<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "chapter.dtd"> <chapter> <header> <copyright> <year>2003</year><year>2013</year> <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. </legalnotice> <title>Releases</title> <prepared></prepared> <docno></docno> <date></date> <rev></rev> <file>release_structure.xml</file> </header> <marker id="releases section"></marker> <p>This section is to be read with the <c>rel(4)</c>, <c>systools(3)</c>, and <c>script(4)</c> manual pages in SASL.</p> <section> <title>Release Concept</title> <p>When you have written one or more applications, you might want to create a complete system with these applications and a subset of the Erlang/OTP applications. This is called a <em>release</em>.</p> <p>To do this, create a <seealso marker="#res_file">release resource file</seealso> that defines which applications are included in the release.</p> <p>The release resource file is used to generate <seealso marker="#boot">boot scripts</seealso> and <seealso marker="#pack">release packages</seealso>. A system that is transferred to and installed at another site is called a <em>target system</em>. How to use a release package to create a target system is described in System Principles.</p> </section> <section> <marker id="res_file"></marker> <title>Release Resource File</title> <p>To define a release, create a <em>release resource file</em>, or in short a <c>.rel</c> file. In the file, specify the name and version of the release, which ERTS version it is based on, and which applications it consists of:</p> <code type="none"> {release, {Name,Vsn}, {erts, EVsn}, [{Application1, AppVsn1}, ... {ApplicationN, AppVsnN}]}.</code> <p><c>Name</c>, <c>Vsn</c>, <c>EVsn</c>, and <c>AppVsn</c> are strings.</p> <p>The file must be named <c>Rel.rel</c>, where <c>Rel</c> is a unique name.</p> <p>Each <c>Application</c> (atom) and <c>AppVsn</c> is the name and version of an application included in the release. The minimal release based on Erlang/OTP consists of the Kernel and STDLIB applications, so these applications must be included in the list.</p> <p>If the release is to be upgraded, it must also include the SASL application.</p> <marker id="ch_rel"></marker> <p><em>Example: </em> A release of <c>ch_app</c> from <seealso marker="applications#ch_app">Applications</seealso> has the following <c>.app</c> file:</p> <code type="none"> {application, ch_app, [{description, "Channel allocator"}, {vsn, "1"}, {modules, [ch_app, ch_sup, ch3]}, {registered, [ch3]}, {applications, [kernel, stdlib, sasl]}, {mod, {ch_app,[]}} ]}.</code> <p>The <c>.rel</c> file must also contain <c>kernel</c>, <c>stdlib</c>, and <c>sasl</c>, as these applications are required by <c>ch_app</c>. The file is called <c>ch_rel-1.rel</c>:</p> <code type="none"> {release, {"ch_rel", "A"}, {erts, "5.3"}, [{kernel, "2.9"}, {stdlib, "1.12"}, {sasl, "1.10"}, {ch_app, "1"}] }.</code> </section> <section> <marker id="boot"></marker> <title>Generating Boot Scripts</title> <p><c>systools</c> in the SASL application includes tools to build and check releases. The functions read the <c>rel</c> and <c>.app</c> files and performs syntax and dependency checks. The <c>systools:make_script/1,2</c> function is used to generate a boot script (see System Principles):</p> <pre> 1> <input>systools:make_script("ch_rel-1", [local]).</input> ok</pre> <p>This creates a boot script, both the readable version, <c>ch_rel-1.script</c>, and the binary version, <c>ch_rel-1.boot</c>, used by the runtime system.</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><c>"ch_rel-1"</c> is the name of the <c>.rel</c> file, minus the extension.</item> <item><c>local</c> is an option that means that the directories where the applications are found are used in the boot script, instead of <c>$ROOT/lib</c> (<c>$ROOT</c> is the root directory of the installed release).</item> </list> <p> This is a useful way to test a generated boot script locally.</p> <p>When starting Erlang/OTP using the boot script, all applications from the <c>.rel</c> file are automatically loaded and started:</p> <pre> % <input>erl -boot ch_rel-1</input> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.3 Eshell V5.3 (abort with ^G) 1> =PROGRESS REPORT==== 13-Jun-2003::12:01:15 === supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup} started: [{pid,<0.33.0>}, {name,alarm_handler}, {mfa,{alarm_handler,start_link,[]}}, {restart_type,permanent}, {shutdown,2000}, {child_type,worker}] ... =PROGRESS REPORT==== 13-Jun-2003::12:01:15 === application: sasl started_at: nonode@nohost ... =PROGRESS REPORT==== 13-Jun-2003::12:01:15 === application: ch_app started_at: nonode@nohost</pre> </section> <section> <marker id="pack"></marker> <title>Creating a Release Package</title> <p>The <c>systools:make_tar/1,2</c> function takes a <c>.rel</c> file as input and creates a zipped tar file with the code for the specified applications, a <em>release package</em>:</p> <pre> 1> <input>systools:make_script("ch_rel-1").</input> ok 2> <input>systools:make_tar("ch_rel-1").</input> ok</pre> <p>The release package by default contains:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item>The <c>.app</c> files</item> <item>The <c>.rel</c> file</item> <item>The object code for all applications, structured according to the <seealso marker="applications#app_dir">application directory structure</seealso></item> <item>The binary boot script renamed to <c>start.boot</c></item> </list> <pre> % <input>tar tf ch_rel-1.tar</input> lib/kernel-2.9/ebin/kernel.app lib/kernel-2.9/ebin/application.beam ... lib/stdlib-1.12/ebin/stdlib.app lib/stdlib-1.12/ebin/beam_lib.beam ... lib/sasl-1.10/ebin/sasl.app lib/sasl-1.10/ebin/sasl.beam ... lib/ch_app-1/ebin/ch_app.app lib/ch_app-1/ebin/ch_app.beam lib/ch_app-1/ebin/ch_sup.beam lib/ch_app-1/ebin/ch3.beam releases/A/start.boot releases/A/ch_rel-1.rel releases/ch_rel-1.rel</pre> <p>A new boot script was generated, without the <c>local</c> option set, before the release package was made. In the release package, all application directories are placed under <c>lib</c>. You do not know where the release package will be installed, so no hard-coded absolute paths are allowed.</p> <p>The release resource file <c>mysystem.rel</c> is duplicated in the tar file. Originally, this file was only stored in the <c>releases</c> directory to make it possible for the <c>release_handler</c> to extract this file separately. After unpacking the tar file, <c>release_handler</c> would automatically copy the file to <c>releases/FIRST</c>. However, sometimes the tar file is unpacked without involving the <c>release_handler</c> (for example, when unpacking the first target system) and the file is therefore now instead duplicated in the tar file so no manual copying is necessary.</p> <p>If a <c>relup</c> file and/or a system configuration file called <c>sys.config</c> is found, these files are also included in the release package. See <seealso marker="release_handling#req">Release Handling</seealso>.</p> <p>Options can be set to make the release package include source code and the ERTS binary as well.</p> <p>For information on how to install the first target system, using a release package, see System Principles. For information on how to install a new release package in an existing system, see <seealso marker="release_handling">Release Handling</seealso>.</p> </section> <section> <marker id="reldir"></marker> <title>Directory Structure</title> <p>The directory structure for the code installed by the release handler from a release package is as follows:</p> <code type="none"> $ROOT/lib/App1-AVsn1/ebin /priv /App2-AVsn2/ebin /priv ... /AppN-AVsnN/ebin /priv /erts-EVsn/bin /releases/Vsn /bin</code> <list type="bulleted"> <item><c>lib</c> - Application directories</item> <item><c>erts-EVsn/bin</c> - Erlang runtime system executables</item> <item><c>releases/Vsn</c> - <c>.rel</c> file and boot script <c>start.boot</c>; if present in the release package, <c>relup</c> and/or <c>sys.config</c></item> <item><c>bin</c> - Top-level Erlang runtime system executables</item> </list> <p>Applications are not required to be located under directory <c>$ROOT/lib</c>. Several installation directories, which contain different parts of a system, can thus exist. For example, the previous example can be extended as follows:</p> <pre> $SECOND_ROOT/.../SApp1-SAVsn1/ebin /priv /SApp2-SAVsn2/ebin /priv ... /SAppN-SAVsnN/ebin /priv $THIRD_ROOT/TApp1-TAVsn1/ebin /priv /TApp2-TAVsn2/ebin /priv ... /TAppN-TAVsnN/ebin /priv</pre> <p><c>$SECOND_ROOT</c> and <c>$THIRD_ROOT</c> are introduced as <c>variables</c> in the call to the <c>systools:make_script/2</c> function.</p> <section> <title>Disk-Less and/or Read-Only Clients</title> <p>If a complete system consists of disk-less and/or read-only client nodes, a <c>clients</c> directory is to be added to the <c>$ROOT</c> directory. A read-only node is a node with a read-only file system.</p> <p>The <c>clients</c> directory is to have one subdirectory per supported client node. The name of each client directory is to be the name of the corresponding client node. As a minimum, each client directory is to contain the <c>bin</c> and <c>releases</c> subdirectories. These directories are used to store information about installed releases and to appoint the current release to the client. The <c>$ROOT</c> directory thus contains the following:</p> <code type="none"> $ROOT/... /clients/ClientName1/bin /releases/Vsn /ClientName2/bin /releases/Vsn ... /ClientNameN/bin /releases/Vsn</code> <p>This structure is to be used if all clients are running the same type of Erlang machine. If there are clients running different types of Erlang machines, or on different operating systems, the <c>clients</c> directory can be divided into one subdirectory per type of Erlang machine. Alternatively, one <c>$ROOT</c> can be set up per type of machine. For each type, some of the directories specified for the <c>$ROOT</c> directory are to be included:</p> <code type="none"> $ROOT/... /clients/Type1/lib /erts-EVsn /bin /ClientName1/bin /releases/Vsn /ClientName2/bin /releases/Vsn ... /ClientNameN/bin /releases/Vsn ... /TypeN/lib /erts-EVsn /bin ...</code> <p>With this structure, the root directory for clients of <c>Type1</c> is <c>$ROOT/clients/Type1</c>.</p> </section> </section> </chapter>