%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2018. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : wx_gen_erl.erl %%% Author : Dan Gudmundsson %%% Description : %%% %%% Created : 25 Jan 2007 by Dan Gudmundsson %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(wx_gen_erl). -include("wx_gen.hrl"). %%-compile(export_all). -export([gen/1]). -export([parents/1, get_unique_names/0, get_unique_name/1, event_type_name/1, event_rec_name/1, filter_attrs/1]). -import(lists, [foldl/3,reverse/1, filter/2]). -import(gen_util, [lowercase/1, lowercase_all/1, uppercase/1, open_write/1, close/0, erl_copyright/0, w/2, args/3, args/4]). gen(Defs) -> [put({class,N},C) || C=#class{name=N} <- Defs], gen_unique_names(Defs), gen_event_recs(), gen_enums_ints(), Static = gen_static([C || C=#class{parent="static"} <- Defs]), Replace = fun(C=#class{name=Name}, Dfs) -> lists:keyreplace(Name, #class.name, Dfs, C) end, [gen_class(Class) || Class <- lists:foldl(Replace, Defs, Static)], gen_funcnames(). gen_class(Class) -> try gen_class1(Class) catch throw:skipped -> Class end. gen_static(Files) -> open_write("../src/gen/wx_misc.erl"), erl_copyright(), w("", []), w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []), w("%% @doc See external documentation: " "Misc.\n\n",[]), w("%% This module contains wxWidgets utility functions.~n~n", []), w("-module(wx_misc).~n", []), w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n",[]), %% w("-compile(export_all).~n~n", []), %% XXXX remove ??? [gen_static_exports(C) || C <- Files], Classes = [gen_static_methods(C) || C <- Files], close(), Classes. gen_static_exports(C=#class{parent="static",methods=Ms}) -> Exp = fun(M) -> gen_export(C,M) end, ExportList = lists:usort(lists:append(lists:map(Exp,reverse(Ms)))), w("-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun({EF,_}) -> EF end, ",", ExportList, 60)]), ok. gen_static_methods(C=#class{name=Name, parent="static",methods=Ms}) -> put(current_class, Name), Gen = fun(M) -> gen_method(Name,M) end, NewMs = lists:map(Gen,reverse(Ms)), erase(current_class), C#class{methods=NewMs}. gen_class1(C=#class{parent="static"}) -> C; gen_class1(C=#class{name=Name,parent=Parent,methods=Ms,options=Opts}) -> case Opts of ["ignore"] -> throw(skipped); _ -> ok end, open_write("../src/gen/"++Name++".erl"), put(current_class, Name), erl_copyright(), w("", []), w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []), case lists:member(taylormade, Opts) of true -> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join([wx_extra, Name++".erl"])), w("~s~n", [binary_to_list(Bin)]), NewMs = Ms; false -> w("%% @doc See external documentation: " "~s.\n", [lowercase_all(Name), Name]), case C#class.doc of undefined -> ignore; Str -> w("%%~n%% ~s~n~n%%~n", [Str]) end, case C#class.event of false -> ignore; Evs -> EvTypes = [event_type_name(Ev) || Ev <- Evs], EvStr = args(fun(Ev) -> ""++Ev++"" end, ", ", EvTypes), w("%%
Use {@link wxEvtHandler:connect/3.} with EventType:
~n",[]), w("%%
~n", [EvStr]), w("%% See also the message variant {@link wxEvtHandler:~s(). #~s{}} event record type.~n", [event_rec_name(Name),event_rec_name(Name)]), w("%%~n",[]), ok end, Parents = parents(Parent), case [P || P <- Parents, P =/= root, P =/= object] of [] -> ignore; Ps -> w("%%

This class is derived (and can use functions) from:~n", []), [w("%%
{@link ~s}~n", [P]) || P <- Ps], w("%%

~n",[]) end, w("%% @type ~s(). An object reference, The representation is internal~n",[Name]), w("%% and can be changed without notice. It can't be used for comparsion~n", []), w("%% stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes.~n~n", []), w("-module(~s).~n", [Name]), w("-include(\"wxe.hrl\").~n",[]), Exp = fun(M) -> gen_export(C,M) end, ExportList = lists:usort(lists:append(lists:map(Exp,reverse(Ms)))), w("-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun({EF,_}) -> EF end, ",", ExportList, 60)]), w("%% inherited exports~n",[]), Done0 = ["Destroy", "New", "Create", "destroy", "new", "create"], Done = gb_sets:from_list(Done0 ++ [M|| #method{name=M} <- lists:append(Ms)]), {_, InExported0} = gen_inherited(Parents, Done, []), InExported = lists:ukeysort(2, [{?MODULE,{"parent_class","1"},false}|InExported0]), w("-export([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun({_M,{F,A},_Dep}) -> F ++ "/" ++ A end, ",", InExported, 60)]), w("-export_type([~s/0]).~n", [Name]), case lists:filter(fun({_F,Depr}) -> Depr end, ExportList) of [] -> ok; Depr -> w("-deprecated([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun({EF,_}) -> EF end, ",", Depr, 60)]) end, case lists:filter(fun({_,_,Depr}) -> Depr end, InExported) of [] -> ok; NoWDepr -> w("-compile([~s]).~n~n", [args(fun({M,{F,A},_}) -> DStr=io_lib:format("{nowarn_deprecated_function, {~s,~s,~s}}", [M,F,A]), lists:flatten(DStr) end, ",", NoWDepr, 60)]) end, w("%% @hidden~n", []), parents_check(Parents), w("-type ~s() :: wx:wx_object().~n", [Name]), Gen = fun(M) -> gen_method(Name,M) end, NewMs = lists:map(Gen,reverse(Ms)), gen_dest(C, Ms), gen_inherited(Parents, Done, true) end, close(), erase(current_class), C#class{methods=NewMs}. parents("root") -> [root]; parents("object") -> [object]; parents(Parent) -> case get({class,Parent}) of #class{parent=GrandParent} -> [Parent|parents(GrandParent)]; undefined -> ?warning("unknown parent of ~p~n",[Parent]), [Parent] end. parents_check([object]) -> w("parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}).~n~n",[]); parents_check([root]) -> w("parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}).~n~n",[]); parents_check([Parent|Ps]) -> w("parent_class(~s) -> true;~n",[Parent]), parents_check(Ps). check_class(#type{name="wxObject", base={class,"wx"}}) -> "wx:wx_object()"; check_class(#type{name="wxIconLocation", base={class,"wx"}}) -> "wx:wx_object()"; check_class(#type{name="wxToolBarToolBase", base={class,"wx"}, mod=Mod}) -> %% Implement this some day "wx:wx_object()"; check_class(#type{name="wxValidator", base={class,"wx"}, mod=Mod}) -> %% Implement this some day "wx:wx_object()"; check_class(#type{name=Name, base={class,"wx"}}) -> exit({class, Name}); check_class(#type{base={class,Name},xml=Xml}) -> case get({class,Name}) of undefined -> case get({enum, Name}) of undefined -> case Xml of "class" ++ _ -> ?warning("~s:~s: Class ~p used but not defined~n", [get(current_class),get(current_func),Name]); _ -> ?warning("~s:~s: Class ~p used but not defined~n (see ~p)~n", [get(current_class),get(current_func),Name, Xml]) end, "wx:wx_object()"; _ -> ?warning("~s:~s: Class ~p used is enum~n", [get(current_class),get(current_func),Name]), exit(class_enum) end; _ -> Name ++ ":" ++ Name ++ "()" end. gen_export(#class{name=Class,abstract=Abs},Ms0) -> RemoveC = fun(#method{where=merged_c}) -> false;(_Other) -> true end, Res = filter(RemoveC, Ms0), GetF = fun(M=#method{method_type=constructor,where=W,params=Ps}) -> {Args,Opts} = split_optional(Ps), OptLen = case Opts of [] -> 0; _ when W =:= erl_no_opt -> 0; _ -> 1 end, deprecated(M, "new" ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(length(Args)+OptLen)); (M=#method{method_type=destructor}) -> case Abs of true -> []; _ -> deprecated(M, "destroy/1") end; (M=#method{name=N,alias=A,where=W, params=Ps}) -> {Args,Opts} = split_optional(Ps), OptLen = case Opts of [] -> 0; _ when W =:= erl_no_opt -> 0; _ -> 1 end, deprecated(M, erl_func_name(N,A) ++ "/" ++ integer_to_list(length(Args) + OptLen)) end, case Res of [] -> []; [M=#method{where=taylormade}|_] -> try [deprecated(M, taylormade_export(Class, M))] catch error:{badmatch, {error, enoent}} -> lists:map(GetF, Res) end; Ms -> lists:map(GetF, Ms) end. deprecated(#method{opts=FOpts}, FA) -> case lists:keysearch(deprecated, 1, FOpts) of {value, {deprecated, _}} -> {FA,true}; _ -> {FA,false} end. gen_method(Class,Ms0) -> RemoveC = fun(#method{where=merged_c}) -> false;(_Other) -> true end, Res = filter(RemoveC, Ms0), case Res of [] -> Ms0; [#method{where=taylormade}|_] -> try taylormade_func(Class, Res) catch error:{badmatch, {error, enoent}} -> gen_doc(Class,Res), gen_method1(Res) end, Ms0; Ms -> gen_doc(Class,Ms), gen_method1(Ms), Ms0 end. gen_method1([M=#method{method_type=destructor}]) -> %% Skip now do destructors later M; gen_method1([M0]) -> gen_method2(M0), w(".~n~n",[]); gen_method1([M0|Ms]) -> gen_method2(M0), w(";~n",[]), gen_method1(Ms). gen_method2(M=#method{name=N,alias=A,params=Ps0,where=erl_no_opt,method_type=MT}) -> put(current_func, N), Ps = [patch_param(P,classes) || P <- Ps0], w("~n", []), gen_function_clause(erl_func_name(N,A),MT,Ps,[],[name_type]), w(" ", []), gen_function_clause(erl_func_name(N,A),MT,Ps,empty_list,[no_guards,name_only]), M; gen_method2(M=#method{name=N,alias=A,params=Ps,type=T,method_type=MT,id=MethodId}) -> put(current_func, N), {Args, Optional} = split_optional(Ps), gen_function_clause(erl_func_name(N,A),MT, Args, Optional, []), MId = arg_type_tests(Args, "?" ++ get_unique_name(MethodId)), {MArgs,Align} = marshal_args(Args), MOpts = marshal_opts(Optional, Align, Args), case gen_util:get_hook(erl, M#method.pre_hook) of ignore -> skip; Pre -> w(" ~s~n", [Pre]) end, case gen_util:get_hook(erl, M#method.post_hook) of ignore -> skip; _ -> w(" _Result =", []) end, case have_return_vals(T, Ps) of _ when MT =:= constructor -> w(" wxe_util:construct(~s,~n <<~s~s>>)", [MId, MArgs,MOpts]); true -> w(" wxe_util:call(~s,~n <<~s~s>>)", [MId, MArgs,MOpts]); false -> w(" wxe_util:cast(~s,~n <<~s~s>>)", [MId, MArgs,MOpts]) end, case gen_util:get_hook(erl, M#method.post_hook) of ignore -> skip; Post -> w(",~n ~s~n", [Post]), w(" _Result", []) end, erase(current_func), M. gen_dest(#class{name=CName,abstract=Abs}, Ms) -> case Abs of true -> ignore; false -> case lists:keysearch(destructor,#method.method_type, lists:append(Ms)) of {value, #method{method_type=destructor, id=Id}} -> case hd(reverse(parents(CName))) of object -> gen_dest2(CName, object); root -> gen_dest2(CName, Id) end; false -> erlang:error({no_destructor_found, CName}) end end. gen_dest2(Class, Id) -> w("%% @doc Destroys this object, do not use object again~n", []), w("-spec destroy(This::~s()) -> 'ok'.~n", [Class]), w("destroy(Obj=#wx_ref{type=Type}) ->~n", []), w(" ?CLASS(Type,~s),~n",[Class]), case Id of object -> w(" wxe_util:destroy(?DESTROY_OBJECT,Obj),~n ok.~n", []); _ -> w(" wxe_util:destroy(?~s,Obj),~n ok.~n", [get_unique_name(Id)]) end, ok. gen_inherited([root], Done, Exported) -> {Done, Exported}; gen_inherited([object], Done, Exported) -> {Done, Exported}; gen_inherited([Parent|Ps], Done0, Exported0) -> #class{name=Class, methods=Ms} = get({class,Parent}), case is_list(Exported0) of false -> w(" %% From ~s~n", [Class]); true -> ignore end, {Done,Exported} = gen_inherited_ms(Ms, Class, Done0, gb_sets:empty(), Exported0), gen_inherited(Ps, gb_sets:union(Done,Done0), Exported). gen_inherited_ms([[M=#method{name=Name,alias=A,params=Ps0,where=W,method_type=MT}|_]|R], Class,Skip,Done, Exported) when W =/= merged_c -> case gb_sets:is_member(Name,Skip) of false when MT =:= member, Exported =:= true -> Ps = [patch_param(P,all) || P <- Ps0], Opts = if W =:= erl_no_opt -> []; true -> [Opt || Opt = #param{def=Def,in=In, where=Where} <- Ps, Def =/= none, In =/= false, Where =/= c] end, w("%% @hidden~n", []), gen_function_clause(erl_func_name(Name,A),MT,Ps,Opts,[no_guards,name_only]), w(" -> ~s:", [Class]), gen_function_clause(erl_func_name(Name,A),MT,Ps,Opts,[no_guards,name_only]), w(".~n", []), gen_inherited_ms(R,Class, Skip, gb_sets:add(Name,Done), Exported); false when MT =:= member, is_list(Exported) -> {Args,Opts} = split_optional(Ps0), OptLen = case Opts of [] -> 0; _ when W =:= erl_no_opt -> 0; _ -> 1 end, {_, Depr} = deprecated(M,ignore), Export = {Class,{erl_func_name(Name,A),integer_to_list(length(Args) + OptLen)}, Depr}, gen_inherited_ms(R,Class,Skip, gb_sets:add(Name,Done), [Export|Exported]); _ -> gen_inherited_ms(R,Class, Skip, Done, Exported) end; gen_inherited_ms([[_|Check]|R],Class,Skip, Done0,Exp) -> gen_inherited_ms([Check|R],Class,Skip, Done0,Exp); gen_inherited_ms([[]|R],Class,Skip,Done0,Exp) -> gen_inherited_ms(R,Class,Skip,Done0,Exp); gen_inherited_ms([], _, _Skip, Done,Exp) -> {Done,Exp}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% taylormade_func(Class, [#method{name=Name, id=Id}|_]) -> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join([wx_extra, Class ++".erl"])), Src = binary_to_list(Bin), Str = case gen_util:get_taylor_made(Src, Name) of nomatch -> {match, [Str0]} = gen_util:get_taylor_made(Src, get_unique_name(Id)), Str0; {match, [Str0]} -> Str0 end, w(Str, ["?" ++ get_unique_name(Id)]), ok. taylormade_export(Class, #method{name=Name}) -> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(filename:join([wx_extra, Class ++".erl"])), Str0 = binary_to_list(Bin), {match, [Str1]} = re:run(Str0, "<>", [dotall, {capture, all_but_first, list}]), Str1. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% arg_type_tests([P|Ps], Mid0) -> case arg_type_test(P,"\n",Mid0) of Mid0 -> arg_type_tests(Ps, Mid0); Mid -> %% Already checked the other args Mid end; arg_type_tests([],Mid) -> Mid. arg_type_test(#param{where=c}, _, Acc) -> Acc; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0,in=In,type=#type{base={class,T},single=true},def=none}, EOS,Acc) when In =/= false -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" ?CLASS(~sT,~s),~s", [Name,T,EOS]), Acc; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0,in=In,type=#type{base={class,T}}, def=none},EOS,Acc) when In =/= false -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" _ = [?CLASS(~sT,~s) || #wx_ref{type=~sT} <- ~s],~s", [Name,T,Name,Name,EOS]), Acc; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0,def=none,in=In, type={merged, M1, #type{base={class,T1},single=true},Ps1, M2, #type{base={class,T2},single=true},Ps2}}, EOS, _Acc) when In =/= false -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), Opname = Name++"OP", w(" ~s = case ?CLASS_T(~sT,~s) of~n true ->\n ", [Opname,Name,T1]), lists:foreach(fun(Param) -> arg_type_test(Param,"\n ", ignore) end, element(1,split_optional(Ps1))), w("?~s;~n",[get_unique_name(M1)]), w(" _ -> ?CLASS(~sT,~s),\n ",[Name,T2]), {Ps21,_} = split_optional(patchArgName(Ps2,Ps1)), lists:foreach(fun(Param) -> arg_type_test(Param,"\n ", ignore) end, Ps21), w("?~s\n end,~s",[get_unique_name(M2),EOS]), Opname; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0, type=#type{base=eventType}}, EOS, Acc) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" ~sBin = list_to_binary([atom_to_list(~s)|[0]]),~s", [Name,Name,EOS]), w(" ThisTypeBin = list_to_binary([atom_to_list(ThisT)|[0]]),~s", [EOS]), Acc; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0,def=none,type=#type{base={term,_}}}, EOS, Acc) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" wxe_util:send_bin(term_to_binary(~s)),~s", [Name,EOS]), Acc; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0,type=#type{base=binary}},EOS,Acc) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" wxe_util:send_bin(~s),~s", [Name,EOS]), Acc; arg_type_test(#param{name=Name0,type=#type{name=Type,base=Base,single=Single}},EOS,Acc) -> if Type =:= "wxArtClient", Single =:= true -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" ~s_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary([~s, $_, $C,0]),~s", [Name,Name, EOS]); Base =:= string orelse (Type =:= "wxChar" andalso Single =/= true) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" ~s_UC = unicode:characters_to_binary([~s,0]),~s", [Name,Name,EOS]); Type =:= "wxArrayString" -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), w(" ~s_UCA = [unicode:characters_to_binary([~sTemp,0]) || ~s", [Name,Name, EOS]), w(" ~sTemp <- ~s],~s", [Name,Name,EOS]); true -> %% Not a string ignore end, Acc; arg_type_test(_,_,Acc) -> Acc. patchArgName([Param|R1], [#param{name=Name}|R2]) -> [Param#param{name=Name}|patchArgName(R1,R2)]; patchArgName([],[]) -> []. have_return_vals(void, Ps) -> lists:any(fun(#param{in=In}) -> In =/= true end, Ps); have_return_vals(#type{}, _) -> true. gen_function_clause(Name0,MT,Ps,Optional,Variant) -> PArg = fun(Arg) -> case lists:member(name_only, Variant) of true -> func_arg_name(Arg); false -> case lists:member(name_type, Variant) of true -> Name = func_arg_name(Arg), case func_arg(Arg) of Name -> Name; Typed -> Name ++ "=" ++ Typed end; false -> func_arg(Arg) end end end, Args = args(PArg, ",", Ps), Name = case MT of constructor -> "new"; _ -> Name0 end, w("~s(~s",[Name,Args]), Opts = case Optional of [] -> ""; empty_list when Args =:= [] -> "[]"; empty_list -> ", []"; _ when Args =:= [] -> "Options"; _ -> ", Options" end, w("~s)", [Opts]), case lists:member(no_guards, Variant) of true -> ok; false -> Guards = args(fun guard_test/1, ",", Ps), if Guards =:= [], Opts =:= "" -> w(" ->~n", []); Guards =:= [] -> w("~n when is_list(Options) ->~n", []); Opts =:= "" -> w("~n when ~s ->~n", [Guards]); true -> w("~n when ~s,is_list(Options) ->~n", [Guards]) end end. split_optional(Ps) -> split_optional(Ps, [], []). split_optional([P=#param{def=Def,in=In, where=Where}|Ps], Standard, Opts) when Def =/= none, In =/= false, Where =/= c -> split_optional(Ps, Standard, [P|Opts]); split_optional([P=#param{def=Def,in=In, where=Where}|Ps], Standard, Opts) when Def =:= none, In =/= false, Where =/= c -> split_optional(Ps, [P|Standard], Opts); split_optional([_|Ps], Standard, Opts) -> split_optional(Ps, Standard, Opts); split_optional([], Standard, Opts) -> {reverse(Standard), reverse(Opts)}. patch_param(P=#param{type=#type{base=Tuple}}, all) when is_tuple(Tuple) -> P#param{type={class,ignore}}; patch_param(P=#param{type={merged,_,_,_,_,_,_}}, _) -> P#param{type={class,ignore}}; patch_param(P=#param{type=#type{base={class,_}}},_) -> P#param{type={class,ignore}}; patch_param(P=#param{type=#type{base={ref,_}}},_) -> P#param{type={class,ignore}}; patch_param(P,_) -> P. func_arg_name(#param{def=Def}) when Def =/= none -> skip; func_arg_name(#param{in=false}) -> skip; func_arg_name(#param{where=c}) -> skip; func_arg_name(#param{name=Name}) -> erl_arg_name(Name). func_arg(#param{def=Def}) when Def =/= none -> skip; func_arg(#param{in=false}) -> skip; func_arg(#param{where=c}) -> skip; func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base=string}}) -> erl_arg_name(Name); func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{name="wxArrayString"}}) -> erl_arg_name(Name); func_arg(#param{name=Name0,type=#type{base={class,_CN}, single=true}}) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), "#wx_ref{type=" ++ Name ++ "T,ref=" ++ Name++"Ref}"; func_arg(#param{name=Name0,type=#type{base={ref,CN}, single=true}}) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), "#wx_ref{type=" ++ CN ++ ",ref=" ++ Name++"Ref}"; func_arg(#param{name=Name0,type={merged,_,#type{base={class,_},single=true},_, _, #type{base={class,_},single=true},_}}) -> Name = erl_arg_name(Name0), "#wx_ref{type=" ++ Name ++ "T,ref=" ++ Name++"Ref}"; func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base={enum,_}}}) -> erl_arg_name(Name); func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base={comp,"wxColour",_Tup}, single=true}}) -> erl_arg_name(Name); func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base={comp,"wxDateTime",_Tup}, single=true}}) -> erl_arg_name(Name); func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{name="wxArtClient", single=true}}) -> erl_arg_name(Name); func_arg(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base={comp,_,Tup}, single=true}}) -> N = erl_arg_name(Name), Doc = fun({_,V}) -> erl_arg_name(N)++V end, "{" ++ args(Doc, ",", Tup) ++ "}"; func_arg(#param{name=Name}) -> erl_arg_name(Name). guard_test(#param{type=#type{base={class,_},single=true}}) -> skip; guard_test(#param{def=Def}) when Def =/= none -> skip; guard_test(#param{where=c}) -> skip; guard_test(#param{in=In}) when In == false -> skip; guard_test(#param{name=N, type=#type{base=string}}) -> "?is_chardata(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++")"; guard_test(#param{name=N, type=#type{name="wxArtClient"}}) -> "is_list(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++")"; guard_test(#param{name=N, type=#type{name="wxArrayString"}}) -> "is_list(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++")"; guard_test(#param{name=Name,type=#type{single=Single}}) when Single =/= true-> "is_list(" ++ erl_arg_name(Name) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=int}}) -> "is_integer(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=int64}}) -> "is_integer(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=long}}) -> "is_integer(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=float}}) -> "is_number(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=double}}) -> "is_number(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=bool}}) -> "is_boolean(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{name="wxDateTime"}}) -> "tuple_size(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ") =:= 2"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base=binary}}) -> "is_binary(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base={enum,_}}}) -> "is_integer(" ++ erl_arg_name(Name) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=Name,type=#type{base=eventType}}) -> "is_atom(" ++ erl_arg_name(Name) ++ ")"; guard_test(#param{name=_N,type=#type{base={term,_}}}) -> skip; guard_test(#param{name=_N,type=#type{base={ref,_}}}) -> skip; guard_test(#param{name=_N,type=#type{base={class,_}}}) -> skip; guard_test(#param{name=_N,type={merged,_,#type{base={class,_}},_,_,#type{},_}}) -> skip; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base={comp,"wxColour",_Tup}}}) -> "tuple_size(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ") =:= 3; tuple_size(" ++ erl_arg_name(N) ++ ") =:= 4"; guard_test(#param{name=N,type=#type{base={comp,_,Tup}}}) -> Doc = fun({int,V}) -> "is_integer("++erl_arg_name(N)++V ++")"; ({int64,V}) -> "is_integer("++erl_arg_name(N)++V ++")"; ({double,V}) -> "is_number("++erl_arg_name(N)++V ++")" end, args(Doc, ",", Tup); guard_test(#param{name=N,type={class,ignore}}) -> "is_record(" ++ erl_arg_name(N)++ ", wx_ref)"; guard_test(T) -> ?error({unknown_type,T}). gen_doc(_Class, [#method{method_type=destructor}]) -> skip; gen_doc(_Class,Ms=[#method{name=N,alias=A,params=Ps,where=erl_no_opt,method_type=MT}])-> w("%% @equiv ", []), gen_function_clause(erl_func_name(N,A),MT,Ps,empty_list,[no_guards,name_only]), w("~n-spec ",[]), write_specs(Ms, "\n"); gen_doc(Class,Ms=[#method{name=N, type=T}|Rest])-> %%doc_optional(Optional, normal), doc_link(Class, N), gen_overload_doc(Rest), Ps = lists:foldl(fun(#method{params=Ps}, Acc) -> Ps ++ Acc end,[],Ms), doc_enum_desc(lists:usort(doc_enum(T,Ps))), w("-spec ",[]), write_specs(Ms, "\n"), ok. gen_overload_doc([]) -> ok; %%gen_overload_doc(_) -> ok; gen_overload_doc(Cs) -> w("%%
~n%% ",[]), write_specs(Cs, "
\n%% "), w("~n", []). write_specs(M=[#method{method_type=constructor}|_], Eol) -> w("new", []), write_specs1(M, Eol); write_specs(M=[#method{name=N, alias=A}|_], Eol) -> w("~s", [erl_func_name(N,A)]), write_specs1(M, Eol). write_specs1([M], Eol) -> write_spec(M, Eol), w(".~s", [Eol]); write_specs1([M|Next], Eol) -> write_spec(M, Eol), w(";~s ", [Eol]), write_specs1(Next, Eol). write_spec(#method{params=Ps,type=T,where=erl_no_opt}, Eol) -> {NonDef, _Optional} = split_optional(Ps), Res = doc_return_types(T,Ps), write_spec(NonDef, [], Res, Eol); write_spec(#method{params=Ps,type=T}, Eol) -> {NonDef, Optional} = split_optional(Ps), Res = doc_return_types(T,Ps), write_spec(NonDef, Optional, Res, Eol). write_spec([], [], {simple, Res}, _Eol) -> w("() -> ~s", [Res]); write_spec([], [], {complex, Res}, Eol) -> w("() -> Resultwhen~s\tResult ::~s", [Eol,Res]); write_spec(Args, [], {simple, Res}, Eol) -> w("(~s) -> ~s when~s\t~s", [erl_arg_names(Args), Res, Eol, doc_arg_types(Args)]); write_spec(Args, [], {complex, Res}, Eol) -> w("(~s) -> Result when~s\tResult ::~s,~s\t~s", [erl_arg_names(Args), Eol, Res, Eol, doc_arg_types(Args)]); write_spec([], Optional, {simple, Res}, Eol) -> w("([Option]) -> ~s when~s\t~s", [Res, Eol, optional_type(Optional, Eol)]); write_spec([], Optional, {complex, Res}, Eol) -> w("([Option]) -> Result when~s\tResult :: ~s,~s\t~s", [Eol, Res, Eol, optional_type(Optional, Eol)]); write_spec(Args, Optional, {simple, Res}, Eol) -> w("(~s, [Option]) -> ~s when~s\t~s,~s\t~s", [erl_arg_names(Args), Res, Eol, doc_arg_types(Args), Eol, optional_type(Optional, Eol)]); write_spec(Args, Optional, {complex, Res}, Eol) -> w("(~s, [Option]) -> Result when~s\tResult :: ~s,~s\t~s,~s\t~s", [erl_arg_names(Args), Eol, Res, Eol, doc_arg_types(Args), Eol, optional_type(Optional, Eol)]). optional_type(Opts, Eol) -> "Option :: " ++ args(fun optional_type2/1, Eol++"\t\t | ", Opts). optional_type2(#param{name=Name, def=_Def, type=T}) -> "{'" ++ erl_option_name(Name) ++ "', " ++ doc_arg_type2(T) ++ "}". %% %% Default: " ++ Def. doc_link("utils", Func) -> w("%% @doc See " "external documentation.~n", [lowercase_all(Func)]); doc_link(Class, Func) -> w("%% @doc See " "external documentation.~n", [lowercase_all(Class),lowercase_all(Class),lowercase_all(Func)]). erl_arg_names(Ps0) -> Ps = [Name || #param{name=Name, in=In, where=Where} <- Ps0,In =/= false, Where =/= c], args(fun erl_arg_name/1, ", ", Ps). doc_arg_types(Ps0) -> Ps = [P || P=#param{in=In, where=Where} <- Ps0,In =/= false, Where =/= c], args(fun doc_arg_type/1, ", ", Ps). doc_arg_type(T) -> doc_arg_type(T, in). doc_arg_type(#param{name=Name,def=none,type=T}, Out) -> erl_arg_name(Name) ++ "::" ++ doc_arg_type2(T, Out); doc_arg_type(#param{name=Name,in=false,type=T}, Out) -> erl_arg_name(Name) ++ "::" ++ doc_arg_type2(T, Out); doc_arg_type(_, _) -> skip. doc_arg_type2(T) -> doc_arg_type2(T, in). doc_arg_type2(T=#type{single=Single}, Out) -> case Single of array -> "[" ++ doc_arg_type3(T, Out) ++ "]"; list -> "[" ++ doc_arg_type3(T, Out) ++ "]"; {list, _} -> "[" ++ doc_arg_type3(T, Out) ++ "]"; true -> doc_arg_type3(T, Out) end; doc_arg_type2(T, Out) -> doc_arg_type3(T, Out). doc_arg_type3(#type{base=string}, in) -> "unicode:chardata()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=string}, out) -> "unicode:charlist()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxChar", single=S},in) when S =/= true -> "unicode:chardata()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxChar", single=S},out) when S =/= true -> "unicode:charlist()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxArrayString"},in) -> "unicode:chardata()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxArrayString"},out) -> "unicode:charlist()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxDateTime"}, _) -> "wx:wx_datetime()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxArtClient"}, _) -> "unicode:chardata()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=int}, _) -> "integer()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=int64}, _) -> "integer()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=long}, _) -> "integer()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{name="wxTreeItemId"}, _) -> "wxTreeCtrl:treeItemId()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=bool}, _) -> "boolean()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=float}, _) -> "number()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=double}, _) -> "number()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=binary}, _) -> "binary()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={binary,_}}, _) -> "binary()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base=eventType}, _) -> "atom()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={ref,N}}, _) -> N++"()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={term,_N}}, _) -> "term()"; doc_arg_type3(T=#type{base={class,N}}, _) -> ClassType = check_class(T), Current = get(current_class), if N =:= Current -> N ++ "()"; true -> ClassType end; doc_arg_type3({merged,_,T1=#type{base={class,N1}},_,_,T2=#type{base={class,N2}},_}, _) -> CT1 = check_class(T1), CT2 = check_class(T2), Curr = get(current_class), if N1 =:= Curr, N2 =:= Curr -> N1++"()"; N1 =:= Curr -> N1++"() | "++ CT2; N2 =:= Curr -> CT1 ++ " | "++ N2++"()"; true -> CT1 ++ " | " ++ CT2 end; %% doc_arg_type3(#type{base={enum,{_,N}}}, _) -> uppercase(N); %% doc_arg_type3(#type{base={enum,N}}, _) -> uppercase(N); doc_arg_type3(#type{base={enum,_N}}, _) -> "wx:wx_enum()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={comp,"wxColour",_Tup}}, in) -> "wx:wx_colour()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={comp,"wxColour",_Tup}}, out) -> "wx:wx_colour4()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={comp,_,{record,Name}}}, _) -> "wx:wx_" ++ atom_to_list(Name) ++ "()"; doc_arg_type3(#type{base={comp,_,Tup}}, _) -> Doc = fun({int,V}) -> V ++ "::integer()"; ({double,V}) -> V ++ "::float()" end, "{" ++ args(Doc, ", ", Tup) ++ "}"; doc_arg_type3(T, _) -> ?error({unknown_type,T}). doc_return_types(T, Ps) -> doc_return_types2(T, [P || P=#param{in=In} <- Ps,In =/= true]). doc_return_types2(void, []) -> {simple, "'ok'"}; doc_return_types2(void, [#param{type=T}]) -> {simple, doc_arg_type2(T, out)}; doc_return_types2(T, []) -> {simple, doc_arg_type2(T, out)}; doc_return_types2(void, Ps) when length(Ps) < 4 -> {simple, "{" ++ args(fun(Arg) -> doc_arg_type(Arg, out) end,", ",Ps) ++ "}"}; doc_return_types2(void, Ps) -> {complex, "{" ++ args(fun(Arg) -> doc_arg_type(Arg, out) end,", ",Ps) ++ "}"}; doc_return_types2(T, Ps) -> {complex, "{Res ::" ++ doc_arg_type2(T, out) ++ ", " ++ args(fun(Arg) -> doc_arg_type(Arg, out) end,", ",Ps) ++ "}"}. doc_enum(#type{base={enum,Enum}},Ps) -> [doc_enum_type(Enum, "res") | [doc_enum_type(Type,Name) || #param{name=Name, type=#type{base={enum,Type}}} <- Ps]]; doc_enum(_,Ps) -> [doc_enum_type(Type,Name) || #param{name=Name, type=#type{base={enum,Type}}} <- Ps]. doc_enum_type(Type, Name) -> try {Enum0, #enum{vals=Vals}} = wx_gen:get_enum(Type), Enum = case Enum0 of {_, E} -> E; E -> E end, Consts = get(consts), Format = fun({N,_What}) -> #const{name=N} = gb_trees:get(N, Consts), "?" ++ enum_name(N) end, Vs = args(Format, " | ", Vals), {uppercase(Enum),Name, Vs} catch _:_ -> io:format("Warning missing enum type ~p~n", [Type]), {uppercase(Type),Name,"integer"} end. doc_enum_desc([]) -> ok; doc_enum_desc([{_Enum,Name,Vs}|R]) -> w("%%
~s = ~s~n", [erl_arg_name(Name),Vs]), doc_enum_desc(R). %% Misc functions prefixed with wx erl_func_name("wx" ++ Name, undefined) -> check_name(lowercase(Name)); erl_func_name(Name, undefined) -> check_name(lowercase(Name)); erl_func_name(_, Alias) -> check_name(lowercase(Alias)). erl_option_name(Name) -> lowercase(Name). erl_arg_name(Name) -> uppercase(Name). check_name("destroy") -> "'Destroy'"; check_name("xor") -> "'Xor'"; check_name("~" ++ _Name) -> "destroy"; check_name(Name) -> Name. marshal_opts([], _,_) -> ""; %% No opts skip this! marshal_opts(Opts, Align, Args) -> w(" MOpts = fun", []), marshal_opts1(Opts,1), w(";~n (BadOpt, _) -> erlang:error({badoption, BadOpt}) end,~n", []), w(" BinOpt = list_to_binary(lists:foldl(MOpts, [<<0:32>>], Options)),~n", []), {Str, _} = align(64, Align, "BinOpt/binary"), case Args of [] -> Str; % All Args are optional _ -> ", " ++ Str end. marshal_opts1([P],N) -> marshal_opt(P,N); marshal_opts1([P|R],N) -> marshal_opt(P,N), w(";~n ", []), marshal_opts1(R,N+1). marshal_opt(P0=#param{name=Name,type=Type},N) -> P = P0#param{def=none}, {Arg,Align} = marshal_arg(Type,erl_arg_name(Name),1), AStr = if Align =:= 0 -> ""; Align =:= 1 -> ",0:32" end, w("({~s, ~s}, Acc) -> ", [erl_option_name(Name), func_arg(P)]), arg_type_test(P,"",[]), case Arg of skip -> w("[<<~p:32/?UI~s>>|Acc]", [N, AStr]); _ -> w("[<<~p:32/?UI,~s~s>>|Acc]", [N, Arg,AStr]) end. marshal_args(Ps) -> marshal_args(Ps, [], 0). marshal_args([#param{where=erl}|Ps], Margs, Align) -> marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align); marshal_args([#param{name=_N,where=c}|Ps], Margs, Align) -> %% io:format("~p:~p: skip ~p~n",[get(current_class),get(current_func),_N]), marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align); marshal_args([#param{in=false}|Ps], Margs, Align) -> marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align); marshal_args([#param{def=Def}|Ps], Margs, Align) when Def =/= none -> marshal_args(Ps, Margs, Align); marshal_args([#param{name=Name, type=Type}|Ps], Margs, Align0) -> {Arg,Align} = marshal_arg(Type,erl_arg_name(Name),Align0), marshal_args(Ps, [Arg|Margs], Align); marshal_args([],Margs, Align) -> {args(fun(Str) -> Str end, ",", reverse(Margs)), Align}. marshal_arg(#type{base={class,_}, single=true}, Name, Align) -> align(32, Align, Name ++ "Ref:32/?UI"); marshal_arg({merged,_,#type{base={class,_},single=true},_,_,_,_},Name,Align) -> align(32, Align, Name ++ "Ref:32/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{base={ref,_}, single=true}, Name, Align) -> align(32, Align, Name ++ "Ref:32/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base=long}, Name, Align) -> align(64, Align, Name ++ ":64/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base=float}, Name, Align) -> align(32, Align, Name ++ ":32/?F"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base=double}, Name, Align) -> align(64, Align, Name ++ ":64/?F"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base=int64}, Name, Align) -> align(64, Align, Name ++ ":64/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base=int}, Name, Align) -> align(32, Align, Name ++ ":32/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base={enum,_Enum}}, Name, Align) -> align(32, Align, Name ++ ":32/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base=bool}, Name, Align) -> align(32, Align, "(wxe_util:from_bool(" ++ Name ++ ")):32/?UI"); marshal_arg(#type{name="wxChar", single=Single}, Name, Align0) when Single =/= true -> {Str,Align} = align(32,Align0, "(byte_size("++Name++"_UC)):32/?UI,(" ++ Name ++ "_UC)/binary"), MsgSize = "(" ++ integer_to_list(Align*4)++"+byte_size("++Name++"_UC))", {Str++", 0:(((8- (" ++ MsgSize ++" band 16#7)) band 16#7))/unit:8",0}; marshal_arg(#type{base=string}, Name, Align0) -> {Str,Align} = align(32,Align0, "(byte_size("++Name++"_UC)):32/?UI,(" ++ Name ++ "_UC)/binary"), MsgSize = "(" ++ integer_to_list(Align*4)++"+byte_size("++Name++"_UC))", {Str++", 0:(((8- (" ++ MsgSize ++" band 16#7)) band 16#7))/unit:8",0}; marshal_arg(#type{name="wxArrayString"}, Name, Align0) -> InnerBin = "<<(byte_size(UC_Str)):32/?UI, UC_Str/binary>>", Outer = "(<< " ++ InnerBin ++ "|| UC_Str <- "++ Name ++"_UCA>>)/binary", Str0 = "(length("++Name++"_UCA)):32/?UI, " ++ Outer, {Str,Align} = align(32,Align0,Str0), MsgSize = "("++integer_to_list(Align*4) ++ " + lists:sum([byte_size(S)+4||S<-" ++ Name ++"_UCA]))", AStr = ", 0:(((8- (" ++ MsgSize ++" band 16#7)) band 16#7))/unit:8", {Str ++ AStr, 0}; marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base={comp,"wxColour",_Comp}}, Name, Align0) -> Str = "(wxe_util:colour_bin(" ++ Name ++ ")):16/binary", {Str,Align0}; marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base={comp,"wxDateTime",_Comp}}, Name, Align) -> {"(wxe_util:datetime_bin(" ++ Name ++ ")):24/binary", Align}; marshal_arg(#type{single=true,base={comp,_,Comp}}, Name, Align0) -> case hd(Comp) of {int,_} -> A = [Name++Spec++":32/?UI" || {int,Spec} <- Comp], Str = args(fun(Str) -> Str end, ",", A), {Str,(Align0 + length(Comp)) rem 2}; {double,_} -> A = [Name++Spec++":64/?F" || {double,Spec} <- Comp], Str = args(fun(Str) -> Str end, ",", A), align(64,Align0,Str) end; marshal_arg(#type{base={term,_}}, _Name, Align0) -> {skip,Align0}; marshal_arg(#type{base=binary}, _Name, Align0) -> {skip,Align0}; marshal_arg(#type{base=Base, single=Single}, Name, Align0) when Single =/= true -> case Base of int -> Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):32/?UI,\n" " (<< <> || C <- "++Name++">>)/binary", {Str,Align} = align(32,Align0, Str0), {Str ++ ", 0:((("++integer_to_list(Align)++"+length("++Name++ ")) rem 2)*32)", 0}; {ObjRef,_} when ObjRef =:= class; ObjRef =:= ref -> Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):32/?UI,", Str1 = "\n (<< <<(C#wx_ref.ref):32/?UI>> || C <- "++Name++">>)/binary", {Str2,Align} = align(32, Align0, Str1), AlignStr = ", 0:((("++integer_to_list(Align)++"+length("++Name++ ")) rem 2)*32)", {Str0 ++ Str2 ++ AlignStr, 0}; {comp, "wxPoint", _} -> Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):32/?UI,\n" " (<< <> || {X,Y} <- "++Name++">>)/binary", align(32,Align0, Str0); {comp, "wxPoint2DDouble", _} -> Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):32/?UI,\n", Str1 = " (<< <> || {X,Y} <- "++Name++">>)/binary", {Str,_Align} = align(64,Align0+1, Str1), {Str0 ++ Str, 0}; double -> Str0 = "(length("++Name++")):32/?UI,\n", Str1 = " (<< <> || C <- "++Name++">>)/binary", {Str,_Align} = align(64,Align0+1, Str1), {Str0 ++ Str, 0}; _ -> ?error({unhandled_array_type, Base}) end; marshal_arg(T=#type{name=_wxString}, Name, _Align) -> ?error({unhandled_type, {Name,T}}). align(32, 0, Str) -> {Str, 1}; align(32, 1, Str) -> {Str, 0}; align(64, 0, Str) -> {Str, 0}; align(64, 1, Str) -> {"0:32," ++ Str,0}; align(Sz, W, Str) -> align(Sz, W rem 2, Str). enum_name(Name) -> case enum_split(Name) of {undefined, _} -> Name; {_C, ErlName} -> ErlName end. enum_split(Name) -> case string:tokens(Name, ":") of [Name] -> {undefined, Name}; [C,N] -> {C, enum_name(C,N)} end. enum_name(undefined, Name) -> Name; enum_name(Enum, Name) -> Enum ++ "_" ++ Name. enum_name_c(undefined, Name) -> Name; enum_name_c(Enum, Name) -> Enum ++ "::" ++ Name. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gen_enums_ints() -> %% open_write("../include/wx.hrl"), opened in gen_event_recs w("~n%% Hardcoded Records~n", []), w("-record(wxMouseState, {x :: integer(), y :: integer(),~n" " leftDown :: boolean(), middleDown :: boolean(), rightDown :: boolean(), ~n" " controlDown :: boolean(), shiftDown :: boolean(),~n" " altDown :: boolean(), metaDown :: boolean(), cmdDown :: boolean()~n" " }).~n", []), w("-record(wxHtmlLinkInfo, {~n" " href :: unicode:chardata(), target :: unicode:chardata()~n" " }).~n", []), w("~n%% Hardcoded Defines~n", []), Enums = [E || {{enum,_},E = #enum{as_atom=false}} <- get()], w("-define(wxDefaultSize, {-1,-1}).~n", []), w("-define(wxDefaultPosition, {-1,-1}).~n", []), w("~n%% Global Variables~n", []), [w("-define(~s, wxe_util:get_const(~s)).~n", [qoute_atom(Gvar), qoute_atom(Gvar)]) || {Gvar,_,_Id} <- get(gvars)], w("~n%% Enum and defines~n", []), foldl(fun(Enum= #enum{vals=Vals}, Done) when Vals =/= [] -> build_enum_ints(Enum,Done); (_,Done) -> Done end, gb_sets:empty(), lists:sort(Enums)), close(). qoute_atom([Char|_]=Str) when Char < $a -> "'" ++ Str ++ "'"; qoute_atom(Str) -> Str. build_enum_ints(#enum{from=From, vals=Vals},Done) -> case From of {File, undefined, [$@|_]} -> w("% From \"~s.h\"~n",[File]); {File, undefined, Name} -> w("% From \"~s.h\": ~s~n",[File, Name]); {_File, Class,[$@|_]} -> w("% From class ~s~n",[Class]); {_File, Class, Name} -> w("% From class ~s::~s~n",[Class, Name]) end, Consts = get(consts), Ignore = fun(Name) -> case gb_trees:lookup(Name, Consts) of {value, Const} -> Const; none -> true end end, Format = fun(#const{name="wxEVT_" ++ _}) -> ignore; %% Ignore event macros they are not valid in our event model (#const{name=Name,val=Value,is_const=true}) when is_number(Value) -> w("-define(~s, ~p).~n", [enum_name(Name),Value]); (#const{name=Name,val=Value,is_const=false}) when is_number(Value) -> w("-define(~s, wxe_util:get_const(~s)).~n", [enum_name(Name),enum_name(Name)]); (#const{name=Name,val={Str,0}}) -> {EnumClass, EnumName} = enum_split(Name), case string:tokens(Str, " |()") of [Token] -> w("-define(~s, ~s).~n", [EnumName,const_value(Token, EnumClass, Ignore)]); Tokens -> Def = args(fun(T) -> const_value(T, EnumClass, Ignore) end, " bor ", Tokens), w("-define(~s, (~s)).~n", [EnumName, Def]) end; (#const{name=Name,val={Str,N}}) -> {EnumClass, EnumName} = enum_split(Name), case string:tokens(Str, " |()") of [Token] -> w("-define(~s, (~s+~p)).~n", [EnumName,const_value(Token, EnumClass, Ignore),N]) end end, Write = fun({Name,_What}, Skip) -> case gb_sets:is_member(Name,Skip) orelse Ignore(Name) of true -> Skip; Const -> try Format(Const) catch {unknown_value, _Error} -> %% io:format("Const ~s uses unknown define ~p ignoring~n", [Name, _Error]), ok end, gb_sets:add(Name,Skip) end end, lists:foldl(Write, Done, Vals). const_value(V,_,_) when is_integer(V) -> integer_to_list(V); const_value(V = "16#" ++ IntList,_,_) -> _ = list_to_integer(IntList, 16), %% ASSERT V; const_value(V0, EnumClass, Ignore) -> try _ = list_to_integer(V0), V0 catch _:_ -> EEnum = enum_name(EnumClass, V0), CEnum = enum_name_c(EnumClass, V0), case Ignore(CEnum) of true when CEnum == V0 -> throw({unknown_value, EEnum}); true -> case Ignore(V0) of true -> throw({unknown_value, EEnum}); _ -> [$?|V0] end; _ -> [$?|EEnum] end end. gen_event_recs() -> open_write("../include/wx.hrl"), erl_copyright(), w("", []), w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []), w("%% All event messages are encapsulated in a wx record~n" "%% they contain the widget id and a specialized event record.~n" "%% Each event record may be sent for one or more event types.~n" "%% The mapping to wxWidgets is one record per class.~n~n",[]), w("-record(wx, {id :: integer(), %% Integer Identity of object.~n" " obj :: wx:wx_object(), %% Object reference that was used in the connect call.~n" " userData :: term(), %% User data specified in the connect call.~n" " event :: event() %% The event record~n" " }).~n~n", []), w("-type wx() :: #wx{}. %% wx event record ~n",[]), w("%% Here comes the definitions of all event records.~n" "%% they contain the event type and possible some extra information.~n~n",[]), Events = [build_event_rec(C) || {_,C=#class{event=Evs}} <- lists:sort(get()), Evs =/= false], EventSubTypes = [Type || {_Rec, Type} <- Events], EventRecs = [Rec || {Rec, _Type} <- Events], w("-type event() :: ~s.~n", [args(fun(Ev) -> Ev++"()" end, " | ", lists:sort(EventRecs))]), w("-type wxEventType() :: ~s.~n", [args(fun(Ev) -> Ev++"()" end, " | ", lists:sort(EventSubTypes))]), %% close(), closed in gen_enums_ints ok. build_event_rec(Class=#class{name=Name, event=Evs}) -> EvTypes = [event_type_name(Ev) || Ev <- Evs], Str = args(fun(Ev) -> "'" ++ Ev ++ "'" end, " | ", EvTypes), Attr = filter_attrs(Class), Rec = event_rec_name(Name), %%GetName = fun(#param{name=N}) ->event_attr_name(N) end, GetType = fun(#param{name=N,type=T}) -> event_attr_name(N) ++ " :: " ++ doc_arg_type2(T) end, EventType = Name ++ "Type", case Attr =:= [] of true -> %% w("%%
~n",[Str]), %% w("%% Callback event: {@link ~s}~n", [Name]), w("-record(~s, {type :: ~s()}). %% Callback event: {@link ~s}~n", [Rec, EventType, Name]), w("-type ~s() :: ~s.~n", [EventType, Str]); false -> %% w("%% @type ~s() = #~s{type=wxEventType(),~s}.~n", %% [Rec,Rec,args(GetType,",",Attr)]), %% w("%%
~n",[Str]), %% w("%% Callback event: {@link ~s}~n", [Name]), w("-record(~s,{type :: ~s(), %% Callback event: {@link ~s}~n\t~s}).~n", [Rec,EventType, Name, args(GetType,",\n\t",Attr)]), w("-type ~s() :: ~s.~n", [EventType, Str]) end, w("-type ~s() :: #~s{}. %% Callback event: {@link ~s}~n~n", [Rec,Rec,Name]), {Rec, EventType}. event_rec_name(Name0 = "wx" ++ _) -> "tnevE" ++ Name1 = reverse(Name0), reverse(Name1). event_type_name({EvN,_,_}) -> event_type_name(EvN); event_type_name({EvN,_}) -> event_type_name(EvN); event_type_name(EvN) -> "wxEVT_" ++ Ev = atom_to_list(EvN), lowercase_all(Ev). event_attr_name("m_" ++ Attr) -> lowercase(Attr); event_attr_name(Attr) -> lowercase(Attr). find_inherited_attr(Param = {PName,_}, Name) -> #class{parent=Parent, attributes=Attrs} = get({class, Name}), case lists:keysearch(atom_to_list(PName), #param.name, Attrs) of {value, P=#param{}} -> P; _ -> find_inherited_attr(Param, Parent) end. filter_attrs(#class{name=Name, parent=Parent,attributes=Attrs}) -> Attr1 = lists:foldl(fun(#param{acc=skip},Acc) -> Acc; (P=#param{prot=public},Acc) -> [P|Acc]; (#param{acc=undefined},Acc) -> Acc; ({inherited, PName},Acc) -> case find_inherited_attr(PName, Parent) of undefined -> io:format("~p:~p: Missing Event Attr ~p in ~p~n", [?MODULE,?LINE, PName, Name]), Acc; P -> [P|Acc] end; (P, Acc) -> [P|Acc] end, [], Attrs), lists:reverse(Attr1). gen_funcnames() -> open_write("../src/gen/wxe_debug.hrl"), erl_copyright(), w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []), w("wxdebug_table() ->~n[~n", []), w(" {0, {wx, internal_batch_start, 0}},~n", []), w(" {1, {wx, internal_batch_end, 0}},~n", []), w(" {4, {wxObject, internal_destroy, 1}},~n", []), Ns = get_unique_names(), [w(" {~p, {~s, ~s, ~p}},~n", [Id,Class,erl_func_name(Name,undefined),A]) || {Class,Name,A,Id} <- Ns], w(" {-1, {mod, func, -1}}~n",[]), w("].~n~n", []), close(), open_write("../src/gen/wxe_funcs.hrl"), erl_copyright(), w("%% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT~n~n", []), w("%% We define each id so we don't get huge diffs when adding new funcs/classes~n~n",[]), [w("-define(~s_~s, ~p).~n", [Class,Name,Id]) || {Class,Name,_,Id} <- Ns], close(). get_unique_name(ID) when is_integer(ID) -> Tree = get(unique_names), {Class,Name, _,_} = gb_trees:get(ID, Tree), Class ++ "_" ++ Name. get_unique_names() -> Tree = get(unique_names), gb_trees:values(Tree). gen_unique_names(Defs) -> Names = [ unique_names(Ms, Class) || #class{name=Class, methods=Ms} <- Defs], Data = [{Id, Struct} || Struct = {_,_,_,Id} <- lists:append(Names)], Tree = gb_trees:from_orddict(lists:sort(Data)), put(unique_names, Tree). unique_names(Ms0, Class) -> Ms1 = [M || M = #method{where = W} <- lists:append(Ms0), W =/= erl_no_opt], Ms2 = lists:keysort(#method.name, Ms1), Ms = split_list(fun(#method{name=N}, M) -> {N =:= M, N} end, undefined, Ms2), unique_names2(Ms,Class). %% by Names unique_names2([[#method{id=Id, name=Method,alias=Alias, max_arity=A}]|Ms], Class) -> [{Class,uname(alias(Method,Alias),Class),A,Id} | unique_names2(Ms,Class)]; unique_names2([Ms0|RMs], Class) -> Split = fun(#method{max_arity=A}, P) -> {A =:= P, A} end, Ms = split_list(Split, 0, Ms0), unique_names3(Ms, Class) ++ unique_names2(RMs, Class); unique_names2([], _Class) -> []. %% by Arity unique_names3([[#method{id=Id, name=Method,alias=Alias, max_arity=A}]|Ms], Class) -> [{Class,uname(alias(Method,Alias),Class) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(A),A,Id} | unique_names3(Ms,Class)]; unique_names3([Ms0|RMs], Class) -> unique_names4(Ms0, 0, Class) ++ unique_names3(RMs, Class); unique_names3([], _Class) -> []. unique_names4([#method{id=Id, name=Method,alias=Alias, max_arity=A}|Ms], C, Class) -> [{Class,uname(alias(Method,Alias),Class) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(A) ++ "_" ++ integer_to_list(C),A,Id} | unique_names4(Ms,C+1,Class)]; unique_names4([], _, _Class) -> []. alias(Method, undefined) -> Method; alias(_, Alias) -> Alias. uname(Class,Class) -> "new"; uname([$~ | _], _ ) -> "destruct"; uname(Name, _) -> Name. split_list(F, Keep, List) -> split_list(F, Keep, List, []). split_list(F, Keep, [M|Ms], Acc) -> case F(M,Keep) of {true, Test} -> split_list(F, Test, Ms, [M|Acc]); {false, Test} when Acc =:= [] -> split_list(F, Test, Ms, [M]); {false, Test} -> [lists:reverse(Acc)|split_list(F, Test, Ms, [M])] end; split_list(_, _, [], []) -> []; split_list(_, _, [], Acc) -> [lists:reverse(Acc)].