, GridWidth, DefaultColWidth). compute_cols_shown(_ColWidths, RemainingWidth, _DefColW) when RemainingWidth =< 0 -> []; compute_cols_shown([], RemainingWidth, DefaultColWidth) -> [DefaultColWidth | compute_cols_shown([], RemainingWidth - DefaultColWidth, DefaultColWidth)]; compute_cols_shown([VirtualColWidth | T], RemainingWidth, DefaultColWidth) -> [VirtualColWidth | compute_cols_shown(T, RemainingWidth - VirtualColWidth, DefaultColWidth)]. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% END of functions used to compute the part of the grid that has to %%% be updated, as well as deciding whether a new column has to be added. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% START of functions used to create the grid (baseframes, columns %%% and rows), as well as sorting the ID's appropriately. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== create_base_frame(ParentId, Width, Height, Xpos, Ypos, BgColor) -> gs:frame(ParentId, [{width, Width}, {height, Height}, {x, Xpos}, {y, Ypos}, {bg, BgColor} ]). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== create_col_frames(0, _NofRows, _RowHeight, _ParentId, _GridP, ColFrameAcc, LabelAcc) -> {lists:reverse(ColFrameAcc), lists:reverse(LabelAcc)}; create_col_frames(N, NofRows, RowHeight, ParentId, GridP, ColFrameAcc, LabelAcc) -> % Yes, it *IS* inefficient to copy GridP for each loop. % However, it is only done once, and for a limited number of times, % and we avoid having a lot of parameters! #grid_params{bg_color = BgColor, fg_color = FgColor, nof_cols = NofCols, col_width = ColWidth} = GridP, Xpos = if N =:= NofCols -> 0; true -> ColWidth + 1 end, ColNo = NofCols - N + 1, {ColFrameId, LabelIds} = add_one_col_frame(ParentId, ColNo, Xpos, FgColor, BgColor, NofRows, RowHeight), create_col_frames(N - 1, NofRows, RowHeight, ColFrameId, GridP, [ColFrameId | ColFrameAcc], [LabelIds | LabelAcc]). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== add_one_col_frame(ParentId, ColNo, Xpos, FgColor, BgColor, NofRows, RowHeight) -> ColFrameId = create_one_col_frame(ParentId, Xpos, FgColor), FirstRowYpos = 1, FirstRowNo = 1, LabelIds = create_rows_on_frame(ColFrameId, FirstRowNo, NofRows, RowHeight, FirstRowYpos, FgColor, BgColor, ColNo, []), {ColFrameId, LabelIds}. %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== create_one_col_frame(ParentId, Xpos, BgColor) -> ColFrameWidth = 1200, ColFrameHeight = 900, Ypos = 0, gs:frame(ParentId, [{width, ColFrameWidth}, {height, ColFrameHeight}, {x, Xpos}, {y, Ypos}, {bg, BgColor} ]). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== create_rows_on_frame(_FrameId, RowNo, NofRows, _H, _Y, _Fg, _Bg, _ColNo, Acc) when RowNo > NofRows -> lists:reverse(Acc); create_rows_on_frame(FrameId, RowNo, NofRows, H, Y, Fg, Bg, ColNo, RAcc) -> Width = 1200, R = gs:label(FrameId, [{width, Width}, {height, H}, {x, 1}, {y, Y}, {bg, Bg}, {fg, Fg}, {align, w}, {buttonpress, true}, {data, {gridcell, ColNo, RowNo, FrameId}} ]), NextRowNo = RowNo + 1, NextY = Y + H +1, create_rows_on_frame(FrameId, NextRowNo, NofRows, H, NextY, Fg, Bg, ColNo, [R | RAcc]). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== get_row_ids(0, _Cols, RowAcc) -> RowAcc; get_row_ids(RowNo, Cols, RowAcc) -> Row = extract_ids_for_one_row(RowNo, Cols), get_row_ids(RowNo - 1, Cols, [Row | RowAcc]). %%====================================================================== %% Function: %% %% Return Value: %% %% Description: %% %% Parameters: %%====================================================================== extract_ids_for_one_row(_N, []) -> []; extract_ids_for_one_row(N, [ColIds | Tail]) -> [lists:nth(N, ColIds) | extract_ids_for_one_row(N, Tail)]. %%%--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% END of functions used to create the grid. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------