%% %% %CopyrightBegin% %% %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2016. All Rights Reserved. %% %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %% %% %CopyrightEnd% %% -module(xmerl_uri). -export([parse/1,resolve/2 % scan_abspath/1 ]). %%% Parse URI and return {Scheme,Path} %%% Note that Scheme specific parsing/validation is not handled here! resolve(_Root,_Rel) -> ok. %%% See "http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/iana/assignments/url-schemes" for a list of %%% defined URL schemes and references to its sources. parse(URI) -> case parse_scheme(URI) of {http,Cont} -> parse_http(Cont,http); {https,Cont} -> parse_http(Cont,https); {ftp,Cont} -> parse_ftp(Cont,ftp); {sip,Cont} -> parse_sip(Cont,sip); {sips,Cont} -> parse_sip(Cont,sips); {sms,Cont} -> parse_sms(Cont,sms); % Note: From old draft {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; {Scheme,Cont} -> {Scheme,Cont} end. %%% Parse the scheme. parse_scheme(URI) -> parse_scheme(URI,[]). parse_scheme([H|URI],Acc) when $a=<H,H=<$z; $A=<H,H=<$Z -> parse_scheme2(URI,[H|Acc]); parse_scheme(_,_) -> {error,no_scheme}. parse_scheme2([H|URI],Acc) when $a=<H,H=<$z; $A=<H,H=<$Z; $0=<H,H=<$9; H==$-;H==$+;H==$. -> parse_scheme2(URI,[H|Acc]); parse_scheme2([$:|URI],Acc) -> {list_to_atom(lists:reverse(Acc)),URI}; parse_scheme2(_,_) -> {error,no_scheme}. %%% ............................................................................ -define(HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT, 80). -define(HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT, 443). %%% HTTP (Source RFC 2396, RFC 2616) %%% http_URL = "*" | absoluteURI | abs_path [ "?" query ] | authority %%% http_URL = "http:" "//" host [ ":" port ] [ abs_path [ "?" query ]] %%% Returns a tuple {http,Host,Port,Path,Query} where %%% Host = string() Host value %%% Port = string() Port value %%% Path = string() Absolute path %%% Query = string() Query or Fragment value parse_http("//"++C0,Scheme) -> case scan_hostport(C0,Scheme) of {C1,Host,Port} -> case scan_pathquery(C1) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; {Path,Query} -> {Scheme,Host,Port,Path,Query} end; {error,Error} -> {error,Error} end; parse_http(_,_) -> {error,invalid_url}. scan_pathquery(C0) -> case scan_abspath(C0) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; {[],[]} -> % Add implicit path {"/",""}; {"?"++C1,Path} -> case scan_query(C1,[]) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; Query -> {Path,"?"++Query} end; {"#"++C1,Path} -> % 'query' and 'fragment' are both defined as '*uric' case scan_query(C1,[]) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; Fragment -> {Path,"#"++Fragment} end; {[],Path} -> {Path,""} end. %%% ............................................................................ -define(FTP_DEFAULT_PORT, 21). %%% FTP (Source RFC 2396, RFC 1738, RFC 959) %%% Encoded :, @, or / characters appearing within the username or %%% password fields (as required by RFC 1738) are not handled. %%% %%% Note: This BNF has been modified to better fit with RFC 2396 %%% ftp_URL = "ftp:" "//" [ ftp_userinfo "@"] host [ ":" port ] ftp_abs_path %%% ftp_userinfo = ftp_user [ ":" ftp_password ] %%% ftp_abs_path = "/" ftp_path_segments [ ";type=" ftp_type ] %%% ftp_path_segments = ftp_segment *( "/" ftp_segment) %%% ftp_segment = *[ ftp_uchar | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ] %%% ftp_type = "A" | "I" | "D" | "a" | "i" | "d" %%% ftp_user = *[ ftp_uchar | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ] %%% ftp_password = *[ ftp_uchar | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ] %%% ftp_uchar = ftp_unreserved | escaped %%% ftp_unreserved = alphanum | mark | "$" | "+" | "," parse_ftp("//"++C0,Scheme) -> case ftp_userinfo(C0) of {error, Error} -> {error,Error}; {C1,Creds} -> case scan_hostport(C1,Scheme) of {C2,Host,Port} -> case scan_abspath(C2) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; {[],[]} -> % Add implicit path {Scheme,Creds,Host,Port,"/"}; {[],Path} -> {Scheme,Creds,Host,Port,Path} end; {error,Error} -> {error,Error} end end. ftp_userinfo(C0) -> ftp_userinfo(C0, []). ftp_userinfo([], Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc), {"",""}}; ftp_userinfo(C0=[$/ |_], Acc) -> {lists:reverse(Acc)++C0, {"",""}}; ftp_userinfo([$@ |C0], Acc) -> {C0, ftp_userinfo_1(lists:reverse(Acc), 0, "", "")}; ftp_userinfo([C |C0], Acc) -> ftp_userinfo(C0, [C |Acc]). ftp_userinfo_1([], 0, Acc, []) -> { lists:reverse(Acc), ""}; ftp_userinfo_1([], 1, Acc, User) -> {User, lists:reverse(Acc)}; ftp_userinfo_1([$:|_], 0, [], []) -> {error,no_user}; ftp_userinfo_1([$:|C0], 0, Acc,[]) -> ftp_userinfo_1(C0, 1, [], lists:reverse(Acc)); ftp_userinfo_1([C|C0],Stage, Acc, User) -> ftp_userinfo_1(C0,Stage, [C|Acc], User). %%% ......................................................................... -define(SIP_DEFAULT_PORT, 5060). -define(SIPTLS_DEFAULT_PORT, 5061). %%% SIP (Source RFC 2396, RFC 3261) %%% sip_URL = "sip:" [ sip_userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] %%% sip_uri-parameters [ sip_headers ] %%% sip_userinfo = (sip_user | sip_telephone-subscriber) %%% [ ":" sip_password ] %%% sip_user = *( unreserved | escaped | %%% "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," | ";" | "?" | "/") %%% sip_telephone-subscriber = See RFC2806 %%% sip_password = *( unreserved | escaped | %%% "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," ) %%% sip_uri-parameters = *( ";" sip_uri-parameter ) %%% sip_uri-parameter = sip_transport-param | sip_user-param | %%% sip_method-param | sip_ttl-param | %%% sip_maddr-param | sip_lr-param | sip_other-param %%% sip_transport-param = "transport=" ( "udp" | "tcp" | "sctp" | "tls" | token) %%% sip_user-param = "user=" ( "phone" | "ip" | token) %%% sip_method-param = "method=" sip_Method %%% sip_ttl-param = "ttl=" sip_ttl %%% sip_maddr-param = "maddr=" host %%% sip_lr-param = "lr" %%% sip_other-param = 1*sip_paramchar [ "=" 1*sip_paramchar ] %%% sip_Method = "INVITE" | "ACK" | "OPTIONS" | "BYE" | %%% "CANCEL" | "REGISTER" | token %%% sip_ttl = 1*3DIGIT ; 0 to 255 %%% sip_paramchar = sip_param-unreserved | unreserved | escaped %%% sip_param-unreserved = "[" | "]" | "/" | ":" | "&" | "+" | "$" %%% sip_headers = "?" sip_header *( "&" sip_header ) %%% sip_header = sip_hname "=" sip_hvalue %%% sip_hname = 1*( sip_hnv-unreserved | unreserved | escaped ) %%% sip_hvalue = *( sip_hnv-unreserved / unreserved / escaped ) %%% sip_hnv-unreserved = "[" | "]" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "+" | "$" %%% Note: %%% - FIXME: Headers not parsed parse_sip(C0,Scheme) -> case string:tokens(C0,"@") of [Userinfo,Hostport] -> {User,Pass}=sip_userinfo(Userinfo), {C1,Host,Port}=scan_hostport(Hostport,Scheme), {C2,Parameters}=scan_parameters(C1), Headers=scan_headers(C2), {Scheme,User,Pass,Host,Port,Parameters,Headers}; [Hostport] -> {C1,Host,Port}=scan_hostport(Hostport,Scheme), {C2,Parameters}=scan_parameters(C1), Headers=scan_headers(C2), {Scheme,none,none,Host,Port,Parameters,Headers} end. %%% FIXME! User can be telephone subscriber sip_userinfo(Userinfo) -> case string:tokens(Userinfo,":") of [User,Pass] -> {User,Pass}; [User] -> {User,none} end. scan_parameters(C1) -> ParList=string:tokens(C1,";"), scan_parameters2(ParList,[], []). %% Is Foo the way to go? This code needs further investigation. (As %% does most of this module.) If we decide to keep it! scan_parameters2([],Out, Foo) -> {lists:reverse(Foo), lists:reverse(Out)}; scan_parameters2(["transport"++Val|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[{transport,Val}|Out], Foo); scan_parameters2(["user"++Val|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[{user,Val}|Out], Foo); scan_parameters2(["method"++Val|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[{method,Val}|Out], Foo); scan_parameters2(["ttl"++Val|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[{ttl,Val}|Out], Foo); scan_parameters2(["maddr"++Val|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[{maddr,Val}|Out], Foo); scan_parameters2(["lr"|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[{lr,""}|Out], Foo); scan_parameters2([Other|Rest],Out, Foo) -> scan_parameters2(Rest,[Out], [Other |Foo]). %%% FIXME! scan_headers(C2) -> C2. %%% ............................................................................ %%% SMS (Source draft-wilde-sms-uri-01, January 24 2002 and %%% draft-allocchio-gstn-01, November 2001) %%% The syntax definition for "gstn-phone" is taken from %%% [draft-allocchio-gstn-01], allowing global as well as local telephone %%% numbers. %%% Note: This BNF has been modified to better fit with RFC 2396 %%% sms_URI = sms ":" 1*( sms-recipient ) [ sms-body ] %%% sms-recipient = gstn-phone sms-qualifier %%% [ "," sms-recipient ] %%% sms-qualifier = *( smsc-qualifier / pid-qualifier ) %%% smsc-qualifier = ";smsc=" SMSC-sub-addr %%% pid-qualifier = ";pid=" PID-sub-addr %%% sms-body = ";body=" *urlc %%% gstn-phone = ( global-phone / local-phone ) %%% global-phone = "+" 1*( DIGIT / written-sep ) %%% local-phone = [ exit-code ] dial-number / exit-code [ dial-number ] %%% exit-code = phone-string %%% dial-number = phone-string %%% subaddr-string = phone-string %%% post-dial = phone-string %%% phone-string = 1*( DTMF / pause / tonewait / written-sep ) %%% DTMF = ( DIGIT / "#" / "*" / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D" ) %%% written-sep = ( "-" / "." ) %%% pause = "p" %%% tonewait = "w" parse_sms(Cont,Scheme) -> {Scheme,Cont}. %%% ========================================================================== %%% Generic URI parsing. BNF rules from RFC 2396 %%% hostport = host [ ":" port ] scan_hostport(C0,Scheme) -> case scan_host(C0) of {error,Error} -> {error,Error}; {":"++C1,Host} -> {C2,Port}=scan_port(C1,[]), {C2,Host,list_to_integer(Port)}; {C1,Host} when Scheme==http -> {C1,Host,?HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT}; {C1,Host} when Scheme==https -> {C1,Host,?HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT}; {C1,Host} when Scheme==ftp -> {C1,Host,?FTP_DEFAULT_PORT}; {C1,Host} when Scheme==sip -> {C1,Host,?SIP_DEFAULT_PORT} end. %%% host = hostname | IPv4address | IPv6reference %%% hostname = *( domainlabel "." ) toplabel [ "." ] %%% domainlabel = alphanum | alphanum *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum %%% toplabel = alpha | alpha *( alphanum | "-" ) alphanum %%% IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT %%% ipv6reference = "[" IPv6address "]" %%% IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ] %%% hexpart = hexseq | hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] | "::" [ hexseq ] %%% hexseq = hex4 *( ":" hex4) %%% hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG %%% Note: %%% Bitfields are set as follows: %%% Bit 0 = 0-9 %%% Bit 1 = a-f %%% Bit 2 = g-z -define(BIT1, 1). -define(BIT2, 2). -define(BIT3, 4). %%% 1 = DIGIT are only digits %%% 3 = HEX are DIGITS + a-f %%% 6 = ALPHA are HEX - DIGITS + g-z -define(DIGIT, 1). -define(HEX, 3). -define(ALPHA, 6). scan_host(C0) -> case scan_host2(C0,[],0,[],[]) of {C1,IPv4address,[?DIGIT,?DIGIT,?DIGIT,?DIGIT]} -> {C1,lists:reverse(lists:append(IPv4address))}; %% {C1,IPv6address,[$[,Hex1,Hex2,Hex3,Hex4,$]]} when Hex1=<?HEX; %% Hex2=<?HEX; %% Hex3=<?HEX; %% Hex4=<?HEX -> %% {C1,lists:reverse(lists:append(IPv6address))}; {C1,Hostname,[_A|_HostF]} -> {C1,lists:reverse(lists:append(Hostname))} %% _ -> %% {error,no_host} end. scan_host2([H|C0],Acc,CurF,Host,HostF) when $0=<H,H=<$9 -> scan_host2(C0,[H|Acc],CurF bor ?BIT1,Host,HostF); scan_host2([H|C0],Acc,CurF,Host,HostF) when $a=<H,H=<$z; $A=<H,H=<$Z -> scan_host2(C0,[H|Acc],CurF bor ?ALPHA,Host,HostF); scan_host2([$-|C0],Acc,CurF,Host,HostF) when CurF=/=0 -> scan_host2(C0,[$-|Acc],CurF,Host,HostF); scan_host2([$.|C0],Acc,CurF,Host,HostF) when CurF=/=0 -> scan_host2(C0,[],0,[".",Acc|Host],[CurF|HostF]); scan_host2(C0,Acc,CurF,Host,HostF) -> {C0,[Acc|Host],[CurF|HostF]}. %%% port = *digit scan_port([H|C0],Acc) when $0=<H,H=<$9 -> scan_port(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_port(C0,Acc) -> {C0,lists:reverse(Acc)}. %%% abs_path = "/" path_segments scan_abspath([]) -> {[],[]}; scan_abspath("/"++C0) -> scan_pathsegments(C0,["/"]); scan_abspath(_) -> {error,no_abspath}. %%% path_segments = segment *( "/" segment ) scan_pathsegments(C0,Acc) -> case scan_segment(C0,[]) of {"/"++C1,Segment} -> scan_pathsegments(C1,["/",Segment|Acc]); {C1,Segment} -> {C1,lists:reverse(lists:append([Segment|Acc]))} end. %%% segment = *pchar *( ";" param ) %%% param = *pchar scan_segment(";"++C0,Acc) -> {C1,ParamAcc}=scan_pchars(C0,";"++Acc), scan_segment(C1,ParamAcc); scan_segment(C0,Acc) -> case scan_pchars(C0,Acc) of {";"++C1,Segment} -> {C2,ParamAcc}=scan_pchars(C1,";"++Segment), scan_segment(C2,ParamAcc); {C1,Segment} -> {C1,Segment} end. %%% query = *uric %%% uric = reserved | unreserved | escaped %%% reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | %%% "$" | "," | "[" | "]" %%% unreserved = alphanum | mark %%% mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | %%% "(" | ")" %%% escaped = "%" hex hex scan_query([],Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc); scan_query([$%,H1,H2|C0],Acc) -> % escaped scan_query([hex2dec(H1)*16+hex2dec(H2)|C0],Acc); scan_query([H|C0],Acc) when $a=<H,H=<$z;$A=<H,H=<$Z;$0=<H,H=<$9 -> % alphanum scan_query(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_query([H|C0],Acc) when H==$;; H==$/; H==$?; H==$:; H==$@; H==$[; H==$]; H==$&; H==$=; H==$+; H==$$; H==$, -> % reserved scan_query(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_query([H|C0],Acc) when H==$-; H==$_; H==$.; H==$!; H==$~; H==$*; H==$'; H==$(; H==$) -> % mark scan_query(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_query([H|C0],Acc) when 0=<H,H=<127 -> % US ASCII {H1,H2}=dec2hex(H), scan_query(C0,[H2,H1,$%|Acc]); scan_query([_H|_C0],_Acc) -> {error,no_query}. %%% pchar = unreserved | escaped | %%% ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," scan_pchars([],Acc) -> {[],Acc}; scan_pchars([$%,H1,H2|C0],Acc) -> % escaped scan_pchars([hex2dec(H1)*16+hex2dec(H2)|C0],Acc); scan_pchars([H|C0],Acc) when $a=<H,H=<$z;$A=<H,H=<$Z;$0=<H,H=<$9 -> % alphanum scan_pchars(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_pchars([H|C0],Acc) when H==$-; H==$_; H==$.; H==$!; H==$~; H==$*; H==$'; H==$(; H==$) -> % mark scan_pchars(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_pchars([H|C0],Acc) when H==$:; H==$@; H==$&; H==$=; H==$+; H==$$; H==$, -> scan_pchars(C0,[H|Acc]); scan_pchars([H|C0],Acc) when 0=<H,H=<127, % US ASCII H=/=$?,H=/=$;,H=/=$/,H=/=$# -> {H1,H2}=dec2hex(H), scan_pchars(C0,[H2,H1,$%|Acc]); scan_pchars(C0,Acc) -> {C0,Acc}. hex2dec(X) when X>=$0,X=<$9 -> X-$0; hex2dec(X) when X>=$A,X=<$F -> X-$A+10; hex2dec(X) when X>=$a,X=<$f -> X-$a+10. dec2hex(H) when H<256 -> <<H1:4,H2:4>> = <<H>>, {nibble2hex(H1),nibble2hex(H2)}. nibble2hex(X) when 0=<X,X=<9 -> X+$0; nibble2hex(10) -> $a; nibble2hex(11) -> $b; nibble2hex(12) -> $c; nibble2hex(13) -> $d; nibble2hex(14) -> $e; nibble2hex(15) -> $f.