%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT %% This module is actually handwritten see ../api_gen/wx_extra/wxEvtHandler.erl %% %% @doc The Event handler. %% %% To get events from wxwidgets objects you subscribe to them by %% calling connect/[2-3]. Events are sent as messages, if no callback %% was supplied These messages will be {@link wx(). #wx{}} where %% EventRecord is a record that depends on the {@link %% wxEventType(). event type}. The records are defined in: %% wx/include/wx.hrl. %% %% If a callback was supplied to connect, the callback will be invoked %% (in another process) to handle the event. The callback should be of %% arity 2. fun(EventRecord::wx(), EventObject::wxObject()). %% %% Beware that the callback will be in executed in new process each time. %% %% <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxevthandler.html"> %% The orginal documentation</a>. %% %% -module(wxEvtHandler). -include("wxe.hrl"). -include("../include/wx.hrl"). %% API -export([connect/2, connect/3, disconnect/1, disconnect/2, disconnect/3]). %% internal exports -export([connect_impl/2, disconnect_impl/2]). -export_type([wxEvtHandler/0, wx/0, event/0]). -type wxEvtHandler() :: wx:wx_object(). %% @doc Equivalent to {@link connect/3. connect(This, EventType, [])} -spec connect(This::wxEvtHandler(), EventType::wxEventType()) -> 'ok'. connect(This, EventType) -> connect(This, EventType, []). %% @doc This function subscribes the to events of EventType, %% in the range id, lastId. The events will be received as messages %% if no callback is supplied. %% %% Options: %% {id, integer()}, The identifier (or first of the identifier range) to be %% associated with this event handler. %% Default ?wxID_ANY %% {lastId, integer()}, The second part of the identifier range. %% If used 'id' must be set as the starting identifier range. %% Default ?wxID_ANY %% {skip, boolean()}, If skip is true further event_handlers will be called. %% This is not used if the 'callback' option is used. %% Default false. %% {callback, function()} Use a callback fun(EventRecord::wx(), EventObject::wxObject()) %% to process the event. Default not specfied i.e. a message will %% be delivered to the process calling this function. %% {userData, term()} An erlang term that will be sent with the event. Default: []. -spec connect(This::wxEvtHandler(), EventType::wxEventType(), [Option]) -> 'ok' when Option :: {'id', integer()} | {'lastId', integer()} | {'skip', boolean()} | 'callback' | {'callback', function()} | {'userData', term()}. connect(This=#wx_ref{type=ThisT}, EventType, Options) -> EvH = parse_opts(Options, #evh{et=EventType}), ?CLASS(ThisT,wxEvtHandler), case wxe_util:connect_cb(This, EvH) of ok -> ok; {badarg, event_type} -> erlang:error({badarg,EventType}) end. parse_opts([{callback,Fun}|R], Opts) when is_function(Fun) -> %% Check Fun Arity? parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{cb=Fun}); parse_opts([{callback,CB={nospawn, Fun}}|R], Opts) when is_function(Fun) -> parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{cb=CB}); parse_opts([callback|R], Opts) -> parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{cb=self()}); parse_opts([{userData, UserData}|R],Opts) -> parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{userdata=UserData}); parse_opts([{skip, Skip}|R],Opts) when is_boolean(Skip) -> parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{skip=Skip}); parse_opts([{id, Id}|R],Opts) when is_integer(Id) -> parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{id=Id}); parse_opts([{lastId, Id}|R],Opts) when is_integer(Id) -> parse_opts(R, Opts#evh{lastId=Id}); parse_opts([_BadArg|R], Opts) -> parse_opts(R, Opts); parse_opts([], Opts = #evh{id=Id,lastId=Lid,skip=Skip, cb=CB}) -> if Skip =/= undefined andalso CB =/= 0 -> erlang:error({badarg, {combined, skip, callback}}); Lid =/= ?wxID_ANY andalso Id =:= ?wxID_ANY -> erlang:error({badarg, no_start_identifier_range}); Skip =:= undefined -> %% Default Opts#evh{skip=false}; true -> Opts end. %% @doc Equivalent to {@link disconnect/3. disconnect(This, null, [])} %% Can also have an optional callback Fun() as an additional last argument. -spec disconnect(This::wxEvtHandler()) -> boolean(). disconnect(This=#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=_ThisRef}) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxEvtHandler), disconnect(This, null, []). %% @doc Equivalent to {@link disconnect/3. disconnect(This, EventType, [])} -spec disconnect(This::wxEvtHandler(), EventType::wxEventType()) -> boolean(). disconnect(This=#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=_ThisRef}, EventType) when is_atom(EventType) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxEvtHandler), disconnect(This, EventType, []). %% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/stable/wx_wxevthandler.html#wxevthandlerdisconnect">external documentation</a> %% This function unsubscribes the process or callback fun from the event handler. %% EventType may be the atom 'null' to match any eventtype. %% Notice that the options skip and userdata is not used to match the eventhandler. -spec disconnect(This::wxEvtHandler(), EventType::wxEventType(), [Option]) -> boolean() when Option :: {'id', integer()} | {'lastId', integer()} | {'callback', function()}. disconnect(This=#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=_ThisRef}, EventType, Opts) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxEvtHandler), EvH = parse_opts(Opts, #evh{et=EventType}), case wxe_util:disconnect_cb(This, EvH) of {badarg, event_type} -> erlang:error({badarg,EventType}); Bool -> Bool end. %% @hidden connect_impl(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef}, #evh{id=Winid, lastId=LastId, et=EventType, skip=Skip, userdata=Userdata, cb=FunID}) when is_integer(FunID)-> EventTypeBin = list_to_binary([atom_to_list(EventType)|[0]]), ThisTypeBin = list_to_binary([atom_to_list(ThisT)|[0]]), UD = if Userdata =:= [] -> 0; true -> wxe_util:send_bin(term_to_binary(Userdata)), 1 end, wxe_util:call(100, <<ThisRef:32/?UI, Winid:32/?UI,LastId:32/?UI, (wxe_util:from_bool(Skip)):32/?UI, UD:32/?UI, FunID:32/?UI, (size(EventTypeBin)):32/?UI, (size(ThisTypeBin)):32/?UI, %% Note no alignment EventTypeBin/binary,ThisTypeBin/binary>>). %% @hidden disconnect_impl(#wx_ref{type=_ThisT,ref=ThisRef}, #evh{id=Winid, lastId=LastId, et=EventType, handler=#wx_ref{type=wxeEvtListener,ref=EvtList}}) -> EventTypeBin = list_to_binary([atom_to_list(EventType)|[0]]), wxe_util:call(101, <<EvtList:32/?UI, ThisRef:32/?UI,Winid:32/?UI,LastId:32/?UI, (size(EventTypeBin)):32/?UI, %% Note no alignment EventTypeBin/binary>>).