Description of Link Aggregation Data Port Channel Mode Number of configured ports for this interface. Number of active ports for this interface. MAC Selection Policy Link Selection Policy MAC address of Aggregator Description of COS configuration data Indicates allocated buffer in percent Indicates if Sceduling is Weighted Round Robin (WRR) or Strict Priority Indicates if Weight in case of WRR is High, Medium or Low This struct describes Vlan data Vlan Id Type of Vlan Isolation status Description of Link Aggregation Oper State Data Indicates LACP activity Indicates if LACP timeout is long or short Indicates if Individual or Aggregatable Indicates if Syncronized or not Description of Pbit to queue mapping Interface number Vlan Id Administrative and Operative Vlans Key attributes: [] Possible children: VlanAdmin VlanOper This class shows the Administrative configured Vlans Key attributes: [subrackNum] Information about defined Vlan Ids This class shows the Operative Vlans Key attributes: [subrackNum] Information about operative Vlan Ids This class describes the Class of Service function. Key attributes: [] Possible children: Pbit Queue Description of administrative Queue Configuration Data to be applied for each subrack (or whole system?) Description of administrative Pbit to Queue mapping. Description operational Queue Configuration Data to be applied for actual subrack and Mxb. Description of operational Pbit to Queue mapping. This class is used to set the Pbit to queue table. Key attributes: [bladeSlotLink] This class is used to set the Queue Data table. Key attributes: [queueKey] Queue value 0 to 7. Queue Configuration Data to be applied for the whole system. This class describes data to be read for a Mxb. Key attributes: [] Possible children: StateBlade StateLink This class describes data related to a specific Mxb. Key attributes: [subrackNum,mxbSlot] Description of type of Mxb. Indicates if the other Mxb in the subrack is present or absent. Software version executing. Software version in flash memory. Fallback software version. This class describes actual state data for a specific link related to the Mxb. Key attributes: [] Possible children: StateLa StateVlan This class describes the state of the Blade Slot Links with regards to Link Aggregation info. Key attributes: [subrackNum,bladeSlotLink,mxbSlot] Description of Link Aggregation info for actual subrack, Mxb and Blade Slot Link. This class describes the state of the Blade Slot Links with regards to Vlan info. Key attributes: [subrackNum,bladeSlotLink] Description of Vlans for actual subrack and Blade Slot Link This class describes the Performance Monitoring function. Key attributes: [] Possible children: PmBladeMeasure PmLink Configuration of CPU upper treshold, i.e. when the CPU load is rising and crosses this treshold then the PMON function in ISS will raise a CPU alarm. CPU lower treshold, i.e. when the CPU load is falling and crosses this treshold then the PM function in ISS will cease the CPU alarm. The sampling period during which CPU usage is measured. This period is given in seconds. Memory upper treshold, i.e. when the Memory usage is rising and crosses this treshold then the PM function in ISS will raise a Memory alarm. Memory lower treshold, i.e. when the Memory usage is falling and crosses this treshold then the PM function in ISS will cease the Memory alarm. Bandwidth upper treshold, i.e. when the Bandwidth usage is rising and crosses this treshold then the PM function in ISS will raise a Bandwidth alarm. Bandwidth lower treshold, i.e. when the Bandwidth usage is falling and crosses this treshold then the PM function in ISS will cease the Bandwidth alarm. The sampling period during which Bandwidth usage is measured. This period is given in minutes. Enabling monitoring of CPU and memory usage and reading the corresponding values of utilisation in percent. Key attributes: [subrackNum,mxbSlot] Type of measurement to be performed, i.e. CPU or Memory. Start or stop performance measurement of a specific type This is the value of the usage in percent when performing the measurement. This is the value of Memory usage in bytes when performing a Memory usage measurement. Performance Management Link related data. Key attributes: [] Possible children: PmBwMeasure PmStatistics Enabling monitoring Bandwidth usage and reading the corresponding values of utilisation in percent. Key attributes: [subrackNum,bladeSlotLink,mxbSlot] Start or stop measuring of bandwidth utilisation. This is the value of the average Bandwidth usage in percent during the configured sampling period. This class describes the Performance Monitoring Statistics; i.e. counters for each backplane port on the Mxb, the actual speed used on the port and if the port operates in full or half duplex mode. Key attributes: [subrackNum,bladeSlotLink,mxbSlot] Performance Monitoring counter for received octets. Performance Monitoring counter for received Unicast Packets Performance Monitoring counter for received Multicast Packets Performance Monitoring counter for received Broadcast Packets Performance Monitoring counter for number of received discarded octets. Performance Monitoring counter for number of received faulty octets. Performance Monitoring counter for number of received Unknown Protocol packets. Performance Monitoring counter for octets in send buffer. Performance Monitoring counter for Unicast Packets in send buffer. Performance Monitoring counter for Multicast Packets in send buffer. Performance Monitoring counter for Broadcast Packets in send buffer. Performance Monitoring counter for Frames with Op code Pause Performance Monitoring counter for Frames exceeding maximum frame size.