= ranch_proxy_header:to_connection_info(3) == Name ranch_proxy_header:to_connection_info - Convert proxy_info() to ssl:connection_info() == Description [source,erlang] ---- to_connection_info(ProxyInfo :: proxy_info()) -> ssl:connection_info() ---- Convert `ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info()` information to the `ssl:connection_info()` format returned by `ssl:connection_information/1,2`. == Arguments ProxyInfo:: The PROXY protocol information. == Return value Connection information is returned as a proplist. Because the PROXY protocol header includes limited information, only the keys `protocol`, `selected_cipher_suite` and `sni_hostname` will be returned, at most. All keys are optional. == Changelog * *2.1*: Function introduced. == Examples .Convert the PROXY protocol information [source,erlang] ---- ConnInfo = ranch_proxy_header:to_connection_info(ProxyInfo). ---- == See also link:man:ranch_proxy_header:parse(3)[ranch_proxy_header:parse(3)], link:man:ranch_proxy_header(3)[ranch_proxy_header(3)]