REQUIREMENTS: At least Erlang-R13B with smp enabled. It Requires unicode support. Linux, Mac, Solaris-10 or Windows. On linux you will need wxWidgets-2.8 compiled with everything enabled, including unicode and opengl support. And I have given up on Solaris-8|9, wxWidgets on my old gtk version doesn't run well, 7 of 10 wxWidgets examples seg fault. Some early tests show that Solaris 10 works, though. INSTALLING: The prebuilt (windows and mac) version can be installed by invoking: or /PATH/TO/ERL/bin/escript BUILDING: You will need wxWidgets-2.8.* On mac I built wxwidgets with: mkdir MYBUILD; cd MYBUILD ../configure --with-opengl --enable-unicode --enable-graphics_ctx \ --enable-gnomeprint \ On unix only --disable-shared make && make install cd contrib/src/stc/ make && make install On linux I have used the wxwidgets-libraries that came with the distribution. It requires wxStyledTextControl which was prebuilt on my linux, otherwise you have to build wxWidgets by your self as on the mac above. On windows I used MinGW and Msys, I build wxwidgets with: mkdir MYBUILD; cd MYBUILD ../configure --prefix=/c/local/ --with-opengl --enable-graphics_ctx \ --enable-unicode --disable-shared --with-msw make && make install cd contrib/src/stc/ make && make install You should also build wxerlang with msys and mingw since I havn't tested on cygwin at all. You need to use werl on windows, erl (non-gui) hangs wxwidgets startup. make should work if erl, gcc and g++ and wx-config is found in path. HELPING: See TODO list. Use it, i.e. write code which tests the library, submit tests. See api_gen/Readme for improving the code generation. My C++ knowledge isn't the best, send patches and explain why so I can learn something. STATUS: Testing I havn't done more testing than the code in test directory. So please help by testing and writing test suites. Most classes needs some argument tweaking (in wxapi.conf) to work as expected, but I havn't read all the documentation and gone through every argument on every function. See (and run) the demo in the examples directory. This library is (currently) a driver, so if the you (or I) make errors, such as accessing deleted objects or other things wxWidgets didn't expect you to do, erlang will crash hard. Cheers Dan Gudmundsson