Overview ======== Relcool is a tool that, given a specification, assembles releases. That is it makes an assessment of all of the Erlang/OTP Apps available to it and the constraints that you supply as part of your configuration and resolves a complete set of OTP Applications and thier versions for use in the release. This may be a bit hard to understand if you are not familiar with the way version resolutions work in package management systems. So lets look at an example. Lets say that you have the following OTP Applications * app1-1.2 with dependencies:: app2 app5 app6 * app1-1.3 with dependencies:: app2 app6 * app2-2.0 with dependencies:: app6 * app2-2.1 with dependencies:: app6 app7 * app3-2.0 * app4-1.0.0 * app5-3.0 * app6-1.0 with dependencies:: app3 * app7-2.0 This is the world of OTP Apps your Relcool knows about (basically OTP Apps in the Library Directories you have specified). You have set a config that looks like the following:: {release, {awesome_supercool, "1.0"}, [{app1, "1.3", '>='}, {app2, "2.0", '>'}, app3]} When the Relcool process has run you will end up with a complete release as follows:: {release, {awesome_supercool, "1.0"}, [{app1, "1.3"}, {app2, "2.1"}, {app3, "2.0"}, {app6, "1.0"}, {app7, "2.0"}]} As you can see that is a fully realied view of your direct and transative dependencies based on the world that Relcool knows about and the constraints that you specified in your configuration.