%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2013. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : wx_event_SUITE.erl %%% Author : Dan Gudmundsson <dan.gudmundsson@ericsson.com> %%% Description : Test event handling as much as possible %%% Created : 3 Nov 2008 by Dan Gudmundsson <dan.gudmundsson@ericsson.com> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(wx_event_SUITE). -export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_group/2,end_per_group/2, init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]). -compile(export_all). -include("wx_test_lib.hrl"). %% Initialization functions. init_per_suite(Config) -> wx_test_lib:init_per_suite(Config). end_per_suite(Config) -> wx_test_lib:end_per_suite(Config). init_per_testcase(Func,Config) -> wx_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Func,Config). end_per_testcase(Func,Config) -> wx_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Func,Config). %% SUITE specification suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}]. all() -> [connect, disconnect, connect_msg_20, connect_cb_20, mouse_on_grid, spin_event, connect_in_callback, recursive, char_events ]. groups() -> []. init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) -> Config. %% The test cases %% Test that the various options to connect work as expected. connect(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); connect(Config) -> ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = ?mt(wxFrame, wxFrame:new(wx:null(), 1, "Event Testing")), Panel = ?mt(wxPanel, wxPanel:new(Frame)), Window = wxWindow:new(Panel, -1), Tester = self(), CB = fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{},userData=UserD}, SizeEvent) -> ?mt(wxSizeEvent, SizeEvent), Tester ! {got_size, UserD} end, ?m(ok, wxFrame:connect(Frame, size)), ?m(ok, wxEvtHandler:connect(Panel, size,[{skip, true},{userData, panel}])), ?m(ok, wxEvtHandler:connect(Panel, size,[{callback,CB},{userData, panel}])), ?m({'EXIT', {{badarg,_},_}}, wxEvtHandler:connect(Panel, there_is_no_such_event)), ?m({'EXIT', {{badarg,_},_}}, wxEvtHandler:connect(Panel, there_is_no_such_event, [{callback,CB}])), ?m(ok, wxWindow:connect(Window, size,[{callback,CB},{userData, window}])), ?m(ok, wxWindow:connect(Window, size,[{skip,true},{userData, window}])), ?m(true, wxFrame:show(Frame)), wxWindow:setSize(Panel, {200,100}), wxWindow:setSize(Window, {200,100}), get_size_messages(Frame, [frame, panel_cb, window_cb, window]), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). get_size_messages(_, []) -> ok; get_size_messages(Frame, Msgs) -> receive #wx{obj=Frame,event=#wxSize{}} -> %% ok get_size_messages(Frame, lists:delete(frame, Msgs)); #wx{userData=window, event=#wxSize{}} -> ?m(true, lists:member(window_cb, Msgs)), get_size_messages(Frame, lists:delete(window, Msgs)); #wx{userData=panel, event=#wxSize{}} -> ?m(true, lists:member(panel, Msgs)), get_size_messages(Frame, lists:delete(panel, Msgs)); {got_size,window} -> ?m(false, lists:member(window, Msgs)), get_size_messages(Frame, lists:delete(window_cb, Msgs)); {got_size,panel} -> get_size_messages(Frame, lists:delete(panel_cb, Msgs)); Other -> ?error("Got unexpected msg ~p ~p~n", [Other,Msgs]) after 1000 -> ?error("Timeout ~p~n", [Msgs]) end. disconnect(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); disconnect(Config) -> ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = ?mt(wxFrame, wxFrame:new(wx:null(), 1, "Event Testing")), Panel = ?mt(wxPanel, wxPanel:new(Frame)), Tester = self(), CB = fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{},userData=UserD}, SizeEvent) -> ?mt(wxSizeEvent, SizeEvent), Tester ! {got_size, UserD} end, ?m(ok, wxFrame:connect(Frame, close_window)), ?m(ok, wxFrame:connect(Frame, size)), ?m(ok, wxEvtHandler:connect(Panel, size,[{skip, true},{userData, panel}])), ?m(ok, wxEvtHandler:connect(Panel, size,[{callback,CB},{userData, panel}])), ?m(true, wxFrame:show(Frame)), wxWindow:setSize(Panel, {200,100}), get_size_messages(Frame, [frame, panel_cb]), wx_test_lib:flush(), ?m(true, wxEvtHandler:disconnect(Panel, size, [{callback,CB}])), ?m(ok, wxWindow:setSize(Panel, {200,101})), get_size_messages(Frame, [panel]), timer:sleep(1000), wx_test_lib:flush(), ?m({'EXIT', {{badarg,_},_}}, wxEvtHandler:disconnect(Panel, non_existing_event_type)), ?m(true, wxEvtHandler:disconnect(Panel, size)), ?m(ok, wxWindow:setSize(Panel, {200,102})), timer:sleep(1000), ?m([], wx_test_lib:flush()), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). %% Test that the msg events are forwarded as supposed to connect_msg_20(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); connect_msg_20(Config) -> ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = ?mt(wxFrame, wxFrame:new(wx:null(), 1, "Event 20 Testing")), Tester = self(), Env = wx:get_env(), EvtHandler = fun() -> wx:set_env(Env), wxFrame:connect(Frame,size,[{skip,true}]), Tester ! initiated, receive #wx{obj=Frame,event=#wxSize{}} -> Tester ! got_it end end, Msgs = [begin spawn_link(EvtHandler), got_it end|| _ <- lists:seq(1,20)], ?m_multi_receive(lists:duplicate(20, initiated)), ?m(true, wxFrame:show(Frame)), ?m_multi_receive(Msgs), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). %% Test that the callbacks works as msgs connect_cb_20(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); connect_cb_20(Config) -> ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = ?mt(wxFrame, wxFrame:new(wx:null(), 1, "Event 20 Testing")), Tester = self(), Env = wx:get_env(), wxFrame:connect(Frame,size,[{callback, fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{}},_SizeEv) -> Tester ! main_got_it end}]), EvtHandler = fun() -> wx:set_env(Env), Self = self(), CB = fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{}}, WxSizeEventObj) -> wxEvent:skip(WxSizeEventObj), Tester ! got_it, Self ! quit end, wxFrame:connect(Frame,size,[{callback, CB}]), Tester ! initiated, receive quit -> ok end end, Msgs = [begin spawn_link(EvtHandler), got_it end|| _ <- lists:seq(1,20)], ?m_multi_receive(lists:duplicate(20, initiated)), ?m(true, wxFrame:show(Frame)), ?m_multi_receive(Msgs), ?m_receive(main_got_it), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). mouse_on_grid(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); mouse_on_grid(Config) -> Wx = ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), Frame = wxFrame:new(Wx, ?wxID_ANY, "Frame"), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), Grid = wxGrid:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY), wxGrid:createGrid(Grid, 10, 10, []), wxSizer:add(Sizer, Grid, [{proportion, 1}]), wxWindow:connect(Panel, motion), wxWindow:connect(Panel, middle_down), %% Undocumented function GridWindow = ?mt(wxWindow, wxGrid:getGridWindow(Grid)), wxWindow:connect(GridWindow, motion), wxWindow:connect(GridWindow, middle_down), wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(Panel, Sizer), wxFrame:show(Frame), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). spin_event(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); spin_event(Config) -> Wx = ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), %% Spin events and scrollEvent share some events id's %% test that they work Frame = wxFrame:new(Wx, ?wxID_ANY, "Spin Events"), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), Sizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), HSz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL), SB = wxSpinButton:new(Panel, [{id, 100}]), wxSizer:add(HSz, SB, []), wxSpinButton:connect(SB, spin), wxSpinButton:connect(SB, spin_up), wxSpinButton:connect(SB, spin_down), SC = wxSpinCtrl:new(Panel, [{id, 101}, {min, -12}, {max, 12}, {value, "-3"}, {initial, 3}, {style, ?wxSP_ARROW_KEYS bor ?wxSP_WRAP}]), wxSpinCtrl:connect(SC, command_spinctrl_updated), wxSizer:add(HSz, SC, [{proportion, 1}, {flag, ?wxEXPAND}]), wxSizer:add(Sizer, HSz, [{proportion, 0},{flag, ?wxEXPAND}]), SL = wxSlider:new(Panel, 102, 57, 22, 99), wxSlider:connect(SL, scroll_thumbtrack), wxSlider:connect(SL, scroll_lineup), wxSlider:connect(SL, scroll_linedown), wxSizer:add(Sizer, SL, [{proportion, 0},{flag, ?wxEXPAND}]), wxWindow:setSizerAndFit(Panel, Sizer), wxFrame:show(Frame), wx_test_lib:flush(), %% Set value does not generate a spin event... %% wxSpinButton:setValue(SB, 7), %% ?m_receive(#wx{id=100, event=#wxSpin{type=spin}}), %% wxSpinCtrl:setValue(SC, 8), %% ?m_receive(#wx{id=101, event=#wxSpin{type=command_spinctrl_updated}}), %% wxSlider:setValue(SL, 29), %% ?m_receive(#wx{id=102, event=#wxScroll{}}), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). %% Test that we can connect to events from inside a callback fun %% This is needed for example inside a callback that does a wxWindow:popupMenu/2 connect_in_callback(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); connect_in_callback(Config) -> Wx = ?mr(wx_ref, wx:new()), %% wx:debug([driver,trace]), %% io:format("gdb -p ~s~n",[os:getpid()]), Frame = wxFrame:new(Wx, ?wxID_ANY, "Connect in callback"), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), Tester = self(), %% Connect in callbacks works different in 2.9 %% such that new events are not fired until the previous %% callback have returned. %% That means that a callback can not wait for other events %% in receive since they will not come. %% It also means that you can not attach a new callback directly from %% the callback since that callback will be removed when the temporary %% process that executes the outer callback (may) die(s) before the callback %% is invoked %% Thus connect in callbacks needs to done in a another process, and %% not in the fun directly Env = wx:get_env(), TestWindow = fun() -> wx:set_env(Env), Me = self(), F1 = wxFrame:new(Frame, ?wxID_ANY, "Frame size event"), wxFrame:connect(F1,size,[{callback, fun(_,_) -> io:format("CB2 got size~n",[]), Me ! {continue, F1} end}]), wxWindow:show(F1), receive {continue, F1} -> Tester ! {continue, F1} end end, wxFrame:connect(Frame,size, [{callback, fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{}},_SizeEv) -> io:format("Frame got size~n",[]), spawn(TestWindow) end}]), wxPanel:connect(Panel,size, [{callback, fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{}},_SizeEv) -> io:format("Panel got size~n",[]), spawn(fun() -> wx:set_env(Env), F1 = wxFrame:new(Frame, ?wxID_ANY, "Panel size event"), wxFrame:connect(F1,size), wxWindow:show(F1), receive #wx{event=#wxSize{}} -> io:format("All Fine ~n",[]), wxFrame:destroy(F1) end end) end}]), wxFrame:show(Frame), ok = receive {continue, F1} -> wxFrame:destroy(F1) after 5000 -> timeout end, wx_test_lib:flush(), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). %% Test that event callback which triggers another callback works %% i.e. the callback invoker in driver will recurse recursive(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); recursive(Config) -> Wx = wx:new(), Frame = wxFrame:new(Wx, ?wxID_ANY, "Connect in callback"), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), Sz = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), ListBox = wxListBox:new(Panel, ?wxID_ANY, [{choices, ["foo", "bar", "baz"]}]), wxSizer:add(Sz, ListBox, [{proportion, 1},{flag, ?wxEXPAND}]), wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Sz), wxListBox:connect(ListBox, command_listbox_selected, [{callback, fun(#wx{event=#wxCommand{commandInt=Id}}, _) -> io:format("Selected ~p~n",[Id]) end}]), wxListBox:setSelection(ListBox, 0), wxListBox:connect(ListBox, size, [{callback, fun(#wx{event=#wxSize{}}, _) -> io:format("Size init ~n",[]), case wxListBox:getCount(ListBox) > 0 of true -> wxListBox:delete(ListBox, 0); false -> ok end, io:format("Size done ~n",[]) end}]), wxFrame:show(Frame), wx_test_lib:flush(), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config). char_events(TestInfo) when is_atom(TestInfo) -> wx_test_lib:tc_info(TestInfo); char_events(Config) -> Wx = wx:new(), Frame = wxFrame:new(Wx, ?wxID_ANY, "Press any key"), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame, []), wxFrame:connect(Frame, enter_window, [{callback, fun(_,_) -> io:format("Set focus~n"), wxWindow:setFocus(Panel) end}]), KeyEvent = fun(Ev,Obj) -> io:format("Got ~p~n",[Ev]), wxEvent:skip(Obj) end, [wxWindow:connect(Panel, Types, [{callback,KeyEvent}]) || Types <- [key_down, key_up, char]], wxWindow:connect(Frame, char_hook, [{callback,KeyEvent}]), wxFrame:show(Frame), wx_test_lib:flush(), wx_test_lib:wx_destroy(Frame, Config).