%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% <<EXPORT:wxPrintout new/2,new/3 wxPrintout:EXPORT>> <<wxPrintout %% @spec (Title::string(), OnPrintPage::function()) -> wxPrintout:wxPrintout() %% @doc @equiv new(Title, OnPrintPage, []) new(Title, OnPrintPage) -> new(Title, OnPrintPage, []). %% @spec (Title::string(), OnPrintPage::function(), [Option]) -> wxPrintout:wxPrintout() %% Option = {onPreparePrinting, OnPreparePrinting::function()} | %% {onBeginPrinting, OnBeginPrinting::function()} | %% {onEndPrinting, OnEndPrinting::function()} | %% {onBeginDocument, OnBeginDocument::function()} | %% {onEndDocument, OnEndDocument::function()} | %% {hasPage, HasPage::function()} | %% {getPageInfo, GetPageInfo::function()} %% @doc Creates a wxPrintout object with a callback fun and optionally other callback funs.<br /> %% <pre>OnPrintPage(This,Page) -> boolean() </pre> %% <pre>OnPreparePrinting(This) -> term() </pre> %% <pre>OnBeginPrinting(This) -> term() </pre> %% <pre>OnEndPrinting(This) -> term() </pre> %% <pre>OnBeginDocument(This,StartPage,EndPage) -> boolean() </pre> %% <pre>OnEndDocument(This) -> term() </pre> %% <pre>HasPage(This,Page)} -> boolean() </pre> %% <pre>GetPageInfo(This) -> {MinPage::integer(), MaxPage::integer(), %% PageFrom::integer(), PageTo::integer()} </pre> %% The <b>This</b> argument is the wxPrintout object reference to this object %% <br /> NOTE: The callbacks may not call other processes. new(Title, OnPrintPage, Opts) when is_list(Title), is_function(OnPrintPage), is_list(Opts) -> OnPrint = fun([This,Page]) -> Bool = OnPrintPage(This,Page), <<(wxe_util:from_bool(Bool)):32/?UI>> end, OnPrintPageId = wxe_util:get_cbId(OnPrint), MOpts = fun({onPreparePrinting, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This]) -> F(This), <<>> end, [<<1:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc]; ({onBeginPrinting, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This]) -> F(This), <<>> end, [<<2:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc]; ({onEndPrinting, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This]) -> F(This), <<>> end, [<<3:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc]; ({onBeginDocument, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This,S,E]) -> BegD = F(This,S,E), <<(wxe_util:from_bool(BegD)):32/?UI>> end, [<<4:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc]; ({onEndDocument, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This]) -> F(This), <<>> end, [<<5:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc]; ({hasPage, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This,Page]) -> HasP = F(This,Page), <<(wxe_util:from_bool(HasP)):32/?UI>> end, [<<6:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc]; ({getPageInfo, F},Acc) when is_function(F) -> Fun = fun([This]) -> {Min,Max,PF,PT} = F(This), <<Min:32/?UI,Max:32/?UI,PF:32/?UI,PT:32/?UI>> end, [<<7:32/?UI,(wxe_util:get_cbId(Fun)):32/?UI>>|Acc] end, BinOpt = list_to_binary(lists:foldl(MOpts, [<<0:32>>], Opts)), Title_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary([Title,0]), wxe_util:call(~s, << (byte_size(Title_UC)):32/?UI,Title_UC/binary, 0:(((8- ((4+byte_size(Title_UC)) band 16#7)) band 16#7))/unit:8, OnPrintPageId:32/?UI, BinOpt/binary>>). wxPrintout>>