= ranch:info(3) == Name ranch:info - Overview of Ranch listeners == Description [source,erlang] ---- info() -> #{Ref := Info} info(Ref) -> Info Info :: #{Key :: atom() := Value :: any()} ---- Overview of Ranch listeners. == Arguments Ref:: The listener name. == Return value Returns detailed information about one or all Ranch listeners. The following keys are returned: pid:: Pid of the listener's top-level supervisor. status:: Listener status, either running or suspended. ip:: Interface Ranch listens on. port:: Port number Ranch listens on. max_connections:: Maximum number of connections per connection supervisor. active_connections:: Number of active connections. all_connections:: Number of connections, including those removed from the count. transport:: Transport module. transport_options:: Transport options. protocol:: Protocol module. protocol_options:: Protocol options. == Changelog * *2.0*: The listener info is now returned as a map. * *2.0*: The `num_acceptors` key has been removed. == Examples .Get information about all listeners [source,erlang] ---- AllInfo = ranch:info(). ---- .Get information about a specific listener [source,erlang] ---- Info = ranch:info(example). ---- == See also link:man:ranch:get_addr(3)[ranch:get_addr(3)], link:man:ranch:get_port(3)[ranch:get_port(3)], link:man:ranch:procs(3)[ranch:procs(3)], link:man:ranch(3)[ranch(3)]