= ranch_proxy_header:parse(3) == Name ranch_proxy_header:parse - Parse a PROXY protocol header == Description [source,erlang] ---- parse(Data :: binary()) -> {ok, ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info(), Rest :: binary()} | {error, HumanReadable :: atom()} ---- Parse a PROXY protocol header. == Arguments Data:: The PROXY protocol header optionally followed by more data. == Return value An `ok` tuple is returned on success, containing the proxy information found in the header and the rest of the data if more was provided. An `error` tuple is returned when a protocol error is detected. It contains a human readable message about the error. == Changelog * *1.7*: Function introduced. == Examples .Parse the PROXY protocol header [source,erlang] ---- {ok ProxyInfo, Rest} = ranch_proxy_header:parse(Data). ---- == See also link:man:ranch_proxy_header:header(3)[ranch_proxy_header:header(3)], link:man:ranch_proxy_header:to_connection_info(3)[ranch_proxy_header:to_connection_info(3)], link:man:ranch_proxy_header(3)[ranch_proxy_header(3)]