%% -*- mode: Erlang; fill-column: 80; comment-column: 75; -*- %% Example Relcool Simple Config %% ============================= %% %% This is an example relcool config whose purpose demonstrate the minimal %% config needed for relcool. For a more complete example see the relcool.config %% in the examples directory. %% %% The Release We Are Building %% --------------------------- %% %% Lets say we have a release called sexpr. The sexpr release has version 0.0.2 %% 0.0.2 requires erlware_commons 0.8.1 or greater along with neotoma %% (any version). {release, {sexpr, "0.0.2"}, [sexpr, {erlware_commons, 0.8.1, '>='}, neotoma]}.