%% Copyright (c) 2020, Loïc Hoguin %% %% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any %% purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above %% copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES %% WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF %% MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR %% ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES %% WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN %% ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF %% OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -module(upgrade_SUITE). -compile(export_all). -compile(nowarn_export_all). -import(ct_helper, [doc/1]). %% ct. all() -> ct_helper:all(?MODULE). init_per_suite(Config) -> %% Remove environment variables inherited from Erlang.mk. os:unsetenv("ERLANG_MK_TMP"), os:unsetenv("APPS_DIR"), os:unsetenv("DEPS_DIR"), os:unsetenv("ERL_LIBS"), os:unsetenv("CI_ERLANG_MK"), %% Ensure we are using the C locale for all os:cmd calls. os:putenv("LC_ALL", "C"), Config. end_per_suite(_Config) -> ok. %% Find GNU Make. do_find_make_cmd() -> case os:getenv("MAKE") of false -> case os:find_executable("gmake") of false -> "make"; Cmd -> Cmd end; Cmd -> Cmd end. %% Manipulate the release. do_get_paths(Example0) -> Example = atom_to_list(Example0), {ok, CWD} = file:get_cwd(), Dir = CWD ++ "/../../examples/" ++ Example, Rel = Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ Example ++ "_example/bin/" ++ Example ++ "_example", Log = Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ Example ++ "_example/log/erlang.log.1", {Dir, Rel, Log}. do_compile_and_start(Example) -> Make = do_find_make_cmd(), {Dir, Rel, _} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Make ++ " -C " ++ Dir ++ " distclean")]), %% TERM=dumb disables relx coloring. ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Make ++ " -C " ++ Dir ++ " TERM=dumb")]), %% For some reason the release has ExampleStr.boot %% while the downgrade expects start.boot? ExampleStr = atom_to_list(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("cp " ++ Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example/releases/1/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example.boot " ++ Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example/releases/1/start.boot")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " stop")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " start")]), timer:sleep(2000), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " eval 'application:info()'")]). do_stop(Example) -> {Dir, Rel, Log} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("sed -i.bak s/\"2\"/\"1\"/ " ++ Dir ++ "/relx.config")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " stop")]), ct:log("~s~n", [element(2, file:read_file(Log))]). %% When we are on a tag (git describe --exact-match succeeds), %% we use the tag before that as a starting point. Otherwise %% we use the most recent tag. do_use_ranch_previous(Example) -> TagsOutput = os:cmd("git tag | tr - \\~ | sort -V | tr \\~ -"), ct:log("~s~n", [TagsOutput]), Tags = string:lexemes(TagsOutput, "\n"), DescribeOutput = os:cmd("git describe --exact-match"), ct:log("~s~n", [DescribeOutput]), {CommitOrTag, Prev} = case DescribeOutput of "fatal: no tag exactly matches " ++ _ -> {commit, hd(lists:reverse(Tags))}; _ -> {tag, hd(tl(lists:reverse(Tags)))} end, do_use_ranch_commit(Example, Prev), CommitOrTag. %% Replace the current Ranch commit with the one given as argument. do_use_ranch_commit(Example, Commit) -> {Dir, _, _} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd( "sed -i.bak s/\"dep_ranch_commit = .*\"/\"dep_ranch_commit = " ++ Commit ++ "\"/ " ++ Dir ++ "/Makefile" )]). %% Remove Ranch and rebuild, this time generating a relup. do_build_relup(Example, CommitOrTag) -> Make = do_find_make_cmd(), {Dir, _, _} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("rm -rf " ++ Dir ++ "/deps/ranch")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("sed -i.bak s/\"1\"/\"2\"/ " ++ Dir ++ "/relx.config")]), %% We need Ranch to be fetched first in order to copy the current appup %% and optionally update its version when we are not on a tag. ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Make ++ " -C " ++ Dir ++ " deps")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("cp " ++ Dir ++ "/../../src/ranch.appup " ++ Dir ++ "/deps/ranch/src/")]), case CommitOrTag of tag -> ok; commit -> %% Force the rebuild of Ranch. ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Make ++ " -C " ++ Dir ++ "/deps/ranch clean")]), %% Update the Ranch version so that the upgrade can be applied. ProjectVersion = os:cmd("grep \"PROJECT_VERSION = \" " ++ Dir ++ "/deps/ranch/Makefile"), ct:log(ProjectVersion), ["PROJECT_VERSION = " ++ Vsn0|_] = string:lexemes(ProjectVersion, "\n"), [A, B|Tail] = string:lexemes(Vsn0, "."), Vsn = binary_to_list(iolist_to_binary([A, $., B, ".9", lists:join($., Tail)])), ct:log("Changing Ranch version from ~s to ~s~n", [Vsn0, Vsn]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd( "sed -i.bak s/\"PROJECT_VERSION = .*\"/\"PROJECT_VERSION = " ++ Vsn ++ "\"/ " ++ Dir ++ "/deps/ranch/Makefile" )]), %% The version in the appup must be the same as PROJECT_VERSION. ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd( "sed -i.bak s/\"" ++ Vsn0 ++ "\"/\"" ++ Vsn ++ "\"/ " ++ Dir ++ "/deps/ranch/src/ranch.appup" )]) end, ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Make ++ " -C " ++ Dir ++ " relup")]). %% Copy the tarball in the correct location and upgrade. do_upgrade(Example) -> ExampleStr = atom_to_list(Example), {Dir, Rel, _} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd("cp " ++ Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example-2.tar.gz " ++ Dir ++ "/_rel/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example/releases/2/" ++ ExampleStr ++ "_example.tar.gz")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " upgrade \"2\"")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " eval 'application:info()'")]). do_downgrade(Example) -> {_, Rel, _} = do_get_paths(Example), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " downgrade \"1\"")]), ct:log("~s~n", [os:cmd(Rel ++ " eval 'application:info()'")]). %% Tests. upgrade_ranch_one_conn(_) -> Example = tcp_echo, Port = 5555, try %% Build and start the example release using the previous Ranch version. CommitOrTag = do_use_ranch_previous(Example), do_compile_and_start(Example), %% Establish a connection and check that it works. {ok, S} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [{active, false}, binary]), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, "Hello!"), {ok, <<"Hello!">>} = gen_tcp:recv(S, 0, 1000), %% Update Ranch to master then build a release upgrade. do_use_ranch_commit(Example, "master"), do_build_relup(Example, CommitOrTag), %% Perform the upgrade, then check that our connection is still up. do_upgrade(Example), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, "Hello!"), {ok, <<"Hello!">>} = gen_tcp:recv(S, 0, 1000), %% Check that new connections are still accepted. {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [{active, false}, binary]), %% Perform the downgrade, then check that our connection is still up. do_downgrade(Example), ok = gen_tcp:send(S, "Hello!"), {ok, <<"Hello!">>} = gen_tcp:recv(S, 0, 1000), %% Check that new connections are still accepted. {ok, _} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [{active, false}, binary]), ok after do_stop(tcp_echo) end. %% @todo upgrade_ranch_max_conn