This directory contains configuration file templates and examples for cross compiling Erlang/OTP. The configuration files should be supplied to $ERl_TOP/otp_build in the ./otp_build env_cross command to set up an appropriate environment for cross compiling. Copy the template file erl-xcomp.conf.template to an appropriate name and fill in at least the mandatory parts before attempting cross compilation. See the template file for details on configuration parameters and see the example erl-xcomp-TileraMDE2.0-tilepro.conf for an example of a working configuration file. The support for cross compiling is in it's early stage of development, it works for cross compiling some gnu/linux systems, but has only been partly tested for more esotheric platforms. The vxworks example file is highly dependent on our environment and is here more or less for internal use. Please submit any patches for cross compiling in a way consistent with this system. Variables should be added to the configuration file, which is sourced both by $ERL_TOP/otp_build and each configure script. If a new configuration variable is needed for your system, add it to the template file, use it in otp_build and/or configure and submit the patch to erlang-patches for further integration into the main branch. All input is welcome as we cannot possibly have all cross compiling environments out there to test with.