Configuration ============= Configuration of reltool is done via Erlang key, value elements in the `relcool.config` file. There are various configuration elements that can appear, each affects the running of the system in specific ways. Note that these must be complete Erlang terms terminated by a `.`. Paths ----- Paths is a way to add additional code paths (that point to Erlang beam files) to the system. These are not used for dependency resolution, they are only used as code paths. The main use for this is simply to provide a non-resolvable path for additional providers. the path confuration element looks as follows:: {paths, []}. So if we wanted to add `/usr/local/lib` and `/opt/lib` to the code paths for the system we could add the following:: {paths, ["/usr/local/lib", "/opt/lib"]}. to our configuration. Providers --------- Providers are how the Relcool system can be extended by a user. They are basically Erlang modules that implement the `rcl_provider` behaviour and are available via a code path. See the section on providers for more information. The `providers` element provides a completely new list of providers, replacing any providers that may already exist. The provider element is as follows:: {providers, }. Lets say I have three providers; `my_custom_assembler`, `my_rpm_assembler` and `my_deb_assembler`. I could make these the complete list of providers by doing the following in my config:: {providers, [my_custom_assembler, my_rpm_assembler, my_deb_assembler]}. Order is important in the providers as they will be executed in the order specified. Add Providers ------------- `add_providers` is very similar to `providers` with the exception that the listed providers are added to the end of the current list of providers rather then replacing the list all together. Add providres looks as follows:: {add_providers, }. Lets take our previous example but only add `my_rpm_assembler` and `my_deb_assembler` to the existing list of providers. We do this by adding the following:: {add_providers, [my_rpm_assembler, my_deb_assembler]}. Releases -------- Release configuration is the bread and butter, the blood and bones of the Relcool system. It provides the framework for realizing dependencies in the system. The release element basically minics the standard _Erlang/OTP Release Metadata file format: There are two main differences. The first is that you don't have to specify a complete list of applications and you may specify version constraints instead of hard versions. {release, {relname, vsn}, app goals} {release, {relname, vsn}, {erts, vsn}, app goals}