-module(handshake_protocol). -behaviour(ranch_protocol). -export([start_link/3]). -export([init/3]). start_link(Ref, Transport, Opts) -> Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Transport, Opts]), {ok, Pid}. init(Ref, Transport, Opts) -> SniHost = case ranch:handshake(Ref) of %% Due to a bug in ssl (https://bugs.erlang.org/browse/ERL-951, %% fixed in OTP 22.0.3) the value for sni may be {sni, Hostname} %% instead of Hostname. {continue, #{sni := {sni, Hostname}}} -> Hostname; {continue, #{sni := Hostname}} -> Hostname end, SniHostOpts = maps:get(SniHost, Opts), {ok, Socket} = ranch:handshake_continue(Ref, SniHostOpts), loop(Socket, Transport). loop(Socket, Transport) -> case Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 5000) of {ok, Data} -> Transport:send(Socket, Data), loop(Socket, Transport); _ -> ok = Transport:close(Socket) end.