%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2010. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : wxe_util.erl %%% Author : Dan Gudmundsson <dgud@erix.ericsson.se> %%% Description : %%% %%% Created : 9 Feb 2007 by Dan Gudmundsson <dgud@erix.ericsson.se> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @hidden -module(wxe_util). -export([call/2,cast/2,construct/2, destroy/2, register_pid/1, connect_cb/2,disconnect_cb/2, send_bin/1, get_cbId/1, get_const/1,colour_bin/1,datetime_bin/1, to_bool/1,from_bool/1]). -export([wxgl_dl/0, priv_dir/2, opt_error_log/3]). -include("wxe.hrl"). to_bool(0) -> false; to_bool(_) -> true. from_bool(true) -> 1; from_bool(false) -> 0. colour_bin({R,G,B}) -> <<R:32/?UI,G:32/?UI, B:32/?UI,255:32/?UI>>; colour_bin({R,G,B,A}) -> <<R:32/?UI,G:32/?UI, B:32/?UI,A:32/?UI>>. datetime_bin({{Y,Mo,D},{H,Mi,S}}) -> %% DMY fits wxDaytime constructor %% Also wxDaytime:Month is enum from zero <<D:32/?UI,(Mo-1):32/?UI,Y:32/?UI,H:32/?UI,Mi:32/?UI,S:32/?UI>>. get_const(Id) -> [{Id, Data}] = ets:lookup(wx_non_consts, Id), Data. cast(Op,Args) -> #wx_env{port=Port,debug=Dbg} = wx:get_env(), _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args), case Dbg > 0 of true -> debug_cast(Dbg band 15, Op,Args,Port); false -> ok end, ok. call(Op, Args) -> #wx_env{port=Port,debug=Dbg} = wx:get_env(), case Dbg > 0 of false -> _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args), rec(Op); true -> debug_call(Dbg band 15, Op, Args, Port) end. rec(Op) -> receive {'_wxe_result_', Res} -> Res; {'_wxe_error_', Op, Error} -> [{_,MF}] = ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op), erlang:error({Error, MF}); {'_wxe_error_', Old, Error} -> [{_,MF}] = ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Old), erlang:exit({Error, MF}) end. construct(Op, Args) -> call(Op,Args). destroy(Op, #wx_ref{ref=Ref}) -> cast(Op,<<Ref:32/?UI>>). register_pid(#wx_ref{ref=Ref}) -> call(?WXE_REGISTER_OBJECT, <<Ref:32/?UI>>). send_bin(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) -> #wx_env{port=Port,debug=Dbg} = wx:get_env(), case Dbg > 0 of false -> erlang:port_command(Port, Bin); true -> io:format("WX binary ~p(~p) ~n",[self(), Port]), erlang:port_command(Port, Bin) end. get_cbId(Fun) -> gen_server:call((wx:get_env())#wx_env.sv,{register_cb, Fun}, infinity). connect_cb(Object,EvData) -> handle_listener(connect_cb, Object, EvData). disconnect_cb(Object,EvData) -> handle_listener(disconnect_cb, Object, EvData). handle_listener(Op,Object,EvData) -> Listener = gen_server:call((wx:get_env())#wx_env.sv, {Op,Object,EvData}, infinity), case Listener of {call_impl, connect_cb, EvtList} -> wxEvtHandler:connect_impl(EvtList,Object,EvData); Res -> Res end. debug_cast(1, Op, _Args, _Port) -> check_previous(), case ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op) of [{_,{M,F,_}}] -> io:format("WX ~p: ~s:~s(~p) -> ok~n", [self(),M,F,Op]); [] -> io:format("WX ~p: unknown(~p) -> ok~n", [self(),Op]) end; debug_cast(2, Op, Args, Port) -> check_previous(), case ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op) of [{_,{M,F,_}}] -> io:format("WX ~p(~p): ~s:~s(~p) (~p) -> ok~n", [self(),Port,M,F,Op,Args]); [] -> io:format("WX ~p(~p): unknown(~p) (~p) -> ok~n", [self(),Port,Op,Args]) end; debug_cast(_, _Op, _Args, _Port) -> check_previous(), ok. debug_call(1, Op, Args, Port) -> check_previous(), case ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op) of [{_,{M,F,_}}] -> io:format("WX ~p: ~s:~s(~p) -> ",[self(),M,F,Op]); [] -> io:format("WX ~p: unknown(~p) -> ",[self(),Op]) end, _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args), debug_rec(1); debug_call(2, Op, Args, Port) -> check_previous(), case ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op) of [{_,{M,F,_}}] -> io:format("WX ~p(~p): ~s:~s(~p) (~p) -> ", [self(), Port, M, F, Op, Args]); [] -> io:format("WX ~p(~p): unknown(~p) (~p) -> ", [self(), Port, Op, Args]) end, _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args), debug_rec(2); debug_call(_, Op, Args, Port) -> check_previous(), _ = erlang:port_control(Port,Op,Args), rec(Op). debug_rec(1) -> receive {'_wxe_result_', Res} -> io:format("complete ~n", []), Res; {'_wxe_error_', Op2, Error} -> [{_,MF2}] = ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op2), erlang:error({Error, MF2}) end; debug_rec(2) -> receive {'_wxe_result_', Res} -> io:format("~p ~n", [Res]), Res; {'_wxe_error_', Op, Error} -> io:format("Error ~p ~n", [Error]), [{_,MF}] = ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op), erlang:error({Error, MF}) end. check_previous() -> receive {'_wxe_error_', Op, Error} -> [{_,MF={M,F,_}}] = ets:lookup(wx_debug_info,Op), io:format("WX ~p: ERROR in previous command ~s:~s~n",[self(), M,F]), erlang:error({Error, MF}) after 0 -> ok end. %% Get gl dynamic library wxgl_dl() -> DynLib0 = "erl_gl", PrivDir = priv_dir(DynLib0, false), DynLib = case os:type() of {win32,_} -> DynLib0 ++ ".dll"; _ -> DynLib0 ++ ".so" end, filename:join(PrivDir, DynLib). priv_dir(Driver0, Silent) -> {file, Path} = code:is_loaded(?MODULE), Priv = case filelib:is_regular(Path) of true -> Beam = filename:join(["ebin/",atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++ ".beam"]), filename:join(strip(Path, Beam), "priv"); false -> code:priv_dir(wx) end, Driver = case os:type() of {win32,_} -> Driver0 ++ ".dll"; _ -> Driver0 ++ ".so" end, case file:read_file_info(filename:join(Priv, Driver)) of {ok, _} -> Priv; {error, _} -> opt_error_log(Silent, "ERROR: Could not find \'~s\' in: ~s~n", [Driver, Priv]), erlang:error({load_driver, "No driver found"}) end. strip(Src, Src) -> []; strip([H|R], Src) -> [H| strip(R, Src)]. opt_error_log(false, Format, Args) -> error_logger:format(Format, Args); opt_error_log(true, _Format, _Args) -> ok.