%%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %%% Version 1.0, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at %%% http://www.erlang.org/license/EPL1_0.txt %%% %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %%% under the License. %%% %%% %%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Telecom %%% AB. Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright (C), 1998, Ericsson %%% Telecom AB. All Rights Reserved. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : xmerl_xsd.hrl %%% Author : Bertil Karlsson <bertil@finrod> %%% Description : %%% %%% Created : 20 Jan 2006 by Bertil Karlsson <bertil@finrod> %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%-define(DEBUG,ok). -ifdef(DEBUG). -define(debug(_Fmt_,_Args_),ok=io:format("~p: " ++ _Fmt_, [?LINE|_Args_])). -else. -define(debug(_Fmt_,_Args_),no_debug). -endif. -define(XSD_NAMESPACE,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema'). -define(XSD_INSTANCE_NAMESPACE,'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'). -record(xsd_state,{ schema_name, vsn, schema_preprocessed=false, xsd_base, xml_options=[], scope=[], schemaLocations=[], elementFormDefault=unqualified, attributeFormDefault=unqualified, localElementsNamespace, targetNamespace, namespace_nodes=[{"xml",'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'}], global_namespace_nodes=[], checked_namespace_nodes=[{"xml",[],'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'}], table, tab2file=false, %% for debuging of abstract syntax redefine=false, finalDefault, %% undefined | '#all' | [atom()] %% atom() -> extension | %% restriction | list | union blockDefault, fetch_fun, fetch_path=[], num_el=0, global_element_source=[], keyrefs=[], 'IDs'=[], substitutionGroups=[], derived_types=[], unchecked_references=[], circularity_stack=[], circularity_disallowed=[], errors=[] }). -record(schema,{ elementFormDefault, attributeFormDefault, targetNamespace, blockDefault=[], finalDefault=[], id, content=[] }). -record(schema_element,{ name, %% QName type, %% name of derived type or built-in type resolved=false, substitutionGroup, uniqueness, %% list() initiates in element_content for element key, %% list() initiates in element_content for element scope, form, %% unqualified | qualified id, occurance={1,1}, %% {minOccurs,maxOccurs} value_constraint, %% undefined | {default,Value} | {fixed,Value} nillable=false, %% true | false abstract=false, %% true | false block=[], final=[] }). -record(schema_simple_type,{ name, scope, base_type, resolved=false, final=[], id, facets=[], variety=atomic, %% atomic | list | union content }). -record(schema_complex_type,{ name, base_type, resolved=false, scope, derivation, final=[], %% controls derivation by types id, block=[], %% prevents using of derived types in instance %% mixed=false, abstract=false, content_type='element-only',%% mixed | 'element-only' complexity, %% undefined | simple | complex attributes=[], content=[], prohibited }). -record(schema_attribute,{ name, type, resolved=false, scope, %% required=false, use=optional, %% optional | required | prohibited default, fixed, form, %% qualified | unqualified id }). -record(schema_attribute_group,{ name, id, ref, %% in this case no name or content content=[] }). -record(schema_anyAttribute,{ id, processContents = strict, namespace, scope }). -record(schema_group,{ name, id, ref, %% in this case no name or content content=[], occurance={1,1} }). -record(schema_extension,{ base, id, content=[] }). -record(schema_restriction,{ base, id, content=[] }). -record(schema_list,{ id, itemType }). -record(id_constraint,{ category,% unique | key | keyref id, name, refer, % only if type is keyref type, %% This must be a simple type. Obtained by the %% selector/fields selector, fields, %% list() key_sequence }). %% content model records, used in the static structure of what is %% allowed for a schema. %% chain, represents a series of ordered objects, some of whom may be %% optional. %% alterantive, a collection of objects of which only one is choosen. -record(chain,{ content, occurance={1,1} }). -record(alternative,{ content, occurance={0,1} }).