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      <holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
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      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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    <title>C Nodes</title>
  <p>This section outlines an example of how to solve the example
    problem in <seealso marker="example">Problem Example</seealso>
    by using a C node. Notice that a C node is not typically
    used for solving simple problems like this, a port is

    <title>Erlang Program</title>
    <p>From Erlang's point of view, the C node is treated like a
      normal Erlang node. Thus, calling the functions <c>foo</c> and
      <c>bar</c> only involves sending a message to the C node asking
      for the function to be called, and receiving the result. Sending
      a message requires a recipient, that is, a process that can be
      defined using either a pid or a tuple, consisting of a
      registered name and a node name. In this case, a tuple is the
      only alternative as no pid is known:</p>
{RegName, Node} ! Msg</pre>
    <p>The node name <c>Node</c> is to be the name of the C node. If
      short node names are used, the plain name of the node is
      <c>cN</c>, where <c>N</c> is an integer. If long node names are
      used, there is no such restriction. An example of a C node name
      using short node names is thus <c>c1@idril</c>, an example using
      long node names is <c>cnode@idril.ericsson.se</c>.</p>
    <p>The registered name, <c>RegName</c>, can be any atom. The name
      can be ignored by the C code, or, for example, be used to
      distinguish between different types of messages. An example of
      Erlang code using short node names follows:
    <codeinclude file="complex3.erl" tag="" type="erl"></codeinclude>
      When using long node names, the code is slightly different as
      shown in the following example:
    <codeinclude file="complex4.erl" tag="" type="erl"></codeinclude>


    <title>C Program</title>

      <title>Setting Up Communication</title>
      <p>Before calling any other function in Erl_Interface, the
        memory handling must be initiated:</p>
erl_init(NULL, 0);</pre>
      <p>Now the C node can be initiated. If short node names are
        used, this is done by calling <c>erl_connect_init()</c>:</p>
erl_connect_init(1, "secretcookie", 0);</pre>
      <list type="bulleted">
       <item>The first argument is the integer used to construct the node name.
       <p>In the example, the plain node name is <c>c1</c>.</p></item>
       <item>The second argument is a string defining the magic cookie.</item>
       <item>The third argument is an integer that is used to identify
       a particular instance of a C node.</item>
      <p>If long node node names are used, initiation is done by
        calling <c>erl_connect_xinit()</c>:</p>
erl_connect_xinit("idril", "cnode", "cnode@idril.ericsson.se",
                  &amp;addr, "secretcookie", 0);</pre>
      <list type="bulleted">
       <item>The first argument is the host name.</item>
       <item>The second argument is the plain node name.</item>
       <item>The third argument is the full node name.</item>
       <item>The fourth argument is a pointer to an <c>in_addr</c>
       struct with the IP address of the host.</item>
       <item>The fifth argument is the magic cookie.</item>
       <item>The sixth argument is the instance number.</item>
      <p>The C node can act as a server or a client when setting up
         the Erlang-C communication. If it acts as a client, it
         connects to an Erlang node by calling <c>erl_connect()</c>,
         which returns an open file descriptor at success:</p>
fd = erl_connect("e1@idril");</pre>
      <p>If the C node acts as a server, it must first create a socket
        (call <c>bind()</c> and <c>listen()</c>) listening to a
        certain port number <c>port</c>. It then publishes its name
        and port number with <c>epmd</c>, the Erlang port mapper
        daemon. For details, see the <seealso
        marker="erts:epmd">epmd</seealso> manual page in ERTS:</p>
      <p>Now the C node server can accept connections from Erlang nodes:</p>
fd = erl_accept(listen, &amp;conn);</pre>
      <p>The second argument to <c>erl_accept</c> is a struct
        <c>ErlConnect</c> which contains useful information when a
        connection has been established, for example, the name of the
        Erlang node.</p>

      <title>Sending and Receiving Messages</title>
      <p>The C node can receive a message from Erlang by calling
        <c>erl_receive msg()</c>. This function reads data from the
        open file descriptor <c>fd</c> into a buffer and puts the
        result in an <c>ErlMessage</c> struct <c>emsg</c>.
        <c>ErlMessage</c> has a field <c>type</c> defining what kind
        of data is received. In this case, the type of interest is
        <c>ERL_REG_SEND</c> which indicates that Erlang sent a message
        to a registered process at the C node. The actual message, an
        <c>ETERM</c>, is in the <c>msg</c> field.</p>
      <p>It is also necessary to take care of the types
        <c>ERL_ERROR</c> (an error occurred) and <c>ERL_TICK</c>
        (alive check from other node, is to be ignored). Other
        possible types indicate process events such as link, unlink,
        and exit:</p>
  while (loop) {

    got = erl_receive_msg(fd, buf, BUFSIZE, &amp;emsg);
    if (got == ERL_TICK) {
      /* ignore */
    } else if (got == ERL_ERROR) {
      loop = 0; /* exit while loop */
    } else {
      if (emsg.type == ERL_REG_SEND) {</pre>
      <p>As the message is an <c>ETERM</c> struct, Erl_Interface
        functions can be used to manipulate it. In this case, the
        message becomes a 3-tuple, because that is how the Erlang code
        is written. The second element will be the pid of the caller
        and the third element will be the tuple <c>{Function,Arg}</c>
        determining which function to call, and with which argument.
        The result of calling the function is made into an
        <c>ETERM</c> struct as well and sent back to Erlang using
        <c>erl_send()</c>, which takes the open file descriptor, a
        pid, and a term as arguments:</p>
        fromp = erl_element(2, emsg.msg);
        tuplep = erl_element(3, emsg.msg);
        fnp = erl_element(1, tuplep);
        argp = erl_element(2, tuplep);

        if (strncmp(ERL_ATOM_PTR(fnp), "foo", 3) == 0) {
          res = foo(ERL_INT_VALUE(argp));
        } else if (strncmp(ERL_ATOM_PTR(fnp), "bar", 3) == 0) {
          res = bar(ERL_INT_VALUE(argp));

        resp = erl_format("{cnode, ~i}", res);
        erl_send(fd, fromp, resp);</pre>
      <p>Finally, the memory allocated by the <c>ETERM</c> creating
        functions (including <c>erl_receive_msg()</c> must be
        erl_free_term(emsg.from); erl_free_term(emsg.msg);
        erl_free_term(fromp); erl_free_term(tuplep);
        erl_free_term(fnp); erl_free_term(argp);
      <p>The following examples show the resulting C programs.
        First a C node server using short node names:</p>
      <codeinclude file="cnode_s.c" type="c"/>
      <p>A C node server using long node names:</p>
      <codeinclude file="cnode_s2.c" type="c"/>
      <p>Finally, the code for the C node client:</p>
      <codeinclude file="cnode_c.c" type="c"/>

    <title>Running the Example</title>
    <p><em>Step 1.</em> Compile the C code. This provides the paths to
      the Erl_Interface include files and libraries, and to the
      <c>socket</c> and <c>nsl</c> libraries:</p>
>  <input>gcc -o cserver \\ </input>
<input>-I/usr/local/otp/lib/erl_interface-3.2.1/include \\ </input>
<input>-L/usr/local/otp/lib/erl_interface-3.2.1/lib \\ </input>
<input>complex.c cnode_s.c \\ </input>
<input>-lerl_interface -lei -lsocket -lnsl</input>

unix> <input>gcc -o cserver2 \\ </input>
<input>-I/usr/local/otp/lib/erl_interface-3.2.1/include \\ </input>
<input>-L/usr/local/otp/lib/erl_interface-3.2.1/lib \\ </input>
<input>complex.c cnode_s2.c \\ </input>
<input>-lerl_interface -lei -lsocket -lnsl</input>

unix> <input>gcc -o cclient \\ </input>
<input>-I/usr/local/otp/lib/erl_interface-3.2.1/include \\ </input>
<input>-L/usr/local/otp/lib/erl_interface-3.2.1/lib \\ </input>
<input>complex.c cnode_c.c \\ </input>
<input>-lerl_interface -lei -lsocket -lnsl</input></pre>
     <p>In Erlang/OTP R5B and later versions of OTP, the
      <c>include</c> and <c>lib</c> directories are situated under
      <c>OTPROOT/lib/erl_interface-VSN</c>, where <c>OTPROOT</c> is
      the root directory of the OTP installation
      (<c>/usr/local/otp</c> in the recent example) and <c>VSN</c> is
      the version of the Erl_Interface application (3.2.1 in the
      recent example).</p>
    <p>In R4B and earlier versions of OTP, <c>include</c> and
      <c>lib</c> are situated under <c>OTPROOT/usr</c>.</p>
    <p><em>Step 2.</em> Compile the Erlang code:</p>
unix> <input>erl -compile complex3 complex4</input></pre>
    <p><em>Step 3.</em> Run the C node server example with short node names.</p>
    <p>Do as follows:</p>
    <list type="bulleted">
       <item>Start the C program <c>cserver</c> and Erlang in
       different windows.</item>
       <item><c>cserver</c> takes a port number as argument and must
       be started before trying to call the Erlang functions.</item>
       <item>The Erlang node is to be given the short name <c>e1</c>
       and must be set to use the same magic cookie as the C node,
unix> <input>cserver 3456</input>

unix> <input>erl -sname e1 -setcookie secretcookie</input>
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version
Eshell V4.9.1.2  (abort with ^G)
(e1@idril)1> <input>complex3:foo(3).</input>
(e1@idril)2> <input>complex3:bar(5).</input>
    <p><em>Step 4.</em> Run the C node client example. Terminate
      <c>cserver</c>, but not Erlang, and start <c>cclient</c>. The
      Erlang node must be started before the C node client:</p>
unix> <input>cclient</input>

(e1@idril)3> <input>complex3:foo(3).</input>
(e1@idril)4> <input>complex3:bar(5).</input>
    <p><em>Step 5.</em> Run the C node server example with long node names:</p>
unix> <input>cserver2 3456</input>

unix> <input>erl -name e1 -setcookie secretcookie</input>
Erlang (BEAM) emulator version
Eshell V4.9.1.2  (abort with ^G)
(e1@idril.du.uab.ericsson.se)1> <input>complex4:foo(3).</input>
(e1@idril.du.uab.ericsson.se)2> <input>complex4:bar(5).</input>