<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE chapter SYSTEM "chapter.dtd"> <chapter> <header> <copyright> <year>1997</year><year>2014</year> <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder> </copyright> <legalnotice> The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License, Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/. Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. </legalnotice> <title>Sys and Proc_Lib</title> <prepared></prepared> <docno></docno> <date></date> <rev></rev> <file>spec_proc.xml</file> </header> <p>The module <c>sys</c> contains functions for simple debugging of processes implemented using behaviours.</p> <p>There are also functions that, together with functions in the module <c>proc_lib</c>, can be used to implement a <em>special process</em>, a process which comply to the OTP design principles without making use of a standard behaviour. They can also be used to implement user defined (non-standard) behaviours.</p> <p>Both <c>sys</c> and <c>proc_lib</c> belong to the STDLIB application.</p> <section> <title>Simple Debugging</title> <p>The module <c>sys</c> contains some functions for simple debugging of processes implemented using behaviours. We use the <c>code_lock</c> example from the <seealso marker="fsm#ex">gen_fsm</seealso> chapter to illustrate this:</p> <pre> % <input>erl</input> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version [hipe] [threads:0] Eshell V5.2.3.6 (abort with ^G) 1> <input>code_lock:start_link([1,2,3,4]).</input> {ok,<0.32.0>} 2> <input>sys:statistics(code_lock, true).</input> ok 3> <input>sys:trace(code_lock, true).</input> ok 4> <input>code_lock:button(4).</input> *DBG* code_lock got event {button,4} in state closed ok *DBG* code_lock switched to state closed 5> <input>code_lock:button(3).</input> *DBG* code_lock got event {button,3} in state closed ok *DBG* code_lock switched to state closed 6> <input>code_lock:button(2).</input> *DBG* code_lock got event {button,2} in state closed ok *DBG* code_lock switched to state closed 7> <input>code_lock:button(1).</input> *DBG* code_lock got event {button,1} in state closed ok OPEN DOOR *DBG* code_lock switched to state open *DBG* code_lock got event timeout in state open CLOSE DOOR *DBG* code_lock switched to state closed 8> <input>sys:statistics(code_lock, get).</input> {ok,[{start_time,{{2003,6,12},{14,11,40}}}, {current_time,{{2003,6,12},{14,12,14}}}, {reductions,333}, {messages_in,5}, {messages_out,0}]} 9> <input>sys:statistics(code_lock, false).</input> ok 10> <input>sys:trace(code_lock, false).</input> ok 11> <input>sys:get_status(code_lock).</input> {status,<0.32.0>, {module,gen_fsm}, [[{'$ancestors',[<0.30.0>]}, {'$initial_call',{gen,init_it, [gen_fsm,<0.30.0>,<0.30.0>, {local,code_lock}, code_lock, [1,2,3,4], []]}}], running,<0.30.0>,[], [code_lock,closed,{[],[1,2,3,4]},code_lock,infinity]]}</pre> </section> <section> <title>Special Processes</title> <p>This section describes how to write a process which comply to the OTP design principles, without making use of a standard behaviour. Such a process should:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item>be started in a way that makes the process fit into a supervision tree,</item> <item>support the <c>sys</c> <seealso marker="#debug">debug facilities</seealso>, and</item> <item>take care of <seealso marker="#msg">system messages</seealso>.</item> </list> <p>System messages are messages with special meaning, used in the supervision tree. Typical system messages are requests for trace output, and requests to suspend or resume process execution (used during release handling). Processes implemented using standard behaviours automatically understand these messages.</p> <section> <title>Example</title> <p>The simple server from the <seealso marker="des_princ#ch1">Overview</seealso> chapter, implemented using <c>sys</c> and <c>proc_lib</c> so it fits into a supervision tree:</p> <marker id="ex"></marker> <pre> -module(ch4). -export([start_link/0]). -export([alloc/0, free/1]). -export([init/1]). -export([system_continue/3, system_terminate/4, write_debug/3, system_get_state/1, system_replace_state/2]). start_link() -> proc_lib:start_link(ch4, init, [self()]). alloc() -> ch4 ! {self(), alloc}, receive {ch4, Res} -> Res end. free(Ch) -> ch4 ! {free, Ch}, ok. init(Parent) -> register(ch4, self()), Chs = channels(), Deb = sys:debug_options([]), proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, {ok, self()}), loop(Chs, Parent, Deb). loop(Chs, Parent, Deb) -> receive {From, alloc} -> Deb2 = sys:handle_debug(Deb, fun ch4:write_debug/3, ch4, {in, alloc, From}), {Ch, Chs2} = alloc(Chs), From ! {ch4, Ch}, Deb3 = sys:handle_debug(Deb2, fun ch4:write_debug/3, ch4, {out, {ch4, Ch}, From}), loop(Chs2, Parent, Deb3); {free, Ch} -> Deb2 = sys:handle_debug(Deb, fun ch4:write_debug/3, ch4, {in, {free, Ch}}), Chs2 = free(Ch, Chs), loop(Chs2, Parent, Deb2); {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ch4, Deb, Chs) end. system_continue(Parent, Deb, Chs) -> loop(Chs, Parent, Deb). system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, _Deb, _Chs) -> exit(Reason). system_get_state(Chs) -> {ok, Chs}. system_replace_state(StateFun, Chs) -> NChs = StateFun(Chs), {ok, NChs, NChs}. write_debug(Dev, Event, Name) -> io:format(Dev, "~p event = ~p~n", [Name, Event]).</pre> <p>Example on how the simple debugging functions in <c>sys</c> can be used for <c>ch4</c> as well:</p> <pre> % <input>erl</input> Erlang (BEAM) emulator version [hipe] [threads:0] Eshell V5.2.3.6 (abort with ^G) 1> <input>ch4:start_link().</input> {ok,<0.30.0>} 2> <input>sys:statistics(ch4, true).</input> ok 3> <input>sys:trace(ch4, true).</input> ok 4> <input>ch4:alloc().</input> ch4 event = {in,alloc,<0.25.0>} ch4 event = {out,{ch4,ch1},<0.25.0>} ch1 5> <input>ch4:free(ch1).</input> ch4 event = {in,{free,ch1}} ok 6> <input>sys:statistics(ch4, get).</input> {ok,[{start_time,{{2003,6,13},{9,47,5}}}, {current_time,{{2003,6,13},{9,47,56}}}, {reductions,109}, {messages_in,2}, {messages_out,1}]} 7> <input>sys:statistics(ch4, false).</input> ok 8> <input>sys:trace(ch4, false).</input> ok 9> <input>sys:get_status(ch4).</input> {status,<0.30.0>, {module,ch4}, [[{'$ancestors',[<0.25.0>]},{'$initial_call',{ch4,init,[<0.25.0>]}}], running,<0.25.0>,[], [ch1,ch2,ch3]]}</pre> </section> <section> <title>Starting the Process</title> <p>A function in the <c>proc_lib</c> module should be used to start the process. There are several possible functions, for example <c>spawn_link/3,4</c> for asynchronous start and <c>start_link/3,4,5</c> for synchronous start.</p> <p>A process started using one of these functions will store information that is needed for a process in a supervision tree, for example about the ancestors and initial call.</p> <p>Also, if the process terminates with another reason than <c>normal</c> or <c>shutdown</c>, a crash report (see SASL User's Guide) is generated.</p> <p>In the example, synchronous start is used. The process is started by calling <c>ch4:start_link()</c>:</p> <code type="none"> start_link() -> proc_lib:start_link(ch4, init, [self()]).</code> <p><c>ch4:start_link</c> calls the function <c>proc_lib:start_link</c>. This function takes a module name, a function name and an argument list as arguments and spawns and links to a new process. The new process starts by executing the given function, in this case <c>ch4:init(Pid)</c>, where <c>Pid</c> is the pid (<c>self()</c>) of the first process, that is the parent process.</p> <p>In <c>init</c>, all initialization including name registration is done. The new process must also acknowledge that it has been started to the parent:</p> <code type="none"> init(Parent) -> ... proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, {ok, self()}), loop(...).</code> <p><c>proc_lib:start_link</c> is synchronous and does not return until <c>proc_lib:init_ack</c> has been called.</p> </section> <section> <marker id="debug"></marker> <title>Debugging</title> <p>To support the debug facilites in <c>sys</c>, we need a <em>debug structure</em>, a term <c>Deb</c> which is initialized using <c>sys:debug_options/1</c>:</p> <code type="none"> init(Parent) -> ... Deb = sys:debug_options([]), ... loop(Chs, Parent, Deb).</code> <p><c>sys:debug_options/1</c> takes a list of options as argument. Here the list is empty, which means no debugging is enabled initially. See <c>sys(3)</c> for information about possible options.</p> <p>Then for each <em>system event</em> that we want to be logged or traced, the following function should be called.</p> <code type="none"> sys:handle_debug(Deb, Func, Info, Event) => Deb1</code> <list type="bulleted"> <item> <p><c>Deb</c> is the debug structure.</p> </item> <item> <p><c>Func</c> is a fun specifying a (user defined) function used to format trace output. For each system event, the format function is called as <c>Func(Dev, Event, Info)</c>, where:</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item> <p><c>Dev</c> is the IO device to which the output should be printed. See <c>io(3)</c>.</p> </item> <item> <p><c>Event</c> and <c>Info</c> are passed as-is from <c>handle_debug</c>.</p> </item> </list> </item> <item> <p><c>Info</c> is used to pass additional information to <c>Func</c>, it can be any term and is passed as-is.</p> </item> <item> <p><c>Event</c> is the system event. It is up to the user to define what a system event is and how it should be represented, but typically at least incoming and outgoing messages are considered system events and represented by the tuples <c>{in,Msg[,From]}</c> and <c>{out,Msg,To}</c>, respectively.</p> </item> </list> <p><c>handle_debug</c> returns an updated debug structure <c>Deb1</c>.</p> <p>In the example, <c>handle_debug</c> is called for each incoming and outgoing message. The format function <c>Func</c> is the function <c>ch4:write_debug/3</c> which prints the message using <c>io:format/3</c>.</p> <code type="none"> loop(Chs, Parent, Deb) -> receive {From, alloc} -> Deb2 = sys:handle_debug(Deb, fun ch4:write_debug/3, ch4, {in, alloc, From}), {Ch, Chs2} = alloc(Chs), From ! {ch4, Ch}, Deb3 = sys:handle_debug(Deb2, fun ch4:write_debug/3, ch4, {out, {ch4, Ch}, From}), loop(Chs2, Parent, Deb3); {free, Ch} -> Deb2 = sys:handle_debug(Deb, fun ch4:write_debug/3, ch4, {in, {free, Ch}}), Chs2 = free(Ch, Chs), loop(Chs2, Parent, Deb2); ... end. write_debug(Dev, Event, Name) -> io:format(Dev, "~p event = ~p~n", [Name, Event]).</code> </section> <section> <marker id="msg"></marker> <title>Handling System Messages</title> <p><em>System messages</em> are received as:</p> <code type="none"> {system, From, Request}</code> <p>The content and meaning of these messages do not need to be interpreted by the process. Instead the following function should be called:</p> <code type="none"> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, Module, Deb, State)</code> <p>This function does not return. It will handle the system message and then call:</p> <code type="none"> Module:system_continue(Parent, Deb, State)</code> <p>if process execution should continue, or:</p> <code type="none"> Module:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Deb, State)</code> <p>if the process should terminate. Note that a process in a supervision tree is expected to terminate with the same reason as its parent.</p> <list type="bulleted"> <item><c>Request</c> and <c>From</c> should be passed as-is from the system message to the call to <c>handle_system_msg</c>.</item> <item><c>Parent</c> is the pid of the parent.</item> <item><c>Module</c> is the name of the module.</item> <item><c>Deb</c> is the debug structure.</item> <item><c>State</c> is a term describing the internal state and is passed to <c>system_continue</c>/<c>system_terminate</c>/ <c>system_get_state</c>/<c>system_replace_state</c>.</item> </list> <p>If the process should return its state <c>handle_system_msg</c> will call:</p> <code type="none"> Module:system_get_state(State)</code> <p>or if the process should replace its state using the fun <c>StateFun</c>:</p> <code type="none"> Module:system_replace_state(StateFun, State)</code> <p>In the example:</p> <code type="none"> loop(Chs, Parent, Deb) -> receive ... {system, From, Request} -> sys:handle_system_msg(Request, From, Parent, ch4, Deb, Chs) end. system_continue(Parent, Deb, Chs) -> loop(Chs, Parent, Deb). system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Deb, Chs) -> exit(Reason). system_get_state(Chs) -> {ok, Chs, Chs}. system_replace_state(StateFun, Chs) -> NChs = StateFun(Chs), {ok, NChs, NChs}. </code> <p>If the special process is set to trap exits, note that if the parent process terminates, the expected behavior is to terminate with the same reason:</p> <code type="none"> init(...) -> ..., process_flag(trap_exit, true), ..., loop(...). loop(...) -> receive ... {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} -> ..maybe some cleaning up here.. exit(Reason); ... end.</code> </section> </section> <section> <title>User-Defined Behaviours</title> <p><marker id="behaviours"/>To implement a user-defined behaviour, write code similar to code for a special process but calling functions in a callback module for handling specific tasks.</p> <p>If it is desired that the compiler should warn for missing callback functions, as it does for the OTP behaviours, add <c>-callback</c> attributes in the behaviour module to describe the expected callbacks:</p> <code type="none"> -callback Name1(Arg1_1, Arg1_2, ..., Arg1_N1) -> Res1. -callback Name2(Arg2_1, Arg2_2, ..., Arg2_N2) -> Res2. ... -callback NameM(ArgM_1, ArgM_2, ..., ArgM_NM) -> ResM.</code> <p>where <c>NameX</c> are the names of the expected callbacks and <c>ArgX_Y</c>, <c>ResX</c> are types as they are described in Specifications for functions in <seealso marker="../reference_manual/typespec">Types and Function Specifications</seealso>. The whole syntax of <c>-spec</c> attribute is supported by <c>-callback</c> attribute.</p> <p>Alternatively you may directly implement and export the function:</p> <code type="none"> behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [{Name1, Arity1},...,{NameN, ArityN}].</code> <p>where each <c>{Name, Arity}</c> specifies the name and arity of a callback function. This function is otherwise automatically generated by the compiler using the <c>-callback</c> attributes.</p> <p>When the compiler encounters the module attribute <c>-behaviour(Behaviour).</c> in a module <c>Mod</c>, it will call <c>Behaviour:behaviour_info(callbacks)</c> and compare the result with the set of functions actually exported from <c>Mod</c>, and issue a warning if any callback function is missing.</p> <p>Example:</p> <code type="none"> %% User-defined behaviour module -module(simple_server). -export([start_link/2,...]). -callback init(State :: term()) -> 'ok'. -callback handle_req(Req :: term(), State :: term()) -> {'ok', Reply :: term()}. -callback terminate() -> 'ok'. %% Alternatively you may define: %% %% -export([behaviour_info/1]). %% behaviour_info(callbacks) -> %% [{init,1}, %% {handle_req,2}, %% {terminate,0}]. start_link(Name, Module) -> proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), Name, Module]). init(Parent, Name, Module) -> register(Name, self()), ..., Dbg = sys:debug_options([]), proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, {ok, self()}), loop(Parent, Module, Deb, ...). ...</code> <p>In a callback module:</p> <code type="none"> -module(db). -behaviour(simple_server). -export([init/0, handle_req/2, terminate/0]). ...</code> </section> </chapter>