{name, "xmerl"}. {vsn, {0,18}}. {summary, "XML processing tools"}. {author, "Ulf Wiger, Johan Blom, Richard Carlsson, Mickael Remond", "johan.blom@mobilearts.se", "20020307"}. {keywords, ["xml", "html"]}. {needs, [{compiler, "3.0"}]}. {abstract, "Implements a set of tools for processing XML documents, as well as " "working with XML-like structures in Erlang. The main attraction so far " "is a single-pass, highly customizable XML processor. Other components are " "an export/translation facility and an XPATH query engine. " "This version fixes a few bugs in the scanner, and improves HTML export. " "The latest version can be found at http://sowap.sourceforge.net/ " "Note that this is still very much a beta product."}.