%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% This file is generated DO NOT EDIT %% @doc See external documentation: <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.8.12/wx_wxscrollevent.html">wxScrollEvent</a>. %% <dl><dt>Use {@link wxEvtHandler:connect/3.} with EventType:</dt> %% <dd><em>scroll_top</em>, <em>scroll_bottom</em>, <em>scroll_lineup</em>, <em>scroll_linedown</em>, <em>scroll_pageup</em>, <em>scroll_pagedown</em>, <em>scroll_thumbtrack</em>, <em>scroll_thumbrelease</em>, <em>scroll_changed</em></dd></dl> %% See also the message variant {@link wxEvtHandler:wxScroll(). #wxScroll{}} event record type. %% %% <p>This class is derived (and can use functions) from: %% <br />{@link wxCommandEvent} %% <br />{@link wxEvent} %% </p> %% @type wxScrollEvent(). An object reference, The representation is internal %% and can be changed without notice. It can't be used for comparsion %% stored on disc or distributed for use on other nodes. -module(wxScrollEvent). -include("wxe.hrl"). -export([getOrientation/1,getPosition/1]). %% inherited exports -export([getClientData/1,getExtraLong/1,getId/1,getInt/1,getSelection/1,getSkipped/1, getString/1,getTimestamp/1,isChecked/1,isCommandEvent/1,isSelection/1, parent_class/1,resumePropagation/2,setInt/2,setString/2,shouldPropagate/1, skip/1,skip/2,stopPropagation/1]). -export_type([wxScrollEvent/0]). %% @hidden parent_class(wxCommandEvent) -> true; parent_class(wxEvent) -> true; parent_class(_Class) -> erlang:error({badtype, ?MODULE}). -type wxScrollEvent() :: wx:wx_object(). %% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.8.12/wx_wxscrollevent.html#wxscrolleventgetorientation">external documentation</a>. -spec getOrientation(This) -> integer() when This::wxScrollEvent(). getOrientation(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef}) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxScrollEvent), wxe_util:call(?wxScrollEvent_GetOrientation, <<ThisRef:32/?UI>>). %% @doc See <a href="http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.8.12/wx_wxscrollevent.html#wxscrolleventgetposition">external documentation</a>. -spec getPosition(This) -> integer() when This::wxScrollEvent(). getPosition(#wx_ref{type=ThisT,ref=ThisRef}) -> ?CLASS(ThisT,wxScrollEvent), wxe_util:call(?wxScrollEvent_GetPosition, <<ThisRef:32/?UI>>). %% From wxCommandEvent %% @hidden setString(This,S) -> wxCommandEvent:setString(This,S). %% @hidden setInt(This,I) -> wxCommandEvent:setInt(This,I). %% @hidden isSelection(This) -> wxCommandEvent:isSelection(This). %% @hidden isChecked(This) -> wxCommandEvent:isChecked(This). %% @hidden getString(This) -> wxCommandEvent:getString(This). %% @hidden getSelection(This) -> wxCommandEvent:getSelection(This). %% @hidden getInt(This) -> wxCommandEvent:getInt(This). %% @hidden getExtraLong(This) -> wxCommandEvent:getExtraLong(This). %% @hidden getClientData(This) -> wxCommandEvent:getClientData(This). %% From wxEvent %% @hidden stopPropagation(This) -> wxEvent:stopPropagation(This). %% @hidden skip(This, Options) -> wxEvent:skip(This, Options). %% @hidden skip(This) -> wxEvent:skip(This). %% @hidden shouldPropagate(This) -> wxEvent:shouldPropagate(This). %% @hidden resumePropagation(This,PropagationLevel) -> wxEvent:resumePropagation(This,PropagationLevel). %% @hidden isCommandEvent(This) -> wxEvent:isCommandEvent(This). %% @hidden getTimestamp(This) -> wxEvent:getTimestamp(This). %% @hidden getSkipped(This) -> wxEvent:getSkipped(This). %% @hidden getId(This) -> wxEvent:getId(This).