Interpretation of given filename and path . Interpretation according to existing files. Type of a load module container. Indicates status of software groups. A software group is complete if all included load module containers have been downloaded and unpacked correctly. A software group is inconsistent if the checksums of the load module containers do not match the information in the system information CXP, or if the XML data could not be registered. Data to specify job progress, during its execution. Indicator of job status. A job should be started immediately, but could be postponed if the total load on the system would become too high. Possible results of a job action. Data to specify FTP server info, such as host, user, password and path, to locate correct files or destination for files. Absolute path including filename. Specification of a blade when an upgrade job is ordered for a specific blade. This data always belongs to and is included in an upgrade job for a blade system. Container of files of data, or binary executables, needed to run the system. Action to delete SoftwareDeliveryPackage. Contains one or more SoftwareDeliveryPackage. Action to delete Software Group. All available backups locally stored. Action to export backup file to FTP server from local disk storage. An instance of the class Software/Jobs/Backup/Export is created as a log of this action. Absolute path including filename. Action to delete backup. Information and cause of all currently active software configuration alarms. This MO contains information about requested, ongoing, and completed software file download jobs. To start a download job the operator calls an action Inventory class, and a new instance of this MO is created. For load regulating reasons a requested job may not start immediately. This MO handles upgrade jobs towards the system. The operator may specify a specific blade to run the upgrade on, instead of running an upgrade on the entire blade system. The maximum time allowed for the SW Upgrade job to finish. After this time, the job will be interrupted. The value 0 means that MaxTime will be given the timer value registered with the Blade System Software Group Version. If no such value has been registered, MaxTime will be given a system default timer value. This MO handles creation of backups of the system. This MO handles restore of backups of the system. This MO handles import of backup files from the FTP server. The backup file is stored locally, but not loaded into the system. This MO handles export of locally stored backup files to the FTP server. Describes the Software management service in the Integrated Site services management functional area (MFA). System created data for information and overview. Some data is created as a result of an action called by the operator. Action to download file/s from FTP server to local disk storage. An instance of the MO class Software/Jobs/DownloadFile is created as a log of this action. Absolute path including filename. Action to import backup file from FTP server to to local disk storage. An instance of the MO class Software/Jobs/Backup/Import is created as a log of this action. Absolute path including filename. Subclass to top class Software. Parent of Jobs classes: DownloadFile, Upgrade, Backup. Contains system created data through ordered job actions. Subclass to class Jobs. Parent of Jobs classes: Create, Restore Import, Export. Contains system created data through ordered backup job actions. 1 1 1 1 1 1