From 2bad57e4b7961de8d034f9eda5b83318180b355c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jordan Wilberding Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2014 10:50:38 -0500 Subject: Updated erlydtl dep to a tagged version, since lastest version breaks API, thereby breaking dialyzer tests --- src/rlx_goal.erl | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) (limited to 'src') diff --git a/src/rlx_goal.erl b/src/rlx_goal.erl index 138a197..e588a0e 100644 --- a/src/rlx_goal.erl +++ b/src/rlx_goal.erl @@ -1,6 +1,14 @@ -module(rlx_goal). -export([parse/1,file/1]). --compile({nowarn_unused_function,[p/4, p/5, p_eof/0, p_optional/1, p_not/1, p_assert/1, p_seq/1, p_and/1, p_choose/1, p_zero_or_more/1, p_one_or_more/1, p_label/2, p_string/1, p_anything/0, p_charclass/1, p_regexp/1, p_attempt/4, line/1, column/1]}). +-define(p_anything,true). +-define(p_charclass,true). +-define(p_choose,true). +-define(p_not,true). +-define(p_one_or_more,true). +-define(p_optional,true). +-define(p_scan,true). +-define(p_seq,true). +-define(p_string,true). -compile(export_all). @@ -17,6 +25,7 @@ parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) -> end, release_memo(), Result. +-spec 'constraint'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'constraint'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'constraint', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([p_seq([p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'app_name'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'between_op'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'version'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_string(<<",">>), p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'version'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_not(p_anything())]), p_seq([p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'app_name'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'constraint_op'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'version'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_not(p_anything())]), p_seq([p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), fun 'app_name'/2, p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_not(p_anything())])]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) -> case Node of @@ -38,12 +47,15 @@ parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) -> end end). +-spec 'ws'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'ws'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'ws', fun(I,D) -> (p_charclass(<<"[\s\t\n\s\r]">>))(I,D) end, fun(Node, Idx) ->transform('ws', Node, Idx) end). +-spec 'app_name'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'app_name'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'app_name', fun(I,D) -> (p_one_or_more(p_charclass(<<"[a-zA-Z0-9_]">>)))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) -> erlang:list_to_atom(erlang:binary_to_list(erlang:iolist_to_binary(Node))) end). +-spec 'between_op'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'between_op'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'between_op', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<":">>), p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_choose([p_string(<<"btwn">>), p_string(<<"between">>)]), p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_string(<<":">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) -> case Node of [C,_,Op,_,C] -> erlang:iolist_to_binary([C,Op,C]); @@ -51,9 +63,11 @@ parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) -> end end). +-spec 'constraint_op'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'constraint_op'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'constraint_op', fun(I,D) -> (p_choose([p_string(<<"=">>), p_string(<<"-">>), p_string(<<"<=">>), p_string(<<"<">>), p_string(<<"~>">>), p_string(<<">=">>), p_string(<<">">>), fun 'word_constraint_op'/2, p_string(<<":">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, Idx) ->transform('constraint_op', Node, Idx) end). +-spec 'word_constraint_op'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'word_constraint_op'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'word_constraint_op', fun(I,D) -> (p_seq([p_string(<<":">>), p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_choose([p_string(<<"gte">>), p_string(<<"lte">>), p_string(<<"gt">>), p_string(<<"lt">>), p_string(<<"pes">>)]), p_optional(fun 'ws'/2), p_string(<<":">>)]))(I,D) end, fun(Node, _Idx) -> case Node of [C,_,Op,_,C] -> erlang:iolist_to_binary([C,Op,C]); @@ -61,15 +75,22 @@ parse(Input) when is_binary(Input) -> end end). +-spec 'version'(input(), index()) -> parse_result(). 'version'(Input, Index) -> p(Input, Index, 'version', fun(I,D) -> (p_one_or_more(p_charclass(<<"[0-9a-zA-Z-+.]">>)))(I,D) end, fun(Node, Idx) ->transform('version', Node, Idx) end). transform(_,Node,_Index) -> Node. - -p(Inp, Index, Name, ParseFun) -> - p(Inp, Index, Name, ParseFun, fun(N, _Idx) -> N end). - +-file("peg_includes.hrl", 1). +-type index() :: {{line, pos_integer()}, {column, pos_integer()}}. +-type input() :: binary(). +-type parse_failure() :: {fail, term()}. +-type parse_success() :: {term(), input(), index()}. +-type parse_result() :: parse_failure() | parse_success(). +-type parse_fun() :: fun((input(), index()) -> parse_result()). +-type xform_fun() :: fun((input(), index()) -> term()). + +-spec p(input(), index(), atom(), parse_fun(), xform_fun()) -> parse_result(). p(Inp, StartIndex, Name, ParseFun, TransformFun) -> case get_memo(StartIndex, Name) of % See if the current reduction is memoized {ok, Memo} -> %Memo; % If it is, return the stored result @@ -86,12 +107,15 @@ p(Inp, StartIndex, Name, ParseFun, TransformFun) -> Result end. +-spec setup_memo() -> ets:tid(). setup_memo() -> put({parse_memo_table, ?MODULE}, ets:new(?MODULE, [set])). +-spec release_memo() -> true. release_memo() -> ets:delete(memo_table_name()). +-spec memoize(index(), atom(), term()) -> true. memoize(Index, Name, Result) -> Memo = case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), Index) of [] -> []; @@ -99,6 +123,7 @@ memoize(Index, Name, Result) -> end, ets:insert(memo_table_name(), {Index, [{Name, Result}|Memo]}). +-spec get_memo(index(), atom()) -> {ok, term()} | {error, not_found}. get_memo(Index, Name) -> case ets:lookup(memo_table_name(), Index) of [] -> {error, not_found}; @@ -109,13 +134,19 @@ get_memo(Index, Name) -> end end. +-spec memo_table_name() -> ets:tid(). memo_table_name() -> get({parse_memo_table, ?MODULE}). +-ifdef(p_eof). +-spec p_eof() -> parse_fun(). p_eof() -> fun(<<>>, Index) -> {eof, [], Index}; (_, Index) -> {fail, {expected, eof, Index}} end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_optional). +-spec p_optional(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun(). p_optional(P) -> fun(Input, Index) -> case P(Input, Index) of @@ -123,7 +154,10 @@ p_optional(P) -> {_, _, _} = Success -> Success end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_not). +-spec p_not(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun(). p_not(P) -> fun(Input, Index)-> case P(Input,Index) of @@ -132,7 +166,10 @@ p_not(P) -> {Result, _, _} -> {fail, {expected, {no_match, Result},Index}} end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_assert). +-spec p_assert(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun(). p_assert(P) -> fun(Input,Index) -> case P(Input,Index) of @@ -140,27 +177,32 @@ p_assert(P) -> _ -> {[], Input, Index} end end. +-endif. -p_and(P) -> - p_seq(P). - +-ifdef(p_seq). +-spec p_seq([parse_fun()]) -> parse_fun(). p_seq(P) -> fun(Input, Index) -> p_all(P, Input, Index, []) end. +-spec p_all([parse_fun()], input(), index(), [term()]) -> parse_result(). p_all([], Inp, Index, Accum ) -> {lists:reverse( Accum ), Inp, Index}; p_all([P|Parsers], Inp, Index, Accum) -> case P(Inp, Index) of {fail, _} = Failure -> Failure; {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} -> p_all(Parsers, InpRem, NewIndex, [Result|Accum]) end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_choose). +-spec p_choose([parse_fun()]) -> parse_fun(). p_choose(Parsers) -> fun(Input, Index) -> p_attempt(Parsers, Input, Index, none) end. +-spec p_attempt([parse_fun()], input(), index(), none | parse_failure()) -> parse_result(). p_attempt([], _Input, _Index, Failure) -> Failure; p_attempt([P|Parsers], Input, Index, FirstFailure)-> case P(Input, Index) of @@ -171,12 +213,18 @@ p_attempt([P|Parsers], Input, Index, FirstFailure)-> end; Result -> Result end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_zero_or_more). +-spec p_zero_or_more(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun(). p_zero_or_more(P) -> fun(Input, Index) -> p_scan(P, Input, Index, []) end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_one_or_more). +-spec p_one_or_more(parse_fun()) -> parse_fun(). p_one_or_more(P) -> fun(Input, Index)-> Result = p_scan(P, Input, Index, []), @@ -188,7 +236,10 @@ p_one_or_more(P) -> {fail, {expected, {at_least_one, Failure}, Index}} end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_label). +-spec p_label(atom(), parse_fun()) -> parse_fun(). p_label(Tag, P) -> fun(Input, Index) -> case P(Input, Index) of @@ -198,15 +249,20 @@ p_label(Tag, P) -> {{Tag, Result}, InpRem, NewIndex} end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_scan). +-spec p_scan(parse_fun(), input(), index(), [term()]) -> parse_result(). p_scan(_, [], Index, Accum) -> {lists:reverse( Accum ), [], Index}; p_scan(P, Inp, Index, Accum) -> case P(Inp, Index) of {fail,_} -> {lists:reverse(Accum), Inp, Index}; {Result, InpRem, NewIndex} -> p_scan(P, InpRem, NewIndex, [Result | Accum]) end. +-endif. -p_string(S) when is_list(S) -> p_string(list_to_binary(S)); +-ifdef(p_string). +-spec p_string(binary()) -> parse_fun(). p_string(S) -> Length = erlang:byte_size(S), fun(Input, Index) -> @@ -217,14 +273,20 @@ p_string(S) -> error:{badmatch,_} -> {fail, {expected, {string, S}, Index}} end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_anything). +-spec p_anything() -> parse_fun(). p_anything() -> fun(<<>>, Index) -> {fail, {expected, any_character, Index}}; (Input, Index) when is_binary(Input) -> <> = Input, {<>, Rest, p_advance_index(<>, Index)} end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_charclass). +-spec p_charclass(string() | binary()) -> parse_fun(). p_charclass(Class) -> {ok, RE} = re:compile(Class, [unicode, dotall]), fun(Inp, Index) -> @@ -235,7 +297,10 @@ p_charclass(Class) -> _ -> {fail, {expected, {character_class, binary_to_list(Class)}, Index}} end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(p_regexp). +-spec p_regexp(binary()) -> parse_fun(). p_regexp(Regexp) -> {ok, RE} = re:compile(Regexp, [unicode, dotall, anchored]), fun(Inp, Index) -> @@ -246,13 +311,21 @@ p_regexp(Regexp) -> _ -> {fail, {expected, {regexp, binary_to_list(Regexp)}, Index}} end end. +-endif. +-ifdef(line). +-spec line(index() | term()) -> pos_integer() | undefined. line({{line,L},_}) -> L; line(_) -> undefined. +-endif. +-ifdef(column). +-spec column(index() | term()) -> pos_integer() | undefined. column({_,{column,C}}) -> C; column(_) -> undefined. +-endif. +-spec p_advance_index(input() | unicode:charlist() | pos_integer(), index()) -> index(). p_advance_index(MatchedInput, Index) when is_list(MatchedInput) orelse is_binary(MatchedInput)-> % strings lists:foldl(fun p_advance_index/2, Index, unicode:characters_to_list(MatchedInput)); p_advance_index(MatchedInput, Index) when is_integer(MatchedInput) -> % single characters -- cgit v1.2.3