ranch_transport =============== The `ranch_transport` behaviour defines the interface used by Ranch transports. Types ----- ### sendfile_opts() = [{chunk_size, non_neg_integer()}] > Options used by the sendfile function and callbacks. > > Allows configuring the chunk size, in bytes. Defaults to 8191 bytes. Callbacks --------- ### accept(LSocket, Timeout) -> {ok, CSocket} | {error, closed | timeout | atom()} > Types: > * LSocket = CSocket = any() > * Timeout = timeout() > > Accept a connection on the given listening socket. > > The `accept_ack` callback will be used to initialize the socket > after accepting the connection. This is most useful when the > transport is not raw TCP, like with SSL for example. ### accept_ack(CSocket, Timeout) -> ok > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * Timeout = timeout() > > Perform post-accept initialization of the connection. > > This function will be called by connection processes > before performing any socket operation. It allows > transports that require extra initialization to perform > their task and make the socket ready to use. ### close(CSocket) -> ok > Types: > * CSocket = any() > > Close the given socket. ### controlling_process(CSocket, Pid) -> ok | {error, closed | not_owner | atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * Pid = pid() > > Change the controlling process for the given socket. > > The controlling process is the process that is allowed to > perform operations on the socket, and that will receive > messages from the socket when active mode is used. When > the controlling process dies, the socket is closed. ### listen(TransOpts) -> {ok, LSocket} | {error, atom()} > Types: > * TransOpts = any() > * LSocket = any() > > Listen for connections on the given port. > > The port is given as part of the transport options under > the key `port`. Any other option is transport dependent. > > The socket returned by this call can then be used to > accept connections. It is not possible to send or receive > data from the listening socket. ### messages() -> {OK, Closed, Error} > Types: > * OK = Closed = Error = atom() > > Return the atoms used to identify messages sent in active mode. ### name() -> Name > Types: > * Name = atom() > > Return the name of the transport. ### peername(CSocket) -> {ok, {IP, Port}} | {error, atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * IP = inet:ip_address() > * Port = inet:port_number() > > Return the IP and port of the remote endpoint. ### recv(CSocket, Length, Timeout) -> {ok, Packet} | {error, closed | timeout | atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * Length = non_neg_integer() > * Timeout = timeout() > * Packet = iodata() | any() > > Receive data from the given socket when in passive mode. > > Trying to receive data from a socket that is in active mode > will return an error. > > A length of 0 will return any data available on the socket. > > While it is possible to use the timeout value `infinity`, > this is highly discouraged as this could cause your process > to get stuck waiting for data that will never come. This may > happen when a socket becomes half-open due to a crash of the > remote endpoint. Wi-Fi going down is another common culprit > of this issue. ### send(CSocket, Packet) -> ok | {error, atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * Packet = iodata() > > Send data to the given socket. ### sendfile(CSocket, File) -> sendfile(CSocket, File, 0, 0, []) ### sendfile(CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes) -> sendfile(CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes, []) ### sendfile(CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes, SfOpts) -> {ok, SentBytes} | {error, atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * File = file:filename_all() | file:fd() > * Offset = non_neg_integer() > * Bytes = SentBytes = non_neg_integer() > * SfOpts = sendfile_opts() > > Send data from a file to the given socket. > > The file may be sent full or in parts, and may be specified > by its filename or by an already open file descriptor. > > Transports that manipulate TCP directly may use the > `file:sendfile/{2,4,5}` function, which calls the sendfile > syscall where applicable (on Linux, for example). Other > transports can use the `sendfile/6` function exported from > this module. ### setopts(CSocket, TransOpts) -> ok | {error, atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * TransOpts = any() > > Change transport options for the given socket. > > This is mainly useful for switching to active or passive mode. ### sockname(CSocket) -> {ok, {IP, Port}} | {error, atom()} > Types: > * CSocket = any() > * IP = inet:ip_address() > * Port = inet:port_number() > > Return the IP and port of the local endpoint. Exports ------- ### sendfile(Transport, CSocket, File, Offset, Bytes, SfOpts) -> {ok, SentBytes} | {error, atom()} > Types: > * Transport = module() > * CSocket = any() > * File = file:filename_all() | file:fd() > * Offset = non_neg_integer() > * Bytes = SentBytes = non_neg_integer() > * SfOpts = sendfile_opts() > > Send data from a file to the given socket. > > This function emulates the function `file:sendfile/{2,4,5}` > and may be used when transports are not manipulating TCP > directly.