= ranch:recv_proxy_header(3) == Name ranch:recv_proxy_header - Receive the PROXY protocol header == Description [source,erlang] ---- recv_proxy_header(ranch:ref(), timeout()) -> {ok, ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info()} | {error, Reason :: atom()} | {error, protocol_error, HumanReadable :: atom()} ---- Receive the PROXY protocol header. This function must be called before `ranch:handshake/1,2` on newly accepted connections to read and parse the PROXY protocol header, if any. == Arguments Ref:: The listener name. Timeout:: Receive timeout in milliseconds. == Return value An `ok` tuple is returned containing PROXY header information on success. An `error` 2-tuple is returned when a socket error occurs. An `error` 3-tuple is returned when a protocol error occurs and Ranch was not able to parse the PROXY header information. The third element contains a human-readable description of the error. == Changelog * *1.7*: Function introduced. == Examples .Receive the PROXY protocol header [source,erlang] ---- start_link(Ref, _, Transport, Opts) -> Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Transport, Opts]), {ok, Pid}. init(Ref, Transport, Opts) -> {ok, ProxyInfo} = ranch:recv_proxy_header(Ref, 1000), {ok, Socket} = ranch:handshake(Ref), loop(#state{ref=Ref, socket=Socket, transport=Transport, proxy_info=ProxyInfo, opts=Opts}). ---- == See also link:man:ranch:start_listener(3)[ranch:start_listener(3)], link:man:ranch:handshake(3)[ranch:handshake(3)], link:man:ranch:remove_connection(3)[ranch:remove_connection(3)], link:man:ranch(3)[ranch(3)]