#!/usr/bin/env escript %% -*- erlang -*- -mode(compile). main(Args0) -> DefOpts = #{format=>asm,no_compile=>false,legacy=>false}, {Args,Opts} = opts(Args0, DefOpts), case Args of [OutDir] -> do_compile(OutDir, Opts); _ -> usage() end. usage() -> S = "usage: otp-diffable-asm [OPTION] DIRECTORY\n\n" "Options:\n" " --asm Output to .S files (default)\n" " --legacy-asm Output to legacy .S files\n" " --dis Output to .dis files\n" " --no-compile Disassemble from BEAM files (use with --dis)\n" "\n" "DESCRIPTION\n" "\n" "Compile some applications from OTP (about 1000 modules) to either\n" ".S files or .dis files. The files are massaged to make them diff-friendly.\n" "\n" "The --legacy-asm options forces the output file to be in Latin1 encoding\n" "and adds a latin1 encoding comment to the first line of the file.\n" "EXAMPLES\n" "\n" "This example shows how the effectiveness of a compiler \n" "optimization can be verified (alternatively, that pure code\n" "refactoring has no effect on the generated code):\n" "\n" "$ scripts/diffable old\n" "# Hack the compiler.\n" "$ scripts/diffable new\n" "$ diff -u old new\n" "\n" "This example shows how the effectiveness of loader hacks\n" "can be verified:\n" "\n" "$ scripts/diffable --dis --no-compile old\n" "# Hack ops.tab and/or one of the *instr.tab files.\n" "$ scripts/diffable --dis --no-compile new\n" "$ diff -u old new\n", io:put_chars(S), halt(1). opts(["--"++Opt|Args], Opts0) -> Opts = opt(Opt, Opts0), opts(Args, Opts); opts(Args, Opts) -> {Args,Opts}. opt("asm", Opts) -> Opts#{format:=asm}; opt("dis", Opts) -> Opts#{format:=dis}; opt("legacy-asm", Opts) -> Opts#{format:=asm,legacy:=true}; opt("no-compile", Opts) -> Opts#{format:=dis,no_compile:=true}; opt(Opt, _Opts) -> io:format("Uknown option: --~ts\n\n", [Opt]), usage(). do_compile(OutDir, Opts0) -> Opts1 = Opts0#{outdir=>OutDir}, _ = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join(OutDir, "dummy")), Apps = ["preloaded", "asn1", "stdlib", "kernel", "hipe", "reltool", "runtime_tools", "xmerl", "common_test", "compiler", "diameter", "mnesia", "inets", "syntax_tools", "parsetools", "dialyzer", "ssl", "wx"], {Files,Opts} = get_files(Apps, Opts1), CF = choose_format(Opts), p_run(fun(File) -> compile_file(CF, File) end, Files). choose_format(#{format:=Format}=Opts) -> case Format of asm -> compile_to_asm_fun(Opts); dis -> compile_to_dis_fun(Opts) end. compile_file(CF, File) -> try CF(File) catch Class:Error:Stk -> io:format("~s: ~p ~p\n~p\n", [File,Class,Error,Stk]), error end. %%% %%% Get names of files (either .erl files or BEAM files). %%% get_files(Apps, #{format:=dis,no_compile:=true}=Opts) -> Files = get_beams(Apps), {Files,Opts}; get_files(Apps, #{}=Opts) -> Inc = make_includes(), CompilerOpts = [{d,epmd_dist_high,42}, {d,epmd_dist_low,37}, {d,'VSN',1}, {d,'COMPILER_VSN',1}, {d,erlang_daemon_port,1337}|Inc], Files0 = get_src(Apps), Files = add_opts(Files0, CompilerOpts), {Files,Opts}. add_opts([F|Fs], Opts0) -> Opts = case vsn_is_harmful(F) of true -> Opts0 -- [{d,'VSN',1}]; false -> Opts0 end, [{F,Opts}|add_opts(Fs, Opts0)]; add_opts([], _Opts) -> []. vsn_is_harmful(F) -> case filename:basename(F) of "group_history.erl" -> true; _ -> App = filename:basename(filename:dirname(filename:dirname(F))), App =:= "ssl" end. get_src(["preloaded"|Apps]) -> WC = filename:join(code:root_dir(), "erts/preloaded/src/*.erl"), filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps); get_src(["hipe"|Apps]) -> LibDir = code:lib_dir(hipe), WC = filename:join(LibDir, "*/*.erl"), filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps); get_src(["inets"|Apps]) -> LibDir = code:lib_dir(inets), WC = filename:join(LibDir, "src/*/*.erl"), filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps); get_src(["syntax_tools"|Apps]) -> LibDir = code:lib_dir(syntax_tools), WC = filename:join(LibDir, "src/*.erl"), Files0 = filelib:wildcard(WC), Files = [F || F <- Files0, filename:basename(F) =/= "merl_tests.erl"], Files ++ get_src(Apps); get_src(["wx"|Apps]) -> LibDir = code:lib_dir(wx), WC1 = filename:join(LibDir, "src/gen/*.erl"), WC2 = filename:join(LibDir, "src/*.erl"), filelib:wildcard(WC1) ++ filelib:wildcard(WC2) ++ get_src(Apps); get_src([App|Apps]) -> WC = filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), "src/*.erl"), filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_src(Apps); get_src([]) -> []. make_includes() -> Is = [{common_test,"include"}, {inets,"include"}, {inets,"src/http_client"}, {inets,"src/http_lib"}, {inets,"src/http_server"}, {inets,"src/inets_app"}, {kernel,"include"}, {kernel,"src"}, {public_key,"include"}, {runtime_tools,"include"}, {ssh,"include"}, {snmp,"include"}, {stdlib,"include"}, {syntax_tools,"include"}, {wx,"src"}, {wx,"include"}, {xmerl,"include"}], [{i,filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), Path)} || {App,Path} <- Is]. get_beams(["preloaded"|Apps]) -> WC = filename:join(code:root_dir(), "erts/preloaded/ebin/*.beam"), filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_beams(Apps); get_beams([App|Apps]) -> WC = filename:join(code:lib_dir(App), "ebin/*.beam"), filelib:wildcard(WC) ++ get_beams(Apps); get_beams([]) -> []. %%% %%% Generate renumbered .S files. %%% compile_to_asm_fun(#{outdir:=OutDir}=Opts) -> fun(File) -> Legacy = map_get(legacy, Opts), compile_to_asm(File, OutDir, Legacy) end. compile_to_asm({File,Opts}, OutDir, Legacy) -> case compile:file(File, [diffable,{outdir,OutDir},report_errors|Opts]) of {ok,_Mod} -> case Legacy of true -> legacy_asm(OutDir, File); false -> ok end; error -> error end. legacy_asm(OutDir, Source) -> ModName = filename:rootname(filename:basename(Source)), File = filename:join(OutDir, ModName), AsmFile = File ++ ".S", {ok,Asm0} = file:read_file(AsmFile), Asm1 = unicode:characters_to_binary(Asm0, utf8, latin1), Asm = [<<"%% -*- encoding:latin-1 -*-\n">>|Asm1], ok = file:write_file(AsmFile, Asm). %%% %%% Compile and disassemble the loaded code. %%% compile_to_dis_fun(#{outdir:=OutDir,no_compile:=false}) -> fun(File) -> compile_to_dis(File, OutDir) end; compile_to_dis_fun(#{outdir:=OutDir,no_compile:=true}) -> fun(File) -> dis_only(File, OutDir) end. compile_to_dis({File,Opts}, OutDir) -> case compile:file(File, [to_asm,binary,report_errors|Opts]) of error -> error; {ok,Mod,Asm0} -> NewMod = list_to_atom("--"++atom_to_list(Mod)++"--"), Asm = rename_mod_in_asm(Asm0, Mod, NewMod), AsmOpts = [from_asm,report,no_postopt,binary], {ok,NewMod,Beam} = compile:forms(Asm, AsmOpts), Dis0 = disasm(NewMod, Beam), Dis1 = renumber_disasm(Dis0, Mod, NewMod), Dis = format_disasm(Dis1), OutFile = filename:join(OutDir, atom_to_list(Mod)++".dis"), ok = file:write_file(OutFile, Dis) end. dis_only(File, OutDir) -> Mod0 = filename:rootname(filename:basename(File)), Mod = list_to_atom(Mod0), Dis0 = disasm(Mod), Dis1 = renumber_disasm(Dis0, Mod, Mod), Dis = format_disasm(Dis1), OutFile = filename:join(OutDir, atom_to_list(Mod)++".dis"), ok = file:write_file(OutFile, Dis). %%% Loading system modules can cause any number of problems. %%% Therefore, we rename all modules to a dummy name before %%% loading and disassembling them. rename_mod_in_asm({OldMod,Exp,_Attr,Fs0,NumLabels}, OldMod, NewMod) -> Fs = [fix_func_info(F, {atom,OldMod}, {atom,NewMod}) || F <- Fs0], {NewMod,Exp,[],Fs,NumLabels}. fix_func_info({function,Name,Arity,Entry,Is0}, OldMod, NewMod) -> Is1 = [begin case I of {func_info,_,F,A} -> {func_info,NewMod,F,A}; _ -> I end end || I <- Is0], Is = case {Name,Arity} of {module_info,0} -> fix_module_info(Is1, OldMod, NewMod); {module_info,1} -> fix_module_info(Is1, OldMod, NewMod); {_,_} -> Is1 end, {function,Name,Arity,Entry,Is}. fix_module_info([{move,OldMod,Dst}|Is], OldMod, NewMod) -> [{move,NewMod,Dst}|fix_module_info(Is, OldMod, NewMod)]; fix_module_info([I|Is], OldMod, NewMod) -> [I|fix_module_info(Is, OldMod, NewMod)]; fix_module_info([], _, _) -> []. %%% Disassemble the module. disasm(Mod, Beam) -> {module,Mod} = code:load_binary(Mod, "", Beam), disasm(Mod). disasm(Mod) -> disasm_1(Mod:module_info(functions), Mod). disasm_1([{Name,Arity}|Fs], Mod) -> MFA = {Mod,Name,Arity}, Dis = disasm_func({MFA,<<>>,MFA}, MFA), [{Name,Arity,Dis}|disasm_1(Fs, Mod)]; disasm_1([], _) -> []. disasm_func({Next,_,MFA}, MFA) -> case erts_debug:disassemble(Next) of {_,Line,MFA}=Cont -> [Line|disasm_func(Cont, MFA)]; {_,_,_} -> []; false -> [] end. %%% Renumber the disassembled module to use labels instead of %%% absolute addresses. Also do other translations so that the %%% output will be the same each time (for the same BEAM file %%% runtime system). renumber_disasm(Fs0, OldMod, NewMod) -> Fs1 = split_dis_lines(Fs0), renumber_disasm_fs(Fs1, OldMod, NewMod). renumber_disasm_fs([{Name,Arity,Is0}|Fs], OldMod, NewMod) -> Labels = find_labels(Is0, Name, Arity), Is1 = rename_mod(Is0, OldMod, NewMod), Is = renumber_disasm_func(Is1, Labels), [{Name,Arity,Is}|renumber_disasm_fs(Fs, OldMod, NewMod)]; renumber_disasm_fs([], _OldMod, _NewMod) -> []. renumber_disasm_func([[A,OpCode|Ops0]|Is], Labels) -> Spaces = " ", Left = case maps:find(A, Labels) of {ok,Lbl} -> case byte_size(Lbl) of LblSize when LblSize < length(Spaces) -> [$\n,Lbl,":",lists:nth(LblSize, Spaces)]; _ -> [Lbl,":\n"|Spaces] end; error -> Spaces end, Ops1 = [replace_label(Op, Labels) || Op <- Ops0], Ops = handle_special_instrs(OpCode, Ops1), [[Left,OpCode|Ops]|renumber_disasm_func(Is, Labels)]; renumber_disasm_func([], _) -> []. handle_special_instrs(<<"i_get_hash_cId">>, [Key,_Hash,Dst]) -> [Key,hash_value(),Dst]; handle_special_instrs(<<"i_get_map_element_",_/binary>>, [Fail,Src,Key,_Hash,Dst]) -> [Fail,Src,Key,hash_value(),Dst]; handle_special_instrs(<<"i_get_map_elements_",_/binary>>, [Fail,Src,N,Space|List0]) -> List1 = rejoin_atoms(List0), List = fix_hash_value(List1), [Fail,Src,N,Space|List]; handle_special_instrs(<<"i_select_val_bins_",_/binary>>, [Src,Fail,Num|List0]) -> %% Atoms are sorted in atom-number order, which is %% different every time the runtime system is restarted. %% Resort the values in ASCII order. List1 = rejoin_atoms(List0), {Values0,Labels0} = lists:split(length(List1) div 2, List1), Zipped0 = lists:zip(Values0, Labels0), Zipped = lists:sort(Zipped0), {Values,Labels} = lists:unzip(Zipped), [Src,Fail,Num|Values++Labels]; handle_special_instrs(<<"i_select_val_lins_",_/binary>>, [Src,Fail,Num|List0]) -> List1 = rejoin_atoms(List0), {Values0,Labels0} = lists:split(length(List1) div 2, List1), Values1 = lists:droplast(Values0), Labels1 = lists:droplast(Labels0), Vlast = lists:last(Values0), Llast = lists:last(Labels0), Zipped0 = lists:zip(Values1, Labels1), Zipped = lists:sort(Zipped0), {Values,Labels} = lists:unzip(Zipped), [Src,Fail,Num|Values++[Vlast]++Labels++[Llast]]; handle_special_instrs(_, Ops) -> Ops. fix_hash_value([Val,Dst,_Hash|T]) -> [Val,Dst,hash_value()|fix_hash_value(T)]; fix_hash_value([]) -> []. hash_value() -> <<"--hash-value--">>. replace_label(<<"f(",T/binary>>, Labels) -> replace_label_1("f(", T, Labels); replace_label(<<"j(",T/binary>>, Labels) -> replace_label_1("j(", T, Labels); replace_label(Op, _Labels) -> Op. replace_label_1(Prefix, Lbl0, Labels) -> Sz = byte_size(Lbl0)-1, Lbl = case Lbl0 of <<"0)">> -> Lbl0; <<Lbl1:Sz/bytes,")">> -> [maps:get(Lbl1, Labels),")"]; _ -> Lbl0 end, iolist_to_binary([Prefix,Lbl]). split_dis_lines(Fs) -> {ok,RE} = re:compile(<<"\\s*\\n$">>), Colon = binary:compile_pattern(<<": ">>), Space = binary:compile_pattern(<<" ">>), [split_dis_func(F, RE, Colon, Space) || F <- Fs]. split_dis_func({Name,Arity,Lines0}, RE, Colon, Space) -> Lines1 = [re:replace(L, RE, <<>>, [{return,binary}]) || L <- Lines0], Lines2 = [begin [A,I] = binary:split(L, Colon), Ops = binary:split(I, Space, [global]), [A|Ops] end|| L <- Lines1], {Name,Arity,Lines2}. rejoin_atoms([<<"'",Tail/binary>> = Bin0,Next|Ops]) -> Sz = byte_size(Tail) - 1, case Tail of <<_:Sz/bytes,"'">> -> [Bin0|rejoin_atoms([Next|Ops])]; <<>> -> Bin = <<Bin0/binary,$\s,Next/binary>>, rejoin_atoms([Bin|Ops]); _ -> Bin = <<Bin0/binary,$\s,Next/binary>>, rejoin_atoms([Bin|Ops]) end; rejoin_atoms(Ops) -> Ops. find_labels(Is, Name, Arity) -> [_,[Entry|_]|_] = Is, EntryLabel = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~p/~p", [Name,Arity])), {ok,RE} = re:compile(<<"^[fj]\\(([0-9A-F]{8,16})\\)$">>), Ls0 = [find_labels_1(Ops, RE) || [_Addr,_OpCode|Ops] <- Is], Ls1 = lists:flatten(Ls0), Ls2 = lists:usort(Ls1), Ls3 = number(Ls2, 1), Ls = [{Entry,EntryLabel}|Ls3], maps:from_list(Ls). find_labels_1([Op|Ops], RE) -> case re:run(Op, RE, [{capture,all_but_first,binary}]) of nomatch -> find_labels_1(Ops, RE); {match,[M]} -> [M|find_labels_1(Ops, RE)] end; find_labels_1([], _) -> []. number([H|T], N) -> S = iolist_to_binary(["L",integer_to_list(N)]), [{H,S}|number(T, N+1)]; number([], _) -> []. format_disasm([{_,_,Is}|Fs]) -> L = [lists:join(" ", I) || I <- Is], [lists:join("\n", L),"\n\n"|format_disasm(Fs)]; format_disasm([]) -> []. rename_mod(Is, OldMod0, NewMod) -> OldMod = atom_to_binary(OldMod0, utf8), Pattern = <<"'",(atom_to_binary(NewMod, utf8))/binary,"'">>, [rename_mod_1(I, Pattern, OldMod) || I <- Is]. rename_mod_1([A,OpCode|Ops], Pat, Replacement) -> [A,OpCode|[rename_mod_2(Op, Pat, Replacement) || Op <- Ops]]. rename_mod_2(Subject, Pat, Replacement) -> Sz = byte_size(Pat), case Subject of <<Pat:Sz/bytes,Tail/binary>> -> <<Replacement/binary,Tail/binary>>; _ -> Subject end. %%% %%% Run tasks in parallel. %%% p_run(Test, List) -> N = erlang:system_info(schedulers) * 2, p_run_loop(Test, List, N, [], 0). p_run_loop(_, [], _, [], Errors) -> io:put_chars("\r \n"), case Errors of 0 -> ok; N -> io:format("~p errors\n", [N]), halt(1) end; p_run_loop(Test, [H|T], N, Refs, Errors) when length(Refs) < N -> {_,Ref} = erlang:spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(Test(H)) end), p_run_loop(Test, T, N, [Ref|Refs], Errors); p_run_loop(Test, List, N, Refs0, Errors0) -> io:format("\r~p ", [length(List)+length(Refs0)]), receive {'DOWN',Ref,process,_,Res} -> Errors = case Res of ok -> Errors0; error -> Errors0 + 1 end, Refs = Refs0 -- [Ref], p_run_loop(Test, List, N, Refs, Errors) end.