%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %%% Description : Utility module for handling XML trees. %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(xmerl_lib). -export([normalize_content/1, normalize_content/3, expand_content/1, expand_content/3, normalize_element/1, normalize_element/3, expand_element/1, expand_element/3, expand_attributes/1, expand_attributes/3, export_text/1, flatten_text/1, export_attribute/1, markup/2, markup/3, simplify_element/1, simplify_content/1, start_tag/1, start_tag/2, end_tag/1, empty_tag/1, empty_tag/2,is_empty_data/1, find_attribute/2, remove_whitespace/1,to_lower/1]). -export([is_letter/1,is_namechar/1,is_ncname/1, detect_charset/1,detect_charset/2,is_name/1,is_char/1]). -export([mapxml/2, foldxml/3, mapfoldxml/3]). %% exports for XSD -export([is_facet/1,is_builtin_simple_type/1,is_xsd_string/1]). -include("xmerl.hrl"). -include("xmerl_xsd.hrl"). %% Escape special characters `<' and `&', flattening the text. %% Also escapes `>', just for symmetry. export_text(T) -> export_text(T, []). export_text([$< | T], Cont) -> "<" ++ export_text(T, Cont); export_text([$> | T], Cont) -> ">" ++ export_text(T, Cont); export_text([$& | T], Cont) -> "&" ++ export_text(T, Cont); export_text([C | T], Cont) when is_integer(C) -> [C | export_text(T, Cont)]; export_text([T | T1], Cont) -> export_text(T, [T1 | Cont]); export_text([], [T | Cont]) -> export_text(T, Cont); export_text([], []) -> []; export_text(Bin, Cont) -> export_text(binary_to_list(Bin), Cont). %% Only flatten text. flatten_text(T) -> flatten_text(T, []). flatten_text([C | T], Cont) when is_integer(C) -> [C | flatten_text(T, Cont)]; flatten_text([T | T1], Cont) -> flatten_text(T, [T1 | Cont]); flatten_text([], [T | Cont]) -> flatten_text(T, Cont); flatten_text([], []) -> []; flatten_text(Bin, Cont) -> flatten_text(binary_to_list(Bin), Cont). %% Convert attribute value to a flat string, escaping characters `"', %% `<' and `&'. (Note that single-quote characters are not escaped; the %% markup-generating functions (`start_tag', `end_tag', ...) always use %% `"' to delimit the attribute values.) export_attribute(I) when is_integer(I) -> integer_to_list(I); export_attribute(A) when is_atom(A) -> export_attribute(atom_to_list(A), []); export_attribute(S) -> export_attribute(S, []). export_attribute([$< | T], Cont) -> "<" ++ export_attribute(T, Cont); export_attribute([$& | T], Cont) -> "&" ++ export_attribute(T, Cont); export_attribute([$" | T], Cont) -> """ ++ export_attribute(T, Cont); export_attribute([C | T], Cont) when is_integer(C) -> [C | export_attribute(T, Cont)]; export_attribute([T | T1], Cont) -> export_attribute(T, [T1 | Cont]); export_attribute([], [T | Cont]) -> export_attribute(T, Cont); export_attribute([], []) -> []; export_attribute(Bin, Cont) -> export_attribute(binary_to_list(Bin), Cont). %% SimpleContent: [SimpleElement] %% SimpleElement: #xml...{} | String | {atom(), [Attr], SimpleContent} %% | {atom(), SimpleContent} | atom() %% Attr: {atom(), Value} | #xmlAttribute{} %% Value: atom() | integer() | String %% String: [char() | binary() | String] %% %% Because strings can be deep, we do not allow content lists to also be %% deep; otherwise, traversal of the simple representation becomes too %% complicated and expensive. Simple content lists are thus flat lists %% of simple elements. %% TODO: namespace-qualified tags in simple-form? /RC %% 'normalize' is like 'expand', but also turns all text elements into %% flat strings. normalize_element(Element) -> normalize_element(Element, 1, []). normalize_element(Element, Pos, Parents) -> expand_element(Element, Pos, Parents, true). %% 'expand' expands simple-form elements to normal XML elements. %% All attribute values (also in #xmlAttribute records) become flat %% strings, so that string comparisons can be made. Text elements are %% not flattened. expand_element(Element) -> expand_element(Element, 1, []). expand_element(Element, Pos, Parents) -> expand_element(Element, Pos, Parents, false). expand_element(E = #xmlElement{}, Pos, Parents, Norm) -> Content = expand_content(E#xmlElement.content, 1, Parents, Norm), Attrs = expand_attributes(E#xmlElement.attributes, 1, []), E#xmlElement{pos = Pos, parents = Parents, attributes = Attrs, content = Content}; expand_element(E = #xmlText{}, Pos, Parents, Norm) -> E#xmlText{pos = Pos, parents = Parents, value = expand_text(E#xmlText.value, Norm)}; expand_element(E = #xmlPI{}, Pos, _Parents, Norm) -> E#xmlPI{pos = Pos, value = expand_text(E#xmlPI.value, Norm)}; expand_element(E = #xmlComment{}, Pos, Parents, Norm) -> E#xmlComment{pos = Pos, parents = Parents, value = expand_text(E#xmlComment.value, Norm)}; expand_element(E = #xmlDecl{}, _Pos, _Parents, _Norm) -> Attrs = expand_attributes(E#xmlDecl.attributes, 1, []), E#xmlDecl{attributes = Attrs}; expand_element({Tag, Attrs, Content}, Pos, Parents, Norm) when is_atom(Tag) -> NewParents = [{Tag, Pos} | Parents], #xmlElement{name = Tag, pos = Pos, parents = Parents, attributes = expand_attributes(Attrs, 1, NewParents), content = expand_content(Content, 1, NewParents, Norm)}; expand_element({Tag, Content}, Pos, Parents, Norm) when is_atom(Tag) -> NewParents = [{Tag, Pos} | Parents], #xmlElement{name = Tag, pos = Pos, parents = Parents, attributes = [], content = expand_content(Content, 1, NewParents, Norm)}; expand_element(Tag, Pos, Parents, _Norm) when is_atom(Tag) -> #xmlElement{name = Tag, pos = Pos, parents = Parents, attributes = [], content = []}; expand_element(String, Pos, Parents, Norm) when is_list(String) -> #xmlText{pos = Pos, parents = Parents, value = expand_text(String, Norm)}. expand_text(S, false) -> S; expand_text(S, true) -> flatten_text(S). %% Content must be a flat list of elements. normalize_content(Content) -> normalize_content(Content, 1, []). normalize_content(Content, Pos, Parents) -> expand_content(Content, Pos, Parents, true). expand_content(Content) -> expand_content(Content, 1, []). expand_content(Content, Pos, Parents) -> expand_content(Content, Pos, Parents, false). expand_content([{H} | T], Pos, Parents, Norm) -> expand_content(H ++ T, Pos, Parents, Norm); expand_content([{F,S}|T], Pos, Parents, Norm) when is_function(F) -> case F(S) of done -> expand_content(T, Pos, Parents, Norm); {C,S2} -> expand_content([{F,S2},C|T], Pos, Parents, Norm) end; expand_content([H | T], Pos, Parents, Norm) -> [expand_element(H, Pos, Parents, Norm) | expand_content(T, Pos+1, Parents, Norm)]; expand_content([], _Pos, _Parents, _Norm) -> []. expand_attributes(Attrs) -> expand_attributes(Attrs, 1, []). %% Expanding always turns all attribute values into flat strings. expand_attributes([H = #xmlAttribute{} | T], Pos, Parents) -> [H#xmlAttribute{pos = Pos, value = expand_value(H#xmlAttribute.value)} | expand_attributes(T, Pos+1, Parents)]; expand_attributes([{P,S}|T], Pos, Parents) when is_function(P) -> case P(S) of done -> expand_attributes(T, Pos, Parents); {A,S2} -> expand_attributes([{P,S2},A|T], Pos, Parents) end; expand_attributes([{K, V} | T], Pos, Parents) -> [#xmlAttribute{name = K, pos = Pos, parents = Parents, value = expand_value(V)} | expand_attributes(T, Pos+1, Parents)]; expand_attributes([], _Pos, _Parents) -> []. expand_value(S) when is_atom(S) -> atom_to_list(S); expand_value(S) when is_integer(S) -> integer_to_list(S); expand_value(S) -> flatten_text(S). %% We want simplification to yield a normal form, so we always generate %% three-tuples for elements. PI, Comment and Decl elements are %% discarded from content lists. Attribute values become flat %% strings. Text elements are not flattened. simplify_element(#xmlElement{expanded_name = [], name = Tag, attributes = Attrs, content = Content}) -> {Tag, simplify_attributes(Attrs), simplify_content(Content)}; simplify_element(#xmlElement{expanded_name = Name, attributes = Attrs, content = Content}) -> {Name, simplify_attributes(Attrs), simplify_content(Content)}; simplify_element(#xmlText{value = Text}) -> Text; simplify_element({Tag, Attrs, Content}) when is_atom(Tag) -> {Tag, simplify_attributes(Attrs), simplify_content(Content)}; simplify_element({Tag, Content}) when is_atom(Tag) -> {Tag, [], simplify_content(Content)}; simplify_element(Tag) when is_atom(Tag) -> {Tag, [], []}; simplify_element(Text) when is_list(Text) -> Text. simplify_content([#xmlPI{} | T]) -> simplify_content(T); simplify_content([#xmlComment{} | T]) -> simplify_content(T); simplify_content([#xmlDecl{} | T]) -> simplify_content(T); simplify_content([H | T]) -> [simplify_element(H) | simplify_content(T)]; simplify_content([]) -> []. simplify_attributes([#xmlAttribute{name = K, value = V} | T]) when is_atom(K) -> [{K, expand_value(V)} | simplify_attributes(T)]; simplify_attributes([H = {K, _} | T]) when is_atom(K) -> [H | simplify_attributes(T)]; simplify_attributes([]) -> []. %% Looking up an attribute value find_attribute(Name, Attrs) -> case lists:keysearch(Name, #xmlAttribute.name, Attrs) of {value, #xmlAttribute{value = V}} -> {value, V}; false -> false end. markup(Tag, Data) -> markup(Tag, [], Data). markup(Tag, Attrs, []) -> empty_tag(Tag, Attrs); markup(Tag, Attrs, Data) -> [start_tag(Tag, Attrs), Data, end_tag(Tag)]. start_tag(TagStr) -> start_tag(TagStr, []). start_tag(Tag, Attrs) when is_atom(Tag) -> start_tag(atom_to_list(Tag), Attrs); start_tag(TagStr, []) -> ["<", TagStr, ">"]; start_tag(TagStr, Attrs) -> ["<", TagStr, attributes(Attrs), ">"]. empty_tag(Tag) -> empty_tag(Tag, []). empty_tag(Tag, Attrs) when is_atom(Tag) -> empty_tag(atom_to_list(Tag), Attrs); empty_tag(TagStr, []) -> ["<", TagStr, "/>"]; empty_tag(TagStr, Attrs) -> ["<", TagStr, attributes(Attrs), "/>"]. end_tag(Tag) when is_atom(Tag) -> end_tag(atom_to_list(Tag)); end_tag(TagStr) -> ["</", TagStr, ">"]. attributes(Attrs) -> [attr_string(A) || A <- Attrs]. attr_string(#xmlAttribute{name = K, value = V}) -> [" ", atom_to_list(K), "=\"", export_attribute(V), "\""]. is_empty_data([]) -> true; is_empty_data([X | Xs]) -> case is_empty_data(X) of false -> false; true -> is_empty_data(Xs) end; is_empty_data(_) -> false. %% Removing normalised whitespace-only text segments. remove_whitespace([#xmlText{value = " "} | Data]) -> remove_whitespace(Data); remove_whitespace([E = #xmlElement{content = Content} | Data]) -> [E#xmlElement{content = remove_whitespace(Content)} | remove_whitespace(Data)]; remove_whitespace([Other | Data]) -> [Other | remove_whitespace(Data)]; remove_whitespace([]) -> []. %%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% funs traversing the xmerl tree left-right and top-down %% mapxml %% Fun is fun(Old#xmlElement) -> New#xmlElement mapxml(Fun, #xmlElement{}= E) -> C1 = Fun(E), C2 = mapxml(Fun,lists:flatten(C1#xmlElement.content)), C1#xmlElement{content=C2}; mapxml(Fun, List) when is_list(List) -> AFun = fun(E) -> mapxml(Fun, E) end, lists:map(AFun, List); mapxml(Fun, E) -> Fun(E). %% foldxml %% Fun is fun(#xmlElement, OldAccu) -> NewAccu foldxml(Fun, Accu0, #xmlElement{content=C}=E) -> Accu1 = Fun(E, Accu0), foldxml(Fun, Accu1, C); foldxml(Fun, Accu, List) when is_list(List) -> AFun = fun(E,A) -> foldxml(Fun, A, E) end, lists:foldl(AFun, Accu, List); foldxml(Fun, Accu, E) -> Fun(E, Accu). %% mapfoldxml %% Fun is fun(Old#xmlElement, OldAccu) -> {New#xmlElement, NewAccu} mapfoldxml(Fun, Accu0, #xmlElement{}=E) -> {C1,Accu1} = Fun(E, Accu0), {C2,Accu2} = mapfoldxml(Fun, Accu1, lists:flatten(C1#xmlElement.content)), {C1#xmlElement{content=C2},Accu2}; mapfoldxml(Fun, Accu, List) when is_list(List) -> AFun = fun(E,A) -> mapfoldxml(Fun, A, E) end, lists:mapfoldl(AFun, Accu, List); mapfoldxml(Fun, Accu, E) -> Fun(E,Accu). %%% @spec detect_charset(T::list()) -> charset_info() %%% @equiv detect_charset(undefined,T) detect_charset(Content) -> detect_charset(undefined,Content). %%% FIXME! Whatabout aliases etc? Shouldn't transforming with ucs be optional? %%% @spec detect_charset(ExtCharset::atom(),T::list()) -> charset_info() %%% @doc Automatically decides character set used in XML document. %%% charset_info() is %%% <table> %%% <tr><td><code>{auto,'iso-10646-utf-1',Content} |</code></td></tr> %%% <tr><td><code>{external,'iso-10646-utf-1',Content} |</code></td></tr> %%% <tr><td><code>{undefined,undefined,Content} |</code></td></tr> %%% <tr><td><code>{external,ExtCharset,Content}</code></td></tr> %%% </table> %%% ExtCharset is any externally declared character set (e.g. in HTTP %%% Content-Type header) and Content is an XML Document. %%% detect_charset(ExtCharset,Content) when is_list(ExtCharset) -> %% FIXME! Don't allow both atom and list for character set names detect_charset(list_to_atom(ExtCharset),Content); detect_charset(ExtCharset,Content) -> case autodetect(ExtCharset,Content) of {auto,Content1} -> {auto,'iso-10646-utf-1',Content1}; {external,Content1} -> {external,'iso-10646-utf-1',Content1}; {undefined,_} -> {undefined,undefined,Content}; {ExtCharset, Content} -> {external,ExtCharset,Content} end. %%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% Auto detect what kind of character set we are dealing with and transform %% to Erlang integer Unicode format if found. %% Appendix F, Page 56-57, XML 1.0 W3C Recommendation 6 October 2000 %% (http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml) %% 00 00 00 3C ( "<" in UCS-4 big-endian) %% 3C 00 00 00 ( "<" in UCS-4 little-endian) %% FE FF (UTF-16 - big-endian Mark) %% FF FE (UTF-16 - little-endian Mark) %% 00 3C 00 3F ( "<?" in UTF-16 big-endian) %% 3C 00 3F 00 ( "<?" in UTF-16 big-endian) %% 3C 3F (7-bit,8-bit or mixed width encoding) %% 4C 6F A7 94 (EBCDIC) - Not Implemented!!!! %% Check byte-order mark and transform to Unicode, Erlang integer %%% --- With byte-order mark autodetect(undefined,[0,0,16#fe,16#ff | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4be(Input)}; autodetect('iso-10646-utf-1',[0,0,16#fe,16#ff | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4be(Input)}; autodetect(undefined,[16#ff,16#fe,0,0 | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4le(Input)}; autodetect('iso-10646-utf-1',[16#ff,16#fe,0,0 | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4le(Input)}; autodetect(undefined,[16#fe,16#ff | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16be(Input)}; autodetect('utf-16be',[16#fe,16#ff | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16be(Input)}; autodetect(undefined,[16#ff,16#fe | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16le(Input)}; autodetect('utf-16le',[16#ff,16#fe | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16le(Input)}; autodetect(undefined,[16#ef,16#bb,16#bf | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_utf8(Input)}; autodetect('utf-8',[16#ef,16#bb,16#bf | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf8(Input)}; autodetect('utf-8',[16#ff,16#fe | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16le(Input)}; autodetect('utf-8',[16#fe,16#ff | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16be(Input)}; %%% --- Without byte-order mark autodetect(undefined,[0,0,0,16#3c|Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4be([0,0,0,16#3c|Input])}; autodetect('iso-10646-utf-1',[0,0,0,16#3c|Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4be([0,0,0,16#3c|Input])}; autodetect(undefined,[16#3c,0,0,0|Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4le([16#3c,0,0,0|Input])}; autodetect('iso-10646-utf-1',[16#3c,0,0,0|Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_ucs4le([16#3c,0,0,0|Input])}; autodetect(undefined,[0,16#3c,0,16#3f | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16be([0,16#3c,0,16#3f|Input])}; autodetect('utf-16be',[0,16#3c,0,16#3f | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16be([0,16#3c,0,16#3f|Input])}; autodetect(undefined,[16#3c,0,16#3f,0 | Input]) -> {auto, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16le([16#3c,0,16#3f,0|Input])}; autodetect('utf-16le',[16#3c,0,16#3f,0 | Input]) -> {external, xmerl_ucs:from_utf16le([16#3c,0,16#3f,0|Input])}; autodetect(ExtCharset,Content) -> {ExtCharset, Content}. is_ncname(A) when is_atom(A) -> is_ncname(atom_to_list(A)); is_ncname([$_|T]) -> is_name1(T); is_ncname([H|T]) -> case is_letter(H) of true -> is_name1(T); _ -> false end. is_name(A) when is_atom(A) -> is_name(atom_to_list(A)); is_name([$_|T]) -> is_name1(T); is_name([$:|T]) -> is_name1(T); is_name([H|T]) -> case is_letter(H) of true -> is_name1(T); _ -> false end. is_name1([]) -> true; is_name1([H|T]) -> case is_namechar(H) of true -> is_name1(T); _ -> false end. % ======= %%% UNICODE character definitions %%%%%%%% [2] Char is_char(16#09) -> true; is_char(16#0A) -> true; is_char(16#0D) -> true; is_char(X) when X >= 16#20, X =< 16#D7FF -> true; is_char(X) when X >= 16#E000, X =< 16#FFFD -> true; is_char(X) when X >= 16#10000, X =< 16#10FFFF -> true; is_char(_) -> false. %% 0 - not classified, %% 1 - base_char or ideographic, %% 2 - combining_char or digit or extender, %% 3 - $. or $- or $_ or $: -define(SMALL, {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,0, 0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,0,0,0,0,3,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1}). %% [4] NameChar is_namechar(X) -> try element(X, ?SMALL) > 0 catch _:_ -> case is_letter(X) of true -> true; false -> case is_digit(X) of true -> true; false -> case is_combining_char(X) of true -> true; false -> is_extender(X) end end end end. %% [84] Letter is_letter(X) -> try element(X, ?SMALL) =:= 1 catch _:_ -> case is_base_char(X) of false -> is_ideographic(X); true -> true end end. %% [85] BaseChar is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0041, X =< 16#005A -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0061, X =< 16#007A -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#00C0, X =< 16#00D6 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#00D8, X =< 16#00F6 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#00F8, X =< 16#00FF -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0100, X =< 16#0131 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0134, X =< 16#013E -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0141, X =< 16#0148 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#014A, X =< 16#017E -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0180, X =< 16#01C3 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#01CD, X =< 16#01F0 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#01F4, X =< 16#01F5 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#01FA, X =< 16#0217 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0250, X =< 16#02A8 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#02BB, X =< 16#02C1 -> true; is_base_char(16#0386) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0388, X =< 16#038A -> true; is_base_char(16#038C) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#038E, X =< 16#03A1 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#03A3, X =< 16#03CE -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#03D0, X =< 16#03D6 -> true; is_base_char(16#03DA) -> true; is_base_char(16#03DC) -> true; is_base_char(16#03DE) -> true; is_base_char(16#03E0) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#03E2, X =< 16#03F3 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0401, X =< 16#040C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#040E, X =< 16#044F -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0451, X =< 16#045C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#045E, X =< 16#0481 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0490, X =< 16#04C4 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#04C7, X =< 16#04C8 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#04CB, X =< 16#04CC -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#04D0, X =< 16#04EB -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#04EE, X =< 16#04F5 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#04F8, X =< 16#04F9 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0531, X =< 16#0556 -> true; is_base_char(16#0559) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0561, X =< 16#0586 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#05D0, X =< 16#05EA -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#05F0, X =< 16#05F2 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0621, X =< 16#063A -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0641, X =< 16#064A -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0671, X =< 16#06B7 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#06BA, X =< 16#06BE -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#06C0, X =< 16#06CE -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#06D0, X =< 16#06D3 -> true; is_base_char(16#06D5) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#06E5, X =< 16#06E6 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0905, X =< 16#0939 -> true; is_base_char(16#093D) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0958, X =< 16#0961 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0985, X =< 16#098C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#098F, X =< 16#0990 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0993, X =< 16#09A8 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#09AA, X =< 16#09B0 -> true; is_base_char(16#09B2) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#09B6, X =< 16#09B9 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#09DC, X =< 16#09DD -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#09DF, X =< 16#09E1 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#09F0, X =< 16#09F1 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A05, X =< 16#0A0A -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A0F, X =< 16#0A10 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A13, X =< 16#0A28 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A2A, X =< 16#0A30 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A32, X =< 16#0A33 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A35, X =< 16#0A36 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A38, X =< 16#0A39 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A59, X =< 16#0A5C -> true; is_base_char(16#0A5E) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A72, X =< 16#0A74 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A85, X =< 16#0A8B -> true; is_base_char(16#0A8D) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A8F, X =< 16#0A91 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0A93, X =< 16#0AA8 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0AAA, X =< 16#0AB0 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0AB2, X =< 16#0AB3 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0AB5, X =< 16#0AB9 -> true; is_base_char(16#0ABD) -> true; is_base_char(16#0AE0) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B05, X =< 16#0B0C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B0F, X =< 16#0B10 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B13, X =< 16#0B28 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B2A, X =< 16#0B30 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B32, X =< 16#0B33 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B36, X =< 16#0B39 -> true; is_base_char(16#0B3D) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B5C, X =< 16#0B5D -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B5F, X =< 16#0B61 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B85, X =< 16#0B8A -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B8E, X =< 16#0B90 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B92, X =< 16#0B95 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B99, X =< 16#0B9A -> true; is_base_char(16#0B9C) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0B9E, X =< 16#0B9F -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0BA3, X =< 16#0BA4 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0BA8, X =< 16#0BAA -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0BAE, X =< 16#0BB5 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0BB7, X =< 16#0BB9 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C05, X =< 16#0C0C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C0E, X =< 16#0C10 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C12, X =< 16#0C28 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C2A, X =< 16#0C33 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C35, X =< 16#0C39 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C60, X =< 16#0C61 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C85, X =< 16#0C8C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C8E, X =< 16#0C90 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0C92, X =< 16#0CA8 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0CAA, X =< 16#0CB3 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0CB5, X =< 16#0CB9 -> true; is_base_char(16#0CDE) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0CE0, X =< 16#0CE1 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0D05, X =< 16#0D0C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0D0E, X =< 16#0D10 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0D12, X =< 16#0D28 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0D2A, X =< 16#0D39 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0D60, X =< 16#0D61 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E01, X =< 16#0E2E -> true; is_base_char(16#0E30) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E32, X =< 16#0E33 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E40, X =< 16#0E45 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E81, X =< 16#0E82 -> true; is_base_char(16#0E84) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E87, X =< 16#0E88 -> true; is_base_char(16#0E8A) -> true; is_base_char(16#0E8D) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E94, X =< 16#0E97 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0E99, X =< 16#0E9F -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0EA1, X =< 16#0EA3 -> true; is_base_char(16#0EA5) -> true; is_base_char(16#0EA7) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0EAA, X =< 16#0EAB -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0EAD, X =< 16#0EAE -> true; is_base_char(16#0EB0) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0EB2, X =< 16#0EB3 -> true; is_base_char(16#0EBD) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0EC0, X =< 16#0EC4 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0F40, X =< 16#0F47 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#0F49, X =< 16#0F69 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#10A0, X =< 16#10C5 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#10D0, X =< 16#10F6 -> true; is_base_char(16#1100) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1102, X =< 16#1103 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1105, X =< 16#1107 -> true; is_base_char(16#1109) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#110B, X =< 16#110C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#110E, X =< 16#1112 -> true; is_base_char(16#113C) -> true; is_base_char(16#113E) -> true; is_base_char(16#1140) -> true; is_base_char(16#114C) -> true; is_base_char(16#114E) -> true; is_base_char(16#1150) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1154, X =< 16#1155 -> true; is_base_char(16#1159) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#115F, X =< 16#1161 -> true; is_base_char(16#1163) -> true; is_base_char(16#1165) -> true; is_base_char(16#1167) -> true; is_base_char(16#1169) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#116D, X =< 16#116E -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1172, X =< 16#1173 -> true; is_base_char(16#1175) -> true; is_base_char(16#119E) -> true; is_base_char(16#11A8) -> true; is_base_char(16#11AB) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#11AE, X =< 16#11AF -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#11B7, X =< 16#11B8 -> true; is_base_char(16#11BA) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#11BC, X =< 16#11C2 -> true; is_base_char(16#11EB) -> true; is_base_char(16#11F0) -> true; is_base_char(16#11F9) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1E00, X =< 16#1E9B -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1EA0, X =< 16#1EF9 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F00, X =< 16#1F15 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F18, X =< 16#1F1D -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F20, X =< 16#1F45 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F48, X =< 16#1F4D -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F50, X =< 16#1F57 -> true; is_base_char(16#1F59) -> true; is_base_char(16#1F5B) -> true; is_base_char(16#1F5D) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F5F, X =< 16#1F7D -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1F80, X =< 16#1FB4 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FB6, X =< 16#1FBC -> true; is_base_char(16#1FBE) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FC2, X =< 16#1FC4 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FC6, X =< 16#1FCC -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FD0, X =< 16#1FD3 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FD6, X =< 16#1FDB -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FE0, X =< 16#1FEC -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FF2, X =< 16#1FF4 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#1FF6, X =< 16#1FFC -> true; is_base_char(16#2126) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#212A, X =< 16#212B -> true; is_base_char(16#212E) -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#2180, X =< 16#2182 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#3041, X =< 16#3094 -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#30A1, X =< 16#30FA -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#3105, X =< 16#312C -> true; is_base_char(X) when X >= 16#ac00, X =< 16#d7a3 -> true; is_base_char(_) -> false. %% [86] Ideographic is_ideographic(X) when X >= 16#4e00, X =< 16#9fa5 -> true; is_ideographic(16#3007) -> true; is_ideographic(X) when X >= 16#3021, X =< 16#3029 -> true; is_ideographic(_) -> false. %% [87] CombiningChar is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0300, X =< 16#0345 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0360, X =< 16#0361 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0483, X =< 16#0486 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0591, X =< 16#05a1 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#05a3, X =< 16#05b9 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#05bb, X =< 16#05bd -> true; is_combining_char(16#05bf) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#05c1, X =< 16#05c2 -> true; is_combining_char(16#05c4) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#064b, X =< 16#0652 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0670) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#06d6, X =< 16#06dc -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#06dd, X =< 16#06df -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#06e0, X =< 16#06e4 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#06e7, X =< 16#06e8 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#06ea, X =< 16#06ed -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0901, X =< 16#0903 -> true; is_combining_char(16#093c) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#093e, X =< 16#094c -> true; is_combining_char(16#094d) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0951, X =< 16#0954 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0962, X =< 16#0963 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0981, X =< 16#0983 -> true; is_combining_char(16#09bc) -> true; is_combining_char(16#09be) -> true; is_combining_char(16#09bf) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#09c0, X =< 16#09c4 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#09c7, X =< 16#09c8 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#09cb, X =< 16#09cd -> true; is_combining_char(16#09d7) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#09e2, X =< 16#09e3 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0a02) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0a3c) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0a3e) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0a3f) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0a40, X =< 16#0a42 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0a47, X =< 16#0a48 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0a4b, X =< 16#0a4d -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0a70, X =< 16#0a71 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0a81, X =< 16#0a83 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0abc) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0abe, X =< 16#0ac5 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0ac7, X =< 16#0ac9 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0acb, X =< 16#0acd -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0b01, X =< 16#0b03 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0b3c) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0b3e, X =< 16#0b43 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0b47, X =< 16#0b48 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0b4b, X =< 16#0b4d -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0b56, X =< 16#0b57 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0b82, X =< 16#0b83 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0bbe, X =< 16#0bc2 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0bc6, X =< 16#0bc8 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0bca, X =< 16#0bcd -> true; is_combining_char(16#0bd7) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0c01, X =< 16#0c03 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0c3e, X =< 16#0c44 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0c46, X =< 16#0c48 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0c4a, X =< 16#0c4d -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0c55, X =< 16#0c56 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0c82, X =< 16#0c83 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0cbe, X =< 16#0cc4 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0cc6, X =< 16#0cc8 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0cca, X =< 16#0ccd -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0cd5, X =< 16#0cd6 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0d02, X =< 16#0d03 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0d3e, X =< 16#0d43 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0d46, X =< 16#0d48 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0d4a, X =< 16#0d4d -> true; is_combining_char(16#0d57) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0e31) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0e34, X =< 16#0e3a -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0e47, X =< 16#0e4e -> true; is_combining_char(16#0eb1) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0eb4, X =< 16#0eb9 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0ebb, X =< 16#0ebc -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0ec8, X =< 16#0ecd -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0f18, X =< 16#0f19 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0f35) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0f37) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0f39) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0f3e) -> true; is_combining_char(16#0f3f) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0f71, X =< 16#0f84 -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0f86, X =< 16#0f8b -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0f90, X =< 16#0f95 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0f97) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0f99, X =< 16#0fad -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#0fb1, X =< 16#0fb7 -> true; is_combining_char(16#0fb9) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#20d0, X =< 16#20dc -> true; is_combining_char(16#20e1) -> true; is_combining_char(X) when X >= 16#302a, X =< 16#302f -> true; is_combining_char(16#3099) -> true; is_combining_char(16#309a) -> true; is_combining_char(_) -> false. %% [88] Digit is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0030, X =< 16#0039 -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0660, X =< 16#0669 -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#06F0, X =< 16#06F9 -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0966, X =< 16#096f -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#09e6, X =< 16#09ef -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0a66, X =< 16#0a6f -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0ae6, X =< 16#0aef -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0b66, X =< 16#0b6f -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0be7, X =< 16#0bef -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0c66, X =< 16#0c6f -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0ce6, X =< 16#0cef -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0d66, X =< 16#0d6f -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0e50, X =< 16#0e59 -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0ed0, X =< 16#0ed9 -> true; is_digit(X) when X >= 16#0f20, X =< 16#0f29 -> true; is_digit(_) -> false. %% [89] Extender is_extender(16#00b7) -> true; is_extender(16#02d0) -> true; is_extender(16#02d1) -> true; is_extender(16#0387) -> true; is_extender(16#0640) -> true; is_extender(16#0e46) -> true; is_extender(16#0ec6) -> true; is_extender(16#3005) -> true; is_extender(X) when X >= 16#3031, X =< 16#3035 -> true; is_extender(X) when X >= 16#309d, X =< 16#309e -> true; is_extender(X) when X >= 16#30fc, X =< 16#30fe -> true; is_extender(_) -> false. to_lower(Str) -> to_lower(Str, []). to_lower([C|Cs], Acc) when C >= $A, C =< $Z -> to_lower(Cs, [C+($a-$A)| Acc]); to_lower([C|Cs], Acc) -> to_lower(Cs, [C| Acc]); to_lower([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). %%% XSD helpers is_facet(length) -> true; is_facet(minLength) -> true; is_facet(maxLength) -> true; is_facet(pattern) -> true; is_facet(enumeration) -> true; is_facet(whiteSpace) -> true; is_facet(maxInclusive) -> true; is_facet(maxExclusive) -> true; is_facet(minInclusive) -> true; is_facet(minExclusive) -> true; is_facet(totalDigits) -> true; is_facet(fractionDigits) -> true; is_facet(_) -> false. is_builtin_simple_type({Type,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}) when is_atom(Type) -> is_builtin_simple_type(atom_to_list(Type)); is_builtin_simple_type({Type,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}) -> is_builtin_simple_type(Type); is_builtin_simple_type({_,_,_}) -> false; is_builtin_simple_type("string") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("normalizedString") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("token") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("base64Binary") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("hexBinary") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("integer") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("positiveInteger") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("negativeInteger") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("nonNegativeInteger") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("nonPositiveInteger") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("long") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("unsignedLong") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("int") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("unsignedInt") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("short") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("unsignedShort") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("decimal") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("float") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("double") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("boolean") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("duration") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("dateTime") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("date") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("time") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("gYear") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("gYearMonth") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("gMonth") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("gMonthDay") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("gDay") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("Name") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("QName") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("NCName") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("anyURI") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("language") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("ID") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("IDREF") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("IDREFS") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("ENTITY") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("ENTITIES") ->true; is_builtin_simple_type("NOTATION") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("NMTOKEN") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("NMTOKENS") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("byte") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type("unsignedByte") -> true; is_builtin_simple_type(_) -> false. is_xsd_string({Type,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}) when is_atom(Type) -> is_xsd_string(Type); is_xsd_string({Type,_,?XSD_NAMESPACE}) -> is_xsd_string(Type); is_xsd_string({_,_,_}) -> false; is_xsd_string(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) -> is_xsd_string(atom_to_list(Atom)); is_xsd_string("string") -> true; is_xsd_string("normalizedString") -> true; is_xsd_string("token") -> true; is_xsd_string("language") -> true; is_xsd_string("Name") -> true; is_xsd_string("NMTOKEN") -> true; is_xsd_string("NMTOKENS") -> true; is_xsd_string("NCName") -> true; is_xsd_string("ID") -> true; is_xsd_string("IDREF") -> true; is_xsd_string("IDREFS") -> true; is_xsd_string("ENTITY") -> true; is_xsd_string("ENTITIES") -> true; is_xsd_string(_) -> false.