= ranch:handshake_cancel(3) == Name ranch:handshake_cancel - Cancel the paused transport handshake == Description [source,erlang] ---- handshake_cancel(Ref :: ranch:ref()) -> ok ---- Cancel the paused transport handshake. This function may be called by the protocol process to cancel a paused handshake. == Arguments Ref:: The listener name. + Allowed options depend on the transport module. == Return value The return value depends on the transport module. == Changelog * *2.0*: Function introduced. == Examples .Cancel a paused transport handshake [source,erlang] ---- start_link(Ref, Transport, Opts) -> Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Transport, Opts]), {ok, Pid}. init(Ref, Transport, Opts) -> {continue, _Info} = ranch:handshake(Ref), ranch:handshake_cancel(Ref), exit(handshake_cancelled). ---- == See also link:man:ranch:handshake(3)[ranch:handshake(3)], link:man:ranch:handshake_continue(3)[ranch:handshake_continue(3)], link:man:ranch(3)[ranch(3)]