[appendix] == Migrating from Ranch 1.7 to Ranch 2.0 Ranch 2.0 adds support for multiple connection supervisors. Ranch 1.x had a bottleneck because it used only a single connection supervisor. This was more evident when many connections were dropped at once as the supervisor couldn't keep up and failed to accept new connections while cleaning up the old ones. Ranch 2.0 behaves much better in this scenario by default. Multiple connection supervisors also helps with concurrently accepting new connections. Ranch 2.0 also adds experimental support for opening more than one listening socket on a single port. Starting with Ranch 2.0 we are also providing a Prometheus collector as a separate project as well as a Grafana dashboard. Ranch 2.0 is compatible with Erlang/OTP 21.0 onward. Support for Erlang/OTP 19 and 20 has been removed. === Features added * The `num_conns_sup` option has been added. It allows configuring the number of connection supervisors. It now defaults to `num_accceptors`. The old behavior can be obtained by setting this value to 1. * The `logger` option is no longer experimental. It now defaults to `logger` instead of `error_logger`. * UNIX domain sockets are now supported. * The active N socket option is now supported. It requires Erlang/OTP 21.3 or above for TLS, however. * Embedded listeners are now failing in a predictable manner when `ranch_server` goes down. It is no longer necessary to embed `ranch_sup` and the recommendation is now to just start Ranch normally when using embedded listeners. === Experimental features added * The experimental `num_listen_sockets` option has been added. It allows opening more than one listening socket per listener. It can only be used alongside the Linux `SO_REUSEPORT` socket option or equivalent. It allows working around a bottleneck in the kernel and maximizes resource usage, leading to increased rates for accepting new connections. === Features removed * The `socket` option was removed. A more viable solution is to define a custom transport module that returns a fresh socket when `Transport:listen/1` is called. === Changed behaviors * The callback function `Transport:listen/1` and its implementations in `ranch_tcp` and `ranch_ssl` have changed to accept a map of transport options instead of only socket options. * The callback function `Transport:messages/0` return value now include the tag used for passive messages. * The `Socket` argument was removed from `Protocol:start_link/3`. The socket must now be obtained by calling `ranch:handshake/1,2`. === Changed functions * The `NumAcceptors` argument was removed from `ranch:start_listener/5`` and `ranch:child_spec/5` and moved to the transport options. * Ranch options can no longer be passed along with socket options as a proplist. The only forms allowed are now the `ranch:opts()` map or only socket options as-is. Individual transport options are now validated as well. The `ranch:opts()` map must be used when socket options also use a map. This applies to the `ranch:start_listener/5`, `ranch:child_spec/5` and `ranch:set_transport_options/2` functions. * The function `ranch:info/1,2` now returns a map containing each listener's information rather than a list of key/values. The key `num_acceptors` was removed as it can be found in the transport options. * The function `ranch:set_transport_options/2` no longer requires the listener to be suspended. Which options apply immediately, on suspend/resume or on restart has been documented. Some work has also been done to make these option changes more predictable. === Removed functions * The function `ranch:accept_ack/1` has been removed in favor of `ranch:handshake/1,2`. === Bugs fixed * Repeatedly calling `ranch:remove_connection/1` from a connection process would crash the respective connection supervisor. This has now been fixed. * When a connection process was failing to start, the socket was not closed and this lead to leaking sockets. This is now corrected. === Other changes * Connection draining has now been documented in the guide following user feedback and discussions. * Ranch is now tested against `havoc`, a chaos monkey style testing tool. Currently includes three scenarios: normal TCP and TLS listeners and embedded TCP listener. This new test suite helped uncover a misplaced `monitor/2` call added during the development of Ranch 2.0. * The supervisor for acceptors and the parent supervisor for connection supervisors now have an adaptive restart intensity limit set to `1 + ceil(math:log2(NumChildren))` to allow room for errors when they have many children. * Ranch now uses stricter compiler options. Missing function specs were added to internal modules. * Ranch now calls `ssl:handshake/1,2,3` instead of `ssl:ssl_accept/1,2`. * The `ranch_ssl:ssl_opt()` type has been updated to conform with Erlang/OTP 22.0.