= ranch:get_addr(3) == Name ranch:get_addr - Get the listening address == Description [source,erlang] ---- get_addr(Ref :: ranch:ref()) -> {IP :: inet:ip_address(), Port :: inet:port_number()} | {local, SocketFile :: binary()} | {undefined, undefined} ---- Get the listening address. == Arguments Ref:: The listener name. == Return value The address of the listener is returned as a tuple of the form `{IP, Port}` when listening on a network interface, or `{local, SocketFile}` when listening on a UNIX Domain socket. When the listener is suspended, `{undefined, undefined}` will be returned. The IP address is the IP of the network interface the socket is bound to. The socket file is the path of a file on your system the socket is bound to. == Examples .Get the listening port and IP [source,erlang] ---- {IP, Port} = ranch:get_addr(example). ---- .Get the listening UNIX Domain socket file [source,erlang] ---- {local, SocketFile} = ranch:get_addr(example). ---- == See also link:man:ranch:start_listener(3)[ranch:start_listener(3)], link:man:ranch:get_port(3)[ranch:get_port(3)], link:man:ranch:info(3)[ranch:info(3)], link:man:ranch(3)[ranch(3)]