%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : wx_test_lib.hrl %%% Author : Dan Gudmundsson <dan.gudmundsson@ericsson.com> %%% Description : Testing Macros %%% %%% Created : 30 Oct 2008 by Dan Gudmundsson <dan.gudmundsson@ericsson.com> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -include_lib("wx/include/wx.hrl"). -define(log(Format,Args),wx_test_lib:log(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)). -define(warning(Format,Args),?log("<WARNING>~n " ++ Format,Args)). -define(error(Format,Args), wx_test_lib:error(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)). -define(verbose(Format,Args),wx_test_lib:verbose(Format,Args,?FILE,?LINE)). -define(fatal(Format,Args), ?error(Format, Args), exit({test_case_fatal, Format, Args, ?FILE, ?LINE})). -define(skip(Format,Args), ?warning(Format, Args), exit({skipped, ?flat_format(Format, Args)})). -define(m(ExpectedRes, Expr), fun() -> AcTuAlReS = (catch (Expr)), case AcTuAlReS of ExpectedRes -> ?verbose("ok: ~p~n",[AcTuAlReS]), AcTuAlReS; _ -> wx_test_lib:error("Not Matching Actual result was:~n ~p ~n Expected ~s~n", [AcTuAlReS, ??ExpectedRes], ?FILE,?LINE), AcTuAlReS end end()). -define(mt(Expected, Expr), fun() -> {TeStFILe, TeSTLiNe} = {?FILE, ?LINE}, AcTuAlReS = (catch (Expr)), case catch element(3,AcTuAlReS) of Expected -> wx_test_lib:verbose("ok: ~s~n",[??Expected],TeStFILe,TeSTLiNe), AcTuAlReS; _ -> wx_test_lib:error("Not Matching Actual result was:~n ~p ~n Expected ~s~n", [AcTuAlReS, ??Expected], TeStFILe,TeSTLiNe), AcTuAlReS end end()). -define(mr(Expected, Expr), fun() -> {TeStFILe, TeSTLiNe} = {?FILE, ?LINE}, AcTuAlReS = (catch (Expr)), case catch element(1,AcTuAlReS) of Expected -> wx_test_lib:verbose("ok: ~s~n",[??Expected],TeStFILe,TeSTLiNe), AcTuAlReS; _ -> wx_test_lib:error("Not Matching Actual result was:~n ~p ~n Expected ~s~n", [AcTuAlReS, ??Expected], TeStFILe,TeSTLiNe), AcTuAlReS end end()). -define(m_receive(ExpectedMsg), ?m(ExpectedMsg,wx_test_lib:pick_msg())). -define(m_multi_receive(ExpectedMsgs), fun() -> {TeStFILe, TeSTLiNe} = {?FILE, ?LINE}, TmPeXpCtEdMsGs = lists:sort(ExpectedMsgs), AcTuAlReS = lists:sort(lists:map(fun(_) -> wx_test_lib:pick_msg() end, TmPeXpCtEdMsGs)), case AcTuAlReS of TmPeXpCtEdMsGs -> ?verbose("ok: ~p~n",[AcTuAlReS]), AcTuAlReS; _ -> wx_test_lib:error("Not Matching Actual result was:~n ~p ~n Expected ~p~n", [AcTuAlReS, ExpectedMsgs], TeStFILe,TeSTLiNe), AcTuAlReS end end()).