%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2009-2011. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : sudoku_gui.erl %%% Author : %%% Description : The Gui and it's event loop %%% %%% Created : 9 Jan 2008 by %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(sudoku_gui). -export([init/1, handle_info/2, handle_call/3, handle_event/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]). -compile(export_all). -behaviour(wx_object). -include("sudoku.hrl"). -import(sudoku_game, [indx/1]). %%%%%%%%%% Graphic engine %%%%%%%%%%%%%% -record(gs,{board,show_err=true,level=hard,game,frame,orig=[], print_d, print_psdd}). new(Game) -> wx:new(), wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Game], []). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Server callbacks %%%%%%%%%%%%% init([Game]) -> {Frame, Board} = wx:batch(fun() -> create_window() end), Game ! {gfx, self()}, {Frame, init_printer(#gs{board=Board,game=Game,frame=Frame})}. create_window() -> Frame = wxFrame:new(wx:null(), -1, "Sudoku", []), wxFrame:createStatusBar(Frame,[]), wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window), MenuBar = wxMenuBar:new(), File = wxMenu:new([]), Opt = wxMenu:new([]), Help = wxMenu:new([]), wxMenu:append(File, ?NEW, "&New Game"), wxMenu:append(File, ?OPEN, "&Open Game"), wxMenu:append(File, ?SAVE, "&Save Game"), wxMenu:appendSeparator(File), wxMenu:append(File, ?PRINT, "Print"), wxMenu:append(File, ?PRINT_PAGE_SETUP, "Page Setup"), wxMenu:append(File, ?PRINT_PRE, "Print Preview"), wxMenu:appendSeparator(File), wxMenu:append(File, ?QUIT, "&Quit Game"), wxMenu:append(Help, ?RULES, "Rules"), wxMenu:append(Help, ?ABOUT, "About"), wxMenu:appendRadioItem(Opt, ?TRIVIAL, "Level: Trivial"), wxMenu:appendRadioItem(Opt, ?EASY, "Level: Easy"), LItem = wxMenu:appendRadioItem(Opt, ?NORMAL, "Level: Normal"), wxMenu:appendRadioItem(Opt, ?HARD, "Level: Hard"), wxMenu:appendRadioItem(Opt, ?HARDEST, "Level: Hardest"), wxMenu:appendSeparator(Opt), EItem = wxMenu:appendCheckItem(Opt, ?SHOW_ERROR, "Show errors"), wxMenuBar:append(MenuBar, File, "&File"), wxMenuBar:append(MenuBar, Opt, "O&ptions"), wxMenuBar:append(MenuBar, Help, "&Help"), wxFrame:setMenuBar(Frame, MenuBar), wxFrame:connect(Frame, command_menu_selected), MainSz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), Top = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame), NewGame = wxButton:new(Panel, ?NEW, [{label,"New Game"}]), wxButton:connect(NewGame, command_button_clicked), Empty = wxButton:new(Panel, ?EMPTY, [{label,"Empty Board "}]), wxButton:connect(Empty, command_button_clicked), Clean = wxButton:new(Panel, ?CLEAR, [{label,"Clear"}]), wxButton:connect(Clean, command_button_clicked), Hint = wxButton:new(Panel, ?HINT, [{label, "Hint"}]), wxButton:connect(Hint, command_button_clicked), wxSizer:addSpacer(Top,2), SF = wxSizerFlags:new(), wxSizerFlags:proportion(SF,1), wxSizer:add(Top, NewGame, wxSizerFlags:left(SF)), wxSizer:addSpacer(Top,3), wxSizer:add(Top, Empty, wxSizerFlags:center(SF)), wxSizer:addSpacer(Top,3), wxSizer:add(Top, Clean, wxSizerFlags:center(SF)), wxSizer:addSpacer(Top,3), wxSizer:add(Top, Hint, wxSizerFlags:right(SF)), wxSizer:addSpacer(MainSz,5), wxSizer:add(MainSz, Top, wxSizerFlags:center(wxSizerFlags:proportion(SF,0))), wxSizer:addSpacer(MainSz,10), Board = sudoku_board:new(Panel), wxSizer:add(MainSz, Board, wxSizerFlags:proportion(wxSizerFlags:expand(SF),1)), wxWindow:setSizer(Panel,MainSz), wxSizer:fit(MainSz, Frame), wxSizer:setSizeHints(MainSz,Frame), wxWindow:show(Frame), %% Check after append so it's initialized on all platforms wxMenuItem:check(LItem), wxMenuItem:check(EItem), {Frame, Board}. status(Win, F, A) -> Str = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(F, A)), wxFrame:setStatusText(Win, Str). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Info i.e. messages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% handle_info(quit, S=#gs{game=G,frame=F}) -> wxWindow:close(F), wx_core:quit(), G ! quit, {stop, shutdown, S}; handle_info({init, Init}, S = #gs{board=Board,frame=F}) -> sudoku_board:setup_board(Board, Init), status(F, "Given ~p Left ~p", [length(Init), sudoku_board:left(Board)]), {noreply, S#gs{orig=[indx(Id)||{Id,_}<-Init]}}; handle_info({correct, ButtI}, S = #gs{board=Board, orig=Orig,frame=F}) -> sudoku_board:butt_correct(Board, ButtI, true), case sudoku_board:left(Board) of 0 -> Str = "Congrats, now try a harder one", MD = wxMessageDialog:new(F,Str, [{style, ?wxOK bor ?wxICON_INFORMATION}, {caption, "Complete"}]), wxDialog:showModal(MD), wxDialog:destroy(MD), status(F, "Given ~p Left ~p", [length(Orig), 0]); L -> status(F, "Given ~p Left ~p", [length(Orig), L]) end, {noreply, S}; handle_info({wrong, ButtI}, S = #gs{board=Board}) -> case S#gs.show_err of true -> sudoku_board:butt_correct(Board, ButtI, false); false -> ignore end, {noreply, S}; handle_info({set_val, ButtI, Val}, S = #gs{game=G,board=Board,orig=Orig}) -> case lists:member(indx(ButtI), Orig) of false -> set_val(ButtI, Val, Board, G); true -> ignore end, {noreply, S}; handle_info({working, Done}, S = #gs{frame=F}) -> status(F, "Thinking: ~p%", [Done]), {noreply, S}; handle_info({busy, Mode},S) -> case Mode of start -> wx_misc:beginBusyCursor(); stop -> wx_misc:endBusyCursor() end, {noreply, S}. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GUI-Events %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% handle_event(#wx{id=?HINT, event=#wxCommand{type=command_button_clicked}}, S = #gs{game=G}) -> G ! {solve,false}, {noreply,S}; handle_event(#wx{event=#wxClose{}}, S = #gs{game=G,frame=F}) -> catch wxWindow:'Destroy'(F), G ! quit, {stop, shutdown, S}; handle_event(#wx{id=?QUIT, event=#wxCommand{type=command_menu_selected}}, S = #gs{game=G,frame=F}) -> wxWindow:close(F,[]), G ! quit, {stop, shutdown, S}; %% type=command_button_clicked, handle_event(#wx{id=?NEW, event=#wxCommand{}}, S = #gs{game=G, board=Board}) -> G ! {op,?NEW,S#gs.level}, sudoku_board:setup_board(Board,[]), {noreply, S#gs{orig=[]}}; handle_event(#wx{id=?EMPTY, event=#wxCommand{}}, S = #gs{game=G, board=Board}) -> G ! {op,?EMPTY}, sudoku_board:setup_board(Board,[]), {noreply, S#gs{orig=[]}}; handle_event(#wx{id=?CLEAR, event=#wxCommand{}}, S = #gs{game=G,board=Board}) -> Vals = sudoku_board:clear_board(Board), G ! {loaded, Vals}, {noreply, S}; handle_event(#wx{id=ID, event=#wxCommand{}}, S) when ID > 125 -> New = dialog(ID, S), {noreply, New}; handle_event(Msg,S) -> io:format("~p: Unhandled event ~p~n",[?MODULE, Msg]), %%sudoku_board:event(Msg, Ids), {noreply, S}. handle_call(What, _From, State) -> {stop, {call, What}, State}. code_change(_, _, State) -> {stop, not_yet_implemented, State}. terminate(_Reason, _State) -> normal. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dialog(?SHOW_ERROR, S=#gs{show_err=Show}) -> S#gs{show_err = not Show}; dialog(ID, S) when ID >= 210, ID =< 240 -> Level = sudoku_game:level(ID-200), S#gs{level = Level}; dialog(?SAVE, S=#gs{frame=Frame, board=Board}) -> FD = wxFileDialog:new(Frame, [{style, ?wxFD_SAVE bor ?wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT}]), case wxFileDialog:showModal(FD) of ?wxID_OK -> Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(FD), {ok,Fd} = file:open(Path, [write]), List = sudoku_board:get_board_data(Board), io:format(Fd, "~w.~n", [List]), file:close(Fd); _ -> ignore end, wxDialog:destroy(FD), S; dialog(?OPEN, S=#gs{game=Server, frame=Frame, board=Board}) -> FD = wxFileDialog:new(Frame,[{style, ?wxFD_OPEN bor ?wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST}]), case wxDialog:showModal(FD) of ?wxID_OK -> Path = wxFileDialog:getPath(FD), case file:consult(Path) of {ok, [Game]} when is_list(Game) -> Vals = sudoku_board:set_board_data(Board, Game), Server ! {loaded, Vals}; _ -> ignore end; _ -> ignore end, wxFileDialog:destroy(FD), S; dialog(?ABOUT, S=#gs{frame=Frame}) -> Str = "I'm just testing WxWidgets.\n" "Testing various features and usages.\n/Dgud", MD = wxMessageDialog:new(Frame,Str, [{style, ?wxOK bor ?wxICON_INFORMATION}, {caption, "About box"}]), wxDialog:showModal(MD), wxDialog:destroy(MD), S; dialog(?RULES, S) -> wx_misc:launchDefaultBrowser("http://www.sudoku.com"), S; dialog(?PRINT_PAGE_SETUP, S = #gs{frame=Frame, print_psdd=PsDD0, print_d=PD0}) -> wxPageSetupDialogData:setPrintData(PsDD0, PD0), PSD = wxPageSetupDialog:new(Frame, [{data,PsDD0}]), wxPageSetupDialog:showModal(PSD), PSDD1 = wxPageSetupDialog:getPageSetupData(PSD), PD1 = wxPageSetupDialogData:getPrintData(PSDD1), %% Create new objects using copy constr. PD = wxPrintData:new(PD1), PsDD = wxPageSetupDialogData:new(PSDD1), wxPageSetupDialog:destroy(PSD), wxPageSetupDialogData:destroy(PsDD0), wxPrintData:destroy(PD0), S#gs{print_psdd=PsDD, print_d=PD}; dialog(?PRINT_PRE, S = #gs{frame=Frame, print_d=PD}) -> PDD = wxPrintDialogData:new(PD), Printout1 = wxPrintout:new("Print", fun(This,Page) -> printout(This,Page,S) end, [{getPageInfo, fun getPageInfo/1}]), Printout2 = wxPrintout:new("Print", fun(This,Page) -> printout(This,Page,S) end, [{getPageInfo, fun getPageInfo/1}]), Preview = wxPrintPreview:new(Printout1, [{printoutForPrinting,Printout2},{data,PDD}]), case wxPrintPreview:isOk(Preview) of true -> PF = wxPreviewFrame:new(Preview, Frame, [{title, "Print Preview"}]), wxPreviewFrame:centre(PF, [{dir, ?wxBOTH}]), wxPreviewFrame:initialize(PF), wxPreviewFrame:centre(PF), wxPreviewFrame:show(PF); false -> io:format("Could not create preview window.\n" "Perhaps your current printer is not set correctly?~n", []), wxPrintPreview:destroy(Preview) end, S; dialog(?PRINT, S = #gs{frame=Frame, print_d=PD}) -> PDD = wxPrintDialogData:new(PD), Printer = wxPrinter:new([{data,PDD}]), Printout = wxPrintout:new("Print", fun(This,Page) -> printout(This,Page,S) end, [{getPageInfo, fun getPageInfo/1}]), case wxPrinter:print(Printer, Frame, Printout, [{prompt,true}]) of false -> case wxPrinter:getLastError() of ?wxPRINTER_ERROR -> io:format("There was a problem printing.\n" "Perhaps your current printer is not set correctly?~n", []); _ -> io:format("You canceled printing~n", []) end, wxPrinter:destroy(Printer), S; true -> PDD2 = wxPrinter:getPrintDialogData(Printer), PD2 = wxPrintDialogData:getPrintData(PDD2), %% Copy data PD2 will be deleted when Printer is destroyed PD3 = wxPrintData:new(PD2), wxPrintData:destroy(PD), wxPrinter:destroy(Printer), S#gs{print_d = PD3} end; dialog(Other, S) -> io:format("other ~p~n",[Other]), S. init_printer(S) -> PD = wxPrintData:new(), %% You could set an initial paper size here %% g_printData->SetPaperId(wxPAPER_LETTER); // for Americans %% g_printData->SetPaperId(wxPAPER_A4); // for everyone else PSDD = wxPageSetupDialogData:new(PD), wxPageSetupDialogData:setMarginTopLeft(PSDD,{15,15}), wxPageSetupDialogData:setMarginBottomRight(PSDD,{15,15}), S#gs{print_d=PD, print_psdd=PSDD}. getPageInfo(_This) -> {1,1,1,1}. printout(This, _Page, #gs{board=Board, print_psdd=PsDD}) -> MX = MY = 500, wxPrintout:fitThisSizeToPageMargins(This, {MX,MY}, PsDD), _DBG = {_X,_Y,W,H} = wxPrintout:getLogicalPageMarginsRect(This, PsDD), wxPrintout:offsetLogicalOrigin(This,(W-MX) div 2, (H-MY) div 2), %% io:format("~p ->{~p,~p} ~n", [_DBG, (W-MX) div 2, (H-MY) div 2]), DC = wxPrintout:getDC(This), sudoku_board:draw(Board, DC, {500,500}), true. set_val(Id, Val, Board, G) -> sudoku_board:set_butt(Board, Id,Val), G ! {validate, Id, Val}, ok.