%% Copyright (c) 2011-2020, Loïc Hoguin %% Copyright (c) 2020, Jan Uhlig %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(ranch). -export([start_listener/5]). -export([normalize_opts/1]). -export([stop_listener/1]). -export([suspend_listener/1]). -export([resume_listener/1]). -export([stop_all_acceptors/0]). -export([restart_all_acceptors/0]). -export([child_spec/5]). -export([handshake/1]). -export([handshake/2]). -export([handshake_continue/1]). -export([handshake_continue/2]). -export([handshake_cancel/1]). -export([recv_proxy_header/2]). -export([remove_connection/1]). -export([get_status/1]). -export([get_addr/1]). -export([get_port/1]). -export([get_max_connections/1]). -export([set_max_connections/2]). -export([get_transport_options/1]). -export([set_transport_options/2]). -export([get_protocol_options/1]). -export([set_protocol_options/2]). -export([info/0]). -export([info/1]). -export([procs/2]). -export([wait_for_connections/3]). -export([wait_for_connections/4]). -export([filter_options/4]). -export([set_option_default/3]). -export([require/1]). -export([log/4]). -type max_conns() :: non_neg_integer() | infinity. -export_type([max_conns/0]). -type opts() :: any() | transport_opts(any()). -export_type([opts/0]). -type alarm(Type, Callback) :: #{ type := Type, callback := Callback, treshold := non_neg_integer(), cooldown := non_neg_integer() }. -type alarm_num_connections() :: alarm(num_connections, fun((ref(), term(), pid(), [pid()]) -> any())). -type transport_opts(SocketOpts) :: #{ alarms => #{term() => alarm_num_connections()}, connection_type => worker | supervisor, handshake_timeout => timeout(), logger => module(), max_connections => max_conns(), num_acceptors => pos_integer(), num_conns_sups => pos_integer(), num_listen_sockets => pos_integer(), post_listen_callback => fun((term()) -> ok | {error, term()}), shutdown => timeout() | brutal_kill, socket_opts => SocketOpts }. -export_type([transport_opts/1]). -type ref() :: any(). -export_type([ref/0]). -spec start_listener(ref(), module(), opts(), module(), any()) -> supervisor:startchild_ret(). start_listener(Ref, Transport, TransOpts0, Protocol, ProtoOpts) when is_atom(Transport), is_atom(Protocol) -> TransOpts = normalize_opts(TransOpts0), _ = code:ensure_loaded(Transport), case {erlang:function_exported(Transport, name, 0), validate_transport_opts(TransOpts)} of {true, ok} -> ChildSpec = #{id => {ranch_listener_sup, Ref}, start => {ranch_listener_sup, start_link, [ Ref, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts ]}, type => supervisor}, maybe_started(supervisor:start_child(ranch_sup, ChildSpec)); {false, _} -> {error, {bad_transport, Transport}}; {_, TransOptsError} -> TransOptsError end. -spec normalize_opts(opts()) -> transport_opts(any()). normalize_opts(Map) when is_map(Map) -> Map; normalize_opts(Any) -> #{socket_opts => Any}. -spec validate_transport_opts(transport_opts(any())) -> ok | {error, any()}. validate_transport_opts(Opts) -> maps:fold(fun (Key, Value, ok) -> case validate_transport_opt(Key, Value, Opts) of true -> ok; false -> {error, {bad_option, Key}} end; (_, _, Acc) -> Acc end, ok, Opts). -spec validate_transport_opt(any(), any(), transport_opts(any())) -> boolean(). validate_transport_opt(connection_type, worker, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(connection_type, supervisor, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(handshake_timeout, infinity, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(handshake_timeout, Value, _) -> is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 0; validate_transport_opt(max_connections, infinity, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(max_connections, Value, _) -> is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 0; validate_transport_opt(alarms, Alarms, _) -> maps:fold( fun (_, Opts, true) -> validate_alarm(Opts); (_, _, false) -> false end, true, Alarms); validate_transport_opt(logger, Value, _) -> is_atom(Value); validate_transport_opt(num_acceptors, Value, _) -> is_integer(Value) andalso Value > 0; validate_transport_opt(num_conns_sups, Value, _) -> is_integer(Value) andalso Value > 0; validate_transport_opt(num_listen_sockets, Value, Opts) -> is_integer(Value) andalso Value > 0 andalso Value =< maps:get(num_acceptors, Opts, 10); validate_transport_opt(post_listen_callback, Value, _) -> is_function(Value, 1); validate_transport_opt(shutdown, brutal_kill, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(shutdown, infinity, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(shutdown, Value, _) -> is_integer(Value) andalso Value >= 0; validate_transport_opt(socket_opts, _, _) -> true; validate_transport_opt(_, _, _) -> false. validate_alarm(#{type := num_connections, treshold := Treshold, callback := Callback, cooldown := Cooldown}) -> is_integer(Treshold) andalso Treshold >= 0 andalso is_integer(Cooldown) andalso Cooldown >= 0 andalso is_function(Callback, 4); validate_alarm(_) -> false. maybe_started({error, {{shutdown, {failed_to_start_child, ranch_acceptors_sup, {listen_error, _, Reason}}}, _}} = Error) -> start_error(Reason, Error); maybe_started(Res) -> Res. start_error(E=eaddrinuse, _) -> {error, E}; start_error(E=eacces, _) -> {error, E}; start_error(E=no_cert, _) -> {error, E}; start_error(_, Error) -> Error. -spec stop_listener(ref()) -> ok | {error, not_found}. stop_listener(Ref) -> [_, Transport, _, _, _] = ranch_server:get_listener_start_args(Ref), TransOpts = get_transport_options(Ref), case supervisor:terminate_child(ranch_sup, {ranch_listener_sup, Ref}) of ok -> _ = supervisor:delete_child(ranch_sup, {ranch_listener_sup, Ref}), ranch_server:cleanup_listener_opts(Ref), Transport:cleanup(TransOpts); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. -spec suspend_listener(ref()) -> ok | {error, any()}. suspend_listener(Ref) -> case get_status(Ref) of running -> ListenerSup = ranch_server:get_listener_sup(Ref), ok = ranch_server:set_addr(Ref, {undefined, undefined}), supervisor:terminate_child(ListenerSup, ranch_acceptors_sup); suspended -> ok end. -spec resume_listener(ref()) -> ok | {error, any()}. resume_listener(Ref) -> case get_status(Ref) of running -> ok; suspended -> ListenerSup = ranch_server:get_listener_sup(Ref), Res = supervisor:restart_child(ListenerSup, ranch_acceptors_sup), maybe_resumed(Res) end. maybe_resumed(Error={error, {listen_error, _, Reason}}) -> start_error(Reason, Error); maybe_resumed({ok, _}) -> ok; maybe_resumed({ok, _, _}) -> ok; maybe_resumed(Res) -> Res. -spec stop_all_acceptors() -> ok. stop_all_acceptors() -> _ = [ok = do_acceptors(Pid, terminate_child) || {_, Pid} <- ranch_server:get_listener_sups()], ok. -spec restart_all_acceptors() -> ok. restart_all_acceptors() -> _ = [ok = do_acceptors(Pid, restart_child) || {_, Pid} <- ranch_server:get_listener_sups()], ok. do_acceptors(ListenerSup, F) -> ListenerChildren = supervisor:which_children(ListenerSup), case lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, ListenerChildren) of {_, AcceptorsSup, _, _} when is_pid(AcceptorsSup) -> AcceptorChildren = supervisor:which_children(AcceptorsSup), %% @todo What about errors? _ = [supervisor:F(AcceptorsSup, AcceptorId) || {AcceptorId, _, _, _} <- AcceptorChildren], ok; {_, Atom, _, _} -> {error, Atom} end. -spec child_spec(ref(), module(), opts(), module(), any()) -> supervisor:child_spec(). child_spec(Ref, Transport, TransOpts0, Protocol, ProtoOpts) -> TransOpts = normalize_opts(TransOpts0), #{id => {ranch_embedded_sup, Ref}, start => {ranch_embedded_sup, start_link, [ Ref, Transport, TransOpts, Protocol, ProtoOpts ]}, type => supervisor}. -spec handshake(ref()) -> {ok, ranch_transport:socket()} | {continue, any()}. handshake(Ref) -> handshake1(Ref, undefined). -spec handshake(ref(), any()) -> {ok, ranch_transport:socket()} | {continue, any()}. handshake(Ref, Opts) -> handshake1(Ref, {opts, Opts}). handshake1(Ref, Opts) -> receive {handshake, Ref, Transport, CSocket, Timeout} -> Handshake = handshake_transport(Transport, handshake, CSocket, Opts, Timeout), handshake_result(Handshake, Ref, Transport, CSocket, Timeout) end. -spec handshake_continue(ref()) -> {ok, ranch_transport:socket()}. handshake_continue(Ref) -> handshake_continue1(Ref, undefined). -spec handshake_continue(ref(), any()) -> {ok, ranch_transport:socket()}. handshake_continue(Ref, Opts) -> handshake_continue1(Ref, {opts, Opts}). handshake_continue1(Ref, Opts) -> receive {handshake_continue, Ref, Transport, CSocket, Timeout} -> Handshake = handshake_transport(Transport, handshake_continue, CSocket, Opts, Timeout), handshake_result(Handshake, Ref, Transport, CSocket, Timeout) end. handshake_transport(Transport, Fun, CSocket, undefined, Timeout) -> Transport:Fun(CSocket, Timeout); handshake_transport(Transport, Fun, CSocket, {opts, Opts}, Timeout) -> Transport:Fun(CSocket, Opts, Timeout). handshake_result(Result, Ref, Transport, CSocket, Timeout) -> case Result of OK = {ok, _} -> OK; {ok, CSocket2, Info} -> self() ! {handshake_continue, Ref, Transport, CSocket2, Timeout}, {continue, Info}; {error, {tls_alert, _}} -> ok = Transport:close(CSocket), exit(normal); {error, Reason} when Reason =:= timeout; Reason =:= closed -> ok = Transport:close(CSocket), exit(normal); {error, Reason} -> ok = Transport:close(CSocket), error(Reason) end. -spec handshake_cancel(ref()) -> ok. handshake_cancel(Ref) -> receive {handshake_continue, Ref, Transport, CSocket, _} -> Transport:handshake_cancel(CSocket) end. %% Unlike handshake/2 this function always return errors because %% the communication between the proxy and the server are expected %% to be reliable. If there is a problem while receiving the proxy %% header, we probably want to know about it. -spec recv_proxy_header(ref(), timeout()) -> {ok, ranch_proxy_header:proxy_info()} | {error, closed | atom()} | {error, protocol_error, atom()}. recv_proxy_header(Ref, Timeout) -> receive HandshakeState={handshake, Ref, Transport, CSocket, _} -> self() ! HandshakeState, Transport:recv_proxy_header(CSocket, Timeout) end. -spec remove_connection(ref()) -> ok. remove_connection(Ref) -> ListenerSup = ranch_server:get_listener_sup(Ref), {_, ConnsSupSup, _, _} = lists:keyfind(ranch_conns_sup_sup, 1, supervisor:which_children(ListenerSup)), _ = [ConnsSup ! {remove_connection, Ref, self()} || {_, ConnsSup, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(ConnsSupSup)], ok. -spec get_status(ref()) -> running | suspended. get_status(Ref) -> ListenerSup = ranch_server:get_listener_sup(Ref), Children = supervisor:which_children(ListenerSup), case lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, Children) of {_, undefined, _, _} -> suspended; _ -> running end. -spec get_addr(ref()) -> {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()} | {local, binary()} | {undefined, undefined}. get_addr(Ref) -> ranch_server:get_addr(Ref). -spec get_port(ref()) -> inet:port_number() | undefined. get_port(Ref) -> case get_addr(Ref) of {local, _} -> undefined; {_, Port} -> Port end. -spec get_connections(ref(), active|all) -> non_neg_integer(). get_connections(Ref, active) -> SupCounts = [ranch_conns_sup:active_connections(ConnsSup) || {_, ConnsSup} <- ranch_server:get_connections_sups(Ref)], lists:sum(SupCounts); get_connections(Ref, all) -> SupCounts = [proplists:get_value(active, supervisor:count_children(ConnsSup)) || {_, ConnsSup} <- ranch_server:get_connections_sups(Ref)], lists:sum(SupCounts). -spec get_max_connections(ref()) -> max_conns(). get_max_connections(Ref) -> ranch_server:get_max_connections(Ref). -spec set_max_connections(ref(), max_conns()) -> ok. set_max_connections(Ref, MaxConnections) -> ranch_server:set_max_connections(Ref, MaxConnections). -spec get_transport_options(ref()) -> transport_opts(any()). get_transport_options(Ref) -> ranch_server:get_transport_options(Ref). -spec set_transport_options(ref(), opts()) -> ok | {error, term()}. set_transport_options(Ref, TransOpts0) -> TransOpts = normalize_opts(TransOpts0), case validate_transport_opts(TransOpts) of ok -> ok = ranch_server:set_transport_options(Ref, TransOpts), ok = apply_transport_options(Ref, TransOpts); TransOptsError -> TransOptsError end. apply_transport_options(Ref, TransOpts) -> _ = [ConnsSup ! {set_transport_options, TransOpts} || {_, ConnsSup} <- ranch_server:get_connections_sups(Ref)], ok. -spec get_protocol_options(ref()) -> any(). get_protocol_options(Ref) -> ranch_server:get_protocol_options(Ref). -spec set_protocol_options(ref(), any()) -> ok. set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts) -> ranch_server:set_protocol_options(Ref, Opts). -spec info() -> #{ref() := #{atom() := term()}}. info() -> lists:foldl( fun ({Ref, Pid}, Acc) -> Acc#{Ref => listener_info(Ref, Pid)} end, #{}, ranch_server:get_listener_sups() ). -spec info(ref()) -> #{atom() := term()}. info(Ref) -> Pid = ranch_server:get_listener_sup(Ref), listener_info(Ref, Pid). listener_info(Ref, Pid) -> [_, Transport, _, Protocol, _] = ranch_server:get_listener_start_args(Ref), Status = get_status(Ref), {IP, Port} = case get_addr(Ref) of Addr = {local, _} -> {Addr, undefined}; Addr -> Addr end, MaxConns = get_max_connections(Ref), TransOpts = ranch_server:get_transport_options(Ref), ProtoOpts = get_protocol_options(Ref), #{ pid => Pid, status => Status, ip => IP, port => Port, max_connections => MaxConns, active_connections => get_connections(Ref, active), all_connections => get_connections(Ref, all), transport => Transport, transport_options => TransOpts, protocol => Protocol, protocol_options => ProtoOpts, metrics => metrics(Ref) }. -spec procs(ref(), acceptors | connections) -> [pid()]. procs(Ref, Type) -> ListenerSup = ranch_server:get_listener_sup(Ref), procs1(ListenerSup, Type). procs1(ListenerSup, acceptors) -> {_, SupPid, _, _} = lists:keyfind(ranch_acceptors_sup, 1, supervisor:which_children(ListenerSup)), try [Pid || {_, Pid, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(SupPid)] catch exit:{noproc, _} -> [] end; procs1(ListenerSup, connections) -> {_, SupSupPid, _, _} = lists:keyfind(ranch_conns_sup_sup, 1, supervisor:which_children(ListenerSup)), Conns= lists:map(fun ({_, SupPid, _, _}) -> [Pid || {_, Pid, _, _} <- supervisor:which_children(SupPid)] end, supervisor:which_children(SupSupPid) ), lists:flatten(Conns). -spec metrics(ref()) -> #{}. metrics(Ref) -> Counters = ranch_server:get_stats_counters(Ref), CounterInfo = counters:info(Counters), NumCounters = maps:get(size, CounterInfo), NumConnsSups = NumCounters div 2, lists:foldl( fun (Id, Acc) -> Acc#{ {conns_sup, Id, accept} => counters:get(Counters, 2*Id-1), {conns_sup, Id, terminate} => counters:get(Counters, 2*Id) } end, #{}, lists:seq(1, NumConnsSups) ). -spec wait_for_connections (ref(), '>' | '>=' | '==' | '=<', non_neg_integer()) -> ok; (ref(), '<', pos_integer()) -> ok. wait_for_connections(Ref, Op, NumConns) -> wait_for_connections(Ref, Op, NumConns, 1000). -spec wait_for_connections (ref(), '>' | '>=' | '==' | '=<', non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok; (ref(), '<', pos_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> ok. wait_for_connections(Ref, Op, NumConns, Interval) -> validate_op(Op, NumConns), validate_num_conns(NumConns), validate_interval(Interval), wait_for_connections_loop(Ref, Op, NumConns, Interval). validate_op('>', _) -> ok; validate_op('>=', _) -> ok; validate_op('==', _) -> ok; validate_op('=<', _) -> ok; validate_op('<', NumConns) when NumConns > 0 -> ok; validate_op(_, _) -> error(badarg). validate_num_conns(NumConns) when is_integer(NumConns), NumConns >= 0 -> ok; validate_num_conns(_) -> error(badarg). validate_interval(Interval) when is_integer(Interval), Interval >= 0 -> ok; validate_interval(_) -> error(badarg). wait_for_connections_loop(Ref, Op, NumConns, Interval) -> CurConns = try get_connections(Ref, all) catch _:_ -> 0 end, case erlang:Op(CurConns, NumConns) of true -> ok; false when Interval =:= 0 -> wait_for_connections_loop(Ref, Op, NumConns, Interval); false -> timer:sleep(Interval), wait_for_connections_loop(Ref, Op, NumConns, Interval) end. -spec filter_options([inet | inet6 | {atom(), any()} | {raw, any(), any(), any()}], [atom()], Acc, module()) -> Acc when Acc :: [any()]. filter_options(UserOptions, DisallowedKeys, DefaultOptions, Logger) -> AllowedOptions = filter_user_options(UserOptions, DisallowedKeys, Logger), lists:foldl(fun merge_options/2, DefaultOptions, AllowedOptions). %% 2-tuple options. filter_user_options([Opt = {Key, _}|Tail], DisallowedKeys, Logger) -> case lists:member(Key, DisallowedKeys) of false -> [Opt|filter_user_options(Tail, DisallowedKeys, Logger)]; true -> filter_options_warning(Opt, Logger), filter_user_options(Tail, DisallowedKeys, Logger) end; %% Special option forms. filter_user_options([inet|Tail], DisallowedKeys, Logger) -> [inet|filter_user_options(Tail, DisallowedKeys, Logger)]; filter_user_options([inet6|Tail], DisallowedKeys, Logger) -> [inet6|filter_user_options(Tail, DisallowedKeys, Logger)]; filter_user_options([Opt = {raw, _, _, _}|Tail], DisallowedKeys, Logger) -> [Opt|filter_user_options(Tail, DisallowedKeys, Logger)]; filter_user_options([Opt|Tail], DisallowedKeys, Logger) -> filter_options_warning(Opt, Logger), filter_user_options(Tail, DisallowedKeys, Logger); filter_user_options([], _, _) -> []. filter_options_warning(Opt, Logger) -> log(warning, "Transport option ~p unknown or invalid.~n", [Opt], Logger). merge_options({Key, _} = Option, OptionList) -> lists:keystore(Key, 1, OptionList, Option); merge_options(Option, OptionList) -> [Option|OptionList]. -spec set_option_default(Opts, atom(), any()) -> Opts when Opts :: [{atom(), any()}]. set_option_default(Opts, Key, Value) -> case lists:keymember(Key, 1, Opts) of true -> Opts; false -> [{Key, Value}|Opts] end. -spec require([atom()]) -> ok. require([]) -> ok; require([App|Tail]) -> case application:start(App) of ok -> ok; {error, {already_started, App}} -> ok end, require(Tail). -spec log(logger:level(), io:format(), list(), module() | #{logger => module()}) -> ok. log(Level, Format, Args, Logger) when is_atom(Logger) -> log(Level, Format, Args, #{logger => Logger}); log(Level, Format, Args, #{logger := Logger}) when Logger =/= error_logger -> _ = Logger:Level(Format, Args), ok; %% Because error_logger does not have all the levels %% we accept we have to do some mapping to error_logger functions. log(Level, Format, Args, _) -> Function = case Level of emergency -> error_msg; alert -> error_msg; critical -> error_msg; error -> error_msg; warning -> warning_msg; notice -> warning_msg; info -> info_msg; debug -> info_msg end, error_logger:Function(Format, Args).