%% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- %% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2012. All Rights Reserved. %% %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. %% %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations %% under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% %% Description : Simgle-pass XML scanner. See xmerl.hrl for data defs. %% @doc This module is the interface to the XML parser, it handles XML 1.0. %% The XML parser is activated through %% <tt>xmerl_scan:string/[1,2]</tt> or %% <tt>xmerl_scan:file/[1,2]</tt>. %% It returns records of the type defined in xmerl.hrl. %% See also <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization %% functions. %% @type global_state(). <p> %% The global state of the scanner, represented by the #xmerl_scanner{} record. %% </p> %% @type option_list(). <p>Options allow to customize the behaviour of the %% scanner. %% See also <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization %% functions. %% </p> %% <p> %% Possible options are: %% </p> %% <dl> %% <dt><code>{acc_fun, Fun}</code></dt> %% <dd>Call back function to accumulate contents of entity.</dd> %% <dt><code>{continuation_fun, Fun} | %% {continuation_fun, Fun, ContinuationState}</code></dt> %% <dd>Call back function to decide what to do if the scanner runs into EOF %% before the document is complete.</dd> %% <dt><code>{event_fun, Fun} | %% {event_fun, Fun, EventState}</code></dt> %% <dd>Call back function to handle scanner events.</dd> %% <dt><code>{fetch_fun, Fun} | %% {fetch_fun, Fun, FetchState}</code></dt> %% <dd>Call back function to fetch an external resource.</dd> %% <dt><code>{hook_fun, Fun} | %% {hook_fun, Fun, HookState}</code></dt> %% <dd>Call back function to process the document entities once %% identified.</dd> %% <dt><code>{close_fun, Fun}</code></dt> %% <dd>Called when document has been completely parsed.</dd> %% <dt><code>{rules, ReadFun, WriteFun, RulesState} | %% {rules, Rules}</code></dt> %% <dd>Handles storing of scanner information when parsing.</dd> %% <dt><code>{user_state, UserState}</code></dt> %% <dd>Global state variable accessible from all customization functions</dd> %% %% <dt><code>{fetch_path, PathList}</code></dt> %% <dd>PathList is a list of %% directories to search when fetching files. If the file in question %% is not in the fetch_path, the URI will be used as a file %% name.</dd> %% <dt><code>{space, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>'preserve' (default) to preserve spaces, 'normalize' to %% accumulate consecutive whitespace and replace it with one space.</dd> %% <dt><code>{line, Line}</code></dt> %% <dd>To specify starting line for scanning in document which contains %% fragments of XML.</dd> %% <dt><code>{namespace_conformant, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>Controls whether to behave as a namespace conformant XML parser, %% 'false' (default) to not otherwise 'true'.</dd> %% <dt><code>{validation, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>Controls whether to process as a validating XML parser: %% 'off' (default) no validation, or validation 'dtd' by DTD or 'schema' %% by XML Schema. 'false' and 'true' options are obsolete %% (i.e. they may be removed in a future release), if used 'false' %% equals 'off' and 'true' equals 'dtd'.</dd> %% <dt><code>{schemaLocation, [{Namespace,Link}|...]}</code></dt> %% <dd>Tells explicitly which XML Schema documents to use to validate %% the XML document. Used together with the %% <code>{validation,schema}</code> option.</dd> %% <dt><code>{quiet, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>Set to 'true' if xmerl should behave quietly and not output any %% information to standard output (default 'false').</dd> %% <dt><code>{doctype_DTD, DTD}</code></dt> %% <dd>Allows to specify DTD name when it isn't available in the XML %% document. This option has effect only together with %% <code>{validation,'dtd'</code> option.</dd> %% <dt><code>{xmlbase, Dir}</code></dt> %% <dd>XML Base directory. If using string/1 default is current directory. %% If using file/1 default is directory of given file.</dd> %% <dt><code>{encoding, Enc}</code></dt> %% <dd>Set default character set used (default UTF-8). %% This character set is used only if not explicitly given by the XML %% declaration. </dd> %% <dt><code>{document, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>Set to 'true' if xmerl should return a complete XML document %% as an xmlDocument record (default 'false').</dd> %% <dt><code>{comments, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>Set to 'false' if xmerl should skip comments otherwise they will %% be returned as xmlComment records (default 'true').</dd> %% <dt><code>{default_attrs, Flag}</code></dt> %% <dd>Set to 'true' if xmerl should add to elements missing attributes %% with a defined default value (default 'false').</dd> %% </dl> %% @type document() = xmlElement() | xmlDocument(). <p> %% The document returned by <tt>xmerl_scan:string/[1,2]</tt> and %% <tt>xmerl_scan:file/[1,2]</tt>. The type of the returned record depends on %% the value of the document option passed to the function. %% </p> -module(xmerl_scan). -vsn('0.20'). -date('03-09-16'). %% main API -export([string/1, string/2, file/1, file/2]). %% access functions for various states -export([user_state/1, user_state/2, event_state/1, event_state/2, hook_state/1, hook_state/2, rules_state/1, rules_state/2, fetch_state/1, fetch_state/2, cont_state/1, cont_state/2]). %% helper functions. To xmerl_lib ?? -export([accumulate_whitespace/4]). %-define(debug, 1). -include("xmerl.hrl"). % record def, macros -include("xmerl_internal.hrl"). -include_lib("kernel/include/file.hrl"). -define(fatal(Reason, S), if S#xmerl_scanner.quiet -> ok; true -> ok=io:format("~p- fatal: ~p~n", [?LINE, Reason]) end, fatal(Reason, S)). -define(ustate(U, S), S#xmerl_scanner{user_state = U}). %% Functions to access the various states %%% @spec user_state(S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @equiv user_state(UserState,S) user_state(#xmerl_scanner{user_state = S}) -> S. %%% @spec event_state(S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @equiv event_state(EventState,S) event_state(#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = #xmerl_fun_states{event = S}}) -> S. %%% @spec hook_state(S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @equiv hook_state(HookState,S) hook_state(#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = #xmerl_fun_states{hook = S}}) -> S. %%% @spec rules_state(S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @equiv rules_state(RulesState,S) rules_state(#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = #xmerl_fun_states{rules = S}}) -> S. %%% @spec fetch_state(S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @equiv fetch_state(FetchState,S) fetch_state(#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = #xmerl_fun_states{fetch = S}}) -> S. %%% @spec cont_state(S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @equiv cont_state(ContinuationState,S) cont_state(#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = #xmerl_fun_states{cont = S}}) -> S. %%%% Functions to modify the various states %%% @spec user_state(UserState, S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @doc For controlling the UserState, to be used in a user function. %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions. user_state(X, S) -> S#xmerl_scanner{user_state = X}. %%% @spec event_state(EventState, S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @doc For controlling the EventState, to be used in an event %%% function, and called at the beginning and at the end of a parsed entity. %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions. event_state(X, S=#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS}) -> FS1 = FS#xmerl_fun_states{event = X}, S#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS1}. %%% @spec hook_state(HookState, S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @doc For controlling the HookState, to be used in a hook %%% function, and called when the parser has parsed a complete entity. %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions. hook_state(X, S=#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS}) -> FS1 = FS#xmerl_fun_states{hook = X}, S#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS1}. %%% @spec rules_state(RulesState, S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @doc For controlling the RulesState, to be used in a rules %%% function, and called when the parser store scanner information in a rules %%% database. %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions. rules_state(X, S=#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS}) -> FS1 = FS#xmerl_fun_states{rules = X}, S#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS1}. %%% @spec fetch_state(FetchState, S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @doc For controlling the FetchState, to be used in a fetch %%% function, and called when the parser fetch an external resource (eg. a DTD). %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions. fetch_state(X, S=#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS}) -> FS1 = FS#xmerl_fun_states{fetch = X}, S#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS1}. %%% @spec cont_state(ContinuationState, S::global_state()) -> global_state() %%% @doc For controlling the ContinuationState, to be used in a continuation %%% function, and called when the parser encounters the end of the byte stream. %%% See <a href="xmerl_examples.html">tutorial</a> on customization functions. cont_state(X, S=#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS}) -> FS1 = FS#xmerl_fun_states{cont = X}, S#xmerl_scanner{fun_states = FS1}. %% @spec file(Filename::string()) -> {xmlElement(),Rest} %% Rest = list() %% @equiv file(Filename, []) file(F) -> file(F, []). %% @spec file(Filename::string(), Options::option_list()) -> {document(),Rest} %% Rest = list() %%% @doc Parse file containing an XML document file(F, Options) -> ExtCharset=case lists:keysearch(encoding,1,Options) of {value,{_,Val}} -> Val; false -> undefined end, case int_file(F,Options,ExtCharset) of {Res, Tail,S=#xmerl_scanner{close_fun=Close}} -> Close(S), % for side effects only - final state is dropped {Res,Tail}; {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. int_file(F, Options,_ExtCharset) -> %%io:format("int_file F=~p~n",[F]), case file:read_file(F) of {ok, Bin} -> int_string(binary_to_list(Bin), Options, filename:dirname(F),F); Error -> Error end. int_file_decl(F, Options,_ExtCharset) -> % io:format("int_file_decl F=~p~n",[F]), case file:read_file(F) of {ok, Bin} -> int_string_decl(binary_to_list(Bin), Options, filename:dirname(F),F); Error -> Error end. %% @spec string(Text::list()) -> {xmlElement(),Rest} %% Rest = list() %% @equiv string(Test, []) string(Str) -> string(Str, []). %% @spec string(Text::list(),Options::option_list()) -> {document(),Rest} %% Rest = list() %%% @doc Parse string containing an XML document string(Str, Options) -> {Res, Tail, S=#xmerl_scanner{close_fun = Close}} = int_string(Str, Options,file_name_unknown), Close(S), % for side effects only - final state is dropped {Res,Tail}. int_string(Str, Options,FileName) -> {ok, XMLBase} = file:get_cwd(), int_string(Str, Options, XMLBase, FileName). int_string(Str, Options, XMLBase, FileName) -> S0=initial_state0(Options,XMLBase), S = S0#xmerl_scanner{filename=FileName}, %%io:format("int_string1, calling xmerl_lib:detect_charset~n",[]), %% In case of no encoding attribute in document utf-8 is default, but %% another character set may be detected with help of Byte Order Marker or %% with help of the encoding of the first 4 bytes. case xmerl_lib:detect_charset(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str) of {auto,'iso-10646-utf-1',Str2} -> scan_document(Str2, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding="iso-10646-utf-1"}); {external,'iso-10646-utf-1',Str2} -> scan_document(Str2, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding="iso-10646-utf-1"}); {undefined,undefined,Str2} -> %% no auto detection scan_document(Str2, S); {external,ExtCharset,Str2} -> %% no auto detection, ExtCharset is an explicitly provided %% 7 bit,8 bit or utf-8 encoding scan_document(Str2, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding=atom_to_list(ExtCharset)}) end. int_string_decl(Str, Options, XMLBase, FileName) -> S0=initial_state0(Options,XMLBase), S = S0#xmerl_scanner{filename=FileName}, case xmerl_lib:detect_charset(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str) of {auto,'iso-10646-utf-1',Str2} -> scan_decl(Str2, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding="iso-10646-utf-1"}); {external,'iso-10646-utf-1',Str2} -> scan_decl(Str2, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding="iso-10646-utf-1"}); {undefined,undefined,Str2} -> scan_decl(Str2, S); {external,ExtCharset,Str2} -> scan_decl(Str2, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding=atom_to_list(ExtCharset)}) end. initial_state0(Options,XMLBase) -> CommonData = common_data(), initial_state(Options, #xmerl_scanner{ event_fun = fun event/2, hook_fun = fun hook/2, acc_fun = fun acc/3, fetch_fun = fun fetch/2, close_fun = fun close/1, continuation_fun = fun cont/3, rules_read_fun = fun rules_read/3, rules_write_fun = fun rules_write/4, rules_delete_fun= fun rules_delete/3, xmlbase = XMLBase, common_data = CommonData }). initial_state([{event_fun, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = F}); initial_state([{event_fun, F, ES}|T], S) -> S1 = event_state(ES, S#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = F}), initial_state(T, S1); initial_state([{acc_fun, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{acc_fun = F}); initial_state([{hook_fun, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = F}); initial_state([{hook_fun, F, HS}|T], S) -> S1 = hook_state(HS, S#xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = F}), initial_state(T, S1); initial_state([{close_fun, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{close_fun = F}); initial_state([{fetch_fun, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{fetch_fun = F}); initial_state([{fetch_fun, F, FS}|T], S) -> S1 = fetch_state(FS, S#xmerl_scanner{fetch_fun = F}), initial_state(T, S1); initial_state([{fetch_path, P}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{fetch_path = P}); initial_state([{continuation_fun, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}); initial_state([{continuation_fun, F, CS}|T], S) -> S1 = cont_state(CS, S#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}), initial_state(T, S1); initial_state([{rules, R}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{rules = R, keep_rules = true}); initial_state([{rules, Read, Write, RS}|T], S) -> S1 = rules_state(RS, S#xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read, rules_write_fun = Write, keep_rules = true}), initial_state(T, S1); initial_state([{user_state, F}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{user_state = F}); initial_state([{space, L}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{space = L}); initial_state([{line, L}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line = L}); initial_state([{namespace_conformant, F}|T], S) when F==true; F==false -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant = F}); initial_state([{validation, F}|T], S) when F==off; F==dtd; F==schema; F==true; F==false -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{validation = validation_value(F)}); initial_state([{schemaLocation, SL}|T], S) when is_list(SL) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{schemaLocation=SL}); initial_state([{quiet, F}|T], S) when F==true; F==false -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{quiet = F}); initial_state([{doctype_DTD,DTD}|T], S) -> initial_state(T,S#xmerl_scanner{doctype_DTD = DTD}); initial_state([{document, F}|T], S) when is_boolean(F) -> initial_state(T,S#xmerl_scanner{document = F}); initial_state([{comments, F}|T], S) when is_boolean(F) -> initial_state(T,S#xmerl_scanner{comments = F}); initial_state([{default_attrs, F}|T], S) when is_boolean(F) -> initial_state(T,S#xmerl_scanner{default_attrs = F}); initial_state([{text_decl,Bool}|T], S) -> initial_state(T,S#xmerl_scanner{text_decl=Bool}); initial_state([{environment,Env}|T], S) -> initial_state(T,S#xmerl_scanner{environment=Env}); initial_state([{xmlbase, D}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{xmlbase = D}); initial_state([{encoding, Enc}|T], S) -> initial_state(T, S#xmerl_scanner{encoding = Enc}); initial_state([], S=#xmerl_scanner{rules = undefined}) -> Tab = ets:new(rules, [set, public]), S#xmerl_scanner{rules = Tab}; initial_state([], S) -> S. validation_value(true) -> dtd; validation_value(false) -> off; validation_value(F) -> F. %% Used for compacting (some) indentations. %% See also fast_accumulate_whitespace(). common_data() -> {comdata(lists:duplicate(60, $\s), []), comdata(lists:duplicate(15, $\t), []), "\n"}. comdata([], CD)-> list_to_tuple(CD); comdata([_ | T]=L, CD) -> comdata(T, [[$\n | L] | CD]). %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Default modifier functions %%% Hooks: %%% - {element, Line, Name, Attrs, Content} %%% - {processing_instruction, Line, Data} hook(X, State) -> {X, State}. %%% Events: %%% %%% #xmerl_event{event : started | ended, %%% line : integer(), %%% col : integer(), %%% data} %%% %%% Data Events %%% document started, ended %%% #xmlElement started, ended %%% #xmlAttribute ended %%% #xmlPI ended %%% #xmlComment ended %%% #xmlText ended event(_X, S) -> S. %% The acc/3 function can return either {Acc´, S'} or {Acc', Pos', S'}, %% where Pos' can be derived from X#xmlElement.pos, X#xmlText.pos, or %% X#xmlAttribute.pos (whichever is the current object type.) %% The acc/3 function is not allowed to redefine the type of object %% being defined, but _is_ allowed to either ignore it or split it %% into multiple objects (in which case {Acc',Pos',S'} should be returned.) %% If {Acc',S'} is returned, Pos will be incremented by 1 by default. %% Below is an example of an acceptable operation acc(X = #xmlText{value = Text}, Acc, S) -> {[X#xmlText{value = Text}|Acc], S}; acc(X, Acc, S) -> {[X|Acc], S}. fetch({system, URI}, S) -> fetch_URI(URI, S); fetch({public, _PublicID, URI}, S) -> fetch_URI(URI, S). %%% Always assume an external resource can be found locally! Thus %%% don't bother fetching with e.g. HTTP. Returns the path where the %%% resource is found. The path to the external resource is given by %%% URI directly or the option fetch_path (additional paths) or %%% directory (base path to external resource) fetch_URI(URI, S) -> %% assume URI is a filename Split = filename:split(URI), Filename = fun([])->[];(X)->lists:last(X) end (Split), Fullname = case Split of %% how about Windows systems? ["file:"|Name]-> %% absolute path, see RFC2396 sect 3 %% file:/dtd_name filename:join(["/"|Name]); ["/"|Rest] when Rest /= [] -> %% absolute path name URI; ["http:"|_Rest] -> {http,URI}; [] -> %% empty systemliteral []; _ -> filename:join(S#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase, URI) end, Path = path_locate(S#xmerl_scanner.fetch_path, Filename, Fullname), ?dbg("fetch(~p) -> {file, ~p}.~n", [URI, Path]), {ok, Path, S}. path_locate(_, _, {http,_}=URI) -> URI; path_locate(_, _, []) -> []; path_locate([Dir|Dirs], FN, FullName) -> F = filename:join(Dir, FN), case file:read_file_info(F) of {ok, #file_info{type = regular}} -> {file,F}; _ -> path_locate(Dirs, FN, FullName) end; path_locate([], _FN, FullName) -> {file,FullName}. cont(_F, Exception, US) -> Exception(US). close(S) -> S. %%% ----------------------------------------------------- %%% Scanner %%% [1] document ::= prolog element Misc* scan_document(Str0, S=#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event, line = L, col = C, environment=Env, encoding=Charset, document=Document, validation=ValidateResult}) -> S1 = Event(#xmerl_event{event = started, line = L, col = C, data = document}, S), %% Transform to given character set. %% Note that if another character set is given in the encoding %% attribute in a XML declaration that one will be used later Str=if Charset == "utf-8" -> Str0; Charset =/= undefined -> % Default character set is UTF-8 xmerl_ucs:to_unicode(Str0, list_to_atom(Charset)); true -> %% Charset is undefined if no external input is %% given, and no auto detection of character %% encoding was made. Str0 end, %% M1 = erlang:memory(), %% io:format("Memory status before prolog: ~p~n",[M1]), {Prolog, Pos, T1, S2} = scan_prolog(Str, S1, _StartPos = 1), %% M2 = erlang:memory(), %% io:format("Memory status after prolog: ~p~n",[M2]), %%io:format("scan_document 2, prolog parsed~n",[]), T2 = scan_mandatory("<", T1, 1, S2, expected_element_start_tag), %% M3 = erlang:memory(), %% io:format("Memory status before element: ~p~n",[M3]), {Res, T3, S3} = scan_element(T2,S2,Pos), %% M4 = erlang:memory(), %% io:format("Memory status after element: ~p~n",[M4]), {Misc, _Pos1, Tail, S4}=scan_misc(T3, S3, Pos + 1), %% M5 = erlang:memory(), %% io:format("Memory status after misc: ~p~n",[M5]), S5 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S4#xmerl_scanner.line, col = S4#xmerl_scanner.col, data = document}, S4), {Res2, S6} = case validation_mode(ValidateResult) of off -> {Res, cleanup(S5)}; dtd when Env == element; Env == prolog -> check_decl2(S5), case xmerl_validate:validate(S5, Res) of {'EXIT', {error, Reason}} -> S5b = cleanup(S5), ?fatal({failed_validation, Reason}, S5b); {'EXIT', Reason} -> S5b = cleanup(S5), ?fatal({failed_validation, Reason}, S5b); {error, Reason} -> S5b = cleanup(S5), ?fatal({failed_validation, Reason}, S5b); {error, Reason, _Next} -> S5b = cleanup(S5), ?fatal({failed_validation, Reason}, S5b); _XML -> {Res, cleanup(S5)} end; schema -> case schemaLocations(Res, S5) of {ok, Schemas} -> cleanup(S5), %%io:format("Schemas: ~p~nRes: ~p~ninhertih_options(S): ~p~n", %% [Schemas,Res,inherit_options(S5)]), XSDRes = xmerl_xsd:process_validate(Schemas, Res, inherit_options(S5)), handle_schema_result(XSDRes, S5); _ -> {Res, cleanup(S5)} end; _ -> {Res, cleanup(S5)} end, Res3 = case Document of true -> Content = lists:reverse(Prolog, [Res2 | lists:reverse(Misc)]), #xmlDocument{content = Content}; false -> Res2 end, {Res3, Tail, S6}. scan_decl(Str, S=#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event, line = L, col = C, environment=_Env, encoding=_Charset, validation=_ValidateResult}) -> S1 = Event(#xmerl_event{event = started, line = L, col = C, data = document}, S), case scan_prolog(Str, S1, _StartPos = 1) of {_,_,T2="<"++_, S2} -> {{S2#xmerl_scanner.user_state,T2},[],S2}; {_,_,[], S2}-> {[],[],S2}; {_,_,T2, S2} -> {_,_,S3} = scan_content(T2,S2,[],_Attrs=[],S2#xmerl_scanner.space, _Lang=[],_Parents=[],#xmlNamespace{}), {T2,[],S3} end. %%% [22] Prolog %%% prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)? %%% %% empty text declarations are handled by the first function clause. scan_prolog(T, S, Pos) -> scan_prolog(T, S, Pos, []). scan_prolog([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_prolog(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> {Acc, Pos, [], S1} end, S); scan_prolog("<?xml"++T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{encoding=Charset0,col=Col,line=L}, Pos,Acc) when ?whitespace(hd(T)) -> {Charset, T3, S3} = if Col==1,L==1,S0#xmerl_scanner.text_decl==true -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<?xml\")~n", []), ?bump_col(5), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {Decl,T2, S2}=scan_text_decl(T1,S1), Encoding=Decl#xmlDecl.encoding, {Encoding, T2, S2#xmerl_scanner{encoding=Encoding}}; Col==1,L==1 -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<?xml\")~n", []), ?bump_col(5), {Decl,T2, S2}=scan_xml_decl(T, S), Encoding=Decl#xmlDecl.encoding, {Encoding, T2, S2#xmerl_scanner{encoding=Encoding}}; true -> ?fatal({xml_declaration_must_be_first_in_doc,Col,L},S0) end, %% Charset0 is either (1) 'iso-10646-utf-1' (transformation by %% auto detection), (2) undefined (no auto detection and no %% external encoding), (3) any other encoding format that must be %% conformant to the internal explicitly given encoding. The two %% former cases implies that the explicit internal encoding %% (Charset) may be different from Charset0. %% Now transform to declared character set. if Charset==Charset0 -> % Document already transformed to this charset! scan_prolog(T3, S3, Pos, Acc); Charset0=/=undefined -> %% For example may an external entity %% have the BOM for utf-16 and the internal %% explicit encoding='utf-16', then it will be auto %% detected and transformed, Charset0 will be %% 'iso-10646-utf-1', and Charset will be 'utf-16', all %% legal. %% scan_prolog(T3,S3#xmerl_scanner{encoding=Charset0},Pos,Acc); Charset == "utf-8" -> scan_prolog(T3, S3, Pos, Acc); Charset=/=undefined -> % Document not previously transformed T4=xmerl_ucs:to_unicode(T3,list_to_atom(Charset)), scan_prolog(T4, S3, Pos, Acc); true -> % No encoding info given scan_prolog(T3, S3, Pos, Acc) end; scan_prolog("<!DOCTYPE" ++ T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog,encoding=_Charset}, Pos, Acc) -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<!DOCTYPE\")~n", []), ?bump_col(9), %% If no known character set assume it is UTF-8 T1=if %% Charset==undefined -> xmerl_ucs:to_unicode(T,'utf-8'); true -> T end, {T2, S1} = scan_doctype(T1, S), scan_misc(T2, S1, Pos, Acc); scan_prolog(Str="%"++_T,S=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,_}}, Pos,Acc) -> {T, S1} = scan_ext_subset(Str,S), {Acc, Pos, T, S1}; scan_prolog(Str, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{user_state=_US,encoding=_Charset}, Pos,Acc) -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<\")~n", []), %% Check for Comments, PI before possible DOCTYPE declaration ?bump_col(1), %% If no known character set assume it is UTF-8 T=if %% Charset==undefined -> xmerl_ucs:to_unicode(Str,'utf-8'); true -> Str end, {Acc1, Pos1, T1, S1}=scan_misc(T, S, Pos, Acc), scan_prolog2(T1,S1,Pos1,Acc1). scan_prolog2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_prolog2(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> {Acc, Pos, [], S1} end, S); scan_prolog2("<!DOCTYPE" ++ T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog}, Pos, Acc) -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<!DOCTYPE\")~n", []), ?bump_col(9), {T1, S1} = scan_doctype(T, S), scan_misc(T1, S1, Pos, Acc); scan_prolog2(Str = "<!" ++ _, S, Pos, Acc) -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<!\")~n", []), %% In e.g. a DTD, we jump directly to markup declarations {T, S1} = scan_ext_subset(Str, S), {Acc, Pos, T, S1}; scan_prolog2(Str, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{user_state=_US},Pos,Acc) -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<\")~n", []), %% Here we consider the DTD provided by doctype_DTD option, S1 = case S0 of #xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd,doctype_DTD=DTD} when is_list(DTD) -> S=fetch_DTD(undefined,S0), check_decl(S), S; _ -> S0 end, %% Check for more Comments and PI after DOCTYPE declaration % ?bump_col(1), scan_misc(Str, S1, Pos, Acc). %%% [27] Misc ::= Comment | PI | S %% Note: %% - Neither of Comment and PI are returned in the resulting parsed %% structure. %% - scan_misc/3 implements Misc* as that is how the rule is always used scan_misc(T, S, Pos) -> scan_misc(T, S, Pos, []). scan_misc([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_misc(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> {Acc, Pos, [], S1} end, S); scan_misc("<!--" ++ T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{acc_fun = F, comments=CF}, Pos, Acc) -> % Comment ?bump_col(4), {C, T1, S1} = scan_comment(T, S, Pos, _Parents = [], _Lang = []), case CF of true -> {Acc2, Pos2, S3} = case F(C, Acc, S1) of {Acc1, S2} -> {Acc1, Pos + 1, S2}; {Acc1, Pos1, S2} -> {Acc1, Pos1, S2} end, scan_misc(T1, S3, Pos2, Acc2); false -> scan_misc(T1, S1, Pos, Acc) end; scan_misc("<?" ++ T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{acc_fun = F}, Pos, Acc) -> % PI ?dbg("prolog(\"<?\")~n", []), ?bump_col(2), {PI, T1, S1} = scan_pi(T, S, Pos, []), {Acc2, Pos2, S3} = case F(PI, Acc, S1) of {Acc1, S2} -> {Acc1, Pos + 1, S2}; {Acc1, Pos1, S2} -> {Acc1, Pos1, S2} end, scan_misc(T1,S3,Pos2,Acc2); scan_misc(T=[H|_T], S, Pos, Acc) when ?whitespace(H) -> ?dbg("prolog(whitespace)~n", []), {_,T1,S1}=strip(T,S), scan_misc(T1,S1,Pos,Acc); scan_misc(T,S,Pos,Acc) -> {Acc,Pos,T,S}. cleanup(S=#xmerl_scanner{keep_rules = false, rules = Rules}) -> ets:delete(Rules), S#xmerl_scanner{rules = undefined}; cleanup(S) -> S. %%% Prolog and Document Type Declaration XML 1.0 Section 2.8 %% [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>' %% [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"') scan_xml_decl(T, S) -> %% VersionInfo [24] is mandatory {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {T2,S2} = case T1 of "version" ++ _T2 -> {_T2,S1#xmerl_scanner{col=S1#xmerl_scanner.col+7}}; _ -> ?fatal(expected_version_attribute,S1) end, {T3, S3} = scan_eq(T2, S2), {Vsn, T4, S4} = scan_xml_vsn(T3, S3), Attr = #xmlAttribute{name = version, parents = [{xml, _XMLPos = 1}], value = Vsn}, scan_xml_decl(T4, S4, #xmlDecl{vsn = Vsn, attributes = [Attr]}). scan_xml_decl([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Decl) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_xml_decl(MoreBytes, S1, Decl) end, fun(S1) -> {[], [], S1} end, S); scan_xml_decl("?>" ++ T, S0, Decl) -> ?bump_col(2), return_xml_decl(T,S,Decl); scan_xml_decl(T,S=#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = _Event},Decl) when ?whitespace(hd(T)) -> {_,T1,S1}=mandatory_strip(T,S), scan_xml_decl2(T1,S1,Decl); scan_xml_decl(_T,S=#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = _Event},_Decl) -> ?fatal(preformat([expected,one,'of:'],['?>',whitespace_character],","),S). scan_xml_decl2("?>" ++ T, S0,Decl) -> ?bump_col(2), return_xml_decl(T,S,Decl); scan_xml_decl2("encoding" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event}, Decl0 = #xmlDecl{attributes = Attrs}) -> %% [80] EncodingDecl ?bump_col(8), {T1, S1} = scan_eq(T, S), {EncName, T2, S2} = scan_enc_name(T1, S1), LowEncName=xmerl_lib:to_lower(EncName), Attr = #xmlAttribute{name = encoding, parents = [{xml, _XMLPos = 1}], value = LowEncName}, Decl = Decl0#xmlDecl{encoding = LowEncName, attributes = [Attr|Attrs]}, S3 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S0#xmerl_scanner.line, col = S0#xmerl_scanner.col, data = Attr}, S2), case T2 of "?>" ++ _T3 -> scan_xml_decl3(T2,S3,Decl); _ -> {_,T3,S4} = mandatory_strip(T2,S3), scan_xml_decl3(T3, S4, Decl) end; scan_xml_decl2(T="standalone" ++ _T,S,Decl) -> scan_xml_decl3(T,S,Decl); scan_xml_decl2(_BadString,S,_Decl) -> ?fatal(preformat([expected,one,'of:'],['?>',standalone,encoding],","),S). % ?fatal(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s ~s ~s: ~s, ~s, ~s",[expected,one,'of','?>',standalone,encoding])),S). % ?fatal({expected_one_of,"?>",standalone,encoding},S). scan_xml_decl3("?>" ++ T, S0,Decl) -> ?bump_col(2), return_xml_decl(T,S,Decl); scan_xml_decl3("standalone" ++ T,S0 = #xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event}, Decl0 = #xmlDecl{attributes = Attrs}) -> %% [32] SDDecl ?bump_col(10), {T1, S1} = scan_eq(T, S), {StValue,T2,S2}=scan_standalone_value(T1,S1), Attr = #xmlAttribute{name = standalone, parents = [{xml, _XMLPos = 1}], value = StValue}, Decl = Decl0#xmlDecl{standalone = StValue, attributes = [Attr|Attrs]}, S3 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S0#xmerl_scanner.line, col = S0#xmerl_scanner.col, data = Attr}, S2), {_,T3,S4} = strip(T2,S3), T4 = scan_mandatory("?>",T3,2,S4,expected_xml_decl_endtag), %% "?>" ++ T4 = T3, return_xml_decl(T4, S4#xmerl_scanner{col=S4#xmerl_scanner.col+2}, Decl). return_xml_decl(T,S=#xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = _Hook, event_fun = Event}, Decl0 = #xmlDecl{attributes = Attrs}) -> ?strip1, Decl = Decl0#xmlDecl{attributes = lists:reverse(Attrs)}, S2 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S#xmerl_scanner.line, col = S#xmerl_scanner.col, data = Decl}, S1), %% {Ret, S3} = Hook(Decl, S2), %% {Ret, T1, S3}. {Decl, T1, S2}. scan_standalone_value("'yes'" ++T,S0)-> ?bump_col(5), {'yes',T,S#xmerl_scanner{standalone=yes}}; scan_standalone_value("\"yes\"" ++T,S0)-> ?bump_col(5), {'yes',T,S#xmerl_scanner{standalone=yes}}; scan_standalone_value("'no'" ++T,S0) -> ?bump_col(4), {'no',T,S}; scan_standalone_value("\"no\"" ++T,S0) -> ?bump_col(4), {'no',T,S}. %%% %%% Text declaration XML 1.0 section 4.3.1 %%% [77] TextDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo? EncodingDecl S? '?>' scan_text_decl(T,S=#xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event}) -> {#xmlDecl{attributes=Attrs}=Decl0,T1,S1} = scan_optional_version(T,S), T2 = case T1 of "encoding" ++ _T2 -> _T2; _ -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_attribute,S1) end, S2 = S1#xmerl_scanner{col = S1#xmerl_scanner.col + 8}, {T3, S3} = scan_eq(T2, S2), {EncName, T4, S4} = scan_enc_name(T3, S3), LowEncName=xmerl_lib:to_lower(EncName), ?strip5, Attr = #xmlAttribute{name = encoding, parents = [{xml,1}], value = LowEncName}, Decl = Decl0#xmlDecl{encoding = LowEncName, attributes = [Attr|Attrs]}, S6=#xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S5#xmerl_scanner.line, col = S5#xmerl_scanner.col, data = Attr}, S5), scan_text_decl(T5,S6,Decl). scan_text_decl("?>"++T,S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = _Hook, event_fun = Event}, Decl0 = #xmlDecl{attributes = Attrs}) -> ?bump_col(2), ?strip1, Decl = Decl0#xmlDecl{attributes = lists:reverse(Attrs)}, S2 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S0#xmerl_scanner.line, col = S0#xmerl_scanner.col, data = Decl}, S1), %% {Ret, S3} = Hook(Decl, S2), %% {Ret, T1, S3}; {Decl, T1, S2}; scan_text_decl([H|_T],S,_) -> ?fatal({unexpected_character_in_text_declaration,H},S). scan_optional_version("version"++T,S0) -> ?bump_col(7), ?strip1, {T2, S2} = scan_eq(T1, S1), {Vsn, T3, S3} = scan_xml_vsn(T2, S2), {_,T4,S4} = mandatory_strip(T3,S3), Attr = #xmlAttribute{name = version,parents = [{xml,1}],value = Vsn}, {#xmlDecl{attributes=[Attr]},T4,S4}; scan_optional_version(T,S) -> {#xmlDecl{attributes=[]},T,S}. %%%%%%% [81] EncName scan_enc_name([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enc_name(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_name, S1) end, S); scan_enc_name([H|T], S0) when H >= $"; H =< $' -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name(T, S, H, []). scan_enc_name([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enc_name(MoreBytes, S1, Delim, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_name, S1) end, S); scan_enc_name([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H >= $a, H =< $z -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name2(T, S, Delim, [H|Acc]); scan_enc_name([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H >= $A, H =< $Z -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name2(T, S, Delim, [H|Acc]); scan_enc_name([H|_T],S,_Delim,_Acc) -> ?fatal({error,{unexpected_character_in_Enc_Name,H}},S). scan_enc_name2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enc_name2(MoreBytes, S1, Delim, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(expected_encoding_name, S1) end, S); scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, H, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {lists:reverse(Acc), T, S}; scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H >= $a, H =< $z -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name2(T, S, Delim, [H|Acc]); scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H >= $A, H =< $Z -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name2(T, S, Delim, [H|Acc]); scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name2(T, S, Delim, [H|Acc]); scan_enc_name2([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc) when H == $.; H == $_; H == $- -> ?bump_col(1), scan_enc_name2(T, S, Delim, [H|Acc]). %%%%%%% [26] VersionNum %%% VersionNum ::= ([a-zA-Z0-9_.:] | '-')+ scan_xml_vsn([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_xml_vsn(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_xml_vsn([H|T], S) when H==$"; H==$'-> xml_vsn(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, H, []). xml_vsn([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> xml_vsn(MoreBytes, S1, Delim, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C}, H, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1}}; xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C},Delim, Acc) when H >= $a, H =< $z -> xml_vsn(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1}, Delim, [H|Acc]); xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C},Delim, Acc) when H >= $A, H =< $Z -> xml_vsn(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1}, Delim, [H|Acc]); xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C},Delim, Acc) when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> xml_vsn(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1}, Delim, [H|Acc]); xml_vsn([H|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C}, Delim, Acc) -> case lists:member(H, "_.:-") of true -> xml_vsn(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1}, Delim, [H|Acc]); false -> ?fatal({invalid_vsn_char, H}, S) end. %%%%%%% [16] PI ::= '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>' scan_pi([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Ps) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pi(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Ps) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_pi(Str = [H1,H2,H3 | T],S0=#xmerl_scanner{line = L, col = C}, Pos, Ps) when H1==$x;H1==$X -> %% names beginning with [xX][mM][lL] are reserved for future use. ?bump_col(3), if ((H2==$m) or (H2==$M)) and ((H3==$l) or (H3==$L)) -> scan_wellknown_pi(T,S,Pos,Ps); true -> {Target, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(Str, S), scan_pi(T1, S1, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, []) end; scan_pi(Str, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L, col = C}, Pos, Ps) -> {Target, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(Str, S), scan_pi(T1, S1, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, []). %%% More info on xml-stylesheet can be found at: %%% "Associating Style Sheets with XML documents", Version 1.0, %%% W3C Recommendation 29 June 1999 (http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/) scan_wellknown_pi("-stylesheet"++T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{line=L,col=C},Pos,Ps) -> ?dbg("prolog(\"<?xml-stylesheet\")~n", []), ?bump_col(16), scan_pi(T, S, "xml-stylesheet",L,C,Pos,Ps,[]); scan_wellknown_pi(Str,S,_Pos,_Ps) -> ?fatal({invalid_target_name, lists:sublist(Str, 1, 10)}, S). scan_pi([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pi(MoreBytes, S1, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_pi("?>" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = Hook, event_fun = Event}, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) -> ?bump_col(2), PI = #xmlPI{name = Target, parents = Ps, pos = Pos, value = lists:reverse(Acc)}, S1 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = L, col = C, data = PI}, S), {Ret, S2} = Hook(PI, S1), {Ret, T, S2}; scan_pi([H|T], S, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) when ?whitespace(H) -> ?strip1, scan_pi2(T1, S1, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc); scan_pi([H|_T],S,_Target, _L, _C, _Pos, _Ps, _Acc) -> ?fatal({expected_whitespace_OR_end_of_PI,{char,H}}, S). scan_pi2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pi2(MoreBytes, S1, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_pi2("?>" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = Hook, event_fun = Event}, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) -> ?bump_col(2), PI = #xmlPI{name = Target, parents = Ps, pos = Pos, value = lists:reverse(Acc)}, S1 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = L, col = C, data = PI}, S), {Ret, S2} = Hook(PI, S1), {Ret, T, S2}; scan_pi2(Str, S0, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {Ch,T} = wfc_legal_char(Str,S), scan_pi2(T, S, Target, L, C, Pos, Ps, [Ch|Acc]). %% [28] doctypedecl ::= %% '<!DOCTYPE' S Name (S ExternalID)? S? ('[' intSubset ']' S?)? '>' scan_doctype([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_doctype(T, S) -> {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {DTName, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_name(T1, S1), ?strip3, scan_doctype1(T3, S3#xmerl_scanner{doctype_name = DTName}). %% [75] ExternalID ::= 'SYSTEM' S SystemLiteral %% | 'PUBLIC' S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral scan_doctype1([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype1(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_doctype1("PUBLIC" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {PIDL, T2, S2} = scan_pubid_literal(T1, S1), {_,T3,S3} = mandatory_strip(T2,S2), {SL, T4, S4} = scan_system_literal(T3, S3), ?strip5, scan_doctype2(T5, S5, {public, PIDL, SL}); scan_doctype1("SYSTEM" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {SL, T2, S2} = scan_system_literal(T1, S1), ?strip3, scan_doctype2(T3, S3, {system, SL}); scan_doctype1(T, S) -> scan_doctype2(T, S, undefined). scan_doctype2([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},DTD) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype2(MoreBytes, S1, DTD) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_doctype2("[" ++ T, S0, DTD) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, scan_doctype3(T1, S1, DTD); scan_doctype2(">" ++ T, S0, DTD) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, S2 = fetch_DTD(DTD, S1), check_decl(S2), {T1, S2}; scan_doctype2(_T,S,_DTD) -> ?fatal(expected_end_of_DOCTYPE_declaration, S). %% [28a] DeclSep ::= PEReference | S %% [28b] intSubset ::= (markupdecl | DeclSep)* scan_doctype3([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},DTD) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_doctype3(MoreBytes, S1,DTD) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_doctype3("%" ++ T, S0, DTD) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ?strip2, case expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S2,as_PE) of {system, _} = Name -> S3 = fetch_DTD(Name, S2), check_decl(S3), scan_doctype3(T2, S3, DTD); {public, _} = Name -> S3 = fetch_DTD(Name, S2), check_decl(S3), scan_doctype3(T2, S3, DTD); {public, _, _} = Name -> S3 = fetch_DTD(Name, S2), check_decl(S3), scan_doctype3(T2, S3, DTD); ExpRef when is_list(ExpRef) -> % Space added, see Section 4.4.8 {_,T3,S3} = strip(ExpRef++T2,S2), scan_doctype3(T3,S3,DTD) end; scan_doctype3("]" ++ T, S0, DTD) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, S2 = fetch_DTD(DTD, S1), check_decl(S2), T2 = scan_mandatory(">",T1,1,S2,expected_doctype_end_tag), %% ">" ++ T2 = T1, {T2, S2}; scan_doctype3(T, S, DTD) -> {_, T1, S1} = scan_markup_decl(T, S), scan_doctype3(T1, S1, DTD). fetch_DTD(undefined, S=#xmerl_scanner{doctype_DTD=URI}) when is_list(URI)-> %% allow to specify DTD name when it isn't available in xml stream fetch_DTD({system,URI},S#xmerl_scanner{doctype_DTD=option_provided}); fetch_DTD(undefined, S) -> S; % fetch_DTD(_,S=#xmerl_scanner{validation=false}) -> % S; fetch_DTD(DTDSpec, S)-> case fetch_and_parse(DTDSpec,S,[{text_decl,true}, {environment,{external,subset}}]) of NewS when is_record(NewS,xmerl_scanner) -> NewS; {_Res,_Tail,_Sx} -> % Continue with old scanner data, result in Rules S end. fetch_and_parse(ExtSpec,S=#xmerl_scanner{fetch_fun=Fetch, rules=Rules, xmlbase = XMLBase}, Options0) -> RetS = case Fetch(ExtSpec, S) of {ok, NewS} -> %% For backward compatibility only. This will be removed later!! NewS; {ok, not_fetched,NewS} -> NewS; {ok, DataRet, NewS = #xmerl_scanner{ fetch_path=FetchPath, user_state = UState, event_fun = Event, hook_fun = Hook, fetch_fun = Fetch1, close_fun = Close1, continuation_fun = Cont, acc_fun = Acc, rules_read_fun = Read, rules_write_fun = Write, validation = Valid, quiet = Quiet, encoding = Charset }} -> EvS = event_state(NewS), HoS = hook_state(NewS), FeS = fetch_state(NewS), CoS = cont_state(NewS), Options = Options0++[{fetch_path,FetchPath}, {user_state, UState}, {rules, Rules}, {event_fun, Event, EvS}, {hook_fun, Hook, HoS}, {fetch_fun, Fetch1, FeS}, {close_fun, Close1}, {continuation_fun, Cont, CoS}, {rules, Read, Write, ""}, {acc_fun, Acc}, {validation,Valid}, {quiet,Quiet}, {encoding,Charset}], case DataRet of {file, F} -> int_file_decl(F, Options,Charset); {string, String} -> int_string_decl(String, Options,XMLBase,file_name_unknown); _ -> %% other scheme {DataRet,[],NewS} end; Error -> ?fatal({error_fetching_DTD, {ExtSpec, Error}}, S) end, case RetS of #xmerl_scanner{} -> RetS#xmerl_scanner{text_decl=false, environment=S#xmerl_scanner.environment}; _ -> RetS end. fetch_not_parse(ExtSpec,S=#xmerl_scanner{fetch_fun=Fetch}) -> case Fetch(ExtSpec,S) of {ok, not_fetched,_NewS} -> ?fatal({error_fetching_external_source,ExtSpec},S); {ok, DataRet, NewS} -> {String,LocationName} = case DataRet of {file,F} -> {get_file(F,S),F}; {string,Str} -> {binary_to_list(Str),file_name_unknown}; {http,URI} -> {{http,URI},URI}; _ -> DataRet end, {String, NewS#xmerl_scanner{filename=LocationName}}; _ -> ?fatal({error_fetching_external_resource,ExtSpec},S) end. get_file(F,S) -> % io:format("get_file F=~p~n",[F]), case file:read_file(F) of {ok,Bin} -> binary_to_list(Bin); Err -> ?fatal({error_reading_file,F,Err},S) end. %% check_decl/1 %% Now it is necessary to check that all referenced types is declared, %% since it is legal to reference some xml types before they are %% declared. check_decl(#xmerl_scanner{validation=V}) when V =/= dtd -> ok; check_decl(#xmerl_scanner{rules=Tab} = S) -> check_notations(Tab,S), check_elements(Tab,S), %% check also attribute defs for element check_entities(Tab,S). check_notations(Tab,S) -> case ets:match(Tab,{{notation,'$1'},undeclared}) of [[]] -> ok; [] -> ok; [L] when is_list(L) -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,hd(L)},S); Err -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,Err},S) end. check_elements(Tab,S) -> case catch ets:match(Tab,{{elem_def,'_'},'$2'},10) of {_,_}=M -> Fun = fun({Match,'$end_of_table'},_F) -> lists:foreach(fun(X)->check_elements2(X,S) end, Match), ok; ('$end_of_table',_) -> ok; ({Match,Cont},F) -> lists:foreach(fun(X)->check_elements2(X,S) end, Match), F(ets:match(Cont),F) end, Fun(M,Fun); '$end_of_table' -> ok; Err -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,Err},S) end. % it is not an error to declare attributes for an element that is not % declared. check_elements2([#xmlElement{attributes=Attrs}],S) -> check_attributes(Attrs,S); check_elements2(_,_) -> ok. check_attributes([{N1,'ID',_,_,_}=Attr|Rest],S) -> case lists:keysearch('ID',2,Rest) of {value,Att2} -> ?fatal({error_more_than_one_ID_def,N1,element(1,Att2)},S); _ -> ok end, vc_ID_Attribute_Default(Attr,S), check_attributes(Rest,S); check_attributes([{_,{enumeration,_},_,_,_}=Attr|T],S) -> vc_Enumeration(Attr,S), check_attributes(T,S); check_attributes([{_,Ent,_,_,_}=Attr|T],S) when Ent=='ENTITY';Ent=='ENTITIES' -> vc_Entity_Name(Attr,S), check_attributes(T,S); check_attributes([_|T],S) -> check_attributes(T,S); check_attributes([],_S) -> ok. check_entities(Tab,S=#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd}) -> case ets:match(Tab,{{entity,'$1'},undeclared}) of [[]] -> ok; [] -> ok; [L] when is_list(L) -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,hd(L)},S); Err -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,Err},S) end; check_entities(_,_) -> ok. %% check_decl2/1: checks that all referenced ID attributes are declared check_decl2(S=#xmerl_scanner{rules=Tab}) -> check_referenced_ids(Tab,S). check_referenced_ids(Tab,S) -> case ets:match(Tab,{{id,'$1'},undeclared}) of [[]] -> ok; [] -> ok; [L] when is_list(L) -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,hd(L)},S); Err -> ?fatal({error_missing_declaration_in_DTD,Err},S) end. %%%%%%% [30] extSubSet ::= TextDecl? extSubsetDecl scan_ext_subset([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_ext_subset(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> {[], S1} end, S); scan_ext_subset("%" ++ T, S0) -> %% DeclSep [28a]: WFC: PE Between Declarations. %% The replacement text of a parameter entity reference in a %% DeclSep must match the production extSubsetDecl. ?bump_col(1), {T1,S1} = scan_decl_sep(T,S), scan_ext_subset(T1, S1); scan_ext_subset("<![" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(3), ?strip1, {_, T2, S2} = scan_conditional_sect(T1, S1), scan_ext_subset(T2,S2); scan_ext_subset(T, S) when ?whitespace(hd(T)) -> {_,T1,S1} = strip(T,S), scan_ext_subset(T1, S1); scan_ext_subset(T, S) -> {_, T1, S1} = scan_markup_decl(T, S), scan_ext_subset(T1, S1). %%%%%%% [28a] DeclSep ::= PEReference | S scan_decl_sep(T,S) -> {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), {ExpandedRef,S2} = case expand_pe_reference(PERefName,S1,as_PE) of Tuple when is_tuple(Tuple) -> %% {system,URI} or {public,URI} {ExpRef,_Sx}=fetch_not_parse(Tuple,S1), {ExpRef,S1}; ExpRef -> {ExpRef,S1} end, {_,TRef,S3} = strip(ExpandedRef,S2), {_,S4}=scan_ext_subset(TRef,S3), {T1,S4}. % scan_decl_sep(T,S=#xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun=Read, % rules_write_fun=Write, % rules_delete_fun=Delete}) -> % {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), % {ExpandedRef,S2} = % case expand_pe_reference(PERefName,S1,as_PE) of % Tuple when tuple(Tuple) -> % %% {system,URI} or {public,URI} % {ExpRef,Sx}=fetch_not_parse(Tuple,S1), % {EntV,_,_S2} = scan_entity_value(ExpRef, Sx, no_delim, % PERefName,parameter), % %% should do an update Write(parameter_entity) so next % %% expand_pe_reference is faster % Delete(parameter_entity,PERefName,_S2), % _S3 = Write(parameter_entity,PERefName,EntV,_S2), % EntV2 = Read(parameter_entity,PERefName,_S3), % {" " ++ EntV2 ++ " ",_S3}; % ExpRef -> % {ExpRef,S1} % end, % {_, T3, S3} = strip(ExpandedRef,S2), % {_T4,S4} = scan_ext_subset(T3,S3), % strip(T1,S4). %%%%%%% [61] ConditionalSect ::= includeSect | ignoreSect scan_conditional_sect([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_conditional_sect(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_conditional_sect("IGNORE" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), ?strip1, T2 = scan_mandatory("[",T1,1,S,expected_IGNORE_bracket), % "[" ++ T2 = T1, {_,T3,S3} = strip(T2,S1), scan_ignore(T3,S3); scan_conditional_sect("INCLUDE" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(7), ?strip1, T2 = scan_mandatory("[",T1,1,S,expected_INCLUDE_bracket), % "[" ++ T2 = T1, {_,T3,S3} = strip(T2,S1), scan_include(T3, S3); scan_conditional_sect("%"++T,S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_conditional_sect(T2,S2). %%%% [63] ignoreSect ::= '<![' S? 'IGNORE' S? '[' ignoreSectContents* ']]>' %%%% [64] ignoreSectContents ::= Ignore ('<![' ignoreSectContents ']]>' Ignore)* %%%% [65] Ignore ::= Char* - (Char* ('<![' | ']]>') Char*) scan_ignore(Str,S) -> scan_ignore(Str,S,0). scan_ignore([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},Level) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_ignore(MoreBytes, S1,Level) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_ignore("<![" ++ T, S0,Level) -> %% nested conditional section. Topmost condition is ignore, though ?bump_col(3), scan_ignore(T, S,Level+1); scan_ignore("]]>" ++ T, S0,0) -> ?bump_col(3), {[], T, S}; scan_ignore("]]>" ++ T, S0,Level) -> ?bump_col(3), scan_ignore(T, S,Level-1); scan_ignore([_H|T],S0,Level) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_ignore(T,S,Level). %%%%%%% [62] includeSect ::= '<![' S? 'INCLUDE' S? '[' extSubsetDecl ']]>' scan_include([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_include(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_include("]]>" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(3), {[], T, S}; scan_include("%" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_include(T2, S2); scan_include("<![" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(3), ?strip1, {_, T2, S2} = scan_conditional_sect(T1, S1), ?strip3, scan_include(T3,S3); scan_include(T, S) -> {_, T1, S1} = scan_markup_decl(T, S), scan_include(T1, S1). %%%%%%% [29] markupdecl ::= elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | %%%%%%% NotationDecl | PI |Comment %%%%%%% [45] elementdecl ::= '<!ELEMENT' S Name S contentspec S? '>' %% Validity constraint: Unique Type Declaration: No element type may be %% declared more than once. %% scan_markup_decl([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_markup_decl(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> {[], [], S1} end, S); scan_markup_decl("<!--" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(4), scan_comment(T, S); scan_markup_decl("<?" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(2), {_PI, T1, S1} = scan_pi(T, S,_Pos=markup,[]), strip(T1, S1); scan_markup_decl("<!ELEMENT" ++ T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read, rules_write_fun = Write, rules_delete_fun = Delete} = S0) -> ?bump_col(9), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {Ename, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_name(T1, S1), Element = case Read(elem_def, Ename, S2) of El = #xmlElement{elementdef=Decl} when Decl =/= undeclared -> case S2#xmerl_scanner.validation of dtd -> ?fatal({already_defined, Ename}, S2); _ -> Delete(elem_def,Ename,S2), El end; El = #xmlElement{} -> Delete(elem_def,Ename,S2), El; undefined -> #xmlElement{} end, {_,T3,S3} = mandatory_strip(T2,S2), {Edef, T4, S4} = scan_contentspec(T3, S3), ?strip5, {">" ++ T6,S6} = scan_element_completion(T5,S5), S7 = Write(elem_def, Ename, Element#xmlElement{name = Ename, content = Edef, elementdef=S6#xmerl_scanner.environment}, S6#xmerl_scanner{col=S6#xmerl_scanner.col+1}), strip(T6,S7); scan_markup_decl("<!ENTITY" ++ T, S0) -> %% <!ENTITY [%] entity.name NDATA notation.name> %% <!ENTITY [%] entity.name "replacement text"> %% <!ENTITY [%] entity.name SYSTEM "system.identifier"> %% <!ENTITY [%] entity.name PUBLIC public.identifier "system.identifier"> ?bump_col(8), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {T2, S2} = scan_entity(T1, S1), strip(T2,S2); scan_markup_decl("<!NOTATION" ++ T, S0) -> %% <!NOTATION notation.name "public.identifier" "helper.application"> ?bump_col(10), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {T2, S2} = scan_notation_decl(T1, S1), strip(T2,S2); scan_markup_decl("<!ATTLIST" ++ T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read, rules_write_fun = Write, rules_delete_fun= Delete} = S0) -> %% <!ATTLIST Ename ( AttrName Type Value )*> ?bump_col(9), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {Ename, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_name(T1, S1), % ?strip3, {Attributes, T4, S4} = scan_attdef(T2, S2), {EDEF,MergedAttrs} = case Read(elem_def, Ename, S4) of undefined -> %% this may happen when the ELEMENT is declared in %% the external DTD but the ATTLIST in the %% internal DTD. {#xmlElement{},update_attributes(Attributes,[])}; Edef = #xmlElement{attributes = OldAttrs} -> Delete(elem_def,Ename,S4), %% the slot in rules table must be empty so that the %% later write has the assumed effect. Read maybe %% should empty the table slot. {Edef,update_attributes(Attributes, OldAttrs)} end, NewEdef = EDEF#xmlElement{name=Ename,attributes = MergedAttrs}, S5 = Write(elem_def, Ename, NewEdef, S4), T5 = T4, strip(T5,S5); scan_markup_decl(_Str,S) -> ?fatal(expected_markup,S). scan_element_completion(T,S) -> scan_markup_completion_gt(T,S). update_attributes(NewAttrs, OldAttrs) -> update_attributes1(NewAttrs,lists:reverse(OldAttrs)). update_attributes1([A = {Name,_Type,_DefaultV,_DefaultD,_Env}|Attrs], OldAttrs) -> case lists:keymember(Name, 1, OldAttrs) of true -> update_attributes1(Attrs, OldAttrs); false -> update_attributes1(Attrs, [A|OldAttrs]) end; update_attributes1([],Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc). %%%%%%% [53] AttDef scan_attdef([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_attdef(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_attdef(T, S) -> scan_attdef(T, S, _AttrAcc = []). scan_attdef([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Attrs) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_attdef(MoreBytes, S1, Attrs) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_attdef(">" ++ T, S0, Attrs) -> ?bump_col(1), {lists:reverse(Attrs), T, S}; scan_attdef("%" ++ _T, S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog}, _Attrs) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_attdef("%" ++ T, S0, Attrs) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_attdef(T2, S2, Attrs); scan_attdef(T,S,Attrs) -> {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), scan_attdef2(T1,S1,Attrs). scan_attdef2(">" ++ T, S0, Attrs) -> ?bump_col(1), {lists:reverse(Attrs), T, S}; scan_attdef2("%" ++ _T, S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog}, _Attrs) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_attdef2("%" ++ T, S0, Attrs) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_attdef2(T2, S2, Attrs); scan_attdef2(T, S, Attrs) -> {AttName, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), {_,T2,S2} = mandatory_strip(T1,S1), {AttType, T3, S3} = scan_att_type(T2, S2), {_,T4,S4} = mandatory_strip(T3,S3), {{DefaultDecl,DefaultValue}, T5, S5} = scan_default_decl(T4, S4, AttType), ?strip6, Attr = {AttName, AttType,DefaultValue,DefaultDecl, S#xmerl_scanner.environment}, scan_attdef2(T6, S6, [Attr|Attrs]). %%% [54] StringType scan_att_type([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_att_type(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_att_type("CDATA" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(5), {'CDATA', T, S}; %%% [55] TokenizedType scan_att_type("IDREFS" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {'IDREFS', T, S}; scan_att_type("IDREF" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(5), {'IDREF', T, S}; scan_att_type("ID" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(2), {'ID', T, S}; scan_att_type("ENTITY" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {'ENTITY', T, S}; scan_att_type("ENTITIES" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(8), {'ENTITIES', T, S}; scan_att_type("NMTOKENS" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(8), {'NMTOKENS', T, S}; scan_att_type("NMTOKEN" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(7), {'NMTOKEN', T, S}; %%% [57] EnumeratedType scan_att_type("NOTATION" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(8), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), T2 = scan_mandatory("(",T1,1,S1,expected_parenthesis_after_NOTATION), % "(" ++ T2 = T1, S2 = S1, ?strip3, {Name, _NamespaceInfo, T4, S4} = scan_name(T3, S3), notation_exists(Name, S4), ?strip5, scan_notation_type(T5, S5, [Name]); scan_att_type("(" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, {NmToken, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_nmtoken(T1, S1), ?strip3, scan_enumeration(T3, S3, [NmToken]); scan_att_type("%" ++ _T, S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog}) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_att_type("%" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,in_literal), {ExpRef,T1,S1}. %%% [58] NotationType scan_notation_type([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_notation_type(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_notation_type(")" ++ T, S0, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {{notation, lists:reverse(Acc)}, T, S}; scan_notation_type("|" ++ T, S0, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, {Name, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_name(T1, S1), notation_exists(Name, S2), ?strip3, scan_notation_type(T3, S3, [Name | Acc]). %%% Validity constraint for NotationType: %%% The used notation names must be declared in the DTD, but they may %%% be declared later. notation_exists(Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read, rules_write_fun = Write } = S) -> case Read(notation, Name, S) of undefined -> %% this is legal, since the referenced NOTATION %% may be declared later in internal or external %% subset. Write(notation,Name,undeclared,S); _Value -> ok end. %%% [59] Enumeration scan_enumeration([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_enumeration(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_enumeration(")" ++ T, S0, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {{enumeration, lists:reverse(Acc)}, T, S}; scan_enumeration("|" ++ T, S0, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, {NmToken, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_nmtoken(T1, S1), ?strip3, scan_enumeration(T3, S3, [NmToken|Acc]). %%%%%%% [60] DefaultDecl scan_default_decl([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Type) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_default_decl(MoreBytes, S1, Type) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_default_decl("#REQUIRED" ++ T, S0, _Type) -> ?bump_col(9), {{'#REQUIRED',no_value}, T, S}; scan_default_decl("#IMPLIED" ++ T, S0, _Type) -> ?bump_col(8), {{'#IMPLIED',no_value}, T, S}; scan_default_decl("#FIXED" ++ T, S0, Type) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {Value,T2,S2,_} = default_value(T1, S1, Type), {{'#FIXED',Value},T2,S2}; scan_default_decl(Str, S, Type) -> {Value,T1,S1,_} = default_value(Str, S, Type), {{no_decl,Value},T1,S1}. %% There is room here to validate against Type, but we don't do it at %% the moment. default_value(T, S, Type) -> {_Val, _T1, _S1,_} = scan_att_value(T, S, Type). %%%%%%% [71] EntityDef scan_entity([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_entity("%" ++ T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun = Write} = S0) -> %% parameter entity ?bump_col(1), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {PEName, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_name_no_colons(T1, S1), {_,T3,S3} = mandatory_strip(T2,S2), {PEDef, T4, S4} = scan_pe_def(T3, S3, PEName), ?strip5, {">" ++ T6,S6} = scan_entity_completion(T5,S5), S7 = Write(parameter_entity, PEName, PEDef, S6), {T6, S7}; scan_entity(T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun = Write, rules_read_fun = Read, rules_delete_fun = Delete} = S) -> %% generic entity {EName, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name_no_colons(T, S), {_,T2,S2} = mandatory_strip(T1,S1), {EDef, EntType, T3, S3} = scan_entity_def(T2, S2, EName), check_entity_recursion(EName,S3), ?strip4, {">" ++ T5,S5} = scan_entity_completion(T4,S4), case Read(entity,EName,S5) of undeclared -> Delete(entity,EName,S5); _ -> ok end, S6 = Write(entity, EName, {S5#xmerl_scanner.environment,EntType,EDef}, S5), {T5, S6}. scan_entity_completion(T,S) -> scan_markup_completion_gt(T,S). %%%%%%% [73] EntityDef scan_entity_def([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, EName) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity_def(MoreBytes, S1, EName) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_entity_def("'" ++ T, S0, EName) -> ?bump_col(1), {EVal,T1,S1}=scan_entity_value(T, S, $', EName,general), {EVal,internal,T1,S1}; scan_entity_def("\"" ++ T, S0, EName) -> ?bump_col(1), {EVal,T1,S1}=scan_entity_value(T, S, $", EName,general), {EVal,internal,T1,S1}; %% external general entity, parsed or unparsed. scan_entity_def(Str, S, EName) -> {ExtID, T1, S1} = scan_external_id(Str, S), {NData, T2, S2} = scan_ndata_decl(T1, S1), case NData of {ndata,_} -> %% if NDATA exists it is an unparsed ENTITY {{ExtID,NData},external,T2,S2}; _ -> case fetch_and_parse(ExtID,S2, [{text_decl,true}, {environment,{external,{entity,EName}}}]) of {{_USret,Entity},_Tail,_Sx} -> {Entity, external,T2, S2}; {Entity,_Tail,Sx} -> OldRef=S2#xmerl_scanner.entity_references, NewRef=Sx#xmerl_scanner.entity_references, {Entity,external,T2, S2#xmerl_scanner{entity_references=OldRef++NewRef}}; {error,enoent} -> % this bad entity is declared, % but it may not be referenced, % then it would not be an % error. {{error,enoent},external,T2,S2} end end. scan_ndata_decl([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_ndata_decl(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_ndata_decl(Str = ">"++_T, S) -> {[], Str, S}; scan_ndata_decl(T, S) -> {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), scan_ndata_decl2(T1,S1). scan_ndata_decl2(Str = ">"++_T,S) -> {[], Str, S}; scan_ndata_decl2("NDATA" ++ T,S0 = #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read, rules_write_fun = Write}) -> ?bump_col(5), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {Name, _NamespaceInfo, T2, S2} = scan_name(T1, S1), case Read(notation, Name, S2) of undefined -> %% this is legal, since the referenced NOTATION %% may be declared later in internal or external %% subset. Write(notation,Name,undeclared,S2), {{ndata,Name},T2,S2}; _Value -> {{ndata, Name}, T2, S2} end. %%%%%%% [39] element scan_element(T, S, Pos) -> scan_element(T, S, Pos, S#xmerl_scanner.space, _Lang = [], _Parents = [], #xmlNamespace{}). scan_element(T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line=L,col=C}, Pos, SpaceDefault,Lang, Parents, NS) -> {Name, NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), vc_Element_valid(Name,NamespaceInfo,S), ?strip2, scan_element(T2, S2, Pos, Name, L, C, _Attrs = [], Lang, Parents, NamespaceInfo, NS, SpaceDefault). scan_element("/", S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang, Parents, NSI, NS, SpaceDefault) -> ?dbg("trailing / detected~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_element("/" ++ MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang,Parents,NSI,NS,SpaceDefault) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_element([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang, Parents, NSI, NS, SpaceDefault) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_element(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang,Parents,NSI,NS,SpaceDefault) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_element("/>" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = Hook, event_fun = Event, line = L, col = C, xmlbase_cache=XMLBase}, Pos, Name, _StartL, _StartC, Attrs0, Lang, Parents, NSI, Namespace, _SpaceDefault) -> ?bump_col(2), Attrs = lists:reverse(Attrs0), E=processed_whole_element(S, Pos, Name, Attrs, Lang, Parents,NSI,Namespace), #xmlElement{attributes = Attrs1} = E, wfc_unique_att_spec(Attrs1,S), S1 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = L, col = C, data = E}, S0), {Ret, S2} = Hook(E, S1), S2b=S2#xmerl_scanner{xmlbase=XMLBase}, {Ret, T, S2b}; scan_element(">", S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang, Parents, NSI, NS, SpaceDefault) -> ?dbg("trailing > detected~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_element(">" ++ MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang,Parents,NSI,NS,SpaceDefault) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_element(">" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event, hook_fun = Hook, line = L, col = C, xmlbase_cache=XMLBase, space = SpaceOption}, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs0, Lang, Parents, NSI, Namespace, SpaceDefault) -> ?bump_col(1), Attrs = lists:reverse(Attrs0), E0=processed_whole_element(S,Pos,Name,Attrs,Lang,Parents,NSI,Namespace), #xmlElement{attributes = Attrs1} = E0, wfc_unique_att_spec(Attrs1,S), XMLSpace = case lists:keysearch('xml:space', #xmlAttribute.name, Attrs1) of false -> SpaceDefault; {value, #xmlAttribute{value="default"}} -> SpaceOption; {value, #xmlAttribute{value="preserve"}} -> preserve; _ -> SpaceDefault end, E0=processed_whole_element(S,Pos,Name,Attrs1,Lang,Parents,NSI,Namespace), S1 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = started, line = StartL, col = StartC, data = E0}, S), {Content, T1, S2} = scan_content(T, S1, Name, Attrs1, XMLSpace, E0#xmlElement.language, [{Name, Pos}|Parents], Namespace), Element=E0#xmlElement{content=Content, xmlbase=E0#xmlElement.xmlbase}, S3 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = L, col = C, data = Element}, S2), {Ret, S4} = Hook(Element, S3), S4b=S4#xmerl_scanner{xmlbase=XMLBase}, {Ret, T1, S4b}; scan_element(T, S, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, Attrs, Lang, Parents, NSI, NS, SpaceDefault) -> {AttName, NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), {T2, S2} = scan_eq(T1, S1), {AttType,_DefaultDecl} = get_att_type(S2,AttName,Name), {AttValue, T3a, S3a,IsNorm} = scan_att_value(T2, S2, AttType), %% check_default_value(S3,DefaultDecl,AttValue), NewNS = check_namespace(AttName, NamespaceInfo, AttValue, NS), {T3,S3} = wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs(T3a,S3a), ?strip4, AttrPos = case Attrs of [] -> 1; [#xmlAttribute{pos = P}|_] -> P+1 end, Attr = #xmlAttribute{name = AttName, parents = [{Name, Pos}|Parents], pos = AttrPos, language = Lang, nsinfo = NamespaceInfo, value = AttValue, normalized = IsNorm}, XMLBase=if AttName=='xml:base' -> resolve_relative_uri(AttValue,S4#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase); true -> S4#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase end, #xmerl_scanner{event_fun = Event, line = Line, col = Col} = S4, S5 = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = Line, col = Col, data = Attr}, S4#xmerl_scanner{xmlbase=XMLBase, xmlbase_cache=S#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase}), scan_element(T4, S5, Pos, Name, StartL, StartC, [Attr|Attrs], Lang, Parents, NSI, NewNS, SpaceDefault). get_default_attrs(S = #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read}, ElemName) -> case Read(elem_def, ElemName, S) of #xmlElement{attributes = Attrs} -> [ {AttName, AttValue} || {AttName, _, AttValue, _, _} <- Attrs, AttValue =/= no_value ]; _ -> [] end. get_att_type(S=#xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun=Read},AttName,ElemName) -> case Read(elem_def,ElemName,S) of #xmlElement{attributes = Attrs} -> case lists:keysearch(AttName,1,Attrs) of {value,{_,AttType,_,DefaultDecl,_}} -> {AttType,DefaultDecl}; _ -> {'CDATA',no_value} %% undefined attribute shall be treated as CDATA end; _ -> {'CDATA',no_value} end. resolve_relative_uri(NewBase="/"++_,CurrentBase) -> case xmerl_uri:parse(CurrentBase) of {error,_Reason} -> NewBase; {Scheme,Host,Port,_Path,_Query} -> atom_to_list(Scheme)++Host++":"++integer_to_list(Port)++NewBase end; resolve_relative_uri(NewBase,CurrentBase) -> filename:join(CurrentBase,NewBase). processed_whole_element(S=#xmerl_scanner{hook_fun = _Hook, xmlbase = XMLBase, line = _L, col = _C, event_fun = _Event}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Lang, Parents, NSI, Namespace) -> Language = check_language(Attrs, Lang), AllAttrs = case S#xmerl_scanner.default_attrs of true -> [ #xmlAttribute{name = AttName, parents = [{Name, Pos} | Parents], language = Lang, nsinfo = NSI, namespace = Namespace, value = AttValue, normalized = true} || {AttName, AttValue} <- get_default_attrs(S, Name), AttValue =/= no_value, not lists:keymember(AttName, #xmlAttribute.name, Attrs) ]; false -> Attrs end, {ExpName, ExpAttrs} = case S#xmerl_scanner.namespace_conformant of true -> %% expand attribute names. We need to do this after having %% scanned all attributes of the element, since (as far as %% I can tell), XML Names only specifies that namespace attrs %% are valid within the whole scope of the element in which %% they are declared, which should also mean that even if they %% are declared after some other attributes, the namespace %% should apply to those attributes as well. %% Note that the default URI does not apply to attrbute names. TempNamespace = Namespace#xmlNamespace{default = []}, ExpAttrsX = [A#xmlAttribute{ namespace=Namespace, expanded_name=expanded_name( A#xmlAttribute.name, A#xmlAttribute.nsinfo, % NSI, TempNamespace, S)} || A <- AllAttrs], {expanded_name(Name, NSI, Namespace, S), ExpAttrsX}; false -> {Name, AllAttrs} end, #xmlElement{name = Name, xmlbase = XMLBase, pos = Pos, parents = Parents, attributes = ExpAttrs, language = Language, expanded_name = ExpName, nsinfo = NSI, namespace = Namespace}. check_language([#xmlAttribute{name='xml:lang',value=Lang}|_], _) -> Lang; check_language([_|T], Lang) -> check_language(T, Lang); check_language([], Lang) -> Lang. check_namespace(xmlns, _, Value, NS) -> NS#xmlNamespace{default = list_to_atom(Value)}; check_namespace(_, {"xmlns", Prefix}, Value, NS = #xmlNamespace{nodes = Ns}) -> NS#xmlNamespace{nodes = keyreplaceadd( Prefix, 1, Ns, {Prefix, list_to_atom(Value)})}; check_namespace(_, _, _, NS) -> NS. expanded_name(Name, [], #xmlNamespace{default = []}, _S) -> Name; expanded_name(Name, [], #xmlNamespace{default = URI}, S) -> case URI of 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' -> ?fatal(cannot_bind_default_namespace_to_xml_namespace_name, S); 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' -> ?fatal(cannot_bind_default_namespace_to_xmlns_namespace_name, S); _ -> {URI, Name} end; expanded_name(Name, N = {"xmlns", Local}, #xmlNamespace{nodes = Ns}, S) -> {_, Value} = lists:keyfind(Local, 1, Ns), case Name of 'xmlns:xml' when Value =/= 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' -> ?fatal({xml_prefix_cannot_be_redeclared, Value}, S); 'xmlns:xmlns' -> ?fatal({xmlns_prefix_cannot_be_declared, Value}, S); _ -> case Value of 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' -> ?fatal({cannot_bind_prefix_to_xml_namespace, Local}, S); 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' -> ?fatal({cannot_bind_prefix_to_xmlns_namespace, Local}, S); _ -> N end end; expanded_name(_Name, {Prefix, Local}, #xmlNamespace{nodes = Ns}, S) -> case lists:keysearch(Prefix, 1, Ns) of {value, {_, URI}} -> {URI, list_to_atom(Local)}; false -> %% A namespace constraint of XML Names is that the prefix %% must be declared ?fatal({namespace_prefix_not_declared, Prefix}, S) end. keyreplaceadd(K, Pos, [H|T], Obj) when K == element(Pos, H) -> [Obj|T]; keyreplaceadd(K, Pos, [H|T], Obj) -> [H|keyreplaceadd(K, Pos, T, Obj)]; keyreplaceadd(_K, _Pos, [], Obj) -> [Obj]. %%%%%%% [10] AttValue %% normalize the attribute value according to XML 1.0 section 3.3.3 scan_att_value([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},AT) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_att_value(MoreBytes, S1, AT) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_att_value("%"++_T,S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog},_AttType) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_att_value("%"++T,S0=#xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun=Read, rules_write_fun=Write, rules_delete_fun=Delete},AttType) -> ?bump_col(1), {Name,T1,S1} = scan_pe_reference(T,S), {ExpandedRef,S2} = case expand_pe_reference(Name,S1,in_literal) of Tuple when is_tuple(Tuple) -> %% {system,URI} or {public,URI} %% Included in literal, just get external file. {ExpRef,Sx}=fetch_not_parse(Tuple,S1), {EntV,_,_S2} = scan_entity_value(ExpRef, Sx, no_delim, Name,parameter), %% should do an update Write(parameter_entity) so next %% expand_pe_reference is faster Delete(parameter_entity,Name,_S2), _S3 = Write(parameter_entity,Name,EntV,_S2), EntV2 = Read(parameter_entity,Name,_S3), {EntV2,_S3}; ExpRef -> {ExpRef,S1} end, {_,T2,S3} = strip(ExpandedRef ++ T1,S2), scan_att_value(T2,S3,AttType); scan_att_value([H|T], S0,'CDATA'=AT) when H == $"; H == $' -> ?bump_col(1), scan_att_chars(T, S, H, [],[], AT,false); scan_att_value([H|T], S0,AttType) when H == $"; H == $' -> ?bump_col(1), {T1,S1,IsNorm} = normalize(T,S,false), scan_att_chars(T1, S1, H, [],[], AttType,IsNorm). scan_att_chars([],S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun=F},H,Acc,TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm)-> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_att_chars(MoreBytes, S1, H, Acc,TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_att_chars([H|T], S0, H, Acc, TmpAcc,AttType,IsNorm) -> % End quote ?bump_col(1), check_att_default_val(S#xmerl_scanner.validation,TmpAcc,AttType,S), {Acc2,S2,IsNorm2} = if AttType == 'CDATA' -> {Acc,S,IsNorm}; true -> normalize(Acc,S,IsNorm) end, {lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc2)), T, S2,IsNorm2}; scan_att_chars("&" ++ T, S0, Delim, Acc, TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm) -> % Reference ?bump_col(1), {ExpRef, T1, S1} = scan_reference(T, S), case markup_delimeter(ExpRef) of true -> scan_att_chars(T1,S1,Delim,[ExpRef|Acc],[ExpRef|TmpAcc],AT,IsNorm); _ -> Ch = string_to_char_set(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding, ExpRef), case T of "#" ++ _ -> %% normalization rules (sec 3.3.3) require that for %% character references, the referenced character be %% added directly to the normalized value scan_att_chars(T1, S1, Delim, Ch ++ Acc,TmpAcc, AT,IsNorm); _ -> scan_att_chars(Ch ++ T1, S1, Delim, Acc,TmpAcc, AT,IsNorm) end end; scan_att_chars("<" ++ _T, S0, _Delim, _Acc,_, _,_) -> % Tags not allowed here ?fatal(unexpected_char, S0); scan_att_chars([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc, _TmpAcc,'CDATA',IsNorm) when ?whitespace(H) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_att_chars(T, S, Delim, [$\s|Acc], [],'CDATA',IsNorm); scan_att_chars([H|T], S0, Delim, Acc, TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm) when ?whitespace(H) -> ?bump_col(1), {T1,S1,IsNorm2} = normalize(T,S,IsNorm), check_att_default_val(S#xmerl_scanner.validation,TmpAcc,AT,S1), scan_att_chars(T1, S1, Delim, [$\s|Acc],[], AT,IsNorm2); scan_att_chars(Str, S0, Delim, Acc, TmpAcc,AT,IsNorm) -> ?bump_col(1), {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), valid_Char(S#xmerl_scanner.validation,AT,Ch,S), scan_att_chars(T, S, Delim, [Ch|Acc], [Ch|TmpAcc],AT,IsNorm). markup_delimeter("&")-> true; markup_delimeter("\"") -> true; markup_delimeter("\'") -> true; markup_delimeter("<") -> true; markup_delimeter(">") -> true; markup_delimeter("%") -> true; markup_delimeter(_) -> false. check_att_default_val(dtd,[],_Ent,_S) -> ok; check_att_default_val(dtd,RevName,Ent,S) -> check_att_default_val(lists:reverse(RevName),Ent,S); check_att_default_val(_,_,_,_) -> ok. check_att_default_val(Name,Ent,S=#xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun=Write}) when Ent == 'ENTITY'; Ent == 'ENTITIES' -> case xmerl_lib:is_letter(hd(Name)) of true -> ok; _ -> ?fatal({illegal_first_character,Ent,Name},S) end, SName = list_to_atom(Name), Write(entity,SName,undeclared,S); check_att_default_val(Name,IDR,S=#xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun=Write}) when IDR == 'IDREF'; IDR == 'IDREFS' -> case xmerl_lib:is_letter(hd(Name)) of true -> ok; _ -> ?fatal({illegal_first_character,IDR,Name},S) end, SName = list_to_atom(Name), Write(id,SName,undeclared,S); check_att_default_val(Name,'ID',S=#xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun=Write, rules_read_fun=Read, rules_delete_fun=Delete}) -> case xmerl_lib:is_name(Name) of false -> ?fatal({'ID_names_must_be_Name_production',Name},S); _ -> ok end, SName = if is_list(Name) -> list_to_atom(Name); true -> Name end, case Read(id,SName,S) of undeclared -> %% was referenced in IDREF/IDREFS before defined Delete(id,SName,S); SName -> ?fatal({values_must_be_unique,'ID',SName},S); undefined -> ok end, Write(id,SName,SName,S); check_att_default_val(_,_,_) -> ok. valid_Char(dtd,AT,C,S) when AT=='NMTOKEN';AT=='NMTOKENS' -> vc_Valid_Char(AT,C,S); valid_Char(_,_,[C],S) -> case xmerl_lib:is_char(C) of true -> ok; false -> ?fatal({unexpected_char,C}, S) end; valid_Char(_,_,C,S) -> case xmerl_lib:is_char(C) of true -> ok; false -> ?fatal({unexpected_char,C}, S) end. %%%%%%% [43] content scan_content(T, S, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS) -> scan_content(T, S, _Pos = 1, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, _Acc = [],_MarkupDel=[]). scan_content("<", S= #xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,_) -> ?dbg("trailing < detected~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_content("<" ++ MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}}, _Pos, _Name, _Attrs, _Space, _Lang, _Parents, _NS, Acc,_) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),[],S}; scan_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity}, _Pos, _Name, _Attrs, _Space, _Lang, _Parents, _NS, Acc,_) -> {lists:reverse(Acc),[],S}; scan_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,_) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_content(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_content("</" ++ T, S0, _Pos, Name, _Attrs, _Space, _Lang, _Parents, _NS, Acc,[]) -> ?bump_col(2), {ETagName, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), if ETagName == Name -> ok; true -> ?fatal({endtag_does_not_match, {was,ETagName,should_have_been, Name}}, S) end, ?strip2, case T2 of ">" ++ T3 -> {lists:reverse(Acc), T3, S2}; _ -> ?fatal({error,{unexpected_end_of_STag}},S) end; scan_content([$&|_T]=Str, #xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,EName}}} = S0, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,_) -> {_EntV,T1,S1}=scan_entity_value(Str,S0 ,[],EName,general), %%This is a problem. All referenced entities in the external entity must be checked for recursion, thus parse the contentbut,skip result. scan_content(T1,S1,Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]); scan_content("&"++T, #xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity} = S, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,_) -> {_, T1, S1} = scan_reference(T, S), scan_content(T1,S1,Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]); scan_content("&" ++ T, S0, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) -> ?bump_col(1), {ExpRef, T1, S1} = scan_reference(T, S), case markup_delimeter(ExpRef) of true -> scan_content(ExpRef++T1,S1,Pos,Name,Attrs,Space,Lang,Parents,NS,Acc,ExpRef); _ -> scan_content(string_to_char_set(S1#xmerl_scanner.encoding,ExpRef)++T1,S1,Pos,Name,Attrs,Space,Lang,Parents,NS,Acc,[]) end; scan_content("<!--" ++ T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{acc_fun = F, comments=CF}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) -> ?bump_col(4), {C, T1, S1} = scan_comment(T, S, Pos, Parents, Lang), case CF of true -> {Acc2, Pos2, S3} = case F(C, Acc, S1) of {Acc1, S2} -> {Acc1, Pos + 1, S2}; {Acc1, Pos1, S2} -> {Acc1, Pos1, S2} end, scan_content(T1, S3, Pos2, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc2,[]); false -> scan_content(T1, S1, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) end; scan_content("<" ++ T, S0, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]) -> ?bump_col(1), {Markup, T1, S1} = scan_content_markup(T, S, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS), AccF = S1#xmerl_scanner.acc_fun, {NewAcc, NewPos, NewS} = case AccF(Markup, Acc, S1) of {Acc2, S2} -> {Acc2, Pos+1, S2}; {Acc2, Pos2, S2} -> {Acc2, Pos2, S2} end, scan_content(T1, NewS, NewPos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, NewAcc,[]); scan_content([_H|T], S= #xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,_) -> %% Guess we have to scan the content to find any internal entity %% references. scan_content(T,S,Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,[]); scan_content(T, S=#xmerl_scanner{acc_fun = F, event_fun = Event, hook_fun=Hook, line = _L}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, Acc,MarkupDel) -> Text0 = #xmlText{pos = Pos, parents = Parents}, S1 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = started, line = S#xmerl_scanner.line, data = Text0}, S), {Data, T1, S2} = scan_char_data(T, S1, Space,MarkupDel), Text = Text0#xmlText{value = Data}, {Ret,S2b} = Hook(Text,S2), S3 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line = S2b#xmerl_scanner.line, data = Ret}, S2b), {NewAcc, NewPos, NewS} = case F(Ret, Acc, S3) of {Acc4, S4} -> {Acc4, Pos+1, S4}; {Acc4, Pos4, S4} -> {Acc4, Pos4, S4} end, scan_content(T1, NewS, NewPos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS, NewAcc,[]). scan_content_markup([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Name, Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_content_markup( MoreBytes,S1,Pos,Name, Attrs,Space,Lang,Parents,NS) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_content_markup("![CDATA[" ++ T, S0, Pos, _Name, _Attrs, _Space, _Lang, Parents, _NS) -> ?bump_col(8), scan_cdata(T, S, Pos, Parents); scan_content_markup("?"++T,S0,Pos,_Name,_Attrs,_Space,_Lang,Parents,_NS) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_pi(T, S, Pos, Parents); scan_content_markup(T, S, Pos, _Name, _Attrs, Space, Lang, Parents, NS) -> scan_element(T, S, Pos, Space, Lang, Parents, NS). scan_char_data(T, S, Space,MUD) -> scan_char_data(T, S, Space,MUD, _Acc = []). %%%%%%% [14] CharData scan_char_data([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}}, _Space,_MUD, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), [], S}; scan_char_data([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity}, _Space, _MUD,Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), [], S}; scan_char_data([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Space, _MUD,Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_char_data(MoreBytes,S1,Space,_MUD,Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_char_data([$&|T], S,Space,"&",Acc) -> scan_char_data(T, S, Space,[], [$&|Acc]); scan_char_data(T=[$&|_], S,_Space,_MUD,Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), T, S}; scan_char_data("]]>" ++ _T, S, _Space,_MUD, _Acc) -> %% See Section 2.4: Especially: %% "The right angle bracket (>) MAY be represented using the string ">", %% and MUST, for compatibility, be escaped using either ">" or a %% character reference when it appears in the string "]]>" in content, when %% that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section. ?fatal(unexpected_cdata_end, S); scan_char_data([$<|T],S,Space,"<", Acc) -> scan_char_data(T, S, Space,[], [$<|Acc]); scan_char_data(T = [$<|_], S, _Space,_MUD,Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), T, S}; scan_char_data(T = [H|R], S, Space,MUD, Acc) when ?whitespace(H) -> if MUD =:= [], Acc =:= [], H =:= $\n, Space =:= preserve -> case fast_accumulate_whitespace(R, S, T) of {done, Reply} -> Reply; {NewAcc, T1, S1} -> scan_char_data(T1, S1, Space, MUD, NewAcc) end; true -> {NewAcc, T1, S1} = accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Space, Acc), scan_char_data(T1, S1, Space,MUD,NewAcc) end; scan_char_data([H1,H2|_T],S,_Space,_MUD,_Acc) when ?non_character(H1,H2) -> ?fatal({error,{not_allowed_to_use_Unicode_noncharacters}},S); scan_char_data("]]>"++_T,S,_Space,_MUD,_Acc) -> ?fatal({error,{illegal_character_in_content,"]]>"}},S); scan_char_data(Str,S0,Space,MUD,Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {Ch,T} = wfc_legal_char(Str,S), scan_char_data(T,S,Space,MUD,[Ch|Acc]). %%%%%%% [18]-[21] CDATA scan_cdata(Str, S, Pos, Parents) -> scan_cdata(Str, S, Pos, Parents, _Acc = []). scan_cdata([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Parents, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_cdata(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Parents, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_cdata("]]>" ++ T, S0, Pos, Parents, Acc) -> ?bump_col(3), {#xmlText{pos = Pos, parents = Parents, value = lists:reverse(Acc), type = cdata}, T, S}; scan_cdata(Str, S0, Pos, Parents, Acc) -> {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S0#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), case xmerl_lib:is_char(Ch) of true -> ?bump_col(1), scan_cdata(T, S, Pos, Parents, [Ch|Acc]); false -> ?fatal({unexpected_char,Ch}, S0) end. %%%%%%% [67] Reference %% returns a three tuple {Result,RestBuf,State} scan_reference([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_reference(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_reference("#x" ++ T, S0) -> %% [66] CharRef ?bump_col(1), if hd(T) /= $; -> scan_char_ref_hex(T, S, 0); true -> ?fatal(invalid_char_ref, S) end; scan_reference("#" ++ T, S0) -> %% [66] CharRef ?bump_col(1), if hd(T) /= $; -> scan_char_ref_dec(T, S, []); true -> ?fatal(invalid_char_ref, S) end; scan_reference(T, S) -> case catch scan_entity_ref(T, S) of {'EXIT', _} -> ?fatal(error_scanning_entity_ref,S); Other -> Other end. %% Chapter 4.4.2: ... the replacement text of entities used to escape %% markup delimiters (the entities amp, lt, gt, apos, quot) is always treated %% as data. (The string "AT&T;" expands to "AT&T;" and the remaining %% ampersand is not recognized as an entity-reference delimiter.)" %% %% How to achieve this? My current approach is to insert the *strings* "&", %% "<", ">", "'", and "\"" instead of the characters. The processor will %% ignore them when performing multiple expansions. This means, for now, that %% the character data output by the processor is (1-2 levels) deep. %% At some suitable point, we should flatten these, so that application-level %% processors should not have to be aware of this detail. scan_entity_ref([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity_ref(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_entity_ref("amp;" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(4), {"&", T, S}; scan_entity_ref("lt;" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(3), {"<", T, S}; scan_entity_ref("gt;" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(3), {">", T, S}; scan_entity_ref("apos;" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(5), {"'", T, S}; scan_entity_ref("quot;" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(5), {"\"", T, S}; scan_entity_ref(T, S) -> {Name, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), T2 = scan_mandatory(";",T1,1,S1,expected_entity_reference_semicolon), % ";" ++ T2 = T1, S2 = S1, Entity = expand_reference(Name, S2), {Entity, T2, S2}. %%%%%%% [69] PEReference scan_pe_reference(T, S) -> {Name, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), T2 = scan_mandatory(";",T1,1,S1,expected_parsed_entity_reference_semicolon), % ";" ++ T2 = T1, {Name, T2, S1#xmerl_scanner{col = S1#xmerl_scanner.col+1}}. expand_pe_reference(Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read} = S,WS) -> case Read(parameter_entity, Name, S) of undefined -> ?fatal({unknown_parameter_entity, Name}, S); % WFC or VC failure Err={error,_Reason} -> ?fatal(Err,S); Tuple when is_tuple(Tuple) -> Tuple; Result -> if WS == in_literal -> Result; true -> " "++Result++" " end end. % Currently unused % % expand_external_pe_reference(Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read} = S) -> % case Read(parameter_entity, Name, S) of % undefined -> % ?fatal({unknown_parameter_entity, Name}, S); % Result -> % fetch_DTD(Result,S) % end. %%%%%%% [68] EntityReference expand_reference(Name, #xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}}) -> atom_to_list(Name); expand_reference(Name, #xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity}) -> atom_to_list(Name); expand_reference(Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun = Read} = S) -> case Read(entity, Name, S) of undefined -> ?fatal({unknown_entity_ref, Name}, S); {_,external,{error,enoent}} -> ?fatal({error,{entity_target_not_found,{error,enoent},Name}},S); {DefEnv,EntType,Value} -> wfc_Entity_Declared(DefEnv,S,Name), Value2 = string_to_char_set(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Value), wfc_Internal_parsed_entity(EntType,Value2,S), Value end. %%%%%%% [66] CharRef scan_char_ref_dec([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_char_ref_dec(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_char_ref_dec([H|T], S0, Acc) when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> ?bump_col(1), scan_char_ref_dec(T, S, [H|Acc]); scan_char_ref_dec(";" ++ T, S0, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), Ref = list_to_integer(lists:reverse(Acc)), {Ch,_} = wfc_legal_char(Ref,S), {[Ch], T, S}. %% changed return value from [[Ref]] scan_char_ref_hex([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_char_ref_hex(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_char_ref_hex([H|T], S0, Acc) when H >= $0, H =< $9 -> ?bump_col(1), Dec = H - $0, scan_char_ref_hex(T, S, (Dec bor (Acc bsl 4))); scan_char_ref_hex([H|T], S0, Acc) when H >= $a, H =< $f -> ?bump_col(1), Dec = (H - $a) + 10, scan_char_ref_hex(T, S, (Dec bor (Acc bsl 4))); scan_char_ref_hex([H|T], S0, Acc) when H >= $A, H =< $F -> ?bump_col(1), Dec = (H - $A) + 10, scan_char_ref_hex(T, S, (Dec bor (Acc bsl 4))); scan_char_ref_hex(";" ++ T, S0, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {Ch,_} = wfc_legal_char(Acc,S), {[Ch], T, S}. %% changed return value from [[Acc]] %%%%%%% [25] Eq %%% Eq ::= S? '=' S? scan_eq(T, S) -> ?strip1, case T1 of [$=|T2] -> S2 = S1#xmerl_scanner{col=S1#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, ?strip3, {T3, S3}; _ -> ?fatal(assignment_expected,S) end. %% scan_name/2 %% %% We perform some checks here to make sure that the names conform to %% the "Namespaces in XML" specification. This is an option. %% %% Qualified Name: %% [6] QName ::= (Prefix ':')? LocalPart %% [7] Prefix ::= NCName %% [8] LocalPart ::= NCName %% [4] NCName ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)* %% [5] NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' %% | CombiningChar | Extender %% The effect of XML Names (namespace) conformance is that: %% - All element types and attribute names contain either zero or one colon %% - No entity names, PI targets, or notation names contain any colons. %% %% scan_name_no_colons/2 will ensure that the name contains no colons iff %% the scanner has been told to be namespace conformant. Otherwise, it will %% behave exactly like scan_name/2. %% scan_name_no_colons(Str, S) -> NSC = S#xmerl_scanner.namespace_conformant, case NSC of true -> {Target, NSI, T1, S1} = scan_name(Str,S#xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant=no_colons}), {Target,NSI,T1,S1#xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant=NSC}}; false -> scan_name(Str, S) end. %% [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)* scan_name([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_name(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_name(Str = [$:|T], S0 = #xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant = NSC}) -> if NSC == false -> ?bump_col(1), scan_nmtoken(T, S, [$:], NSC); NSC == no_colons -> ?fatal({invalid_NCName, lists:sublist(Str, 1, 6)}, S0); true -> %% In order to conform with the "Namespaces in XML" spec, %% we cannot allow names to begin with ":" ?fatal({invalid_NCName, lists:sublist(Str, 1, 6)}, S0) end; scan_name([$_|T], S0 = #xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant = NSC}) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_nmtoken(T, S, [$_], NSC); scan_name("%"++_T,S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog}) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_name("%"++T,S0=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,_}}) -> %% parameter entity that expands to a name ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_name(T2,S2); scan_name(Str, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant = NSC}) -> {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S0#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), case xmerl_lib:is_letter(Ch) of true -> ?bump_col(1), scan_nmtoken(T, S, [Ch], NSC); false -> ?fatal({invalid_name, lists:sublist(Str, 1, 6)}, S0) end; scan_name(Str, S) -> ?fatal({invalid_name, Str}, S). scan_nmtoken(Str, S, Acc, NSC) -> scan_nmtoken(Str, S, Acc, _Prefix = [], _Local = Acc, NSC,isLatin1(hd(Acc),true)). %% scan_nmtoken/2 %% [7] NmToken ::= (NameChar)+ scan_nmtoken([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_nmtoken(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_nmtoken("%"++T, S0=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,_}}) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_nmtoken(T2,S2); scan_nmtoken(Str, S) -> {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), case xmerl_lib:is_namechar(Ch) of true -> scan_nmtoken(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, _Acc = [Ch], _Prefix = [], _Local = [Ch], _NamespaceConformant = false,isLatin1(Ch,true)); false -> ?fatal({invalid_nmtoken, lists:sublist(Str, 1, 6)}, S) end. scan_nmtoken([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Acc, Prefix, Local, NSC,IsLatin1) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_nmtoken(MoreBytes,S1,Acc,Prefix,Local,NSC,IsLatin1) end, fun(S1) -> {list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Acc)), namespace_info(Prefix, Local),[],S1} end, S); %% whitespace marks the end of a name scan_nmtoken(Str = [H|_], S, Acc, Prefix, Local, _NSC,true) when ?whitespace(H) -> %% we don't strip here because the occurrence of whitespace may be an error %% e.g. <!ELEMENT spec (front, body, back ?)> NmString = lists:reverse(Acc), {list_to_atom(NmString), namespace_info(Prefix, Local), Str, S}; scan_nmtoken(Str = [$:|_], S, Acc, [], _Local, no_colons,_IsLatin1) -> ?fatal({invalid_NCName, lists:sublist(lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Str, 1, 6)}, S); scan_nmtoken([$:|T], S0, Acc, [], Local, NSC, IsLatin1) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_nmtoken(T, S, [$:|Acc], lists:reverse(Local), [], NSC,IsLatin1); scan_nmtoken(Str = [$:|_T], S, Acc, _Prefix, _Local, _NSC = true,_IsLatin1) -> %% non-empty Prefix means that we've encountered a ":" already. %% Conformity with "Namespaces in XML" requires %% at most one colon in a name ?fatal({invalid_NCName, lists:sublist(lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Str, 1, 6)}, S); %% non-namechar also marks the end of a name scan_nmtoken(Str, S0, Acc, Prefix, Local, NSC,IsLatin1) -> ?bump_col(1), {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), case {xmerl_lib:is_namechar(Ch),IsLatin1} of {true,_} -> scan_nmtoken(T, S, [Ch|Acc], Prefix, [Ch|Local], NSC,isLatin1(Ch,IsLatin1)); {_,true} -> NmStr = lists:reverse(Acc), {list_to_atom(NmStr), namespace_info(Prefix, Local), Str, S}; _ -> {lists:reverse(Acc), namespace_info(Prefix, Local), Str, S} end. namespace_info([], _) -> []; namespace_info(Prefix, Local) -> {Prefix, lists:reverse(Local)}. isLatin1(_Ch,false) -> false; isLatin1(Ch,_) when Ch > 255 -> false; isLatin1(_,_) -> true. %%%%%%% [11] SystemLiteral scan_system_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_system_literal(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_system_literal("\"" ++ T, S) -> scan_system_literal(T, S, $", []); scan_system_literal("'" ++ T, S) -> scan_system_literal(T, S, $', []). scan_system_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delimiter, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_system_literal(MoreBytes,S1,Delimiter,Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_system_literal([H|T], S, H, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}}; scan_system_literal("#"++_R, S, _H, _Acc) -> %% actually not a fatal error ?fatal(fragment_identifier_in_system_literal,S); scan_system_literal(Str, S, Delimiter, Acc) -> {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), scan_system_literal(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, Delimiter, [Ch|Acc]). %%%%%%% [12] PubidLiteral scan_pubid_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pubid_literal(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_pubid_literal([H|T], S) when H == $"; H == $' -> scan_pubid_literal(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, H, []); scan_pubid_literal([H|_T], S) -> ?fatal({invalid_pubid_char, H}, S). scan_pubid_literal([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delimiter, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pubid_literal(MoreBytes,S1,Delimiter,Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_pubid_literal([H|T], S, H, Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}}; scan_pubid_literal(Str = [H|_], S, Delimiter, Acc) when ?whitespace(H) -> %% Before matching public identifiers, all whitespace must be normalized, %% so we do that here {_, T, S1} = pub_id_strip(Str, S), scan_pubid_literal(T, S1, Delimiter, [16#20|Acc]); scan_pubid_literal([H|T], S, Delimiter, Acc) -> case is_pubid_char(H) of true -> scan_pubid_literal( T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = S#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, Delimiter, [H|Acc]); false -> ?fatal({invalid_pubid_char, H}, S) end. %% We do not match whitespace here, even though they're allowed in public %% identifiers. This is because we normalize this whitespace as we scan %% (see above in scan_pubid_literal()) %% is_pubid_char(X) when X >= $a, X =< $z -> true; is_pubid_char(X) when X >= $A, X =< $Z -> true; is_pubid_char(X) when X >= $0, X =< $9 -> true; is_pubid_char(X) -> lists:member(X, "-'()+,./:=?;!*#@$_%"). %%%%%%% [46] contentspec scan_contentspec([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_contentspec(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_contentspec("EMPTY" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(5), {empty, T, S}; scan_contentspec("ANY" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(3), {any, T, S}; scan_contentspec("%" ++ _T, S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog}) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_contentspec("%" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpRef ++ T1,S1), scan_contentspec(T2, S2); scan_contentspec("(" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, scan_elem_content(T1, S1); scan_contentspec(_Str,S) -> ?fatal(unexpected_character,S). %%%%%%% [47] children %%%%%%% [51] Mixed scan_elem_content(T, S) -> scan_elem_content(T, S, _Context = children, _Mode = unknown, _Acc = []). scan_elem_content([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Context, Mode, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes,S1) -> scan_elem_content(MoreBytes,S1,Context,Mode,Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_elem_content(")" ++ T, S0, Context, Mode0, Acc0) -> ?bump_col(1), {Mode, Acc} = case {Mode0, Acc0} of {unknown, [_X]} -> {seq, Acc0}; {M, _L} when M == seq; M == choice -> {Mode0, lists:reverse(Acc0)} end, {Occurrence, T1, S1} = scan_occurrence(T, S), vc_No_Duplicate_Types(S,Context,Acc), case {Occurrence, Context,Acc} of {once, mixed,['#PCDATA']} -> ok; % It is not ok when there are % more names than '#PCDATA' % and no '*'. {'*', mixed,_} -> ok; {Other, mixed,_} -> ?fatal({illegal_for_mixed_content, Other}, S1); _ -> ok end, ?strip2, {format_elem_content({Occurrence, {Mode, Acc}}), T2, S2}; scan_elem_content("#PCDATA" ++ _T, S, not_mixed, _Mode, _Acc) -> ?fatal({error,{extra_set_of_parenthesis}},S); scan_elem_content("#PCDATA" ++ _T, S, _Cont, Mode, Acc) when Mode==choice;Mode==seq;Acc/=[] -> ?fatal({error,{invalid_format_of_mixed_content}},S); scan_elem_content("#PCDATA" ++ T, S0, _Context, Mode, Acc) -> ?bump_col(7), ?strip1, scan_elem_content(T1, S1, mixed, Mode, ['#PCDATA'|Acc]); scan_elem_content("," ++ _T, S, _Context, choice, _Acc) -> ?fatal({mixing_comma_and_vertical_bar_in_content_model},S); scan_elem_content("," ++ T, S0, Context, _Mode, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, scan_elem_content2(T1, S1, Context, seq, Acc); scan_elem_content("|" ++ _T, S, _Context, seq, _Acc) -> ?fatal({mixing_comma_and_vertical_bar_in_content_model},S); scan_elem_content("|" ++ T, S0, Context, _Mode, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, scan_elem_content2(T1, S1, Context, choice, Acc); scan_elem_content(T, S, Context, Mode, Acc) -> scan_elem_content2(T, S, Context, Mode, Acc). scan_elem_content2("(" ++ _T, S, mixed, _Mode, _Acc) -> ?fatal({error, {element_names_must_not_be_parenthesized_in_mixed_content}},S); scan_elem_content2("(" ++ T, S0, Context, Mode, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), ?strip1, {Inner, T2, S2} = scan_elem_content(T1, S1, not_mixed, unknown, []), scan_elem_content(T2, S2, Context, Mode, [Inner|Acc]); scan_elem_content2("%" ++ _T,S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog},_Context,_Mode,_Acc) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); scan_elem_content2("%" ++ T, S0, Context, Mode, Acc) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), ExpRef = expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2}=strip(ExpRef++T1,S1), scan_elem_content(T2, S2, Context, Mode, Acc); scan_elem_content2(T, S, Context, Mode, Acc) -> {Name, _NameStr, T1, S1} = scan_name(T, S), {Occurrence, T2, S2} = scan_occurrence(T1, S1), case {Occurrence, Context} of {once, mixed} -> ok; {Other, mixed} -> ?fatal({illegal_for_mixed_content, Other}, S1); _ -> ok end, ?strip3, mandatory_delimeter_wfc(T3,S3), NewAcc = [format_elem_content({Occurrence, Name}) | Acc], scan_elem_content(T3, S3, Context, Mode, NewAcc). format_elem_content({once, What}) -> What; format_elem_content(Other) -> Other. scan_occurrence([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_occurrence(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_occurrence([$?|T], S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {'?', T, S}; scan_occurrence([$+|T], S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {'+', T, S}; scan_occurrence([$*|T], S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {'*', T, S}; scan_occurrence(T, S) -> {once, T , S}. %%% Tests of Validity Constraints %% first part of VC: Name Token vc_Valid_Char(_AT,C,S) -> case xmerl_lib:is_namechar(C) of true -> ok; _ -> ?fatal({error,{validity_constraint_Name_Token,C}},S) end. vc_ID_Attribute_Default(_,#xmerl_scanner{validation=Valid}) when Valid /= dtd -> ok; vc_ID_Attribute_Default({_,'ID',_,Def,_},_S) when Def=='#IMPLIED';Def=='#REQUIRED' -> ok; vc_ID_Attribute_Default({_,'ID',_,Def,_},S) -> ?fatal({error,{validity_constraint_error_ID_Attribute_Default,Def}},S). vc_Enumeration({_Name,{_,NameList},DefaultVal,_,_},S) when is_list(DefaultVal) -> case lists:member(list_to_atom(DefaultVal),NameList) of true -> ok; _ -> ?fatal({error,{vc_enumeration,list_to_atom(DefaultVal),NameList}},S) end; vc_Enumeration({_Name,{_,_NameList},_DefaultVal,_,_},_S) -> ok. vc_Entity_Name({_Name,'ENTITY',DefaultVal,_,_},S) when is_list(DefaultVal) -> Read = S#xmerl_scanner.rules_read_fun, case Read(entity,list_to_atom(DefaultVal),S) of {_,external,{_,{ndata,_}}} -> ok; _ -> ?fatal({error,{vc_Entity_Name,list_to_atom(DefaultVal)}},S) end; vc_Entity_Name({_Name,'ENTITY',_,_,_},_S) -> ok; vc_Entity_Name({_,'ENTITIES',DefaultVal,_,_},S) when is_list(DefaultVal) -> Read = S#xmerl_scanner.rules_read_fun, NameListFun = fun([],Acc,_St,_Fun) -> lists:reverse(Acc); (Str,Acc,St,Fun) -> {N,_,St2,Str2} = scan_name(Str,St), Fun(Str2,[N|Acc],St2,Fun) end, NameList = NameListFun(DefaultVal,[],S,NameListFun), VcFun = fun(X) -> case Read(entity,X,S) of {_,external,{_,{ndata,_}}} -> ok; _ -> ?fatal({error,{vc_Entity_Name,X}},S) end end, lists:foreach(VcFun,NameList); vc_Entity_Name({_,'ENTITIES',_,_,_},_S) -> ok. vc_No_Duplicate_Types(#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd} = S,mixed,Acc) -> CheckDupl = fun([H|T],F) -> case lists:member(H,T) of true -> ?fatal({no_duplicate_types_allowed,H},S); _ -> F(T,F) end; ([],_) -> ok end, CheckDupl(Acc,CheckDupl); vc_No_Duplicate_Types(_,_,_) -> ok. %%% Tests of Well-Formededness Constraints mandatory_delimeter_wfc(","++_T,_S) -> ok; mandatory_delimeter_wfc("|"++_T,_S) -> ok; mandatory_delimeter_wfc(")"++_T,_S) -> ok; mandatory_delimeter_wfc("%"++_T,_S) -> %% a parameter reference is ok ok; mandatory_delimeter_wfc(T,S) -> ?fatal({comma_or_vertical_bar_mandatory_between_names_in_content_model,T},S). wfc_unique_att_spec([],_S) -> ok; wfc_unique_att_spec([#xmlAttribute{name=N,expanded_name=EN}|Atts],S) -> case lists:keymember(N,#xmlAttribute.name,Atts) of true -> ?fatal({error,{unique_att_spec_required,N}},S); _ -> case S#xmerl_scanner.namespace_conformant andalso lists:keymember(EN, #xmlAttribute.expanded_name, Atts) of true -> ?fatal({error,{unique_att_spec_required,EN}},S); _ -> wfc_unique_att_spec(Atts,S) end end. wfc_legal_char(Chars,S) when is_list(Chars)-> {Ch,Rest} = to_ucs(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Chars), case xmerl_lib:is_char(Ch) of true -> {Ch,Rest}; _ -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_Legal_Character,Ch}},S) end; wfc_legal_char(Ch,S) -> case xmerl_lib:is_char(Ch) of true -> {Ch,[]}; _ -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_Legal_Character,Ch}},S) end. wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs([WS |_]=L,S) when ?whitespace(WS) -> {L,S}; wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs([$/ |_]=L,S) -> {L,S}; wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs([$> |_]=L,S) -> {L,S}; wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs([],S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); wfc_whitespace_betw_attrs(_,S) -> ?fatal({whitespace_required_between_attributes},S). wfc_Entity_Declared({external,_},S=#xmerl_scanner{standalone=yes},Name) -> ?fatal({reference_to_externally_defed_entity_standalone_doc,Name},S); wfc_Entity_Declared({external,_},_S,_) -> ok; wfc_Entity_Declared(_Env,_S,_) -> ok. wfc_Internal_parsed_entity(internal,Value,S) -> %% WFC test that replacement text matches production content scan_content(Value,S#xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity}, _Name=[],[],S#xmerl_scanner.space,_Lang=[],_Prnt=[], #xmlNamespace{}); wfc_Internal_parsed_entity(_,_,_) -> ok. vc_Element_valid(_Name, {"xmlns", _}, S = #xmerl_scanner{namespace_conformant = true}) -> ?fatal({error,{illegal_element_prefix,xmlns}},S); vc_Element_valid(Name, _, S) -> vc_Element_valid(Name, S). vc_Element_valid(_Name,#xmerl_scanner{environment=internal_parsed_entity}) -> ok; vc_Element_valid(Name,S=#xmerl_scanner{rules_read_fun=Read, validation=dtd}) -> case Read(elem_def,Name,S) of #xmlElement{elementdef=undeclared} -> ?fatal({error,{error_missing_element_declaration_in_DTD,Name}},S); undefined -> ?fatal({error,{error_missing_element_declaration_in_DTD,Name}},S); _ -> ok end; vc_Element_valid(_,_) -> ok. %%%%%%% [74] PEDef scan_pe_def([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, PEName) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_pe_def(MoreBytes, S1, PEName) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_pe_def("'" ++ T, S0, PEName) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T, S, $', PEName,parameter); scan_pe_def("\"" ++ T, S0, PEName) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T, S, $", PEName,parameter); scan_pe_def(Str, S, _PEName) -> scan_external_id(Str, S). %%%%%%% [82] NotationDecl scan_notation_decl(T, #xmerl_scanner{rules_write_fun = Write, rules_read_fun=Read, rules_delete_fun=Delete} = S) -> {Name, _NameStr, T1, S1} = scan_name_no_colons(T, S), {_,T2,S2} = mandatory_strip(T1,S1), {Def, T3, S3} = scan_notation_decl1(T2, S2), ?strip4, T5 = scan_mandatory(">",T4,1,S4,expected_end_tag_notation_declaration), % ">" ++ T5 = T4, case Read(notation,Name,S) of undeclared -> Delete(notation,Name,S4); _ -> ok end, S5 = Write(notation, Name, Def, S4), {T5, S5}. scan_notation_decl1([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_notation_decl1(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_notation_decl1("SYSTEM" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {SL, T2, S2} = scan_system_literal(T1, S1), {{system, SL}, T2, S2}; scan_notation_decl1("PUBLIC" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {PIDL, T2, S2} = scan_pubid_literal(T1, S1), ?strip3, case T3 of ">" ++ _ -> {{public, PIDL}, T3, S3#xmerl_scanner{col = S3#xmerl_scanner.col+1}}; _ -> {SL, T4, S4} = scan_system_literal(T3, S3), {{public, PIDL, SL}, T4, S4} end. %%%%%%% [75] ExternalID scan_external_id([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_external_id(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_external_id("SYSTEM" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {SL, T2, S2} = scan_system_literal(T1, S1), {{system, SL}, T2, S2}; scan_external_id("PUBLIC" ++ T, S0) -> ?bump_col(6), {_,T1,S1} = mandatory_strip(T,S), {PIDL, T2, S2} = scan_pubid_literal(T1, S1), {_,T3,S3} = mandatory_strip(T2,S2), {SL, T4, S4} = scan_system_literal(T3, S3), {{public, PIDL, SL}, T4, S4}. %%%%%%% [9] EntityValue %% Note that we have two different scan functions for EntityValue %% They differ in that this one checks for recursive calls to the same %% parameter entity. scan_entity_value(Str, S, Delim, Name, Namespace) -> scan_entity_value(Str, S, Delim, _Acc = [], Name, Namespace,[]). scan_entity_value([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}}, _Delim,Acc,_,_,[]) -> {lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)), [], S}; scan_entity_value([], S=#xmerl_scanner{environment={external,{entity,_}}, validation=dtd}, _Delim,_Acc,PEName,_,_) -> {{error,{failed_VC_Proper_Declaration_PE_Nesting,1,PEName}},[],S}; scan_entity_value([],S, no_delim,Acc,_,_,[]) -> {lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)),[],S}; scan_entity_value([],S=#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd}, no_delim,_Acc,PEName,_,_PENesting) -> {{error,{failed_VC_Proper_Declaration_PE_Nesting,2,PEName}},[],S}; scan_entity_value([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Delim, Acc, PEName,Namespace,PENesting) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_entity_value(MoreBytes,S1, Delim,Acc,PEName,Namespace,PENesting) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_entity_value([Delim|T], S=#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd}, Delim,_Acc,PEName,_NS,PENesting) when length(PENesting) /= 0 -> {{error,{failed_VC_Proper_Declaration_PE_Nesting,3,PEName}},T,S}; scan_entity_value([Delim|T], S0, Delim, Acc, _PEName,_NS,_PENesting) -> ?bump_col(1), {lists:flatten(lists:reverse(Acc)), T, S}; scan_entity_value("%" ++ _T,S=#xmerl_scanner{environment=prolog},_,_,_,_,_) -> ?fatal({error,{wfc_PEs_In_Internal_Subset}},S); % %% This is a PEdecl in an external entity % scan_entity_value([$%,WS|T], S0, Delim, Acc, PEName,Namespace,PENesting) % when ?whitespace(WS) -> % ?bump_col(2), % scan_entity_value(T, S, Delim, [WS,$%|Acc], PEName,Namespace,PENesting); scan_entity_value("%" ++ T, S0, Delim, Acc, PEName,Namespace,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(1), {PERefName, T1, S1} = scan_pe_reference(T, S), if PERefName == PEName,Namespace==parameter -> ?fatal({illegal_recursion_in_PE, PEName}, S1); true -> {ExpandedRef,S2} = case expand_pe_reference(PERefName, S1, in_literal) of %% actually should pe ref be expanded as_PE but %% handle whitespace explicitly in this case. Tuple when is_tuple(Tuple) -> %% {system,URI} or {public,URI} %% Included in literal. {ExpRef,Sx}=fetch_not_parse(Tuple,S1), {EntV, _, S5} = scan_entity_value(ExpRef, Sx, no_delim,[], PERefName,parameter,[]), %% should do an update Write(parameter_entity) %% so next expand_pe_reference is faster {string_to_char_set(S5#xmerl_scanner.encoding, EntV), S5}; ExpRef -> {string_to_char_set(S1#xmerl_scanner.encoding, ExpRef) ,S1} end, %% single or duoble qoutes are not treated as delimeters %% in passages "included in literal" S3 = S2#xmerl_scanner{col=S2#xmerl_scanner.col+1}, {Acc2,_,S4} = scan_entity_value(ExpandedRef,S3,no_delim,Acc, PEName,Namespace,[]), % {_,T2,S5} = strip(" "++T1,S4), scan_entity_value(T1,S4#xmerl_scanner{line=S3#xmerl_scanner.line, col=S3#xmerl_scanner.col}, Delim,lists:reverse(Acc2), PEName,Namespace,PENesting) % scan_entity_value(T1,S4,Delim,lists:reverse(Acc2), % PEName,Namespace,PENesting) end; scan_entity_value("&" ++ T, S0, Delim, Acc, PEName,Namespace,PENesting) -> %% This is either a character entity or a general entity (internal %% or external) reference. An internal general entity shall not be %% expanded in an entity def XML1.0 section 4.5. ?bump_col(1), case T of "#"++_T -> {ExpRef, T1, S1} = scan_reference(T, S), Tok = pe_nesting_token(ExpRef++T1,Namespace,S1#xmerl_scanner.validation), case markup_delimeter(ExpRef) of true -> scan_entity_value(T1, S1, Delim, [ExpRef|Acc], PEName, Namespace,pe_push(Tok,PENesting,S1)); _ -> ExpRef2 = string_to_char_set(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,ExpRef), scan_entity_value(ExpRef2 ++ T1, S1, Delim, Acc, PEName, Namespace,pe_push(Tok,PENesting,S1)) end; _ -> %% General Entity is bypassed, though must check for %% recursion: save referenced name now and check for %% recursive reference after the whole entity definition is %% completed. {Name, _NamespaceInfo, T1, S1} = scan_name(T,S), T2=scan_mandatory(";",T1,1,S1,expected_entity_reference_semicolon), S2=save_refed_entity_name(Name,PEName,S1), scan_entity_value(T2,S2,Delim,[";",atom_to_list(Name),"&"|Acc],PEName,Namespace,PENesting) end; %% The following clauses is for PE Nesting VC constraint %% Start delimeter for ConditionalSection scan_entity_value("<!["++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName,parameter=NS,PENesting)-> ?bump_col(3), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["<!["|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("<![",PENesting,S)); %% Start delimeter for ConditionalSection (2) scan_entity_value("["++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName,parameter=NS,PENesting)-> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["["|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("[",PENesting,S)); %% Start delimeter for comment scan_entity_value("<!--"++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName,parameter=NS,PENesting)-> ?bump_col(4), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["<!--"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("<!--",PENesting,S)); %% Start delimeter for ElementDecl, AttListDecl,EntityDecl,NotationDecl scan_entity_value("<!"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(2), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["<!"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("<!",PENesting,S)); %% Start delimeter for PI scan_entity_value("<?"++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(2), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["<?"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("<?",PENesting,S)); %% Start delimeter for elements that matches the proper stop delimeter %% for a markupdecl scan_entity_value("</"++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName,parameter=NS,PENesting)-> ?bump_col(2), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["</"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("</",PENesting,S)); scan_entity_value("<"++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName,parameter=NS,PENesting)-> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["<"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("<",PENesting,S)); %% Delimeter for contentspecs scan_entity_value("("++T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName,parameter=NS,PENesting)-> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["("|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_push("(",PENesting,S)); %% Stop delimeter for ElementDecl, AttListDecl,EntityDecl,NotationDecl scan_entity_value(">"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,[">"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_pop(">",PENesting,S)); %% Stop delimeter for PI scan_entity_value("?>"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(2), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["?>"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_pop("?>",PENesting,S)); %% Stop delimeter for comment scan_entity_value("-->"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(3), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["-->"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_pop("-->",PENesting,S)); %% Stop delimeter for ConditionalSection scan_entity_value("]]>"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(3), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["]]>"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_pop("]]>",PENesting,S)); %% Stop delimeter added to match a content start delimeter included scan_entity_value("/>"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(2), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,["/>"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_pop("/>",PENesting,S)); scan_entity_value(")"++ T,S0,Delim,Acc,PEName, parameter=NS,PENesting) -> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T,S,Delim,[")"|Acc],PEName,NS, pe_pop(")",PENesting,S)); scan_entity_value("\n"++T, S, Delim, Acc, PEName,Namespace,PENesting) -> scan_entity_value(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line=S#xmerl_scanner.line+1}, Delim, ["\n"|Acc], PEName,Namespace,PENesting); scan_entity_value(Str, S0, Delim, Acc, PEName,Namespace,PENesting) -> {Ch,T} = to_ucs(S0#xmerl_scanner.encoding,Str), case xmerl_lib:is_char(Ch) of true -> ?bump_col(1), scan_entity_value(T, S, Delim, [Ch|Acc], PEName,Namespace,PENesting); false -> ?fatal({unexpected_char,Ch}, S0) end. save_refed_entity_name(Name,PEName,S) -> case predefined_entity(Name) of true -> S; _ -> save_refed_entity_name1(Name,PEName,S) end. save_refed_entity_name1(Name,PEName, S=#xmerl_scanner{entity_references=ERefs}) -> case lists:keysearch(PEName,1,ERefs) of {value,{_,Refs}} -> NewRefs = case lists:member(Name,Refs) of true ->Refs; _ -> [Name|Refs] end, S#xmerl_scanner{entity_references=lists:keyreplace(PEName,1,ERefs, {PEName,NewRefs}) }; _ -> S#xmerl_scanner{entity_references=[{PEName,[Name]}|ERefs]} end. pe_push(Tok,Stack,_S) when Tok=="<!";Tok=="<?";Tok=="<!--";Tok=="<!["; Tok=="[";Tok=="<";Tok=="</";Tok=="(" -> [Tok|Stack]; pe_push(Tok,Stack,#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd}) when Tok==")";Tok==">";Tok=="?>";Tok=="]]>";Tok=="-->";Tok=="/>"-> [Tok|Stack]; pe_push(_,Stack,_S) -> Stack. pe_pop(">",["<!"|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop("?>",["<?"|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop("-->",["<!--"|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop("]]>",["[","<!["|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop("/>",["<"|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop(">",["<"|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop(">",["</"|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop(")",["("|Rest],_S) -> Rest; pe_pop(Token,_Stack,S=#xmerl_scanner{validation=dtd}) -> ?fatal({error,{failed_VC_Proper_Declaration_PE_Nesting,5,Token}},S); pe_pop(_,Rest,_) -> Rest. pe_nesting_token("<!"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "<!"; pe_nesting_token("<?"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "<?"; pe_nesting_token("<!--"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "<!--"; pe_nesting_token("<!["++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "<!["; pe_nesting_token("["++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "["; pe_nesting_token("("++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "("; pe_nesting_token(">"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> ">"; pe_nesting_token("?>"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "?>"; pe_nesting_token("-->"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "-->"; pe_nesting_token("]]>"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "]]>"; pe_nesting_token(")"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> ")"; pe_nesting_token("/>"++_T,parameter,dtd) -> "/>"; pe_nesting_token(_,_,_) -> false. predefined_entity(amp) -> true; predefined_entity(lt) -> true; predefined_entity(gt) -> true; predefined_entity(apos) -> true; predefined_entity(quot) -> true; predefined_entity(_) -> false. check_entity_recursion(EName, S=#xmerl_scanner{entity_references=EntityRefList}) -> Set = sofs:family(EntityRefList), case catch sofs:family_to_digraph(Set, [acyclic]) of {'EXIT',{cyclic,_}} -> ?fatal({illegal_recursion_in_Entity, EName}, S); DG -> digraph:delete(DG), ok end. %%%%%%% [15] Comment scan_comment(Str, S) -> scan_comment(Str, S, _Pos = undefined, _Parents = [], _Lang = []). scan_comment(Str,S=#xmerl_scanner{col=C,event_fun=Event}, Pos, Parents, Lang) -> Comment = #xmlComment{pos = Pos, parents = Parents, language = Lang, value = undefined}, S1 = #xmerl_scanner{} = Event(#xmerl_event{event = started, line = S#xmerl_scanner.line, col = C, pos = Pos, data = Comment}, S), scan_comment1(Str, S1, Pos, Comment, _Acc = []). scan_comment1([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F}, Pos, Comment, Acc) -> ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> scan_comment1(MoreBytes, S1, Pos, Comment, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> ?fatal(unexpected_end, S1) end, S); scan_comment1("-->" ++ T, S0 = #xmerl_scanner{col = C, event_fun = Event, hook_fun = Hook}, _Pos, Comment, Acc) -> ?bump_col(3), Comment1 = Comment#xmlComment{value = lists:reverse(Acc)}, S1=#xmerl_scanner{}=Event(#xmerl_event{event = ended, line=S#xmerl_scanner.line, col = C, data = Comment1}, S), {Ret, S2} = Hook(Comment1, S1), {_,T3,S3}=strip(T,S2), {Ret,T3,S3}; scan_comment1("--"++T,S,_Pos,_Comment,_Acc) -> ?fatal({invalid_comment,"--"++[hd(T)]}, S); scan_comment1("\n" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L}, Pos, Cmt, Acc) -> scan_comment1(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line=L+1,col=1},Pos, Cmt, "\n" ++ Acc); scan_comment1("\r\n" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L}, Pos, Cmt, Acc) -> %% CR followed by LF is read as a single LF scan_comment1(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line=L+1,col=1}, Pos, Cmt, "\n" ++ Acc); scan_comment1("\r" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L}, Pos, Cmt, Acc) -> %% CR not followed by LF is read as a LF scan_comment1(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line=L+1,col=1}, Pos, Cmt, "\n" ++ Acc); scan_comment1(Str, S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C}, Pos, Cmt, Acc) -> {Ch,T} = wfc_legal_char(Str,S), scan_comment1(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col=C+1}, Pos, Cmt, [Ch|Acc]). %%%%%%% scan_markup_completion_gt([$>|_R]=T,S) -> {T,S}; scan_markup_completion_gt([$%|T],S0) -> ?bump_col(1), {Name,T1,S1} = scan_pe_reference(T,S), ExpandedRef = expand_pe_reference(Name,S1,as_PE), {_,T2,S2} = strip(ExpandedRef++T1,S1), scan_markup_completion_gt(T2,S2); scan_markup_completion_gt(T,S) -> ?fatal({error,{malformed_syntax_entity_completion,T}},S). scan_mandatory(Pattern,T,N,S,ErrorMsg) -> case lists:prefix(Pattern,T) of true -> lists:nthtail(N,T); _ -> ?fatal(ErrorMsg,S) end. strip(Str,S) -> strip(Str,S,all). strip([], S=#xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F},_) -> ?dbg("cont()... stripping whitespace~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> strip(MoreBytes, S1) end, fun(S1) -> {[], [], S1} end, S); strip("\s" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C},Lim) -> strip(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = C+1},Lim); strip("\t" ++ _T, S ,no_tab) -> ?fatal({error,{no_tab_allowed}},S); strip("\t" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{col = C},Lim) -> strip(T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = expand_tab(C)},Lim); strip("\n" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L},Lim) -> strip(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line = L+1, col = 1},Lim); strip("\r\n" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L},Lim) -> %% CR followed by LF is read as a single LF strip(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line = L+1, col = 1},Lim); strip("\r" ++ T, S=#xmerl_scanner{line = L},Lim) -> %% CR not followed by LF is read as a LF strip(T, S#xmerl_scanner{line = L+1, col = 1},Lim); strip(Str, S,_Lim) -> {[], Str, S}. %% demands a whitespace, though a parameter entity is ok, it will %% expand with a whitespace on each side. mandatory_strip([],S) -> ?fatal({error,{whitespace_was_expected}},S); mandatory_strip(T,S) when ?whitespace(hd(T)) -> strip(T,S,all); mandatory_strip([$%|T],S) when ?whitespace(hd(T)) -> %this is not a PERefence, but an PEDeclaration ?fatal({error,{whitespace_was_expected}},S); mandatory_strip([$%|_T]=T,S) -> {[],T,S}; mandatory_strip(_T,S) -> ?fatal({error,{whitespace_was_expected}},S). %% strip but don't accept tab pub_id_strip(Str, S) -> strip(Str,S,no_tab). normalize("&"++T,S,IsNorm) -> case scan_reference(T, S) of {ExpRef, T1, S1} when ?whitespace(hd(ExpRef)) -> ExpRef2 = string_to_char_set(S#xmerl_scanner.encoding,ExpRef), normalize(ExpRef2++T1,S1,IsNorm); _ -> {"&"++T,S,IsNorm} end; normalize(T,S,IsNorm) -> case strip(T,S) of {_,T,S} -> {T,S,IsNorm}; {_,T1,S1} -> {T1,S1,true} end. %% Optimization: %% - avoid building list of spaces or tabs; %% - avoid reverse; %% - compact two common indentation patterns. %% Note: only to be called when a \n was found. fast_accumulate_whitespace(" " ++ T, S, _) -> fast_acc_spaces(T, S, 1); fast_accumulate_whitespace("\t"++T, S, _) -> fast_acc_tabs(T, S, 1); fast_accumulate_whitespace("<"++_=R, S, _T) -> #xmerl_scanner{common_data = CD, line = Line} = S, {done, {element(3, CD), R, S#xmerl_scanner{col = 1, line = Line + 1}}}; fast_accumulate_whitespace(_, S, T) -> accumulate_whitespace(T, S, []). fast_acc_spaces(" " ++ T, S, N) -> fast_acc_spaces(T, S, N + 1); fast_acc_spaces(T, S, N) -> fast_acc_end(T, S, N, N, $\s, 1). fast_acc_tabs("\t" ++ T, S, N) -> fast_acc_tabs(T, S, N + 1); fast_acc_tabs(T, S, N) -> fast_acc_end(T, S, N, N * 8 + 1, $\t, 2). fast_acc_end(T, S, N, Col, C, CD_I) -> #xmerl_scanner{common_data = CD, line = Line0} = S, Line = Line0 + 1, try $< = hd(T), {done,{element(N, element(CD_I, CD)), T, S#xmerl_scanner{col = Col, line = Line}}} catch _:_ -> accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line, Col, lists:duplicate(N, C)++"\n") end. %%% @spec accumulate_whitespace(T::string(),S::global_state(), %%% atom(),Acc::string()) -> {Acc, T1, S1} %%% %%% @doc Function to accumulate and normalize whitespace. accumulate_whitespace(T, S, preserve, Acc) -> accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Acc); accumulate_whitespace(T, S, normalize, Acc) -> {_WsAcc, T1, S1} = accumulate_whitespace(T, S, []), {[$\s|Acc], T1, S1}. accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Acc) -> #xmerl_scanner{line = Line, col = Col} = S, accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line, Col, Acc). accumulate_whitespace([], S0, Line, Col, Acc) -> #xmerl_scanner{continuation_fun = F} = S0, S = S0#xmerl_scanner{line = Line, col = Col}, ?dbg("cont()...~n", []), F(fun(MoreBytes, S1) -> accumulate_whitespace(MoreBytes, S1, Acc) end, fun(S1) -> {Acc, [], S1} end, S); accumulate_whitespace("\s" ++ T, S, Line, Col, Acc) -> accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line, Col+1, [$\s|Acc]); accumulate_whitespace("\t" ++ T, S, Line, Col, Acc) -> accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line, expand_tab(Col), [$\t|Acc]); accumulate_whitespace("\n" ++ T, S, Line, _Col, Acc) -> accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line+1, 1, [$\n|Acc]); accumulate_whitespace("\r\n" ++ T, S, Line, _Col, Acc) -> %% CR followed by LF is read as a single LF accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line+1, 1, [$\n|Acc]); accumulate_whitespace("\r" ++ T, S, Line, _Col, Acc) -> %% CR not followed by LF is read as a LF accumulate_whitespace(T, S, Line+1, 1, [$\n|Acc]); accumulate_whitespace(Str, S, Line, Col, Acc) -> {Acc, Str, S#xmerl_scanner{line = Line, col = Col}}. expand_tab(Col) -> Rem = (Col-1) rem 8, _NewCol = Col + 8 - Rem. %% validation_mode(Validation) %% Validation = off | dtd | schema | true | false %% true and false are obsolete validation_mode(false) -> off; validation_mode(true) -> dtd; validation_mode(Other) -> Other. schemaLocations(El,#xmerl_scanner{schemaLocation=[]}) -> schemaLocations(El); schemaLocations(El,#xmerl_scanner{schemaLocation=SL}) -> case SL of [{_,_}|_] -> {ok,SL}; _ -> schemaLocations(El) end. schemaLocations(#xmlElement{attributes=Atts,xmlbase=_Base}) -> Pred = fun(#xmlAttribute{name=schemaLocation}) -> false; (#xmlAttribute{nsinfo={_,"schemaLocation"}}) -> false; (_) -> true end, case lists:dropwhile(Pred,Atts) of [#xmlAttribute{value=Paths}|_] -> case string:tokens(Paths," \n\t\r") of L when length(L) > 0 -> case length(L) rem 2 of 0 -> PairList = fun([],_Fun) -> []; ([SLNS,SLLoc|Rest],Fun) -> [{SLNS,SLLoc}|Fun(Rest,Fun)] end, {ok,PairList(L,PairList)}; _ -> {error,{schemaLocation_attribute,namespace_location_not_in_pair}} end; _ -> {error,{missing_schemaLocation}} end; [] -> {error,{missing_schemaLocation}} end. inherit_options(S) -> %%io:format("xsdbase: ~p~n",[S#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase]), [{xsdbase,S#xmerl_scanner.xmlbase}]. handle_schema_result({XSDRes=#xmlElement{},_},S5) -> {XSDRes,S5}; handle_schema_result({error,Reason},S5) -> ?fatal({failed_schema_validation,Reason},S5). %%% Helper functions fatal(Reason, S) -> exit({fatal, {Reason, {file,S#xmerl_scanner.filename}, {line,S#xmerl_scanner.line}, {col,S#xmerl_scanner.col}}}). %% preformat formats tokens in L1 and L2, L2 separated by Sep into a %% list preformat(L1,L2,Sep) -> Format1= lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(length(L1)-1,"~s ")++"~s"), Format2 = lists:flatten(lists:duplicate(length(L2)-1, " ~s"++Sep)++" ~s"), lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format1++Format2,L1++L2)). %% BUG when we are many <!ATTLIST ..> balise none attributes has save in rules rules_write(Context, Name, Value, #xmerl_scanner{rules = T} = S) -> case ets:lookup(T, {Context, Name}) of [] -> ets:insert(T, {{Context, Name}, Value}); _ -> ok end, S. rules_read(Context, Name, #xmerl_scanner{rules = T}) -> case ets:lookup(T, {Context, Name}) of [] -> undefined; [{_, V}] -> V end. rules_delete(Context,Name,#xmerl_scanner{rules = T}) -> ets:delete(T,{Context,Name}). to_ucs(Encoding, Chars) when Encoding=="utf-8"; Encoding == undefined -> utf8_2_ucs(Chars); to_ucs(_,[C|Rest]) -> {C,Rest}. utf8_2_ucs([A,B,C,D|Rest]) when A band 16#f8 =:= 16#f0, B band 16#c0 =:= 16#80, C band 16#c0 =:= 16#80, D band 16#c0 =:= 16#80 -> %% 11110vvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv case ((D band 16#3f) bor ((C band 16#3f) bsl 6) bor ((B band 16#3f) bsl 12) bor ((A band 16#07) bsl 18)) of Ch when Ch >= 16#10000 -> {Ch,Rest}; Ch -> {{error,{bad_character,Ch}},Rest} end; utf8_2_ucs([A,B,C|Rest]) when A band 16#f0 =:= 16#e0, B band 16#c0 =:= 16#80, C band 16#c0 =:= 16#80 -> %% 1110vvvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv case ((C band 16#3f) bor ((B band 16#3f) bsl 6) bor ((A band 16#0f) bsl 12)) of Ch when Ch >= 16#800 -> {Ch,Rest}; Ch -> {{error,{bad_character,Ch}},Rest} end; utf8_2_ucs([A,B|Rest]) when A band 16#e0 =:= 16#c0, B band 16#c0 =:= 16#80 -> %% 110vvvvv 10vvvvvv case ((B band 16#3f) bor ((A band 16#1f) bsl 6)) of Ch when Ch >= 16#80 -> {Ch,Rest}; Ch -> {{error,{bad_character,Ch}},Rest} end; utf8_2_ucs([A|Rest]) when A < 16#80 -> {A,Rest}; utf8_2_ucs([A|Rest]) -> {{error,{bad_character,A}},Rest}. %% to_char_set("iso-10646-utf-1",Ch) -> %% [Ch]; %% to_char_set(UTF8,Ch) when UTF8 =:= "utf-8"; UTF8 =:= undefined -> %% ucs_2_utf8(Ch); %% to_char_set(_,Ch) -> %% [Ch]. ucs_2_utf8(Ch) when Ch < 128 -> %% 0vvvvvvv [Ch]; ucs_2_utf8(Ch) when Ch < 16#0800 -> %% Ch: -----vvv vvvvvvvv %% 110vvvvv 10vvvvvv %% O1 = (Ch band 16#07c0) bsr 6, %% O2 = (Ch band 16#003f), [((Ch band 16#07c0) bsr 6) bor 16#c0,(Ch band 16#003f) bor 16#80]; ucs_2_utf8(Ch) when Ch < 16#10000 -> %% Ch: vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv %% 1110vvvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv %% O1 = (Ch band 16#f000) bsr 12 %% O2 = (Ch band 16#0fc0) bsr 6 %% O3 = (Ch band 16#003f) [((Ch band 16#f000) bsr 12) bor 16#e0, ((Ch band 16#0fc0) bsr 6) bor 16#80, (Ch band 16#003f) bor 16#80]; ucs_2_utf8(Ch) when Ch < 16#200000 -> %% Ch: ---vvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv %% 11110vvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv 10vvvvvv %% O1 = (Ch band 16#1c0000) bsr 18 %% O2 = (Ch band 16#03f000) bsr 12 %% O3 = (Ch band 16#000fc0) bsr 6 %% O4 = (Ch band 16#00003f) [((Ch band 16#1c0000) bsr 18) bor 16#f0, ((Ch band 16#03f000) bsr 12) bor 16#80, ((Ch band 16#000fc0) bsr 6) bor 16#80, (Ch band 16#00003f) bor 16#80]. string_to_char_set(Enc,Str) when Enc =:= "utf-8"; Enc =:= undefined -> lists:flatten([ucs_2_utf8(X)||X <- Str]); string_to_char_set(_,Str) -> Str. %% diagnose(Line) -> %% Mem=erlang:memory(), %% {OldTot,OldLine} = get_total(), %% NewTot = %% case {lists:keysearch(total,1,Mem),OldTot*1.1} of %% {{_,{_,Tot}},Tot110} when Tot > Tot110 -> %% io:format("From ~p to ~p, total memory: ~p (~p)~n",[OldLine,Line,Tot,OldTot]), %% Tot; %% {{_,{_,Tot}},_} -> %% Tot %% end, %% put_total({NewTot,Line}). %% get_total() -> %% case get(xmerl_mem) of %% undefined -> %% put(xmerl_mem,{0,0}), %% {0,0}; %% M -> M %% end. %% put_total(M) -> %% put(xmerl_mem,M).