%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% Description : Simple event-based processor (front-end to xmerl_scan) %% @doc Simple event-based front-ends to xmerl_scan for processing %% of XML documents in streams and for parsing in SAX style. %% Each contain more elaborate settings of xmerl_scan that makes usage of %% the customization functions. %% -module(xmerl_eventp). -vsn('0.19'). -date('03-09-17'). -export([stream/2,stream_sax/4, file_sax/4, string_sax/4]). % -export([cont/3, rules_read/3,rules_write/4,fetch/2,close/1]). -include("xmerl.hrl"). -include("xmerl_internal.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). %% @spec stream(Fname::string(), Options::option_list()) -> xmlElement() %% %% @doc Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, DOM style. %% Wrapper for a call to the XML parser <code>xmerl_scan</code> with a %% <code>continuation_fun</code> for handling streams of XML data. %% Note that the <code>continuation_fun</code>, <code>acc_fun</code>, %% <code>fetch_fun</code>, <code>rules</code> and <code>close_fun</code> %% options cannot be user defined using this parser. stream(Fname, Options) -> AccF = fun(X, Acc, S) -> acc(X,Acc,S) end, case file:open(Fname, [read, raw, binary]) of {ok, Fd} -> B0 = list_to_binary([]), ContS = [{B0, Fname, Fd}], Opts=scanner_options(Options, [{continuation_fun, fun cont/3, ContS}, {acc_fun, AccF}, {fetch_fun, fun fetch/2}, {rules,fun rules_read/3,fun rules_write/4,""}, {close_fun, fun close/1}]), xmerl_scan:string([], Opts); Error -> Error end. %% @spec stream_sax(Fname,CallBackModule,UserState,Options) -> xmlElement() %% Fname = string() %% CallBackModule = atom() %% Options = option_list() %% %% @doc Parse file containing an XML document as a stream, SAX style. %% Wrapper for a call to the XML parser <code>xmerl_scan</code> with a %% <code>continuation_fun</code> for handling streams of XML data. %% Note that the <code>continuation_fun</code>, <code>acc_fun</code>, %% <code>fetch_fun</code>, <code>rules</code>, <code>hook_fun</code>, %% <code>close_fun</code> and <code>user_state</code> options cannot be user %% defined using this parser. stream_sax(Fname, CallBack, UserState,Options) -> US={xmerl:callbacks(CallBack), UserState}, AccF = fun(X, Acc, S) -> acc(X,Acc,S) end, HookF= fun(ParsedEntity, S) -> {CBs,Arg}=xmerl_scan:user_state(S), % ?dbg("stream_sax Arg=~p~n",[Arg]), case ParsedEntity of #xmlComment{} -> % Toss away comments... {[],S}; _ -> % Use callback module for the rest % ?dbg("stream_sax ParsedEntity=~p~n",[ParsedEntity]), case xmerl:export_element(ParsedEntity,CBs,Arg) of {error,Reason} -> throw({error,Reason}); Resp -> % ?dbg("stream_sax Resp=~p~n",[Resp]), {Resp,xmerl_scan:user_state({CBs,Resp},S)} end end end, case file:open(Fname, [read, raw, binary]) of {ok, Fd} -> B0 = list_to_binary([]), ContS = [{B0, Fname, Fd}], Opts=scanner_options(Options, [{acc_fun, AccF}, {close_fun, fun close/1}, {continuation_fun, fun cont/3, ContS}, {fetch_fun, fun fetch/2}, {hook_fun,HookF}, {rules,fun rules_read/3,fun rules_write/4,""}, {user_state,US}]), xmerl_scan:string([], Opts); Error -> Error end. %% @spec file_sax(Fname::string(), CallBackModule::atom(), UserState, %% Options::option_list()) -> NewUserState %% %% @doc Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. %% Wrapper for a call to the XML parser <code>xmerl_scan</code> with a %% <code>hook_fun</code> for using xmerl export functionality directly after %% an entity is parsed. file_sax(Fname,CallBack, UserState, Options) -> US={xmerl:callbacks(CallBack), UserState}, AccF=fun(X,Acc,S) -> {[X|Acc], S} end, HookF= fun(ParsedEntity, S) -> {CBs,Arg}=xmerl_scan:user_state(S), case ParsedEntity of #xmlComment{} -> % Toss away comments... {[],S}; _ -> % Use callback module for the rest case xmerl:export_element(ParsedEntity,CBs,Arg) of {error,Reason} -> throw({error,Reason}); Resp -> {Resp,xmerl_scan:user_state({CBs,Resp},S)} end end end, Opts=scanner_options(Options,[{acc_fun, AccF}, {hook_fun,HookF}, {user_state,US}]), xmerl_scan:file(Fname,Opts). %% @spec string_sax(String::list(), CallBackModule::atom(), UserState, %% Options::option_list()) -> %% xmlElement() %% %% @doc Parse file containing an XML document, SAX style. %% Wrapper for a call to the XML parser <code>xmerl_scan</code> with a %% <code>hook_fun</code> for using xmerl export functionality directly after %% an entity is parsed. string_sax(String,CallBack, UserState, Options) -> US={xmerl:callbacks(CallBack), UserState}, AccF=fun(X,Acc,S) -> {[X|Acc], S} end, HookF= fun(ParsedEntity, S) -> {CBs,Arg}=xmerl_scan:user_state(S), case ParsedEntity of #xmlComment{} -> % Toss away comments... {[],S}; _ -> % Use callback module for the rest case xmerl:export_element(ParsedEntity,CBs,Arg) of {error,Reason} -> throw({error,Reason}); Resp -> {Resp,xmerl_scan:user_state({CBs,Resp},S)} end end end, Opts=scanner_options(Options,[{acc_fun, AccF}, {hook_fun,HookF}, {user_state,US}]), xmerl_scan:string(String,Opts). %%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Streaming support functions %%% Continuation callback function for xmerl_scan cont(F, Exception, S) -> case xmerl_scan:cont_state(S) of [{_Fname, eof}|_] -> Exception(S); [{Sofar, Fname, Fd}|T] -> cont2(F, Exception, Sofar, Fd, Fname, T, S) end. cont2(F, Exception, Sofar, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> case catch read_chunk(Fd, Fname, Sofar) of {ok, Bin} -> find_good_split(list_to_binary([Sofar,Bin]), F,Exception,Fd,Fname,T,S); eof -> ok = file:close(Fd), NewS = xmerl_scan:cont_state([{Fname, eof}|T], S), F(binary_to_list(Sofar), NewS); Error -> exit(Error) end. read_chunk(Fd, _Fname, _Sofar) -> file:read(Fd, 8192). -ifndef(no_bitsyntax). find_good_split(Bin, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> find_good_split(size(Bin)-1, Bin, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S). find_good_split(0, B, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> cont2(F, Exception, B, Fd, Fname, T, S); find_good_split(Size, B, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> case B of <<_Bytes:Size/binary, H/integer, Tail/binary>> when ?whitespace(H) -> {SubB,_} = split_binary(B, Size+1), NewS = xmerl_scan:cont_state([{Tail, Fname, Fd}|T], S), F(binary_to_list(SubB), NewS); _ -> find_good_split(Size-1, B, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) end. -else. find_good_split(Bin, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> find_good_split(size(Bin), Bin, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S). find_good_split(0, B, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> cont2(F, Exception, B, Fd, Fname, T, S); find_good_split(Size, B, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) -> case binary_to_list(B, Size, Size) of [H] when ?whitespace(H) -> {SubB,Tail} = split_binary(B, Size), NewS = xmerl_scan:cont_state([{Tail, Fname, Fd}|T], S), F(binary_to_list(SubB), NewS); _ -> find_good_split(Size-1, B, F, Exception, Fd, Fname, T, S) end. -endif. %%% Accumulator callback function for xmerl_scan acc(X = #xmlText{value = Text}, Acc, S) -> case detect_nul_text(Text) of ok-> {[X#xmlText{value = lists:flatten(Text)}|Acc], S}; nok-> {Acc,S} end; acc(X, Acc, S) -> {[X|Acc], S}. %%% don't acc xmlText when text contains only " " , "\n" and "\t". detect_nul_text([H|T]) when H==10; H==32; H==9-> detect_nul_text(T); detect_nul_text([]) -> nok; detect_nul_text(_)-> ok. %%% Fetch callback function for xmerl_scan fetch({system, URI}, S) -> fetch_URI(URI, S); fetch({public, _PublicID, URI}, S) -> fetch_URI(URI, S). fetch_URI(URI, S) -> %% assume URI is a filename Split = filename:split(URI), Filename = lists:last(Split), Fullname = case Split of ["/", _|_] -> %% absolute path name URI; ["file:",Name]-> %% file:/dtd_name filename:join(S#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase, Name); _ -> filename:join(S#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase, URI) end, File = path_locate(S#xmerl_scanner.fetch_path, Filename, Fullname), ?dbg("fetch(~p) -> {file, ~p}.~n", [URI, File]), case file:open(File, [read, raw, binary]) of {ok, Fd} -> ContS=xmerl_scan:cont_state(S), NewS=xmerl_scan:cont_state([{list_to_binary([]),File,Fd}|ContS],S), {ok, {string, []}, NewS}; _Error -> ?dbg("ERROR fetch(~p) -> ~p~n", [URI, _Error]), {ok, not_fetched, S} end. path_locate([Dir|Dirs], FN, FullName) -> F = filename:join(Dir, FN), case file:read_file_info(F) of {ok, #file_info{type = regular}} -> F; _ -> path_locate(Dirs, FN, FullName) end; path_locate([], _FN, FullName) -> FullName. %%% Close callback function for xmerl_scan close(S) -> ContS = xmerl_scan:cont_state(S), case ContS of [{_Fname, eof}|T] -> xmerl_scan:cont_state(T, S); [{_Sofar, _Fname, Fd}|T] -> ok = file:close(Fd), xmerl_scan:cont_state(T, S) end. %%% Rules callback functions for xmerl_scan rules_write(Context, Name, Value, #xmerl_scanner{rules = undefined}=S) -> Tab = ets:new(rules, [set, public]), rules_write(Context, Name, Value, S#xmerl_scanner{rules = Tab}); rules_write(Context, Name, Value, #xmerl_scanner{rules = T} = S) -> ets:insert(T, {{Context, Name}, Value}), S. rules_read(_Context, _Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules = undefined}) -> undefined; rules_read(Context, Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules = T}) -> case ets:lookup(T, {Context, Name}) of [] -> undefined; [{_K, V}] -> V end. %%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% Generic helper functions scanner_options([H|T], Opts) -> case catch keyreplace(H, 1, Opts) of false -> scanner_options(T, [H|Opts]); NewOpts -> scanner_options(T, NewOpts) end; scanner_options([], Opts) -> Opts. keyreplace(X, Pos, [H|T]) when element(Pos, X) == element(Pos, H) -> [X|T]; keyreplace(X, Pos, [H|T]) -> [H|keyreplace(X, Pos, T)]; keyreplace(_, _Pos, []) -> throw(false).