Data to specify a jobs progress, status etc during its execution. Specification of a blade when an upgrade job is ordered for a specific blade. This data always belongs to and is included in an upgrade job for a blade system. Data to specify FTP server info, such as host, user, password and path, to locate correct files or destination for files. Indicates status of software groups. A software group is complete if all included load module containers have been downloaded and unpacked correctly. A software group is inconsistent if the checksums of the load module containers do not match the information in the system information CXP, or if the XML data could not be registered. Datatype for an integer according to SNMPv2 definition of unsigned32. Possible results of an action for a job. Type of a load module container. Interpretation of given filename and path. Interpretation according to existing files. Indicator of job status. A job should be started immediately, but could be postponed if the total load on the system would become too high. The top class - the forefather of all classes. Key attributes: [] Possible children: Hardware Software NetworkConfiguration BladeSystems Functional area Hardware Management Key attributes: [] Possible children: BladeType Subrack This class describes a Blade. Key attributes: [key] The blade type number like CNA12801 The name of the Blade Type. The width of the blade in number of slots. The 1G links used by the blade type , like 0,1, counted from the leftmost backplane position. The 1G links used for link aggregation by the blade type , like 0-1, counted from the leftmost backplane position. True if possible to read product info via the maintenance bus. True if this is a Main Switch blade type. Only valid for main switch blades. A list of slots that have 1G link. Could be a single slot or a range or a combination thereof. E.g. 1-24, or 1,3-13,15-24. Only valid for main switch blades. Specifies which slots can be used for link aggregation. Ranges are specified in the form 1-12,13-24. This class describes the subrack. Key attributes: [id] Possible children: Slot Identifies a certain subrack. The type of subrack. A user friendly Subrack name. The subrack position in the cabinet. The cabinet position in the site. The site location, e.g. the visiting address. Available slots for 1G switch links. Information taken from the type of main switch blade that is created in the subrack. Available slots for 10G switch links. Information taken from the type of main switch blade that is created in the subrack. Links ranges for (1G) link aggregation. Information taken from the type of main switch blade that is created in the subrack. This table corresponds to slots, there is one row in the table for each slot. The slots are grouped per subrack. A slot is identified by subrack Id and slot number). The subrack Id for a slot identifies in the subrackTable the subrack that the slot belongs to. Key attributes: [number] The value of this object identifies the slot position within the subrack. See HwmSlotStateType description. The value of this object identifies the Blade System that uses this slot. An instances of this object will only have meaning in a conceptual row if the value of hemSlotState instance is either usedOccupied or usedEmpty in the same conceptual row, i.e. there is an Blade System created using this slot. (If no Blade System is using the slot, the value will be -1.) Top class of structure for SWM MOM. Key attributes: [] Possible children: Inventory Jobs Subclass to top class Software. Parent of Inventory classes: SoftwareDeliveryPackage, SoftwareGroup, LocalBackup, Alarm. Inventory actions: DownloadFile ImportBackup Only system created data for info and overview, sometimes as a result of an action called by the operator. Key attributes: [] Possible children: Alarm LocalBackup SoftwareDeliveryPackage SoftwareGroup MO of all alarms logged in the system that has not been taken care of in a satisfactory way. Key attributes: [alarmId] All available backups locally stored. Key attributes: [localBackupId] MO for info about LoadModuleContainers, ie CXPs. Key attributes: [ixProdNr,ixVersion] This class reference to multiple MOs of class SoftwareDeliveryPackage, ie the relationship between CXPs and CXS. Key attributes: [ixProdnr,ixVersion] Subclass to top class Software. Parent of Jobs classes: DownloadFile, Upgrade, Backup. System created data through ordered job actions. Key attributes: [] Possible children: Backup DownloadFile Upgrade Subclass to class Jobs. Parent of Jobs classes: Create, Restore Import, Export.System created data through ordered backup job actions. Key attributes: [] Possible children: Create Export Import Restore This MO handles creation of backups of the system. Key attributes: [backupJobId] This MO handles export of locally stored backup files to the FTP server. Key attributes: [exportJobId] This MO handles import of backup files from the FTP server. The backup file is stored locally, but not loaded into the system. Key attributes: [importJobId] This MO handles restore of backups of the system. Key attributes: [restoreJobId] This MO contains information about requested, ongoing, and completed software file download jobs. To start a download job the operator calls an action Inventory class, and a new instance of this MO is created. For load regulating reasons a requested job may not start immediately. Key attributes: [downloadFileJobId] This MO handles upgrade jobs towards the system. The operator may specify a specific blade to run the upgrade on, instead of running an upgrade on the entire blade system. Key attributes: [upgradeJobId] The maximum time allowed for the SW Upgrade job to finish. After this time, the job will be interrupted. The value 0 means that MaxTime will be given the timer value registered with the Blade System Software Group Version. If no such value has been registered, MaxTime will be given a system default timer value. The MO branch where the common Network resources are configured. Key attributes: [] Possible children: IsIpTrafficClass IsLanTrafficClass IsLogicalNetwork IsVariables IsVlan Key attributes: [name] Name if the IS IP Traffic Class. Unique within the entire Integrated Site. Short description of the IS IP Traffic Class. DiffServ Code Point setting for this IS IP Traffic Class. If there are two IS Ip Traffic Classes with the same DSCP, they both must refer to an IS Lan Traffic Class with identical P-bit setting. Reference to a Managed Object of type ISLanTrafficClass. An IS Lan Traffic Class may be shared between several Blade Systems. Key attributes: [name] Name of the IS Lan Traffic Class. Unique within the entire Integrated Site. Short description of the IS Lan Traffic Class. P-bit setting for this IS Lan Traffic Class. An IS Logical Network contains one or more IS Subnets. It may be shared between several Blade Systems. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: IsSubnet Name of the IS Logical Network. Unique within the entire Integrated Site. Short description of the IS logical network. An IS Subnet contains one or more IS Subnet Segments. It may be shared between several Blade Systems. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: IsSubnetSegment Name of the IS Subnet. Unique within the IS Logical Network. Short description of the IS Subnet. IP network address of the IS Subnet. Prefix length of the IP network address. Broadcast address of the IS Subnet. Identity of an IS VLAN. An IS Subnet Segment may be shared between several Blade Systems. Key attributes: [name] Name of the IS Subnet Segment. Unique within the IS Subnet. Short description of the IS Subnet Segment. IP network address of the IS Subnet Segment. Prefix length of the IP network address. Router address for the IS Subnet. Flag that controls wheter DHCP should be enabled or not for this IS Subnet Segment. Key attributes: [] The RLSP marker generate interval in microseconds. Daylight savings rule in posix standard format. Better description to be supplied later........and a regular expression which describes the valid string format. The dns domain used by IS in the DNS-server. Number of seconds from that a new network configuration has been published until the Blade Systems will apply the changes. The default DHCP Lease time in seconds. The lifetime of a DHCP lease in seconds. An IS Vlan may be shared between several Blade Systems. Key attributes: [identity] Identity of the IS Vlan. Unique within the entire Integrated Site. Short description of the IS Vlan. The BladeSystems mountpoint - parent of all blade systems. Key attributes: [] Possible children: BladeSystemTemplate Mxb MyBsModel Sis This class describes a Blade System. It will be cloned for each new blade system type registered in the system. The new clone will serve as a mountpoint for the blade system specific model. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: Blade BsIpTrafficClass BsLanTrafficClass BsLogicalNetwork BsVlan A user friendly Blade System name, must be set at creation and can be changed when BS is locked. An identifier for the BS. A new integer has to be used every time a new BS is created. ??? Kvar ??? The identity of the Software Group (SWG) that the BS implements. The revision of the Software Group (SWG) that the BS implements. The administrative state of the Blade System. The operational state of the Blade System. The availability status of the Blade System. eller sätta admState ???????????? Short description of the Blade System. IP address of the Blade System OaM Master. This class describes a Blade. A Blade is identified by the subrack and slot number. Key attributes: [subrackId,slotNo] Possible children: LinkSap A reference to the associated subrack (i.e. the value of 'subrackId' for the associated subrack) The slot number for this Blade within the subrack. The slot label of the blade. Will only be set at creation of table row. This should be used in alarms related to the slot to inform the operator of what position in the subrack the blade is located in. E.g. for GEM subracks it will be a string like X02 for slot 0 up to X80 for slot 25. An identifier for the BS to which the blade belongs. A value of 0 means that the blade is inserted in the subrack but it has not been configured to any BS yet. The type of the Blade defined by a string BladTypeIdAndRev. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. Set to protected if blade sholud no be knocked out before the switch blade. A user friendly Blade name, always possible to set. Default value indicates HwmBladeType and used slot. The administrative state of the Blade. The Blade is unblocked by setting this object to unlocked and blocked by setting it to locked. If the object already has the desired value or the hwmBladeOpState has a transient OpState value the set operation will be rejected. The set operation may be rejected due to other reasons as well. The operational state of the Blade. The availability status of the Blade. The type of maintenance bus on the found Blade The Product Number of the found Blade The Product Revision of the found Blade. The Serial Number of the found Blade. The Product Name of the found Blade. The Vendor name of the found Blade. The manufacturing date of the found Blade. The aggregated MAC address of the found Blade. The left link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades The right link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades The date when the blade was last changed. Borde kanske varfa en ändring av admstate.???? The name of the Blade. Short description of the blade. IP address on the ISBS subnet. IP address on the ISOB subnet. IP address on the ISLCT subnet. A Blade may have one or more resilient interfaces to the backplane. Such interface is called Link Service Access Point and are automatically created and deleted along with the hosting blade. Key attributes: [id] The id of a LinkSap is a number from 0 to X within the slot. Short description of the Link Service Access Point. Key attributes: [id] Key attributes: [id] Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsSubnet Name of the BS logical network. Unique within the Blade System. Short description of the BS Logical Network. Flag that shows whether the BS Logical Network is private for this Blade System or if it may be shared among several Blade Systems. Reference to the corresponding IS Logical Network. BS Subnets can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to both a BS VLan and an IS Subnet before blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service. Each BS Subnet contains one or more BS Subnet Segments. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsSubnetSegment Name of the BS Subnet. Unique within the BS Logical Network. Short description of the BS Subnet. BS Subnet Segments can either be created manually by you or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS Subnet Segment before the blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service. The mapping is done with the 'isSubnetSegmentRef' attribute. Key attributes: [name] Name of the BS Subnet Segment. Unique within the BS Subnet. Short description of the BS Subnet Segment. Number of required IP addresses in the IS Subnet Segment. Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS Subnet Segment is required to have DHCP enabled or not. Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS Subnet Segment is required to have a router configured or not. The mapping to a corresponding IS Subnet Segment. The mapping here must be done before the blades of the blade system can be unlocked. BS VLANs can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS VLAN before the blades can be unlocked. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsVlanSap Name of the BS Vlan. Unique within the Blade System. Short description of the BS Vlan. The mapping to a corresponding IS Vlan. This mapping must be done before the blades of the Blade System can be unlocked. BS VLAN Service Access Points can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an Link SAP before the blades can be unlocked. Key attributes: [name] Name of the BS VLAN SAP. Uniqie within the BS VLAN. Short description of the BS VLAN SAP. Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP makes static or dynamic use of the corresponding IS VLAN. Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP should be isolation protected or not. A mapping to the corresponding Link Service Access Point. This class describes a Blade System. It will be cloned for each new blade system type registered in the system. The new clone will serve as a mountpoint for the blade system specific model. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: Blade BsIpTrafficClass BsLanTrafficClass BsLogicalNetwork BsVlan A user friendly Blade System name, must be set at creation and can be changed when BS is locked. An identifier for the BS. A new integer has to be used every time a new BS is created. ??? Kvar ??? The identity of the Software Group (SWG) that the BS implements. The revision of the Software Group (SWG) that the BS implements. The administrative state of the Blade System. The operational state of the Blade System. The availability status of the Blade System. eller sätta admState ???????????? Short description of the Blade System. IP address of the Blade System OaM Master. This class describes a Blade. A Blade is identified by the subrack and slot number. Key attributes: [subrackId,slotNo] Possible children: LinkSap A reference to the associated subrack (i.e. the value of 'subrackId' for the associated subrack) The slot number for this Blade within the subrack. The slot label of the blade. Will only be set at creation of table row. This should be used in alarms related to the slot to inform the operator of what position in the subrack the blade is located in. E.g. for GEM subracks it will be a string like X02 for slot 0 up to X80 for slot 25. An identifier for the BS to which the blade belongs. A value of 0 means that the blade is inserted in the subrack but it has not been configured to any BS yet. The type of the Blade defined by a string BladTypeIdAndRev. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. Set to protected if blade sholud no be knocked out before the switch blade. A user friendly Blade name, always possible to set. Default value indicates HwmBladeType and used slot. The administrative state of the Blade. The Blade is unblocked by setting this object to unlocked and blocked by setting it to locked. If the object already has the desired value or the hwmBladeOpState has a transient OpState value the set operation will be rejected. The set operation may be rejected due to other reasons as well. The operational state of the Blade. The availability status of the Blade. The type of maintenance bus on the found Blade The Product Number of the found Blade The Product Revision of the found Blade. The Serial Number of the found Blade. The Product Name of the found Blade. The Vendor name of the found Blade. The manufacturing date of the found Blade. The aggregated MAC address of the found Blade. The left link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades The right link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades The date when the blade was last changed. Borde kanske varfa en ändring av admstate.???? The name of the Blade. Short description of the blade. IP address on the ISBS subnet. IP address on the ISOB subnet. IP address on the ISLCT subnet. A Blade may have one or more resilient interfaces to the backplane. Such interface is called Link Service Access Point and are automatically created and deleted along with the hosting blade. Key attributes: [id] The id of a LinkSap is a number from 0 to X within the slot. Short description of the Link Service Access Point. Key attributes: [id] Key attributes: [id] Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsSubnet Name of the BS logical network. Unique within the Blade System. Short description of the BS Logical Network. Flag that shows whether the BS Logical Network is private for this Blade System or if it may be shared among several Blade Systems. Reference to the corresponding IS Logical Network. BS Subnets can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to both a BS VLan and an IS Subnet before blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service. Each BS Subnet contains one or more BS Subnet Segments. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsSubnetSegment Name of the BS Subnet. Unique within the BS Logical Network. Short description of the BS Subnet. BS Subnet Segments can either be created manually by you or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS Subnet Segment before the blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service. The mapping is done with the 'isSubnetSegmentRef' attribute. Key attributes: [name] Name of the BS Subnet Segment. Unique within the BS Subnet. Short description of the BS Subnet Segment. Number of required IP addresses in the IS Subnet Segment. Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS Subnet Segment is required to have DHCP enabled or not. Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS Subnet Segment is required to have a router configured or not. The mapping to a corresponding IS Subnet Segment. The mapping here must be done before the blades of the blade system can be unlocked. BS VLANs can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS VLAN before the blades can be unlocked. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsVlanSap Name of the BS Vlan. Unique within the Blade System. Short description of the BS Vlan. The mapping to a corresponding IS Vlan. This mapping must be done before the blades of the Blade System can be unlocked. BS VLAN Service Access Points can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an Link SAP before the blades can be unlocked. Key attributes: [name] Name of the BS VLAN SAP. Uniqie within the BS VLAN. Short description of the BS VLAN SAP. Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP makes static or dynamic use of the corresponding IS VLAN. Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP should be isolation protected or not. A mapping to the corresponding Link Service Access Point. This class describes a Blade System. It will be cloned for each new blade system type registered in the system. The new clone will serve as a mountpoint for the blade system specific model. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: Blade BsIpTrafficClass BsLanTrafficClass BsLogicalNetwork BsVlan A user friendly Blade System name, must be set at creation and can be changed when BS is locked. An identifier for the BS. A new integer has to be used every time a new BS is created. ??? Kvar ??? The identity of the Software Group (SWG) that the BS implements. The revision of the Software Group (SWG) that the BS implements. The administrative state of the Blade System. The operational state of the Blade System. The availability status of the Blade System. eller sätta admState ???????????? Short description of the Blade System. IP address of the Blade System OaM Master. This class describes a Blade. A Blade is identified by the subrack and slot number. Key attributes: [subrackId,slotNo] Possible children: LinkSap A reference to the associated subrack (i.e. the value of 'subrackId' for the associated subrack) The slot number for this Blade within the subrack. The slot label of the blade. Will only be set at creation of table row. This should be used in alarms related to the slot to inform the operator of what position in the subrack the blade is located in. E.g. for GEM subracks it will be a string like X02 for slot 0 up to X80 for slot 25. An identifier for the BS to which the blade belongs. A value of 0 means that the blade is inserted in the subrack but it has not been configured to any BS yet. The type of the Blade defined by a string BladTypeIdAndRev. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. The SW group of the Blade. Set to protected if blade sholud no be knocked out before the switch blade. A user friendly Blade name, always possible to set. Default value indicates HwmBladeType and used slot. The administrative state of the Blade. The Blade is unblocked by setting this object to unlocked and blocked by setting it to locked. If the object already has the desired value or the hwmBladeOpState has a transient OpState value the set operation will be rejected. The set operation may be rejected due to other reasons as well. The operational state of the Blade. The availability status of the Blade. The type of maintenance bus on the found Blade The Product Number of the found Blade The Product Revision of the found Blade. The Serial Number of the found Blade. The Product Name of the found Blade. The Vendor name of the found Blade. The manufacturing date of the found Blade. The aggregated MAC address of the found Blade. The left link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades The right link MAC address of the found Blade. Only used by some blades The date when the blade was last changed. Borde kanske varfa en ändring av admstate.???? The name of the Blade. Short description of the blade. IP address on the ISBS subnet. IP address on the ISOB subnet. IP address on the ISLCT subnet. A Blade may have one or more resilient interfaces to the backplane. Such interface is called Link Service Access Point and are automatically created and deleted along with the hosting blade. Key attributes: [id] The id of a LinkSap is a number from 0 to X within the slot. Short description of the Link Service Access Point. Key attributes: [id] Key attributes: [id] Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsSubnet Name of the BS logical network. Unique within the Blade System. Short description of the BS Logical Network. Flag that shows whether the BS Logical Network is private for this Blade System or if it may be shared among several Blade Systems. Reference to the corresponding IS Logical Network. BS Subnets can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to both a BS VLan and an IS Subnet before blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service. Each BS Subnet contains one or more BS Subnet Segments. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsSubnetSegment Name of the BS Subnet. Unique within the BS Logical Network. Short description of the BS Subnet. BS Subnet Segments can either be created manually by you or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS Subnet Segment before the blades can be unlocked via the Hardware service. The mapping is done with the 'isSubnetSegmentRef' attribute. Key attributes: [name] Name of the BS Subnet Segment. Unique within the BS Subnet. Short description of the BS Subnet Segment. Number of required IP addresses in the IS Subnet Segment. Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS Subnet Segment is required to have DHCP enabled or not. Flag that controls whether the corresponding IS Subnet Segment is required to have a router configured or not. The mapping to a corresponding IS Subnet Segment. The mapping here must be done before the blades of the blade system can be unlocked. BS VLANs can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an IS VLAN before the blades can be unlocked. Key attributes: [name] Possible children: BsVlanSap Name of the BS Vlan. Unique within the Blade System. Short description of the BS Vlan. The mapping to a corresponding IS Vlan. This mapping must be done before the blades of the Blade System can be unlocked. BS VLAN Service Access Points can either be created manually by the operator or they can be automatically created from pre-registered network requirements bundled with the Blade System software. Regardless of how they are created, each one needs to be mapped to an Link SAP before the blades can be unlocked. Key attributes: [name] Name of the BS VLAN SAP. Uniqie within the BS VLAN. Short description of the BS VLAN SAP. Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP makes static or dynamic use of the corresponding IS VLAN. Flag which controls whether this BS VLAN SAP should be isolation protected or not. A mapping to the corresponding Link Service Access Point.