%% Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. %% @doc SSL transport API. %% %% Wrapper around ssl implementing the Ranch transport API. %% %% This transport requires the crypto, asn1, %% public_key and ssl applications to be started. %% If they aren't started, it will try to start them itself before %% opening a port to listen. Applications aren't stopped when the %% listening socket is closed, though. %% %% @see ssl -module(ranch_ssl). -behaviour(ranch_transport). -export([name/0]). -export([messages/0]). -export([listen/1]). -export([accept/2]). -export([connect/3]). -export([connect/4]). -export([recv/3]). -export([send/2]). -export([sendfile/2]). -export([sendfile/4]). -export([sendfile/5]). -export([setopts/2]). -export([controlling_process/2]). -export([peername/1]). -export([sockname/1]). -export([close/1]). -type opts() :: [{backlog, non_neg_integer()} | {cacertfile, string()} | {cacerts, [Der::binary()]} | {cert, Der::binary()} | {certfile, string()} | {ciphers, [ssl:erl_cipher_suite()] | string()} | {fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()} | {hibernate_after, integer() | undefined} | {ip, inet:ip_address()} | {key, Der::binary()} | {keyfile, string()} | {next_protocols_advertised, [binary()]} | {nodelay, boolean()} | {password, string()} | {port, inet:port_number()} | {raw, non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer() | binary()} | {reuse_session, fun()} | {reuse_sessions, boolean()} | {secure_renegotiate, boolean()} | {verify, ssl:verify_type()} | {verify_fun, {fun(), InitialUserState::term()}}]. -export_type([opts/0]). %% @doc Name of this transport, ssl. name() -> ssl. %% @doc Atoms used to identify messages in {active, once | true} mode. messages() -> {ssl, ssl_closed, ssl_error}. %% @doc Listen for connections on the given port number. %% %% Calling this function returns a listening socket that can then %% The available options are: %% %%
Maximum length of the pending connections queue. %% Defaults to 1024.
Optional. Path to file containing PEM encoded %% CA certificates (trusted certificates used for verifying a peer %% certificate).
Optional. The DER encoded users certificate. If this %% option is supplied it will override the certfile option.
Mandatory. Path to a file containing the user's %% certificate.
Optional. The cipher suites that should be supported. %% The function ssl:cipher_suites/0 can be used to find all available %% ciphers.
Optional. Used together with {verify, verify_peer}. %% If set to true, the server will fail if the client does not have a certificate %% to send, i.e. sends a empty certificate, if set to false (that is by default) %% it will only fail if the client sends an invalid certificate (an empty %% certificate is considered valid).
When an integer-value is specified, the ssl_connection %% will go into hibernation after the specified number of milliseconds of inactivity, %% thus reducing its memory footprint. When undefined is specified (this is the %% default), the process will never go into hibernation.
Interface to listen on. Listen on all interfaces %% by default.
Optional. The DER encoded users private key. If this option %% is supplied it will override the keyfile option.
Optional. Path to the file containing the user's %% private PEM encoded key.
Optional. Erlang R16B+ required. %% List of protocols advertised by TLS Next Protocol Negotiation %% extension.
Optional. Enable TCP_NODELAY. Enabled by default.
Optional. String containing the user's password. %% All private keyfiles must be password protected currently.
TCP port number to open. Defaults to 0 (see below)
Optional. Enables the ssl server to have a local %% policy for deciding if a session should be reused or not, only meaningful %% if reuse_sessions is set to true.
Optional. Specifies if the server should agree %% to reuse sessions when the clients request to do so.
Optional. Specifies if to reject renegotiation %% attempt that does not live up to RFC 5746. By default secure_renegotiate is %% set to false i.e. secure renegotiation will be used if possible but it will %% fallback to unsecure renegotiation if the peer does not support RFC 5746.
Optional. If set to verify_peer, performs an x509-path %% validation and request the client for a certificate.
Optional. The verify fun will be called during the %% X509-path validation when an error or an extension unknown to the ssl %% application is encountered. Additionally it will be called when a certificate %% is considered valid by the path validation to allow access to each certificate %% in the path to the user application.
%% %% You can listen to a random port by setting the port option to 0. %% It is then possible to retrieve this port number by calling %% sockname/1 on the listening socket. If you are using Ranch's %% listener API, then this port number can obtained through %% ranch:get_port/1 instead. %% %% @see ssl:listen/2 -spec listen(opts()) -> {ok, ssl:sslsocket()} | {error, atom()}. listen(Opts) -> ranch:require([crypto, asn1, public_key, ssl]), true = lists:keymember(cert, 1, Opts) orelse lists:keymember(certfile, 1, Opts), Opts2 = ranch:set_option_default(Opts, backlog, 1024), Opts3 = ranch:set_option_default(Opts2, ciphers, unbroken_cipher_suites()), %% We set the port to 0 because it is given in the Opts directly. %% The port in the options takes precedence over the one in the %% first argument. ssl:listen(0, ranch:filter_options(Opts3, [backlog, cacertfile, cacerts, cert, certfile, ciphers, fail_if_no_peer_cert, hibernate_after, ip, key, keyfile, next_protocols_advertised, nodelay, password, port, raw, reuse_session, reuse_sessions, secure_renegotiate, verify, verify_fun], [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}, {reuseaddr, true}, {nodelay, true}])). %% @doc Accept connections with the given listening socket. %% %% Note that this function does both the transport accept and %% the SSL handshake. The returned socket is thus fully connected. %% %% @see ssl:transport_accept/2 %% @see ssl:ssl_accept/2 -spec accept(ssl:sslsocket(), timeout()) -> {ok, ssl:sslsocket()} | {error, closed | timeout | atom() | tuple()}. accept(LSocket, Timeout) -> case ssl:transport_accept(LSocket, Timeout) of {ok, CSocket} -> ssl_accept(CSocket, Timeout); {error, Reason} -> {error, Reason} end. %% @private Experimental. Open a connection to the given host and port number. %% @see ssl:connect/3 %% @todo Probably filter Opts? -spec connect(inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), any()) -> {ok, inet:socket()} | {error, atom()}. connect(Host, Port, Opts) when is_integer(Port) -> ssl:connect(Host, Port, Opts ++ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}]). %% @private Experimental. Open a connection to the given host and port number. %% @see ssl:connect/4 %% @todo Probably filter Opts? -spec connect(inet:ip_address() | inet:hostname(), inet:port_number(), any(), timeout()) -> {ok, inet:socket()} | {error, atom()}. connect(Host, Port, Opts, Timeout) when is_integer(Port) -> ssl:connect(Host, Port, Opts ++ [binary, {active, false}, {packet, raw}], Timeout). %% @doc Receive data from a socket in passive mode. %% @see ssl:recv/3 -spec recv(ssl:sslsocket(), non_neg_integer(), timeout()) -> {ok, any()} | {error, closed | atom()}. recv(Socket, Length, Timeout) -> ssl:recv(Socket, Length, Timeout). %% @doc Send data on a socket. %% @see ssl:send/2 -spec send(ssl:sslsocket(), iodata()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. send(Socket, Packet) -> ssl:send(Socket, Packet). %% @equiv sendfile(Socket, Filename, 0, 0, []) -spec sendfile(ssl:sslsocket(), file:name_all()) -> {ok, non_neg_integer()} | {error, atom()}. sendfile(Socket, Filename) -> sendfile(Socket, Filename, 0, 0, []). %% @equiv sendfile(Socket, File, Offset, Bytes, []) -spec sendfile(ssl:sslsocket(), file:name_all() | file:fd(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) -> {ok, non_neg_integer()} | {error, atom()}. sendfile(Socket, File, Offset, Bytes) -> sendfile(Socket, File, Offset, Bytes, []). %% @doc Send part of a file on a socket. %% %% Unlike with TCP, no syscall can be used here, so sending files %% through SSL will be much slower in comparison. Note that unlike %% file:sendfile/5 this function accepts either a file or a file name. %% %% @see ranch_transport:sendfile/6 %% @see file:sendfile/5 -spec sendfile(ssl:sslsocket(), file:name_all() | file:fd(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer(), ranch_transport:sendfile_opts()) -> {ok, non_neg_integer()} | {error, atom()}. sendfile(Socket, File, Offset, Bytes, Opts) -> ranch_transport:sendfile(?MODULE, Socket, File, Offset, Bytes, Opts). %% @doc Set options on the given socket. %% @see ssl:setopts/2 %% @todo Probably filter Opts? -spec setopts(ssl:sslsocket(), list()) -> ok | {error, atom()}. setopts(Socket, Opts) -> ssl:setopts(Socket, Opts). %% @doc Give control of the socket to a new process. %% %% Must be called from the process currently controlling the socket, %% otherwise an {error, not_owner} tuple will be returned. %% %% @see ssl:controlling_process/2 -spec controlling_process(ssl:sslsocket(), pid()) -> ok | {error, closed | not_owner | atom()}. controlling_process(Socket, Pid) -> ssl:controlling_process(Socket, Pid). %% @doc Return the remote address and port of the connection. %% @see ssl:peername/1 -spec peername(ssl:sslsocket()) -> {ok, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}} | {error, atom()}. peername(Socket) -> ssl:peername(Socket). %% @doc Return the local address and port of the connection. %% @see ssl:sockname/1 -spec sockname(ssl:sslsocket()) -> {ok, {inet:ip_address(), inet:port_number()}} | {error, atom()}. sockname(Socket) -> ssl:sockname(Socket). %% @doc Close the given socket. %% @see ssl:close/1 -spec close(ssl:sslsocket()) -> ok. close(Socket) -> ssl:close(Socket). %% Internal. %% This call always times out, either because a numeric timeout value %% was given, or because we've decided to use 5000ms instead of infinity. %% This value should be reasonable enough for the moment. -spec ssl_accept(ssl:sslsocket(), timeout()) -> {ok, ssl:sslsocket()} | {error, {ssl_accept, atom()}}. ssl_accept(Socket, infinity) -> ssl_accept(Socket, 5000); ssl_accept(Socket, Timeout) -> case ssl:ssl_accept(Socket, Timeout) of ok -> {ok, Socket}; {error, Reason} -> {error, {ssl_accept, Reason}} end. %% Unfortunately the implementation of elliptic-curve ciphers that has %% been introduced in R16B01 is incomplete. Depending on the particular %% client, this can cause the TLS handshake to break during key %% agreement. Depending on the ssl application version, this function %% returns a list of all cipher suites that are supported by default, %% minus the elliptic-curve ones. -spec unbroken_cipher_suites() -> [ssl:erl_cipher_suite()]. unbroken_cipher_suites() -> case proplists:get_value(ssl_app, ssl:versions()) of Version when Version =:= "5.3"; Version =:= "5.3.1" -> lists:filter(fun(Suite) -> string:left(atom_to_list(element(1, Suite)), 4) =/= "ecdh" end, ssl:cipher_suites()); _ -> ssl:cipher_suites() end.