The main advantage of using records rather than tuples is that
fields in a record are accessed by name, whereas fields in a
tuple are accessed by position. To illustrate these differences,
suppose that you want to represent a person with the tuple
To write functions that manipulate this data, remember the following:
For example, to extract data from a variable
Name = element(1, P),
Address = element(2, P),
Such code is difficult to read and understand, and errors occur if the numbering of the elements in the tuple is wrong. If the data representation of the fields is changed, by re-ordering, adding, or removing fields, all references to the person tuple must be checked and possibly modified.
Records allow references to the fields by name, instead of by position. In the following example, a record instead of a tuple is used to store the data:
-record(person, {name, phone, address}).
This enables references to the fields of the record by name.
For example, if
Name =,
Address = P#person.address,
Internally, records are represented using tagged tuples:
{person, Name, Phone, Address}
This following definition of a
-record(person, {name = "", phone = [], address}).
The record must be defined in the shell to enable use of the record syntax in the examples:
> rd(person, {name = "", phone = [], address}). person
This is because record definitions are only available
at compile time, not at runtime. For details on records
in the shell, see the
A new
> #person{phone=[0,8,2,3,4,3,1,2], name="Robert"}. #person{name = "Robert",phone = [0,8,2,3,4,3,1,2],address = undefined}
As the
From Erlang 5.1/OTP R8B, a value to all
fields in a record can be set with the special field
> #person{name = "Jakob", _ = '_'}. #person{name = "Jakob",phone = '_',address = '_'}
It is primarily intended to be used in
The following example shows how to access a record field:
> P = #person{name = "Joe", phone = [0,8,2,3,4,3,1,2]}. #person{name = "Joe",phone = [0,8,2,3,4,3,1,2],address = undefined} > "Joe"
The following example shows how to update a record:
> P1 = #person{name="Joe", phone=[1,2,3], address="A street"}. #person{name = "Joe",phone = [1,2,3],address = "A street"} > P2 = P1#person{name="Robert"}. #person{name = "Robert",phone = [1,2,3],address = "A street"}
The following example shows that the guard succeeds if
foo(P) when is_record(P, person) -> a_person; foo(_) -> not_a_person.
Matching can be used in combination with records, as shown in the following example:
> P3 = #person{name="Joe", phone=[0,0,7], address="A street"}. #person{name = "Joe",phone = [0,0,7],address = "A street"} > #person{name = Name} = P3, Name. "Joe"
The following function takes a list of
find_phone([#person{name=Name, phone=Phone} | _], Name) ->
{found, Phone};
find_phone([_| T], Name) ->
find_phone(T, Name);
find_phone([], Name) ->
The fields referred to in the pattern can be given in any order.
The value of a field in a record can be an instance of a record. Retrieval of nested data can be done stepwise, or in a single step, as shown in the following example:
-record(name, {first = "Robert", last = "Ericsson"}). -record(person, {name = #name{}, phone}). demo() -> P = #person{name= #name{first="Robert",last="Virding"}, phone=123}, First = (
Comments are embedded in the following example:
%% File: person.hrl %%----------------------------------------------------------- %% Data Type: person %% where: %% name: A string (default is undefined). %% age: An integer (default is undefined). %% phone: A list of integers (default is []). %% dict: A dictionary containing various information %% about the person. %% A {Key, Value} list (default is the empty list). %%------------------------------------------------------------ -record(person, {name, age, phone = [], dict = []}).
-module(person). -include("person.hrl"). -compile(export_all). % For test purposes only. %% This creates an instance of a person. %% Note: The phone number is not supplied so the %% default value [] will be used. make_hacker_without_phone(Name, Age) -> #person{name = Name, age = Age, dict = [{computer_knowledge, excellent}, {drinks, coke}]}. %% This demonstrates matching in arguments print(#person{name = Name, age = Age, phone = Phone, dict = Dict}) -> io:format("Name: ~s, Age: ~w, Phone: ~w ~n" "Dictionary: ~w.~n", [Name, Age, Phone, Dict]). %% Demonstrates type testing, selector, updating. birthday(P) when record(P, person) -> P#person{age = P#person.age + 1}. register_two_hackers() -> Hacker1 = make_hacker_without_phone("Joe", 29), OldHacker = birthday(Hacker1), % The central_register_server should have % an interface function for this. central_register_server ! {register_person, Hacker1}, central_register_server ! {register_person, OldHacker#person{name = "Robert", phone = [0,8,3,2,4,5,3,1]}}.