Macros in Erlang are written with the following syntax:
-define(Const, Replacement).
-define(Fun(Var1, Var2,.., Var), Replacement).
Macros are expanded when the syntax
Consider the macro definition:
-define(timeout, 200).
The expression
Macros with arguments are written as follows:
-define(macro1(X, Y), {a, X, b, Y}).
This type of macro can be used as follows:
bar(X) ->
?macro1(a, b),
?macro1(X, 123)
This expands to:
bar(X) ->
Macro expansion works at a token level. We might define a macro as follows:
-define(macro2(X, Y), {a,X,b,Y).
The replacement value of the macro is not a valid Erlang term because the closing right curly bracket is missing.
We might use this macro as follows:
bar() ->
This will expand into the valid sequence of tokens
It is good programming practise to ensure that the replacement text of a macro is a valid Erlang syntactic form.
The following macros are pre-defined:
The construction
-define(TESTCALL(Call), io:format("Call ~s: ~w~n", [??Call, Call])).
results in
io:format("Call ~s: ~w~n",["myfunction ( 1 , 2 )",m:myfunction(1,2)]),
io:format("Call ~s: ~w~n",["you : function ( 2 , 1 )",you:function(2,1)]).
The following macro directives are supplied:
The conditional macros must be properly nested. They are usually grouped as follows:
The following example illustrates this grouping:
-define(debug, true).
-define(trace(Str, X), io:format("Mod:~w line:~w ~p ~p~n",
[?MODULE,?LINE, Str, X])).
-define(trace(X, Y), true).
Given these definitions, the expression
io:format("Mod:~w line:~w ~p ~p~n",[foo,100,"X=",[X]]),
If we remove the
The following code can be used to expand a macro and display the result:
-import(lists, [foreach/2]).
file(File) ->
case epp:parse_file(File ++ ".erl", [],[]) of
{ok, L} ->
{ok, Stream} = file:open(File ++ ".out", write),
foreach(fun(X) ->
end, L),
Alternatively, we can compile the file with the